Title: Analog and Digital Signal
1- Introduction
- Analog and Digital Signal
- Advantages Disadvantages Digital Signal
- Transmission Impairment
- Data Rate Limit
- Bandwidth of the human voice
- Telephone System Bandwidth
- Digital Channel Capacity
- Digital Signal Regeneration
2- Introduction
- Data communications are the exchange of data
between two devices via some form of transmission
such as a wire cable. - For data communications to occur, the
communicating devices must be part of
communication system made up of a combination of
hardware (physical equipment) and software
(programs). See Figure 1.0 - A data communications system has five components
such as - 1. Message
- The message is the information (data) to be
communicated. Popular forms of information
include text, numbers, pictures, audio, and
video. - 2. Sender
- The sender is the device that sends the data
message. It can be a computer, workstation,
telephone handset, video camera, and so on.
3- Introduction (continue )
- 3. Receiver
- The receiver is the device that receives the
message. It can be a computer, workstation,
telephone handset, television, and so on. - 4. Transmission medium
- The transmission medium is the physical path by
which a message travels from sender to receiver.
Some examples of transmission media include
twisted-pair wire, coaxial cable, fiber-optic
cable and radio waves. - 5. Protocol
- A protocol is a set of rules that govern data
communications. It represents an agreement
between the communicating devices. Without a
protocol, two devices may be connected but not
communicating, just as a person speaking French
cannot be understood by a person speak only
4Figure 1.0 Five components of data
5- Analog Digital Signals.
- Data can be analog or digital. Analog data are
continuous and take continuous values. Digital
data have discrete states and take discrete
value. - Like the data they represent, signals can be
either analog or digital. - An analog signal has infinitely many levels of
intensity over a period of time. As the wave
moves from value A to value B, it passes through
and include an infinite number of values along
its path.
6Figure 1.1 (a) Analog signals. Example of Analog
signal A typical Commercial Radio system
7- Analog Digital Signals (continue ...)
- A digital signal can have only a limited number
of defined values. Although each value can be any
number, it is often as simple as 1 and 0. See
Figure 1.1 (b). - The constraint for both analog and digital
communication is the physical capabilities of the
communications media.
8- Figure 1.1 (b) Digital electrical signals.
- Example of Digital signal Signal on a typical
printer cable.
9- Advantages of Digital Signal
- Digital circuits are subject to less distortion
and interference - Error correction is possible.
- Encryption and privacy is possible
- Digital circuit is simple and cheap
- The receiver can request a retransmission of bad
10- Disadvantages of Digital Signal
- Interface to analogue is needed.
- A digital system requires a greater bandwidth
than analogue to carry the same information. - Generally digital communication system require
synchronization but analogue do not require.
11- Transmission Impairment.
- Signals travel through transmission media, which
are not perfect. The imperfection causes signal
impairment. - Three causes of impairment are attenuation,
distortion and noise.
12- Attenuation
- Attenuation means a loss of energy.
- When a signal, simple or composite, travels
through a medium, it loses some of its energy in
overcoming the resistance of the medium. - In simple term means a decrease in the electrical
signal. - To composite for this loss, amplifiers are used
to amplify the signal. See Figure 1.2 (a).
13Figure 1.2 (a) Attenuation
14- Distortion
- Means that the signal changes its form or shape.
- Distortion can occur in a composite signal made
of different frequencies. - Each signal component has its own propagation
speed through a medium, its own delay in arriving
at the final destination. - Differences in delay may create a difference in
phase if the delay is not exactly the same as the
period duration. See Figure 1.2(b)
15Figure 1.2 (b) Distortion
16- Noise
- Noise is another cause of impairment. Several
types of noise, such as thermal noise, induced
noise, crosstalk and impulse noise, may corrupt
the signal. - Thermal Noise is the random motion of electrons
in a wire which creates an extra signal not
originally sent by the transmitter. - Induced noise comes from sources such as motors
and appliances. - Crosstalk is the effect of one wire on the other.
One wire acts as a sending antenna and the other
as the receiving antenna. - Impulse noise is a spike that comes from power
lines, lightning and so on. - Figure 1.2(c) shows the effect of a noise on a
17Figure 1.2 (c) Noise
18- Data Rate Limit
- A very important consideration in data
communications is how fast we can send data, in
bits per second, over a channel. Data rate
depends on three factors - The bandwidth available
- The level of the signals we use
- The quality of the channel (the level of noise)
- Two theorectical formulas were developed to
calculate the data rate - Nyquist bit rate for a noiseless channel
- BitRate 2 bandwidth log2 L
- Shannon Capacity for a noisy channel
- Capacity bandwidth log2 (1 SNR)
19- Data Rate Limit
- Channel Capacity
- The maximum possible rate information rate that
data can be transmitted over a given
communication path or channel under given
condition. - Bandwidth
- One characteristics that measures network
performance is bandwidth. However, the term can
be used in two different measuring value
bandwidth in hertz and bandwidth in bits per
second. - Bandwidth in Hertz
- Bandwidth in Hertz is the range of frequencies
contained in a composite signal or the range of
frequencies a can pass. For example We can say
the bandwidth of a subscriber telephone line is
4kHz. - Bandwidth in Bits per Seconds
- Bandwidth in Bits per seconds refer to the speed
of bit transmission in a channel, a link or even
a network can transmit. For example One can say
the bandwidth of a Fast Ethernet network is a
maximum of 100 Mbps. This means that the network
can send 100 Mbps.
20- Data Rate Limit
- Relationship between bandwidth in Hertz and
bandwidth in bps - There is an explicit relationship between the
bandwidth in hertz and bandwidth in bits per
seconds. Basically, an increase in bandwidth in
hertz means an increase in bandwidth in bits per
second. The relationship depends whether we have
baseband transmission or broadband transmission. - Baseband Transmission
- Transmission of digital or analog signal without
modulation using a low-pass channel. Low pass
channel is a channel with bandwith starts from
zero. See Figure 1.3.1
21- Data Rate Limit
- Baseband Transmission
Figure 1.3.1 Baseband Transmission
22- Data Rate Limit
- Baseband Transmission
Figure 1.3.2 (a) and (b) Bandwidth of two
low-pass channel
23- Data Rate Limit
- Broadband Transmission
- Transmission of signals using modulation of a
higher frequency signal. It means changing the
digital signal to analog for transmission and
modulation allows us to use a bandpass channel
a channel with a bandwith that does not start
with zero. See Figure 1.3.3 (a)
Figure 1.3.3 (a) Bandwidth of a bandpass channel
24- Data Rate Limit
- Broadband Transmission
Figure 1.3.3 (b) Modulation of a digital signal
for a transmission on
a bandpass channel
25Bandwidth of the human voice
- Figure 1.4.1(a) shows the sound power a human
vocal system can produce at various frequencies. - The power of human sounds at lower frequencies,
or the base pitches, is much higher than the
power at higher frequencies. - The human frequency range is from near zero to
over 12,000 Hz i.e. bandwidth of over 12,000Hz. - Modern stereo equipment can reproduce most of
this range
26Figure 1.4.1(a) Bandwidth of the human voice.
27- Telephone System Bandwidth
- Due to technology limitations and cost tradeoffs
the public telephone system can handle only a
small part of the total bandwidth of the human
voice. - The system provides coverage for the portion of
the voice bandwidth that can produce the greatest
power. - The range is only from 300 to 3,300Hz which is
sufficient to convey messages to distant
28- Figure 1.4.1(b) shows frequency range vendors
use to convey data communications through the
telephone system
Figure 1.4.1 (b) Telephone signal amplitude
versus frequency.
29- Digital Channel Capacity
- The number of digital values the channel can
convey in one second. - A digital communications channel has limitations
that determine how often the signal can change
states over a period. - These limitations establish the maximum rate at
which data can flow through the channel.
30- A variety of baseband signaling techniques are
used to convey information or data. - Digital systems may have more than two discrete
changes as shown in Figure 1.5.1. - A binary system has only two discrete energy
levels - A digital system can have many discrete energy
31Figure 1.5.1 Digital system electrical signals.
32Figure 1.5.2 Digital signal distortion and
attenuation with distance
33- Bandwidth versus length characteristics as shown
in Figure 1.5.2 can be used to determine the
length of channel they want to use for specific
applications. - high-volume application requires a high bandwidth
such as a direct connection between two mainframe
computers, a vendor can limit the length of the
communications channel to a short distance. - A low-volume application such as the connection
between a personal computer and a low speed
printer, the vendor can specify a longer channel.
34Figure 1.5.3 Medium bandwidth versus length
35- Digital Signal Regeneration
- Provide devices that regenerate a digital signal.
- Repeaters receive the signal and rebuild it to
its original strength and shape. - The repeater catches the signal before it
degrades to the point that it is unusable. - Digital signal cannot be amplified to increase
their distance range in a channel.
36- If you amplify a digital signal, you also amplify
the noise that contaminated the signal. - The amplified noise can become a substantial part
of the signal. - A repeater removes the noise from a signal while
it is regenerating the signal.
37Figure 1.5.4 Digital signal regeneration.