Weather Systems of Middle Latitudes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Weather Systems of Middle Latitudes


Title: GEOGRAPHY 257 Introduction to Meteorology Author: Michael Leach Last modified by: er Created Date: 11/3/2005 5:46:30 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Weather Systems of Middle Latitudes

Weather Studies Introduction to Atmospheric
ScienceAmerican Meteorological Society
  • Chapter 10
  • Weather Systems of Middle Latitudes

Credit This presentation was prepared for AMS by
Michael Leach, Professor of Geography at New
Mexico State University - Grants
  • Extra-tropical cyclones are major weather makers
    in middle and high latitudes
  • In 1703, Daniel Defoe was the first to propose
    that storms generally track from west to east in
    middle latitudes
  • In 1743, Benjamin Franklin was the first American
    to discover that storms usually move in an
    easterly or northeasterly direction
  • Based on observations, he concluded that wind
    direction in a storm was not an indication of the
    storms direction of movement

Driving Question
  • What systems shape the weather of the middle
  • Middle latitudes extend from Tropics of Cancer
    and Capricorn, poleward to the Arctic/Antarctic
  • Weather is particularly dynamic because of the
    migration of cyclones and anticyclones embedded
    in the prevailing westerlies
  • This chapter examines
  • Air masses, fronts, cyclones, and anticyclones
  • Local and regional circulation systems

Air Masses
  • An air mass is a huge expanse of air covering
    thousands of square kilometers, and is relatively
    uniform horizontally in temperature and water
    vapor concentration (humidity)
  • Abbreviations for air mass types
  • Cold (polar or P) or warm (tropical or T)
  • Dry (continental or c) or humid (maritime or m)
  • Arctic (A) air
  • Air mass source regions have nearly homogeneous
    surface characteristics over a broad area with
    little topographic relief
  • The air mass stays over the source region for an
    extended period, and takes on the characteristics
    of the source region

North American Types and Source Regions
North American Air Masses
Air Masses
  • Modification of Air Masses
  • Air masses eventually move out of their source
  • As they move, their properties are modified by
    the surface they pass over
  • Air mass modification occurs from
  • Exchange of heat or moisture, or both, with the
    surface over which the air mass travels
  • Radiational heating or cooling
  • Adiabatic heating or cooling associated with
    large-scale vertical motion

Air Masses
  • Modification of Air Masses, continued
  • In winter, as a cP air mass travels southeastward
    from Canada into the lower 48-states, its
    temperature usually modifies rapidly
  • By the time it arrives in the southern states,
    temperatures will not usually drop much below
  • The sun warms snow-free ground, and the warmer
    ground heats the bottom of the air mass. Heat is
    then distributed vertically.
  • A similar process of heating and destabilization
    occurs when a cP air mass crosses the East Coast
    and moves over the western Atlantic. Evaporation
    from the sea surface leads to extensive areas of
    low clouds and fog
  • cP traveling over snow-covered ground experiences
    less modification
  • Much of the incoming solar radiation is reflected
    rather than being absorbed

Air Masses
  • Modification of Air Masses, continued
  • Tropical air masses modify less than polar masses
  • They are often warmer than the ground they travel
  • The bottom of the air mass cools, and stabilizes
  • Convective currents are suppressed
  • If a tropical air mass moves over a warmer
    surface, the air mass can become even warmer
  • Air masses undergo significant modification
    through orographic uplifting (e.g., mP air mass
    sweeping inland from the Pacific Ocean)
  • Rising air cools adiabatically,
    condensation/deposition occur, and precipitation
    is triggered on the windward slopes
  • Descent on the leeward side leads to adiabatic
    warming and cloud dissipation
  • Air mass emerges considerably milder and drier
    (e.g., modified Pacific air)

Frontal Weather
  • A front is a narrow zone of transition between
    air masses that differ in density
  • Density differences are usually due to
    temperature contrasts, hence the names cold
    fronts and warm fronts
  • Density differences may also be caused by
    humidity contrasts
  • A fronts transition zone may be 100 km and a
    line representing a front on a weather map is
    drawn along the warm edge of the zone
  • A front is also associated with a trough in the
    sea-level pressure pattern, a corresponding wind
    shift, and converging winds
  • When air masses meet at fronts, the colder,
    denser air forces the warmer, less dense air to
  • This induces adiabatic cooling and often
    cloud/precipitation development
  • The slope of the front influences the types of
    clouds that form
  • Cold and warm fronts have different slopes
    associated with them

Frontal Weather
  • Stationary Front
  • A front that exhibits essentially no lateral
  • This often happens along the Front Range of the
    Rocky Mountains when a shallow pool of polar air
    surges south over the plains and the leading edge
    is too shallow to cross the mountains. Milder
    air remains in the Great Basin to the west of the
  • May also develop when a preexisting front becomes
    parallel to the upper-level flow pattern or along
    a boundary in the surface temperature pattern
  • Typical front
  • Slopes from Earths surface towards denser air
  • Lies in a trough in the pressure pattern
  • Wind changes direction rather abruptly across the
  • May have broad region of clouds and precipitation
    (e.g., overrunning)

Stationary Front
Frontal Weather
  • Warm Front
  • Warm air advances while cold air retreats
  • Overall characteristics very similar to a
    stationary front
  • As a warm front approaches
  • Clouds thicken and become lower in altitude
  • Sequence is cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus,
    nimbostratus, and stratus when the advancing warm
    air is relatively stable
  • Initial cirrus appearance may be more than 1000
    km (620 mi) ahead of the front
  • Just ahead of the front, steady precipitation
    usually gives way to drizzle and sometimes
    frontal fog
  • If advancing warm air is unstable, more vigorous
    uplift can occur with thunderstorms embedded in
    the overrunning zone

Warm Front
Cirrus clouds
Frontal Weather
  • Cold Front
  • Colder air displaces warmer air
  • In North America in winter, the temperature
    contrast along a cold front is usually greater
    than across a warm or stationary front
  • In summer, temperatures on either side of the
    front may be essentially the same
  • Density contrasts arise because of humidity
  • The slope on a cold front is much steeper than
    the slope on a warm front
  • Uplift is confined to a narrow area at or near
    the cold fronts leading edge
  • If the warm air is unstable, thunderstorms may
    form and a squall line can develop
  • If the warm air is relatively stable,
    nimbostratus and altostratus may form

Cold Front
Advancing Back-Door Cold Front
A cold front generally trails south or
southwestward from the center of an
extra-tropical cyclone. Back-door cold fronts
move south along the eastern side of the
Appalachian Mountains.
Frontal Weather
  • Occluded Fronts
  • Typically form late in a cyclones life cycle as
    it moves into colder air
  • Faster moving cold front catches up with the warm
  • There are 3 types of occlusions, distinguished by
    the temperature contrast between the air behind
    the cold front and ahead of the warm front
  • Cold occlusion
  • Air behind cold front colder than cool air ahead
    of warm front
  • Like a cold front at the surface but, with less
    air mass contrast
  • Warm occlusion
  • Air behind cold front is not as cold as the air
    ahead of the warm front
  • Like a warm front at the surface
  • Neutral occlusion
  • Little difference between air masses
  • Marked by a trough, wind shift line, band of
    cloudiness precipitation

Cold-Type Occlusion
  • Air behind advancing cold front colder than cool
    air ahead of warm front
  • More common in eastern North America, where the
    colder air follows behind the front on northwest

Warm-Type Occlusion
  • Air behind the advancing cold front is not as
    cold as the air ahead of the warm front
  • Occurs in northerly portions of western coasts,
    such as in Europe or the Pacific Northwest, where
    mP air is behind the cold front

Air Masses
  • Summary
  • Fronts are characterized based on the movement of
    the cold air mass
  • Clouds and precipitation may develop along fronts
    when there is a significant density contrast
    between air masses and there is an adequate
    supply of water vapor
  • Properties that define a front are differences in
    temperature and humidity, wind shift,
    convergence, and a pressure trough
  • Frontogensis front forms or grows stronger
  • Frontolysis front weakens

Extra-tropical Cyclones
The extra-tropical cyclone (also called a
low-pressure system or low), is a major weather
maker of middle and high latitudes. Surface
winds blow counterclockwise and inward. Surface
winds converge, air rises, expands, and cools,
resulting in clouds and precipitation.
Extra-tropical Cyclones
The comma-shaped cloud pattern is characteristic
of a well-developed extra-tropical cyclone.
  • Life Cycle
  • Norwegian cyclone model conceptual model
    originally developed around WWI still closely
    approximates our current understanding
  • (A) Incipient cyclone Cyclogenesis (birth of a
    cyclone) usually takes place along the polar
    front directly under an area of strong horizontal
    divergence in the upper troposphere
  • Air pressure at the bottom of the air column
    falls, a horizontal air pressure gradient
    develops, and cyclonic circulation begins
  • Westerlies aloft steer and support the cyclone as
    it progresses through its life cycle
  • West of the low center, the polar front pushes
    southeast as a cold front. East of the low, the
    polar front advances north as a warm front.

warm sector
  • Life Cycle
  • (B) Wave cyclone In this stage, the central
    pressure continues to drop and winds strengthen
    due to an increased pressure gradient. The
    upper-level trough deepens while remaining west
    of the surface low center.
  • Warm sector becomes better defined
  • Fronts form a pronounced wave pattern and comma
    cloud is seen in satellite images
  • Extensive stratiform cloudiness appears north of
    the warm front
  • Cyclone moves eastward or northeastward at 40-55
    km per hr (25-35 mph)

  • Life Cycle
  • (C) Beginning of occlusion
  • Faster moving cold front advances on the warm
  • Warm sector area diminishes and occluded front
    begins to form
  • Upper level pattern shows closed circulation and
    is directly over the surface low (vertically
  • Dry slot separates the cold front cloud band from
    the comma cloud
  • Cyclone moves slower at approximately 30 km per
    hr (20 mph)

triple point
  • Life Cycle
  • (D) Bent-back occlusion
  • Surface low may become detached from the westerly
    steering flow and the occluded front is drawn
    around the low center
  • Warm sector is detached from cyclone center
  • Triple point favors development of a secondary
  • Eventually the cyclone weakens (cyclolysis)

Extra-tropical Cyclones
  • Entire cycle can occur over several days, or a
    much shorter period
  • Speed of development depends on upper air support
  • Weak divergence aloft will cause poorly defined
  • Sometimes cloudiness and precipitation occur with
    an upper-level or surface trough, which is not
    associated with a closed surface cyclonic
  • When upper-level conditions are ideal, the entire
    life cycle can occur in less than 36 hours

Extra-tropical Cyclones
  • Cyclone Bomb
  • This is the term applied to a rapidly
    intensifying cyclone, and is defined as a central
    pressure drop of at least 24 mb in 24 hours
  • Few cyclones meet this criteria, and most that do
    occur in winter over a warm ocean surface current
    (e.g., Gulf Stream)
  • Conveyor Belt Model
  • This is an alternate, 3-D model to the steps
    discussed previously (Norwegian cyclone model)
  • Combines horizontal and vertical air motions
  • Depicts the circulation in a mature cyclone in
    terms of three broad interacting systems called
    conveyor belts, which transport air with certain
    properties from one location to another
  • Belts are (1) warm and humid, (2) cold, and (3)

Extra-tropical Cyclones
  • Conveyor Belt Model, continued
  • (1) Warm and humid conveyor belt originates in
    the cyclones warm sector
  • Ascends slightly as it flows northward in the
    warm sector at low levels and then ascends more
    rapidly over the warm front
  • Helps explain the broad region of
    clouds/precipitation north of the warm front
  • (2) Cold conveyor belt originates north of the
    warm front
  • Ascends as it progresses toward the west
  • Forms the comma cloud and produces precipitation
  • Turns clockwise at upper levels and follows
    westerly flow aloft
  • (3) Dry conveyor belt
  • This air originates high in the troposphere and
    low stratosphere upstream of the upper-level
  • One branch descends southward behind the cold
    front the other forms the dry slot that
    separates the head tail of the comma cloud

Conveyor Belt Model
Extra-tropical CyclonesCyclone Weather
  • Figure below represents an intensifying cyclone
    in the Upper Midwest
  • Four sectors about the low center
  • Strong cold air advection, stratiform clouds, and
    non-convective precipitation northwest of the low
  • Cold front south of low is accompanied by
    convective precipitation. Sinking air and mostly
    clear skies characterize the southwest sector
    behind the cold front.
  • The mildest air is in the southeast (warm) sector
    of the cyclone
  • An extensive overrunning zone is found to the
    northeast of the low center

Principal Cyclone Tracks
  • As a general rule, the cyclone center moves
    forward in the same direction and at about
    one-half the speed of the 500-mb winds
  • Principal storm tracks tend to converge toward
    the northeast
  • Storm tracks appear to originate just east of the
    Rocky Mountains, but actually form over the
    Pacific Ocean near Alaska
  • As a cyclone travels over the mountains, it often
    loses its identity, but reforms over the Great
  • Noreasters often intensify off the North
    Carolina coast and track toward the northeast
    along the East Coast
  • 2 motions exist
  • Movement of the cyclone along the coast
  • Counterclockwise flow of winds around the storm
    center winds in northeast sector of the cyclone
    blow from the northeast (gives the name
  • Some may become powerful systems drawing copious
    amounts of water vapor from the ocean and
    producing large amounts of precipitation over a
    broad area
  • Generally, cyclones that form in the south yield
    more precipitation because they have access to
    greater amounts of mT air
  • Cyclogenesis is more frequent in the winter when
    the mean position of the polar front and jet
    stream shift southward

Principal Cyclone Tracks
Extra-tropical Cyclones
  • Cold Side/Warm Side
  • Storm track determines weather at points on the
  • Track A puts Chicago on the warm side with
    passage of the warm and cold fronts
  • Track B puts Chicago on the cold side with no
    frontal passage
  • Table summarizes the general sequence of weather
    conditions at Chicago

Extra-tropical Cyclones
  • Winter Storms
  • An extra-tropical cyclone that produces any
    combination of frozen or freezing precipitation
  • An associated hazard is a cold wave, which often
    follows a winter storm
  • Necessary ingredients include cold air (typically
    brought in by a sprawling cold high to the
    north), a moisture supply, and uplift mechanisms
  • A major storm requires warm and humid air brought
  • A storm moving to the northeast produces heaviest
    snow to the north and west of the low center
  • Blizzard a severe storm characterized by high
    winds and reduced visibility due to falling or
    blowing snow

Colorado-track Winter Storm System
Extra-tropical CyclonesCold and Warm Core Systems
  • An occluded cyclone is a cold-core system
  • Lowest temperatures occur in a column just above
    the surface low
  • Depth of low increases with altitude
  • Cyclonic circulation prevails throughout the
    troposphere and is most intense at high altitudes
  • The requirement that thickness (mean temperature)
    be lowest at the low center produces the classic
    isobar pattern

Extra-tropical CyclonesCold- and Warm-Core
  • A non-occluded cyclone is a warm-core system
  • Lowest temperatures are northwest of the
    cyclones center, and highest temperatures are to
    the southeast
  • Low aloft is displaced to cold side of the storm
  • The system tilts with altitude
  • Upper-level low lags behind surface low

Vertical cross-section of a low from northwest
(cold) to southeast (warm)
Extra-tropical CyclonesCold and Warm Core Systems
  • Warm-core cyclone (thermal low)
  • Stationary, have no fronts, and are generally
    associated with fair weather
  • From over a broad expanse of arid/semiarid land
    in response to intense solar heating of the
  • Hot surface heats the overlying air and lowers
    the density of the air column enough for a low to
  • Usually very shallow
  • Anticyclone aloft overlies low

  • In anticyclones, subsiding air and diverging
    surface winds favor formation of a uniform air
    mass, no fronts, and generally fair skies
  • Arctic and Polar Highs (cold-core anticylone)
  • Labeled either a polar high (cP air) or arctic
    high (A air) and are products of extreme
    radiational cooling, often over snow-covered land
  • Clockwise circulation weakens with altitude, and
    may reverse
  • Usually has a cold trough overlying it
  • These exert the highest pressure in winter
  • They are extremely stable, with an inversion in
    the lower km or so
  • Interact with the circulation of an
    extra-tropical cyclone by helping to maintain and
    strengthen the temperature contrast along the
    cyclones cold front

  • Warm High (warm-core anticyclone)
  • Forms south of the polar front and consists of
    extensive areas of subsiding warm and dry air
  • These strengthen with altitude
  • Examples are Bermuda-Azores high and systems that
    may develop over the interior of North America,
    especially in summer
  • The greater mass of air over the anticyclone
    center (related to a higher tropopause) is
    responsible for the high surface pressure
  • A cold-core anticyclone can become warm-core as
    it moves south and modifies

  • Anticyclone Weather
  • Fair weather system because surface winds blowing
    in a clockwise and outward direction (Northern
    Hemisphere) induce subsidence over a broad area
  • Arctic highs produce the lowest temperatures of
  • A stalling warm anticyclone can lead to drought
    and excessive summer heat
  • A weak horizontal air pressure gradient near the
    center leads to intense nighttime radiational
  • Ahead of an anticyclone, there may be strong
    northwest winds ushering in polar or arctic air
  • May bring heavy lake-effect snows to the lee side
    of the lakes
  • In the summer, the most noticeable effect is not
    a lowering of temperatures, but a lowering of
  • Highs may become entrenched east of the Rockies
    in summer, and form blocking highs
  • High temperatures and eventually drought result

Local and Regional Circulation SystemsLand and
Sea (or Lake) Breezes
  • Sea Breeze
  • Under exposure to the same intensity of solar
    radiation, the land surface warms more than the
    water surface
  • Highest pressure over water, and cool breeze
    sweeps inland
  • Shallow circulation has maximum strength in
  • Uplift may lead to thunderstorms
  • Land Breeze
  • By late evening, winds blow offshore due to a
    reversal in the heat differential between land
    and water
  • Obtains maximum strength around sunrise but is
    weaker than a sea breeze

Local and Regional Circulation SystemsChinook
  • A relatively warm and dry wind that develops when
    air descending the leeward slopes of a mountain
    range is adiabatically compressed
  • Strong winds cause stable air in the lower
    troposphere to ascend on the windward side
  • On the leeward side, stable air descends to the
    original altitude, and the larger scale of
    circulation causes further descent
  • Called Santa Ana winds in southern California
  • The figure is a schematic representation of the
    surface weather pattern that favors development

Local and Regional Circulation SystemsChinook
  • Boulder, CO, situated in the foothills of the
    Rocky Mountains, experiences particularly strong
    and destructive downslope winds, sometimes
    gusting to 160 km per hr (100 mph)
  • On average, the community sustains about 1
    million in property damage each year due to these

Local and Regional Circulation SystemsDesert
  • Hot surfaces (i.e., deserts) may develop
    superadiabatic lapse rates in the lowest levels
    of the atmosphere
  • These are highly unstable, and generate vigorous
    upwelling and gusty surface winds, but very few
    clouds form
  • A dust devil is a whirling mass of dust-laden air
    formed by localized hot spot
  • Air is heated, and rises rapidly
  • Cooler surface winds converge on the hot spot
  • Horizontal wind shear causes the column of rising
    hot air to spin about a nearly vertical axis
  • Dust and debris are picked up, making these
    visible to altitudes topping 900 m (3000 ft)
  • May cause damage, as some have winds as higher
    than 75 km per hr (45 mph)
  • Strong thunderstorm downdrafts may generate dust
    storms known as a haboob

Local and Regional Circulation SystemsMountain
or Valley Breezes
  • Valley Breeze
  • Bare valley walls absorb solar radiation and heat
    the surrounding air
  • Cooler, denser air over the valley sinks and air
    adjacent to the valley walls blows upslope
  • Cumulus clouds may form near summit
  • Best developed between late morning and sunset
  • Mountain Breeze
  • Bare valley walls are chilled by radiational
    cooling and cool the surrounding air
  • Colder, denser air near the valley walls sinks
    and gusty breeze blows downslope
  • Fog or low stratus clouds may form in the valley
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