Weather and Climate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Weather and Climate


Weather and Climate What is the weather like today? Is it like this EVERY day? Why? What is the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE? Weather and Climate Weather ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate
  • What is the weather like today?

Is it like this EVERY day? Why?
What is the difference between WEATHER and
Weather and Climate
  • Weather The temporary environmental conditions
    in a localized area over a short period of time.

In other wordswhat its like OUTSIDE, right
HERE, right NOW
  • Climate The long-term environmental conditions
    across a large area and long time.

In other wordsthe AVERAGE of all the WEATHERS
What affects weather and climate?
  • There are two major factors that affect the
    overall environment and climate
  • The tilt of the Earth in relation to its orbit
    around the Sun
  • - The direction of that tilt that changes as the
    Earth travels around the Sun

First, some basic vocabulary
  • Revolution one ORBIT, or trip around the Sun.
    This takes the Earth 365 ¼ days

Rotation one SPIN of the Earth on its axis.
This takes about 24 hoursone DAY.
Earths TILT
  • The Earth is not vertical (straight up-and-down)
    in relation to its orbital path, its tilted
    23 ½ degrees from vertical.

? DRAW THIS ! ! !
This tilt means that the Suns energy doesnt hit
the Earth equally.
Earths TILT
  • This tilt results in uneven heating of the
    Earths surface.

Direct sunlight
Indirect sunlight
  • As the Earth travels around the Sun, the tilt
    changes in relation to the Sun. Sometimes
    toward the Sun, sometimes away, and sometimes

This creates a predictable cycle of warmer and
cooler periods, or seasons.
  • Because the direction of the tilt (towards or
    away) is opposite for the Northern and Southern
    hemispheres, so are the seasons.

Here is the rule to remember Tilted toward
the Sun means Summer, tilted away from the Sun
means winter
Solstice and Equinox
  • Solstice the point at which the Earth is
    pointed farthest toward / away from the Sun,
    creating long summer days and short winter days .
    (Latin root word sol)
  • Summer around June 21
  • Winter around December 21
  • Equinox the point at which the Earth is not
    pointed toward OR away from the Sun, creating
    equal day and night. (equi-nox)
  • Spring (Vernal)
  • around March 21
  • - Fall (autumnal) around Sept. 21

Earths tilt affects length of days
  • Places experiencing summer have longer days
    (more sunlight per 24 hrs.)
  • Places experiencing winter have shorter days
    (less sunlight per 24 hrs.)

Longer Summer days
Shorter Winter days
24 hrs. of dark from May to August
24 hrs. of light from Nov. to Feb.
  • Areas above 66 ½ degrees N or S will experience
    24 hr. extremes (light and dark) depending on the

Greenhouse Effect
  • RULE 1 OF NATURE Energy can be either absorbed
    or transferred
  • Normally, when the Suns energy penetrates the
    atmosphere, some of it is absorbed, and some of
    it is reflected back to space.
  • Human and natural events increase pollutants
    that trap the reflected energy and send it back
    to the Earth again, increasing the Earths heat.

Distributing the Suns Heat - WIND
  • RULE 2 OF NATURE Nature seeks balance
  • Wind is the movement of air from High pressure
    to Low pressure
  • Air Pressure changes with temp.
  • Hot (more active) molecules need
  • room to move, so they spread
  • apart, meaning LESS molecules
  • in a given space (LOW pressure)
  • Cold (less active) molecules dont
  • move as much, so they pack closer
  • together, meaning MORE
  • molecules in a given space (HIGH pressure)

WIND Sea Breeze
  • When the sun shines, land (solid) heats up faster
    than water (liquid) remember RULE 1 ?
  • Only the top 2-3 inches of earth get warm, then
    the heat is reflected back to the air. (Why do
    dogs dig in the dirt?)
  • The warm air rises, creating LOW PRESSURE over
    the land during
    the early/mid-morning
  • This imbalance
    (RULE 2) creates a
    COOL wind blowing
    in from the water,
    called a SEA BREEZE

WIND Land Breeze
  • When the sun sets, the process reverses and land
    cools off faster than water (RULE 1)
  • This creates COOLer air (HIGH pressure) over the
    land and WARMer air (LOW pressure) over the water
    at night
  • The WARM wind
    blowing out from the
    land is called a

WIND - Monsoons
  • On a larger scale, the same factors create
    monsoons - seasonal winds
  • Due to the Earths tilt, differences in the
    heating of land and ocean create long
    term wind patterns that bring
    seasonal rainy and dry periods.

Global Wind Patterns
  • RULE 3 OF NATURE Nature obeys the stronger
  • The Earth gets the most direct sunlight in the
    tropics, so HOT air RISES at the Equator.
  • The least sunlight hits the polar region, so the
    COLD air sinks at the poles
  • These two extremes force the
  • middle latitude winds to
    flow backwards, rising
    at 60 deg. and
    sinking at
    30 deg., even though
    that is warmer air.

Coriolis Effect
  • Because the Earth spins (rotates) under the winds
    as they travel N and S, they appear to curve
    because of the Coriolis effect. (see it)
  • The result is curved
    wind patterns across
    the Earth surface.
  • All winds are named
    for where they come
  • Areas of no major
    wind pattern are
    called doldrums
    horse latitudes
  • (Spanish explorers)

Water Currents
  • Most ocean currents are affected by global wind
    patterns blowing across the oceans.

Most COOL currents flow EAST
Most WARM currents flow WEST
Precipitation Natures Thermostat
  • There are 3 basic causes for rain. They are
  • Convection due to evaporation and cooling
  • Suns energy causes surface water to
    evaporate and become humidity
  • As the day cools off, the air cools and
    condenses, causing storms and rain
  • Usually in tropical environments
  • Frontal due to changes in temperature
  • Starts with warm, moist air at the surface and
  • As a cold front approaches, it stays
    low, forcing the moist air aloft
  • This cools and condenses the air,
    creating rain on the leading edge
    of the front
  • Usually in mid-latitudes where warm and cold air
    systems collide

Precipitation, Part II
  • Orographic due to changes in elevation
  • Moist air travels over land and approaches a
    steep rise in elevation
  • As the air is forced up the side of the rise, the
    air cools, causing precip. on the windward side
    of the mountain
  • As the (now dry) air continues over and down the
    leeward side of the mountain, it warms up and

    absorbs any available
    moisture, creating a
    shadow desert
  • Found in areas of
    mountains or other
    elevation change

  • The world is divides into three large climate
    zones, based on latitude.

Low Latitude (Tropical) climates always hot
Mid Latitude (Temperate) climates hot/cold
High Latitude (Polar) climates seasons either
mild or extreme cold
Climate Zones
  • Climate zones are divided into regions with
    differences in two key characteristics
  • Amount of moisture (rain), and
  • Typical temperature range through the year
  • These two characteristics are affected by
    balancing the effects of four factors
  • Latitude
  • Altitude
  • Nearness to water
  • Direction of atmosphere and ocean currents

  • Due to the Earths tilt, the amount of sun energy
    changes over the earths surface

Polar (High Latitude) zone either mild temps.
or extreme cold
Temperate (Mid-Latitude) zone seasonal, most
varied climates
Tropical (Low Latitude) zone year-round direct
sunlight, always hot
RULE The HIGHER the latitude, the
COLDER the temps.
Altitude (Elevation)
  • Higher elevation thinner air, therefore less
    air to hold heat makes it colder.

RULE The HIGHER the elevation, the
COLDER the temperatures.
Nearness to Water
  • Land heats up and cools down QUICKLY.
  • Water heats up and cools down SLOWLY.
  • Therefore, water acts like a blanket holding
    heat and releasing it slowly.
  • This results in smaller daily and seasonal
    temperature changes near large bodies of water.
  • Coastal areas are humid, continental areas
    are dry

30 degree change in Houston
45 degree change in Denver
Direction of Currents
  • Global wind and ocean currents transfer heat and
    moisture around the world, and help carry
    moisture from the oceans to the land
  • Warm water moving toward the land brings moisture
  • Warm water moving parallel to the coast brings
    heat, no H2O
  • Cool water brings cool, dry air -gt mild or desert

How it Works...Tropical Wet Climate
  • Latitude in the tropics? HOT
  • Altitude low land doesnt stop air flow until
    mtns. in the west
  • Nearness flat land acts coastal, allows
    moisture inland
  • Direction air flow
  • brings in warm, moist air
  • from the ocean which then hits the mountain and
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