Weather Derivatives Trading and Structuring The Forecast component - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Weather Derivatives Trading and Structuring The Forecast component


Weather Derivatives Trading and Structuring The Forecast component Michael Moreno Speedwell Weather Derivatives Ltd – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Weather Derivatives Trading and Structuring The Forecast component

Weather Derivatives Trading and StructuringThe
Forecast component
  • Michael Moreno
  • Speedwell Weather Derivatives Ltd

  • Part I Current Pricing Methods
  • Part II Forecast Categories
  • Part III Practical samples of forecast used in
    Weather Market
  • Part IV Forecast and RM

Deals lengths
  • The most traded contracts
  • 1 day (from 7am to 5pm) or 2 to 3 days (event
    type insurance)
  • 1 week (Mon-Fri. Energy sectors)
  • 1 Month
  • 5 Months
  • X Years
  • Maximum heard about 10 years

Weather Derivatives Pricing Methods
  • There are 4 main methods
  • Burn Analysis
  • Actuarial/Index Method
  • Black
  • Daily simulation

Burn Analysis
Actuarial/Index Method
  • Blacks 76 model on Futures
  • gt Lognormal distribution
  • gt Vol Smile
  • gt Standard Derivatives Methods
  • OK for listed contract on positive values
  • Not interesting elsewhere

Temperature daily simulation
AR gt Short Memory Homoskedasticity GARCH gt
Short Memory Heteroskedasticity ARFIMA gt Long
Memory Homoskedasticity FBM gt Long Memory
Homoskedasticity ARFIMA-FIGARCH gt Long Memory
Heteroskedasticity Time Series Bootsrapp
ARFIMA-FIGARCH model (proposed at WRMA 2003 by
Moreno M.)
Seasonal volatility
We consider first the ARFIMA process
Where, as in the ARMA model, ? is the
unconditional mean of yt while the autoregressive
operator and the moving average operator are
polynomials of order a and m, respectively, in
the lag operator L, and the innovations ?t are
white noises with the variance s2.
Given the conditional variance We suppose that
Long term memory
Cf Baillie, Bollerslev and Mikkelsen 96 or Chung
03 for full specification
Distributions of London winter HDD
Histo Sim
Average 1700.79 1704.54
St Dev 128.52 119.26
Skewness 0.42 -0.01
Kurtosis 3.63 3.13
Minimum 1474.39 1375.13
Maximum 2118.64 2118.92
With similar detrending methods The slight
differences come mainlyfrom the year 1963
Rainfall daily simulation
  • Cf Moreno M
  • 2 step process, the first step models the events
    it Rains/it does not rain (heterogeneous cyclic
    binary Markov Chain) the second the magnitude of

Those methods have a few problems(Black 76 is
  • Sensitive to the number of data
  • Sensitive to detrending methods
  • Sensitive to data filling method
  • Sensitive to the algorithm used to adjust the
    values after a change at the weather station
  • Sensitive to El Nino/La Nina (US)
  • ...

Most importantly in their basic form they are
forecast blind
  • Lets go back to the root of the weather
    derivatives market the Energy Company
  • Assume one of your friends is an electricity
    trader. What is important for him are the next 7
    days. He can hedge his price risk through
    electricity future contracts but what about the
    volume risk? The volume volatility depends
    strongly on the temperature/rain conditions and
    the forecast is a critical information.
  • Now lets say he comes to buy a weather hedge for
    the next 7 days. Would you take the risk not to
    consider the weather forecast?

So can forecast be ignored?
  • No
  • Yes

  • Part I Current Pricing Methods
  • Part II Forecast Categories
  • Part III Practical samples of forecast used in
    Weather Market
  • Part IV Forecast and RM

What are the forecasts categories?
  • Previsions used by the weather market can be
    split into 3 categories
  • Short Term 0 to 10-14 days
  • Medium Term 1/2 Month to 6 Month-1 Year
  • Long Term gt 1 year

Forecast Samples
Source AWS/WeatherNet
Look at the Temperature, wind and then Rain
Forecasts Source
Deterministic Forecast gt Scenario Pricing
Integrating the forecast in the pricing model
  • Integrating the forecast in pricing model is
    relatively easy if it is deterministic or if it
    is made of ensembles. You can use pruning and
    conditional distribution/estimation.
  • For Medium to Long Term forecast you may need to
    use other types of techniques based on weighted
    schemes (especially for El Nino/La Nina) and
    other techniques (external parameterization).

  • Part I Current Pricing Methods
  • Part II Forecast Categories
  • Part III Practical samples of forecast used in
    Weather Market
  • Part IV Forecast and RM

Prevision RTE
  • C'est le Centre National d'Exploitation du
    Système (CNES) qui ajuste, à tout moment, les
    volumes de production aux besoins en électricité
    des consommateurs.
  • La demande d'électricité varie tout au long de la
    journée et des saisons. Elle est représentée par
    une courbe de charge, dont le CNES élabore la
    prévision chaque jour.
  • Il s'assure que les programmes de production
    prévus par les différents fournisseurs
    d'électricité permettent de satisfaire la
    consommation totale.
  • Le diagramme présente les variations, par points
    quart-horaires, de la consommation française
    d'électricité de la journée en cours, ainsi que
    les prévisions estimées la veille. Les éventuels
    écarts résultent principalement de l'évolution
    des conditions météorologiques par rapport aux
    données prévues (température et luminosité).
  • RTE ne pourra être tenu responsable de l'usage
    qui pourrait être fait des données mises à
    disposition, ni en cas de prévisions qui se
    révèleraient imprécises.
  • Sources http//
  • (Meteo France)

Historical swap levels LONDON HDD December
Forward ? 380 Before the period started swap
level below Then swap level above like the
partial index
Historical swap levels LONDON HDD January
Forward ? 400 Before the period started swap
level below Then swap level has 2 peaks and does
not follow the partial index evolution which is
well above the mean
Human resources planning
  • The Power Curve of a Wind Turbine
  • The power curve of a wind turbine is a graph that
    indicates how large the electrical power output
    will be for the turbine at different wind speeds.
  • The graph shows a power curve for a typical
    Danish 600 kW wind turbine.

You will organize plant maintenance when there
will be no wind!
Weather Related Flight Delays
Short term forecast solutionsWD or Real Option?
  • Short term weather forecast oriented companies
    (e.g. supermarkets) buys forecasts and not WD
  • Some companies organize teams depending on
  • Small Builders will paint/build roof when it does
    not rain
  • Icy road prevention
  • Flight delays
  • Traders will try to sell forecast protection
  • It is a governance dilemma

Medium term forecasts
  • Mainly El Nino
  • La Nina Forecasts
  • In January of 1998, the El Niño is fully
    underway. Look, though, at how the unusually cold
    water at depth in the western Pacific has
    expanded towards the East. Our forecast model
    predicts that this anomaly will spread across to
    the coast of South America by the latter part of
    1998, initiating the cold-water event known as
    "La Niña".

When El Nino will happen, you need to take it
account And when it has happened you need to
take it into account in your trend and
distribution modelling potentially using
analogous data
Medium Term gt Scenario Pricing
El Nino/La Nina
  • There is a big risk in following any El Nino/La
    Nina forecast
  • There is an even bigger risk in not following it
  • Traders/Structurers will try to diversify it by
    finding cross-correlated products
  • Pricing methods must integrate some sort of
    weighted or scenario schemes
  • The major issues are coming from correlation
    matrix estimation for portfolio management

Long term forecasts
  • Long term forecasts are usually coming from
    external variables like
  • Human intervention (increase/decrease of
    population, pollution)
  • Sun Solar flare activity

Long Term contracts difficulties
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • Credit Risk Issues
  • And model risks
  • There is a demand!
  • There is no real Offer!

Example Companies with Gvt contract/strong
  • Some companies sign long term contract/agreements
    with government
  • Builders
  • Road Maintenance companies
  • Railways
  • Water companies

Example with Gritting
  • UK standard contract is 30 years for a fixed
    price indexed to the RPI
  • Do you want to take the weather risk?
  • Are you that sure of your estimation of the
    global warming trend?

Example with water companies
  • Drought issues gt financial penalties and
    possibly licence withdrawal

An ExoticExample
Are you willing to sell a swap on Sunshine for
next 10 years to a farmer without
considering the vapour trail effects of airplanes?
  • Part I Current Pricing Methods
  • Part II Forecast Categories
  • Part III Practical samples of forecast used in
    Weather Market
  • Part IV Forecast and RM

The forecast completeness issue in RM
  • When using forecast in RM, you may not have all
    the forecasts for all the stations in your book
  • This creates a forecast incompleteness and
    cannot be solved easily

Forecast incompleteness example
  • You have 1 deal on a compound index based on the
    same weather stations
  • - Rain gt 2mm
  • - Temp lt -1C
  • You have the Rain forecast but not the
    Temperature forecast (or vice-versa or not for
    the same number of days)
  • How do you price that deal/portfolio given that
    when it rains in December, the temperature
    average is usually warmer than normal?

Greeks and RM implications
  • Using forecast information in pricing models
    means that Greeks will be forward Greek
  • You must think like for the bond market with a
    Spot Date that is a few days away
  • The weather forecast volatility can be seen as
    the volga (vvol)

Forecast and Copula
  • In order to manage WD portfolio, copula remains
    the favourite simulation engine.
  • But, the integration of Forecasts modifies the
    marginal distributions and the dependencies
  • And therefore creates another dependency
    modelling risk

Forecast Scenario and RM
  • The easiest forecast to integrate into portfolio
    analysis and for which the effect is the least
    unpredictable are Scenario and Ensembles
  • NB deterministic forecast removes the vvol and
    will lower the risks.

  • Short/Medium Term Forecast gives the choice
    between a real option or a Weather Derivative
  • Medium range forecast will often force you to
    diversify your portfolio
  • Long term forecast/trends necessary for long term
    management (5 years plan) are quite hard to
    estimate and would reward trader with huge risk
    premiums gt counterparty may no longer be willing
    to purchase protection
  • Energy company traders more and more trade the

ART future weather product
  • Parametric Reinsurance

  • J.C. Augros, M. Moreno, Book Les dérivés
    financiers et dassurance, Ed Economica, 2002.
  • R. Baillie, T. Bollerslev, H.O. Mikkelsen,
    Fractionally integrated generalized
    autoregressive condition heteroskedasticity,
    Journal of Econometrics, 1996, vol 74, pp 3-30.
  • F.J. Breidt, N. Crato, P. de Lima, The detection
    and estimation of long memory in stochastic
    volatility, Journal of econometrics, 1998, vol
    83, pp325-348
  • D.C. Brody, J. Syroka, M. Zervos, Dynamical
    pricing of weather derivatives, Quantitative
    Finance volume 2 (2002) pp 189-198, Institute of
    physics publishing
  • R. Caballero et al, Stochastic modelling of
    daily temperature time series for use in weather
    derivative pricing, Department of the
    Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago,
  • J. Carle, S. Fourneaux, Ralph Holz, D. Marteau et
    M. Moreno, La gestion du risque climatique,
    Economica 2004.
  • Ching-Fan Chung, Estimating the FIGARCH Model,
    Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, 2003.
  • M. Moreno, "Riding the Temp", published in FOW -
    special supplement for Weather Derivatives
  • M. Moreno, O. Roustant, Temperature simulation
    process, Book La Réassurance, Ed Economica,
    Marsh 2003.
  • Spectron Ltd for swap levels
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