Race, Equality, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Race, Equality,


Race, Equality, & Freedom Poli 110J 15 I seek the truth – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Race, Equality,

Race, Equality, FreedomPoli 110J 15
  • I seek the truth

  • Here is a black man caged behind bars, probably
    for years, put there by the white man. Usually
    the convict comes from among those
    bottom-of-the-pile Negroes, the Negroes who
    throughout their entire lives have been kicked
    about, treated like childrenNegroes who have
    never met one white man who didnt either try to
    take something from them or do something to
    them. (211)

  • You dont even know who you are, Reginald had
    said. You dont even know, the white devil has
    hidden it from you, that you are from a race of
    people of ancient civilizations, and riches in
    gold and kings. (186)
  • History education
  • Slavery
  • Opium war
  • History had been whitened (187)
  • This Negro had been taught to worship an alien
    God having the same blond hair, pale skin, and
    blue eyes as the slavemaster. (188)

This History of Yacub
  • Muslim used to refer both to members of the
    Nation of Islam and followers of orthodox Islam
  • The humans resulting, he knew, would be, as they
    became lighter, and weaker, progressively also
    more susceptible to wickedness and evil.
  • Affirmation of blackness
  • Devaluation of whiteness

  • If you will take one step toward AllahAllah
    will take two steps toward you. (181)
  • I was going through the hardest thing, also the
    greatest thing, for any human being to do to
    accept that which is already within you, and
    around you. (189)
  • The very enormity of my previous lifes guilt
    prepared me to accept the truth. (189)

  • I had never dreamed of anything like that
    atmosphere among black people who had learned to
    be proud they were black, who had learned to love
    other black people instead of being jealous and
  • Prayer, ablution, family order
  • Even the children spoke to other children with
    mutual respect and dignity. Beautiful! (224)
  • Order, cleanliness, respect
  • The problem is not with us...

A new self
  • For me, my X replaced the white slavemaster
    name of Little which some blue eyed devil named
    Little had imposed upon my paternal forebears.
  • Break with the past
  • Rejection of whiteness

  • Think of hearing wives, mothers, daughters being
    raped! And you were too filled with fear of the
    rapist to do anything about it? (232)
  • Fear, power, violence

The whole point in a joke
  • Do you know what white racists call black
    Ph.Ds? He said something like, I believe I
    happen to not be aware of thatyou know, one of
    these ultra-proper talking Negroes. And I laid
    the word down on him, loud Nigger! (327)

  • If Malcolm X were not a Negro, his autobiography
    would be little more than a journal of abnormal
    psychology, the story of a burglar, dope pusher,
    addict, and jailbirdwith a family history of
    insanitywho acquires messianic delusions and
    sets forth to preach an upside-down religion of
    brotherly hatred. Saturday Evening Post, Sept.
    12, 1965

  • For the white man to ask the black man if he
    hates him, is just like the rapist asking the
    raped, or the wolf asking the sheep, Do you hate
    me? The white man is in no moral position to
    accuse anyone else of hate! (277)

  • The Jew will never forget that lesson of the
    Holocaust they used violence to force the
    British to help them take Palestine, and then
    the Jews set up Israel, their own countrythe one
    thing that every race of man in the world
    respects, and understands. (320)
  • Why is this something universally understood?

The Transformative Power of Truth
  • Marcuse and the destructive soteriological
    potential of the Truth over fact
  • Asceticism
  • Order
  • Transformation
  • Nation of Islams 6-step recovery program
  • 1. Admit youre a junkie
  • Usually fished by a converted friend former
    junkie, overcoming distrust suspicion

  • 2. Understand why youre a junkie
  • Narcotizing themselves against being a black man
    in the white mans America. Helps to prove
    inferiority of the black man. (300)
  • Whats a black man buying Whiteys dope for but
    to make Whitey richerkilling yourself!
  • The Muslim often collects audiences of junkies.
    They listen only because they know the clean-cut
    proud Muslim had earlier been like them. (299)

  • 3. The way to quit drugs is through the message
    of the Nation of Islam
  • Brought to a Muslim restaurant, the addict hears
    himself called, genuinely, Brother, Sir, and
    Mr. No one cares about his past.

  • 4. The message of the Nation gives lets the
    addict realize that he has the inner strength to
  • For the first time he is feeling the effect of
    black self-pride. Thats a powerful motivation
    for a man who has been existing in the mud of
    society. In fact, once he is motivated no one
    can change more completely than the man who has
    been at the bottom. I call myself the best
    example of that.

  • 5. Voluntarily go cold turkey
  • When the ordeal is over, he will never forget
    these brothers who stood by him during this time.
    He will never forget that it was the Nation of
    Islams program which rescued him from the
    special hell of dope. (301)

  • 6. The convert in turn goes fishing
  • The ex-addict, when he is proud, clean, renewed,
    can scarcely wait to hit the same junkie jungle
    he was in, to fish out some buddy and salvage
    him! (301)

  • The only thing that anybody could ever find me
    guilty of, was being open-minded. I said I was
    seeking for the truth (428)
  • Deep commitment to truth
  • His faith in the Hon. Elijah Muhammed was the
    core of his being
  • It felt as though something in nature had
    failed, like the sun, or the stars. (351)
  • Who is he now?

The last conversion
  • Takes the Hajj
  • On the Hajj, You could be a king or a peasant
    and no one would know.
  • Everything about the pilgrimage atmosphere
    accented the Oneness of Man under one God (380)
  • Kindness brotherhood with all Muslims, even
    those who would be white
  • The holy city of Mecca had been the first time
    that I had ever stood before the Creator of All
    and felt like a complete human being. (420)
  • Double consciousness

  • White black people not the problem, whiteness
    and blackness are the problem
  • That morning was when I first began to
    reappraise the white man. It was when I first
    began to perceive that white man, as commonly
    used, means complexion only secondarily
    primarily it described attitudes and actions. In
    America, white man meant specific attitudes and
    actions toward the black man, and toward all
    other non-white men. (383)
  • Whiteness is essentially defined in US by
    rejection of dominance over non-whites

  • While approach to race changes, militancy does
  • Racial cooperation
  • I dont mind shaking hands with human beings.
    Are you one? (418)
  • Black militancy
  • Not black nationalism, but black

  • To come right down to it, if I take the kind of
    things in which I believe, then add to that the
    kind of temperament that I have, plus the one
    hundred percent dedication I have to whatever I
    believe inthese are the ingredients which make
    it just about impossible for me to die of old
    age. (435)

  • If I cant be safe among my own kind, where can
    I be? (497)

Ossie Davis Eulogy
  • Malcolm said to hell with that! Get up off your
    knees and fight your own battles. Thats the way
    to win back your self-respect. Thats the way to
    make the white man respect you. And if he wont
    let you live like a man, he certainly cant keep
    you from dying like one!

Ossie Davis Eulogy
  • Malcolm X, John Brown, and responsibility

Ossie Davis Eulogy
  • It was impossible to remain defensive and
    apologetic about being a negro in his presence.
    He wouldnt let you. And you always left his
    presence with the sneaky suspicion that maybe,
    after all, you were a man!
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