Heaven Forum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Heaven Forum


Title: Slide 1 Author: Brian Gerig Last modified by: Brian Created Date: 2/10/2006 6:37:46 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Heaven Forum

Heaven Forum
  • A Night Of QA

(No Transcript)
What is the Millennium?
  • Revelation 20 refers to the 1000 years of reign
  • The devil is bound (2)
  • The nations are no longer deceived (3)
  • The saints come to life and reign with Christ for
    a thousand years (4)
  • The rest of the dead dont come to life until
    after the thousand years are ended (5)
  • The saints will be priests and kings (6)
  • Satan will be loosed at the end and will prompt
    final human rebellion (7-8)

Will the new earth be like Eden?
  • History wont start over, it will continue.
  • The Fall of man divided history, but it did not
    end it.
  • The resurrection of the new earth will divide
    earths history, but wont end it.
  • Culture will not regress. Technology will not
  • Earth will no longer be hampered by the curse of

Will the earths places be resurrected to the new
  • The new earth will be just as much the new earth
    as the new us will still be us.
  • Expect the sky to be blue. Expect to see trees,
    grass, buildings, water, and all that is
  • God might choose to refashion many of the wonders
    of the world because it was his idea in the first
  • Our world is a shadow of something that once was,
    and yet will be.
  • The new earth will be a place of healing as in
    Revelation 222
  • God is no more done with earth than hes done
    with us.

What is the New Jerusalem?
  • Heaven is described as both a country (Luke
    1912 Hebrews 1114-16) and a city (Hebrews
    1222 1314 Revelation 212)
  • Its description points to a literal geographical
    location architecture, walls, streets, rivers,
    gates, and foundations.
  • It is subject to one government and one King.
  • Expect inhabitants, visitors, bustling activity,
    cultural events, gatherings, music, the arts,
    education, athletics, and breath taking sights.

What are the citys dimensions?
  • In Revelation 2115-16, an angel measures the
    city in mans measurement.
  • It is reported to be 12,000 stadia, the
    equivalent of 1,400 miles in length, width, and
  • Could have towers going 1,400 miles into the air.
  • The ground level of heaven would be over two
    million square miles.
  • If each level of heaven were a generous 12 feet
    tall, the city would have over 600,000 stories.
  • God will live in the city and His presence will
    be the greatest feature.

Base Dimensions of The Heavenly Jerusalem
1,400 miles
1,400 miles
What is the significance of the citys gates?
  • There are 12 gates with 12 angels.
  • Each gate will be made of solid pearl
  • The pearl may represent Christs suffering on our
    behalf much like a pearl is formed out of an
    oysters pain.
  • On the gates are written the names of the twelve
    tribes of Israel.
  • The gates will never be shut (Revelation 2125)
    There are no enemies.
  • There will be no toll, or admission ticket.
  • People will not have to prove their worth and
    will have access to parks, concerts, and
    everything the city has to offer.

What will the city be made of?
  • Revelation 2111
  • The city will be built on 12 foundations made of
  • Streets are made of pure gold, almost
  • Jasper is mentioned as being a chief
  • The Chief Architect will be God.

What is the River Of Life?
  • It flows from the Throne of God, occupied by the
    Lamb of God.
  • It flows through the middle of the city.
  • Water is still an essential part of life, so the
    original readers were probably very relieved to
    hear that finding water will never be an issue.
  • The fact that water is flowing down suggests the
    thrones higher elevation.

What is the Tree of Life?
  • On each side of the River stood the Tree of Life.
  • This is the same tree that is mentioned iin
    Genesis 2. (three times in Genesis and four
    times in Revelation)
  • The Tree of Life is currently in Paradise, the
    intermediate heaven (Rev. 27)
  • When the New Jerusalem is brought down out of the
    present Heaven, the Tree will be stationed right
    beside the Tree of Life.
  • It seems that we will be able to eat from the
    same Tree that sustained Adam and Eve in Eden.
  • Ezekiel 4712- Prophecy speaks of trees that have
    fruit that will serve for food and their leaves
    for healing.
  • Nations will NOT be eliminated, but healed.

Will there be Space in Heaven?
  • Scripture is pretty clear about occupying space.
    God made it. It was a good idea.
  • God made space. We are physical beings who live
    in a physical universe and we will be physical
    beings after the resurrection.
  • Some theologians have stated that we will be
    Omnipresent. That is an attribute of the
    Creator, not the created. That would be inhuman.
  • Although there may be an aspect we will have
    like the angels in speed of travel and in our
    molecules passing through solid objects like the
    risen Jesus, we are not certain.
  • Resurrection doesnt eliminate space, it redeems
  • God is the one who inhabits eternity. Creatures
    inhabit time. Jesus, the God-man, is the only
    one that inhabits both. By being with Him on the
    New Earth, we will share space and time with God.

Will there be time in Heaven?
  • The King James version of Revelation 106 is
    states there should be time no longer. A better
    translation would read There will be no more
  • The phrase and Time shall be no more we think
    comes from the Bible. Actually it is a phrase of
    a well known gospel song When the Roll is Called
    Up Yonder.
  • Amazing Grace better grasps time when it states
    When weve been there ten thousand years.

Time (continued)
  • Heaven now tracks events happening on earth (Luke
  • Martyrs in heaven are told wait a little
    longer. (Revelation 610-11)
  • Paul speaks of the coming ages (Eph. 27)
  • The Tree of Life on the New Earth speaks of
    yielding fruit every month. (Rev. 222)
  • Summer and Winter, day and night will never cease
    (Genesis 822)
  • Theres music in Heaven (which needs meter,
    tempo, and rests)
  • Kronos (quanity of time) and Kairos (quality of
    time) will both be present in Heaven, without the
    storms of life in between.
  • There is a time in heaven that is very clear when
    the Creatures and Elders pause for a half an

Will there be male and female in heaven?
  • Androgynous conditions are not spoken of in
  • Some people site Galations 328. However, Paul
    is referring to something that is already true on
    earth the equality of men and women in Christ.
  • We dont lose our gender at conversion
  • Jesus was not genderless after his resurrection.

Will there be children in heaven?
  • We know that Scripture speaks of a little child
    leading animals around and sleeping near the
    mouth of lions.
  • Perhaps children who did not grow up on earth
    will grow to a certain time and then be adult
    looking for the rest of eternity.
  • Perhaps some people who never got to parent on
    earth will get the chance in heaven.

Will we eat meat?
  • It appears that people didnt eat meat till after
    the Flood when God says Everything that lives
    and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave
    you green plants, I now give you everything.
    (Genesis 93)
  • Romans 821 suggests that once the curse is
    lifted, animals will no longer die. This
    suggests becoming vegetarians.
  • However, Isaiah 256 says that God will prepare a
    banquet of aged wine and the best of meats.
    This may refer to the Millennium.
  • During the Millennium (Ezek. 479-10) fishermen
    will spread their nets and catch fish.
  • Since there will be no more death and suffering,
    there may be something that God creates as meat
    that does not require the death of an animal. He
    made manna in the Old Testament that was dropped
    from the sky.

Will We Drink Coffee in Heaven?
  • I sure hope so.
  • God made the coffee plant.
  • Coffee grows on the earth.
  • God deemed coffee trees to be good
  • I Timothy 617 says that God provides richly for
    our enjoyment.
  • However, addictions will be a thing of the past.

Will we desire anyone besides Christ?
  • He IS sufficient to meet all our needs.
  • However, God designed us for relationships.
  • God states in Genesis It is NOT good for man to
    be alone.
  • God planned originally, before the Fall of man,
    human companionship.
  • David seeks one thing- to be in Gods magnificent
    place and to be with Gods magnificent Person.
  • While Christ is our primary Treasure, he still
    encourages us to store up treasures in heaven.
  • Love God and love people are eternal truths.
  • Paul longed for reunion in heaven. It is ok to
    look forward to seeing loved ones again.

Will there be marriage in heaven?
  • Matthew 2228- The Sadducees didnt believe in
    the resurrection of the dead.
  • They asked him Now then, at the resurrection,
    whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of
    them were married to her?
  • Christ replies At the resurrection people will
    neither marry nor be given in marriage they will
    be like the angels in heaven (vs. 30)
  • Christ does not teach that there will not be
    marriage in heaven there will be. There will be
    one marriage between Christ and His Bride.
  • Earthly marriage is a copy, a shadow of the true
    and ultimate marriage. The purpose of marriage
    on earth is not to replace Heaven, but to prepare
    us for it.
  • God usually doesnt replace his original creation
    unless he replaces it with something better.
  • The goal of heaven will be deep and growing
    relationships that are intimate and not marred by

Will There be sex in heaven?
  • Sex was created by God. Sexual relations existed
    before the Fall.
  • However, weve seen that people in heaven
    wouldnt be married to each other.
  • This is the only exception that Christ speaks of
    as it relates to the principle of continuity.
  • Sex prefigures what it means to be lost in the
    intimacy of Christ.
  • We will have sex organs.
  • Our romance with Christ will never disappoint.

Will we be reunited with infants who have died?
  • Yes.
  • However children are born into sin.
  • The Bible makes no mention of the idea of age of
  • John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit
    before birth.
  • The Bible has always paid special attention to
    becoming like a child and not leading a child
  • Confession and repentance are needed for
  • God may well have a just way to cover children
    with Christs blood so they go to Heaven when
    they die.
  • This should not take us from a sense of urgency
    to see our children come to faith in Christ.

Will We Work in Heaven?
  • Its a definite possibility! However our work
    will be engaging.
  • God gave us minds and marvelously constructed
    bodies. Well be whole people that are full of
    energy, passion, and vision.
  • God worked when he created. Jesus is working now
    to prepare a place for us in heaven.
  • We will not toil. We will not grow weary.
  • We will probably rest. God gives us the example
    of resting on the seventh day. This was not
    because he was tired. This is an example of how
    he intends us to live.

Sports? Arts? Drama?
  • Imagine thrills without risk.
  • Imagine creating without sin clogging your
  • Imagine drawing people even closer to God through
    poetry, sculpture, writing, and architecture.
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