Title: UAS Weather TDA - WIDA presentation
1Army Research Laboratory
Progress in the Development of an Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (UAS) Weather Tactical Decision
Terry Jameson US Army Research
Laboratory Computational and Information Sciences
Directorate White Sands Missile Range, NM DSN
258-3924, Commercial 505-678-3924 tjameson_at_arl.arm
y.mil 12 Apr 06
2WSMR Stallion AAF UAS Met Support
- HAFB 46th TG/PSL ATDSS-II Test Program
- Aerostar UAS (General Dynamics, Aeronautic
- Defense Systems, LTD)
- WSMR Controlled Airspace, Stallion AAF
- Intruder Aircraft Flight Ops
- Piggy-backed UAS Weather TDA Testbed
- MET Support/Flight Ops Briefings
- Nov 05, Jan 06, Feb 06 field test participation
4November 2005 Aerostar UAS Flight Test, WSMR
Stallion AAF
5TDA Investigations/Flight OPS Met Support
- PC-based IWEDA (implemented on laptop)
- Rule set adapted to Aerostar UAS
- AFWA 5km MM5 runs AOI centered over Stallion
- MM5 sub-domain focused on actual OPS area
- Zipped IWEDA script file e-mailed to Stallion -
- Outlooks, forecasts, updates provided on-site or
via - phone call
- Where are we today in operational support to
unmanned aircraft in the Army? - Where do we want to go?
- How will we get there?
7Todays UAS Weather Support Shortfalls
Mission Planning
- DD Form 175-1 is standard weather
- briefing medium
- Text only
- Generalized locations of hazards
- Requires pilot/operator to visualize
- enroute and target area weather from
- text on form.
- Upcoming technology solves some
- text-only briefing problems
- Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS),
- Joint Flight Weather Briefer (JFWB), and
- Joint Environmental Toolkit (JET)
- Adds some graphics
- Adds some data automation
- Improves the weather database used for
- flight weather briefings, thus improves
- weather forecasts
8CURRENT TECHNOLOGY Air Force Weather Agencys
Web Page Capability
Enroute Weather Depictions
Example of forecast flight path cross-section
based on forecast model data. Depicts
horizontal/vertical distribution of clouds,
turbulence and winds.
9Armys Integrated Meteorological System (IMETS)
and Integrated Weather Effects Decision Aid
(IWEDA) UAS Products
1-D depiction of impacts over time
2-D depiction of forecast surface winds at a
fixed time
2-D distribution of impacts at a fixed time
Forecast Effects Decision Aids
10AF Operational Weather Squadron Web Page
Regional/Theater Weather Depictions
Regional scale turbulence forecast shows
unfavorable flying conditions across Korea for
unmanned aircraft. However, finer-scale,
localized, and more timely forecasts (from
mesoscale models and in the future, Weather
Running Estimate-Nowcast) tailored to unmanned
aircraft missions can reveal favorable flying
11From UAS Roadmap, 2005-2030Office of the
Secretary of Defense, Aug05
- Goals for unmanned aviation
- 7 Improve adverse-weather UA capabilities to
provide higher mission availability and mission
effectiveness rates - RECOMMENDATION
- Incorporate and/or develop all-weather practices
into future UA designs
- Development of TDA technology to incorporate
tailored weather support to UAS flights. - GOAL Improve UAS Mission Success Rates!
- Integrate weather impacts with UAS mission
profiles - Depict weather impacts along the mission route
- Determine optimal flight path avoiding
unfavorable weather conditions - M2M Capabilities
INTEL Analysis
Operator Tasking
Sensor Collection
Sensor Payload Selection
Platform Protection
Weather Support to the UAS Mission From
Pre-launch to Post-recovery
Forecast Effects Decision Aids
En Route Weather Updates
Mission Planning Execution
14Technology GoalsSupport to the UAS Platform and
Operators for
- Aircraft mission operating capabilities (icing,
cross winds, turbulence, warnings and
avoidance) - Target and recovery area navigation
(visibility, clouds, dust, fog, haze) so
operator doesnt lose navigation bearing or
visual orientation - Survivability, including enemy acquisition of
the UAS platform How far can the UAS be seen
heard? Where are radar dead zones due to
refractive ducting, etc.? - Enroute obstacles and no-go area constraints
(terrain limits and unfavorable weather
conditions) - Fuel consumption, max range, max loiter time
over target, quickest/safest routing with respect
to weather conditions - Max payload weight and aircraft climb rate in
current weather conditions - Weather-impacted communications How far can
the aircraft travel from its telemetry and
control links?
15Technology GoalsSupport to the UAS Payload
- Target approach How close must the imaging
payload be to see its target? TAWS-like
acquisition range, target area cloud ceilings,
cloud-free line-of-sight, precip, etc. - Best route/altitudes to target What angles of
approach provide the best view for onboard
sensors? (best contrast, least optical
turbulence, least sensor vibration) - Target acquisition Target/background contrast
change in visible and IR (IRTSS capabilities?) - Detection How far away can an INTEL source
EO/IR/radar/radio signal be detected passively
(atmospheric effects on EM propagation) - Weather Impacted Communications How far away
can the payload get from its data downlink?
Theater-scale JET-provided forecast model
databaseJoint Virtual METOC Data Cube ? 4-D
gridded fields of weather parameters
Text, Graphic, Digital Decision Aid Products
for manual and automated applications.
Nesting ? Nowcast 0-3hr Database. Automated
refresh of forecast 4-D cube for TDA pre-mission
enroute updates.
LOCAL SENSORS Surface Data Sensors Upper-Air
Sensors UAS MET Sensors
18The RD Concept
- Combine 4-D UA path with 4-D weather forecast
cube. Calculate weather adverse impacts on
flight path. - Visualize impacts along UA path using red, amber,
green and fly-through weather icons showing
weather limitations based on each UAs critical
weather thresholds. - Develop/implement route optimization scheme for
determination of best course given user
constraints and forecast weather. - Weather INtelligence Routing WIN-R
19Integrating Weather Impacts Into Mission Profiles
New Flt Path Options Avoiding Enrte Hazards
Initial/Current Flight Path
Altered Flt Path (if needed)
Acoustic Tactical Decision Aid output showing
areas (green) where a UAV can be heard by a
ground observer. The decision aid will use local
terrain, gridded forecast model data, and
aircraft-specific acoustic signature data to
produce the output related to the color contours.
21UAS Weather TDA 4-D visualization for mission
Departure Point
Target Area Obscured Cloud Layer Tops 4000
ft Bases 500 ft
Target Area
22Optimized Flight Path Weather INtelligence
Routing WIN-R
- Original planned flight path routes through
red or unfavorable conditions - Automated flight route optimization algorithms
to provide alternate routes around, over, under
unfavorable conditions - Look for the greenest or most favorable
path - Solution is an all-weather option to increase
mission success rates. - Technology applicable to ALL aircraft
Target Area 2 T6hr FL100
Target Area 1 T3hr FL140
Target Area 3 T9hr FL080
Alternate/ Optimized Route
Optimized FL050 GREEN
Planned route
Takeoff, T0hr
Landing, T12hr
23Current Demo Work
TDA Testbed co-located with UAS Technical
Analysis and Applications Center (TAAC)
- Initial TDA Support Concept (Near-term FY06
deliverables) - AFWA 5km MM5 grids
- Stand-alone UAS rules-driven IWEDA
- Acoustic Detection TDA tailored to UAS ops
- IMETS and JAAWIN products
- Army Air Maneuver Routing low-level target
approach visualizations (coming soon) - Test periods in Oct Dec 05 Jan, Feb 06
TAAC Area Of Interest (AOI)
- Future work
- Real-time weather obs assimilation from all
sources (incl. on-board TAMDAR) - Local 3-hr Nowcasts updating weather database and
correcting local forecast grids in real time - WIN-R capability - Customized, tailored, and
automated flight route optimization for weather
hazards avoidance. - TDA available at all echelons with access to
weather data cube - Commercial Joint Mapping Tool Kit (C-JMTK)
FalconView compatible data, displays,
visualizations - M2M Capabilities