Title: Areopagus Book Review Forum Presents . . .
1Areopagus Book Review Forum Presents . . .
The Twilight of Atheism By Alister McGrath
Presented by Dennis Fuller
2The Empires of the Future will be Empires of the
Mind Winston Churchill
- Alister McGrath says that the greatest empire of
the modern mind is Atheism.
3The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- This Book will not settle anything but at least
it can further discussion of one of the greatest
issues of our time. (P. xiii)
4The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The book is not traditional apologetic theology,
but instead examines how Atheism has failed to
deliver on the promises of its proponents. - Our story concerns those who believed the only
way to liberate humanity from its bondage was to
launch an attack on the institution that was the
ultimate cause of the oppression the Church.
5The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Seventeenth Century
- The role of religion in public life
- begins to change
6The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The English Civil War (1642-49)
- Monarchy is overthrown and the Puritan
Commonwealth imposes unpopular religious
prohibitions. When the Monarchy is restored,
England adopts its own principles of church-state
separation. - Under Charles II.The Church of England would be
expected to be submissive to the expectations of
the people. (P.13)
7The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Letter Concerning Toleration
- John Locke, 1689
- Freedom of conscience and religious expression
- Avoid use of force in religious matters
- Limit religions involvement in public life
8The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Age of Enlightenment
- By the 18th Century, Atheism was seen as one of
its crowning achievements
9The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- John Wesley and Pietism
- Atheisms advance was forestalled by Wesley and
others who promoted a deeply personal faith,
independent of the institutional church. Thus it
became possible to criticize the Church while
valuing the faith it embodied.
10The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Golden Age of Atheism
- From the Bastille to the Berlin Wall
11The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The French Revolution, 1789
- Hostility toward the King and the Church
- The new state of mind wished to be grounded in
nature and reason
12The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Voltaire
- Critic of a Corrupt Church
- Voltaire, along with Rousseau and Diderot, were
- Deists who called for a Natural Religion
free of an institutional church. - Voltaire is often misidentified as an atheist,
while a careful study of his writings reveal that
he didnt reject God but only the French Catholic
13The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The American Revolution
- Radical Reform without Atheism
- Americans demanded the purification of religion,
not its elimination.
14The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Rise of French Atheism
- La Mettrie, dHolbach and Helvetius were truly
atheistic writers of of enlightenment France.
They saw a scientific worldview as invariably
leading to atheism.
15The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Rene Descartes
- Founded philosophical modernity
- Established a criterion for scientific truth
- Attempted to prove God with scientific certainty
- The English experience suggested that nobody
really doubted the existence of God until
theologians tried to prove it. (P.31)
16The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The French revolution established the seeds of
change, inviting radical new ideas. Three major
atheistic figures arose in Europe - Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-72)
- Karl Marx (1818-83)
- Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
17The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Feuerbach God as Invention
- The Christian belief in Heaven, Feuerbach
argued, thus impoverishes the one and only life
we have by distracting us from its joys and
concerns (P. 54)
18The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Marx God as an Opiate
- The idea of God is a human attempt to cope with
the harshness of material life and the pain
resulting from social and economic deprivation.
19The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Freud God as Illusion
- For Freud, religious ideas are Illusions,
fulfillments of the oldest, strongest and most
urgent wishes of mankind. . (P.69)
20The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Warfare Science vs. Theology
- Misrepresenting Christians and Christianity (P.80)
21The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Natural Sciences and an
- Atheistic Worldview
- Three Major Aspects (P.83)
- The Natural Sciences are seen as liberators
- Science is believed to offer conclusive proof
- Darwinism is seen as necessitating Atheism
22The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- A Failure of the Religious Imagination
- The Victorian Crisis of Faith
23The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Death of God
- The Dream of a Godless Culture
- Dostoyevsky
- Nietzsche
- Camus
- Liberal Christianity
- The Atheist State
24The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Unexpected Resurgence of Religion
25The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Authors Journey from Atheist to Christian
26The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Stalled Case against God
27The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- The Suffering of the World and Atheism
28The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
29The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- End of Empire
- The Fading Appeal of Atheism
30The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
31The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
- Discussion and Conclusion
32The Twilight of Atheism-McGrath
33(No Transcript)