Observation operator for weather-radar refractivity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Observation operator for weather-radar refractivity


Observation operator for weather-radar refractivity Olivier Caumont1, Lucas Besson2, Laurent Goulet3, Sophie Bastin2, Jacques Parent du Ch telet2,4, Laurent Menut5 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Observation operator for weather-radar refractivity

Observation operator for weather-radar
refractivity Olivier Caumont1, Lucas Besson2,
Laurent Goulet3, Sophie Bastin2, Jacques Parent
du Châtelet2,4, Laurent Menut5, Frédéric
Fabry6 1 CNRM-GAME (Météo-France, CNRS) 2
LATMOS 3 DIRSE (Météo-France) 4 Observing
Systems Department (Météo-France) 5 LMD 6
McGill University IODA-MED meeting 16 May 2014
IODA-MED deliverables
No update since last years meeting
Talk by Clotilde Augros
What is refractivity?
  • Refractivity N (n-1) x 106, where n index of
    refraction of air.
  • Refractivity may be expressed as (Smith and
    Weintraub 1953)

P pressure (hPa) e partial pressure of water
vapour (hPa) T temperature (K)
  • Refractivity mainly depends on moisture when
    temperature is high (at constant pressure)
  • 1 N unit 1 relative humidity at 20C
  • At constant pressure
  • High N moist and/or cold
  • Low N dry and/or warm

(Fabry et al. 1997)
Principle of refractivity measurement by weather
  • Measurement by radar based on radar pulses
    propagation time through the atmosphere, which
    depends on refractivity.
  • Phase change between radar and target or between
    2 targets depends on refractivity averaged over
    radar ray path (Fabry et al. 1997), i.e. less
    than a few hundred metres above ground.
  • In practice, measurement of time phase change.
    Need for initial values, usually interpolated
    from automatic weather stations (AWSs) in
    homogeneous situation.
  • Technique initially for klystron (
    stable-frequency) transmitters. Adaptation for
    magnetron ( drifting-frequency) transmitters
    (Parent du Châtelet et al. 2012).

Summary of endeavour related to radar refractivity
  • Work done so far
  • Formulation for magnetron transmitters (Parent du
    Châtelet et al. 2012)
  • Link between refractivity and atmospheric
    phenomena (Besson et al. 2012)
  • Technical proposals for improved-quality
    refractivity retrievals (Besson and Parent du
    Châtelet 2013)
  • Definition of quality index for target selection
  • Investigation of the use of faster antenna
    rotation speeds, additional elevations and
    dual-polarization returns
  • Observation operator for refractivity (Caumont et
    al. 2013)
  • Sensitivity study to formulation of observation
  • Long-term comparisons of radar observations vs.
  • Comparison of radar refractivity with automatic
    weather stations and numerical simulations during
    HyMeX SOP1 (Besson et al., in prep. for HyMeX
    special issue)
  • Use of refractivity retrievals produced in real
    time during HyMeX SOP1
  • Cross-validation with independent observations
    and models
  • First attempt to relate real refractivity data
    with Mediterranean meteorological processes

Available observations
  • 3 operational radars
  • Nîmes, Bollène, Opoul
  • 7 automatic weather stations (AWS)
  • Nîmes-Garons, Nîmes-Courbessac, Tarascon (Nîmes
  • Visan (Bollène radar)
  • Perpignan, Leucate, Durban-Corbière (Opoul radar)

Available models
  • WRF
  • Initial boundary conditions nudging from NCEP
    global model
  • 2 nested domains 54- and 9-km horizontal
  • N at 2 m AGL from innermost domain
  • Initial boundary conditions Arpege global
  • Horizontal resolution 2.5 km
  • 3-h forecasts from a 3DVar assimilation cycle
  • N at 10 m AGL

D-1, 00 UTC
Date, Time
D-1, 12 UTC
D3, 18 UTC
WRF simulation
NCEP analysis
NCEP forecasts
Refractivity time series _at_ Nîmes-Courbessac
8 August 30 November 2012
High correlation coefficients between radar
refractivity and other data Radar vs AWS
0.89 Radar vs Arome-WMED analysis 0.90 Radar vs
Arome-WMED forecast 0.84 Radar vs WRF analysis
0.83 Radar vs WRF forecast 0.79
Similar results at other AWS locations
Large differences at times - between WRF and
other data on 18, 19, and 20 October - diurnal
cycle poorly simulated on 8, 9, and 10 September
(needs further investigation)
IOP6 (24 September 2012) Time series
1 Convection in the vicinity of Bollène -
precipitation - humidity increases while
temperature decreases - refractivity
increases 2 Convection in the vicinity of
Nîmes - precipitation - humidity alreeady
close to 100 - refractivity remains
constant 3 Convection in the vicinity of
Bollène - precipitation - humidity already
close to 100 - refractivity remains
constant 4 Front passage - humidity decreases
markedly - refractivity decreases markedly
IOP6 (24 September 2012) Front passage
Refractivity from Nîmes and Bollène radars
Front passage
IOP6 (24 September 2012) Radars vs. models
Good agreement between Nîmes radar and
models Less agreement between Bollène radar and
models - correct magnitude near the radar -
large discrepancy at far range Large
discrepancies probably caused by mountains
(Massif Central to the west and Alps to the east)
which have a double impact on radar
retrievals - lower-quality targets -
calibration of retrieval algorithm
On-going and future activities
  • On-going work
  • Investigate the relationship with near-ground
    turbulence (PhD thesis of R. Hallali _at_ LATMOS
    off HyMeX),
  • Improve calibration
  • Perspectives
  • Further assessment of usefulness in process
    studies (cold pool, valley effects, breeze,
    low-level flow feeding HPEs, etc.)
  • Model validation in AWS-sparse areas
  • Data assimilation (coordinate with
    ZAMG/University of Vienna effort to assimilate 3D
    GPS-tomography refractivity data?)

  • Besson, L., J. Parent du Châtelet, 2013
    Solutions for improving the radar refractivity
    measurement by taking operational constraints
    into account. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 30,
    17301742. DOI 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00167.1
  • Besson, L., C. Boudjabi, O. Caumont, J. Parent du
    Châtelet, 2012 Links between weather phenomena
    and characteristics of refractivity measured by
    precipitation radar. Bound.-Lay. Meteor., 143(1),
    7795, DOI 10.1007/s10546-011-9656-7.
  • Besson, L. et al. Comparison of refractivity
    measurement by radar with automatic weather
    stations, AROME-WMED and WRF forecasts
    simulations during the SOP1 of HyMeX campaign. In
    prep. for HyMeX special issue of QJRMS.
  • Caumont, O., A. Foray, L. Besson, J. Parent du
    Châtelet, 2013 A radar refractivity change
    observation operator for convective-scale models
    Comparison of observations and simulations.
    Bound.-Lay. Meteorol., 148(2), 379397, DOI
  • Parent du Châtelet, J., C. Boudjabi, L. Besson,
    O. Caumont, 2012 Errors caused by long-term
    drifts of magnetron frequencies for refractivity
    measurement with a radar Theoretical formulation
    and initial validation. J. Atmos. Oceanic
    Technol., 29(10), 14281434, DOI

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