Reunification and Renaissance in China - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reunification and Renaissance in China


Reunification and Renaissance in China – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Reunification and Renaissance in China

Reunification and Renaissance in China
Era of Division 220-589 CE
  •       New series of nomadic invasions and
    regional wars for imperial power
  •       Bureaucratic apparatus disappeared
  •       Buddhism eclipsed Confucian teachings
  •       Great Wall divided between kingdoms
    usually poorly defended
  •       Trade and city life declined, technology

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Rise of the Sui
  • 580s initial rise of the Sui dynasty
  • Wendi- marriage between his daughter and ruler of
    northern Zhou- then seized the throne of his
    son-in-law and took won support of nomadic
    military commanders
  • Extended the empire across northern China and in
    589 conquered the Chen kingdom
  • Won widespread support by lowering taxes,
    establishing granaries

Sui Excesses and Collapse
  •       Wendis son Yangdi (who murdered his
    father to reach the throne) extended conquests
    and drove back invaders
  •       Legal and educational reforms promoted the
    scholar-gentry but at the expense of great
    aristocratic families and military commanders
  •       Yangdis extravagant lifestyle and use of
    subjects as labor
  •       611-614- Korea campaign- failed
  •       Soon widespread revolts across empire
  •       618- Yangdi assassinated by one of his own

The emergence of the Tang and the Restoration of
the Empire
  •      Li Yuan, Duke of Tang- one of Yangdis
    loyal officials
  •       623 Li Yuan emerged victorious after
    five-year struggle after Yangdis death
  •       Conquered deep into central Asia- this
    meant that nomadic invaders had to submit to Tang
  •       Created frontier armies (from Turkic
    peoples- sent sons to live in the cities)
  •       Extended further into parts of Vietnam and
    Korea- they built an empire bigger than the
    boundaries of modern-day China

Rebuilding the Bureaucracy
  •       Increase in power of scholar-gentry-
    decrease in power of aristocratic families so
    from the Tang-era onward political power in China
    shared by imperial families and the bureaucrats
    of the civil service system
  •       Changan- new capital
  •       Bureaucracy reached county levels

The Growing Importance of the Examination System
  •       Patronized academies to train state
    officials and educate them in Confucian classics,
    which were thought to teach moral and
    organizational principles- Ministry of Rites
    administered the examinations
  •       Jinshi- those who passed exams on the
    philosophical and legal classics and Chinese
  •       Birth and family position still very
    important- upper levels of power still dominated
    by aristocracy- fathers to sons

State Religion in the Tang-Song Era
  •       Increasing state patronage for Confucian
    learning threatened old aristocratic families and
    Buddhist monastic orders
  •       Buddhism proliferated in China after the
    fall of the Han. Masses adopted pure land strain
    of Mahayana Buddhism which provided refuge from
    turmoil and war, while elite attracted to Zen
    Buddhism with its stress on meditation and
    natural beauty- goal to escape cycle of rebirth
  •       Early Tang rulers patronized Buddhism
    while promoting Confucian classics studies
  •       Empress Wu (Tang ruler from 690-705 CE)
    supported Buddhist establishment heavily- even
    tried to elevate it to a state religion

Anti-Buddhist Backlash
  •       Daoist monks tried to counter Buddhism by
    stressing their own magical and predictive powers
  •       Confucian scholar-administrators- campaign
    against Buddhist monastic lands because they
    werent taxed- this was most damaging
  •       By mid-8th century state fears of Buddhist
    wealth and power led to measures to limit the
    flow of land and resources to the monastic
    orders. Emperor Wuzong (r. 841-847) open
    persecution of Buddhists
  •       Confucianism emerged again as the central
    ideology of Chinese civilization for most of the
    period from the 9th- 20th century
  •       Buddhism had opposite experience in
    mainland southeast Asia, Tibet, and parts of
    Central Asia

Tang Decline and the Rise of the Song
  •   After Empress Wu, Empress Wei tried to control
    the country and placed her child on the throne
    but her attempt was thwarted by a prince who
    became emperor Xuanzong (r. 713 756) marked the
    peak of the Tang power and the high point of
    Chinese civilization under the dynasty
  •       Xuanzong started out strong but then
    became disinterested and the empire waned- he
    became infatuated with Yang Guifei (a young woman
    from the harem of an imperial prince) after the
    death of his second wife- their romance famous
    for further weakening the empire. She became a
    royal concubine and moved her greedy relatives
    into power. Economic distress coupled with anger
    over the state affairs led to An Lushan leading a
    revolt in 755 with the intention of establishing
    a new Tang dynasty

  •       Revolt crushed but at a high cost - Tang
    had allied themselves with nomadic peoples in the
    north, delegated resources and political power to
    regional commanders who remained loyal to the
    dynasty. Nomads took advantage of the situation.
    Regional powers began acting independently.
    Succession of revolts in the 9th century.
  • 907 last emperor of Tang dynasty forced to resign

The Founding of the Song Dynasty
  •       960- military commander Zhao Kuangyin
    emerged to reunite China under single dynasty
    (educated man) He was renamed emperor Taizu and
    founded Song dynasty
  • Routed out all rivals except one- northern Liao
    dynasty which had been founded in 907 by the
    nomadic Khitan peoples from Manchuria- plagued
    the dynasty- in 1004 Song forced to pay tribute
    to keep it from raiding the Song domains

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Song Politics Settling for Partial Restoration
  •       Song never matched Tang in political or
    military strength. Military subordinate to
    civilian administrators. Military commanders
    rotated to keep them from building up a base
  • Strong promotion of Confucian scholar-gentry.
    Routinized civil service exams. Bureaucracy
    bloated with well-paid officials with nothing to

The Revival of Confucian Thought
  •       Revival of Confucian thought dominated
    intellectual life. Study of classical texts. New
    schools of philosophy
  •       Zhu Xi- prominent thinker who stressed the
    importance of applying philosophical principles
    to everyday life and action (neo-Confucians)-
    cultivating personal morality the highest goal-
    hostility to outside influence- eventually
    stifled innovation and critical thinking of the
    elite. Emphasis on rank, obligation, deference.
    Importance of upholding the patriarch in Chinese

Roots of Decline Attempts at Reform
  •       Mid-11th century Tangut tribes (originally
    from Tibet) had established a kingdom Xi Xia.
    Song had to pay tribute and this drained
    resources from the empire.
  •       Cost of army to ward off invaders
    burdensome (but size of army much greater than
    counterparts in Japan and western Europe).
    Emphasis on scholar-gentry meant no good military
  •       1070s and 1080s Wang Anshi (a chief
    minister of the Song Shenzong emperor) tried to
    ward off impending collapse by introducing
    reforms but his reforms depended on support from
    the Shenzong emperor but he died in 1085 and
    Anshi lost support

Reaction and Disaster The Flight to the South
  •       Economic conditions worsened and peasant
    unrest increased
  •       1115 nomadic contender the Jurchens
    overthrew the Liao dynasty of the Khitans and
    established the Jin kingdom. Soon the Jin annexed
    most of the Yellow River basin and forced the
    Song to flee south
  •       Song capital transferred to Hangzhou-
    Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279). Politically
    nothing much but culturally one of the most
    glorious in history.

Golden Age of Prosperity
  •       Grand Canal-constructed by Yangdi and
    nearly 1200 miles long- ran North to South and
    linked north China plain to Yangtze river basin.
    This made south become major food-producing area
    of the empire
  •       Commerical expansion- Tang control of
    Central Asia reopened the silk roads China
    mainly exporting manufactured goods and imported
    luxury goods, such as aromatic woods and spices.
    Chinese junks the best ships in the world at the
    time (along with the Arab dhows). Banks, money,

City and Rural Growth
  •       The World's Most Splendid Cities -
    Changan- nearly 2 million inhabitants and the
    largest in the world. Roughly 10 percent of pop.
    living in urban cities. Hangzhou- size, beauty,
  •       Expanding Agrarian Production and Life in
    the Country- state-regulated irrigation systems
    and settlement of unsettled areas improved
    methods increased yield of peasant production
    policies aimed at breaking the great estates of
    the old aristocracy

Family Life
  •       family organization largely resembled old
    family organization male-dominated hierarchy
    promoted by Confucianism women subordinate but
    some elite women had access to power and divorce
    was allowed as were "complementary husbands"

Gender Relations
  • Neo-Confucian Assertion of Male Dominance -
    overall condition of women worsened,
    neo-Confucian thinkers stressed female role as
    homemaker and mother and bearer of sons,
    advocated confining women in contrast, men were
    out and about footbinding- late Song era- lower
    class slower to adopt practice because needed
    mobile women as workers

Invention and Creativity
  • - technological advances- grand canal, dikes,
    dams, bridges, explosive powder domestically-
    chairs, tea drinking across empire, coal others-
    compass for navigation, moveable type by Bi
    Sheng, high level of literacy, abacus

Scholarly Achievement
  •       Scholarly Refinement and Artistic
    Accomplishment - generalists not specialists
    Tang best remembered for its Confucian teachers
    and scholar-administrators Heavy focus in
    literature on common life Li Bo most famous poet
    of Tang era Song era- intense interest in nature
    in art
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