Energy Producing Regions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energy Producing Regions


Energy Producing Regions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energy Producing Regions

Energy Producing Regions
  • Coal was the first fossil fuel that was used in
    mass quantity.
  • It was primarily used during the Industrial
    revolution to create steam.
  • Coal, oil, and natural gas make up fossil fuels.
  • Fossil fuels are the remains of plants and
    animals which transformed over millions of years.
  • Fossil fuels are NON-RENEWABLE.

Energy Use Around the World
  • The worlds population is using the earths
    resources at a very quick rate.
  • However, not all of the earths resources are
  • Everything in society is affected by the cost and
    availability of energy.
  • Countries that have abundant energy resources are
    usually very wealthy.

Non-renewable Energy Sources
  • Fossil fuels
  • Consists of coal, oil, natural gas
  • These energy sources took millions of years to
  • 85 of all energy used all over the world comes
    from fossil fuels.
  • The fossil fuel industry affects every other
    industry all over the world.

Nuclear Energy
  • In this process technicians produce nuclear
    reactions such as, fission.
  • Fission produces heat. This heat is then used in
    the production of steam.
  • Nuclear energy is clean and allows areas that do
    not have geothermal activity to use steam power.
  • Produces radioactive waste. Which is hard to
    dispose of. Plants could have a meltdown

Renewable Energy Sources
  • As the name suggests these sources of energy can
    be replenished on a regular basis.
  • It is important to understand that these energy
    sources have an impact on the environment as
  • Ex flooding for an electric dam

Wind Power
  • Wind turbines convert wind energy into
  • The turbines take up very little space and do not
    make much noise.
  • However, people do complain that they are an
  • Only very windy areas can benefit from this
    source of energy, ex Denmark.

Geothermal Energy
  • Geothermal energy comes from heat stored deep
    beneath the earths surface.
  • Geysers are a source of Geothermal energy.
  • Water produced from the steam can be re-injected
    into the earth to produce more steam.
  • Geothermal sites are not permanent. The energy
    at a particular site will eventually run out.

Solar Power
  • Heat energy produced by the sun is absorbed and
    turned into electricity.
  • Sun tracking mirrors or solar cells
    (photovoltaic) absorb the sun's light.
  • An inverter (transformer) will convert the
    light/heat into electricity.
  • Solar energy requires large amounts of space to
    be beneficial.
  • People could use this technology on a small
    scale. Ex provide electricity to one house or
    one sign.

  • This is electricity produced by hydro power
  • Water pressure created by dam or incline will
    turn a turbine which will allow a generator to
    produce electricity.
  • Hydro power produces no greenhouse gases.
  • Major environmental damages when dams are created.

Ethanol Fuel
  • Ethanol is a clean burning fuel that is used as
    an alternative to gasoline.
  • Ethanol is an alcohol and it is the type of
    alcohol that people who are 18 YEARS OLD(only)
  • Ethanol can be extracted from many sources. The
    most common are sugar cane and corn.

Tidal Energy
  • Tidal energy harnesses the power of waves.
  • Waves turn propellers (called tide mills) that
    are underwater, which turn a turbine.
  • The turbine then produces electricity.
  • Primarily used in Italy and Australia, there are
    markets in other countries, Canada is one of

  • Biomass is living or recently dead biological
  • Biomass could be plant material, animal
    byproduts and waste, wood, etc.
  • Biomass is burned for energy.
  • Although burning does contribute to high
    pollution levels, it is all natural so it is less
    dangerous then fossil fuels.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells
  • Fuel cells create an electrical reaction using
    different chemicals.
  • These chemicals produce and electrical reaction,
    which produces usable energy.
  • Fuel cells can operate continuously or until the
    reaction is broken.
  • Hydrogen fuel cells could run on water and
  • Still in the experimental stages.

Where is Energy Produced?
  • Many countries have the ability to produce
    energy, it is the type and quantity that varies.
  • Countries that produce much energy are said to
    have a surplus.
  • Countries that use more then they produce have a
  • Deficit countries depend on surplus countries in
    order to meet their needs

  • The price of energy affects everything in
  • Countries that rely on energy import and export
    understand this.
  • In recent years energy prices have been
  • The organization responsible for rising oil
    prices is OPEC, created in 1960 (Organization of
    Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Energy Demands Around the World
  • Western Europe, Asia, and North America use most
    of the worlds energy.
  • Specifically, the USA uses 25 of all energy
  • Countries that use more energy than they produce
    have a low autonomy.
  • Autonomy is a comparison of energy produced to
    energy used.

Energy Producing Region Alberta
  • Alberta became a province of Canada in 1905.
  • Its capital is Edmonton and its largest city is
  • In recent years Alberta has become Canadas
    wealthiest province.
  • This is due to its large oil sand, oil, and
    natural gas deposits.
  • Albertas reserves are the largest in the world.

  • Alberta has 65 of Canadas oil and 80 of our
    natural gas.
  • Unfortunately, these reserves are depleting.
  • However, Alberta has enough Bituminous Sand to
    meet world oil needs for the next century (100
  • Bituminous Sand is sand that has been mixed with
    water and bitumen (heavy oil)

Where are the oil sands located?
  • There are three major oil sand deposits in
  • Major only companies have been given concessions
    by the government to mine the oil sands.
  • Concessions are grants of land given to companies
    for a certain period of time.

Oil Sands Beneath the Forest
  • Most of the oil sands are located beneath
    forested areas.
  • Mines require large sections of forest to be
    cleared away.
  • This causes the destruction of homes for plants,
    animals, and aboriginal communities.
  • It destroys fragile ecosystems and natural water

  • Pipelines offer an efficient method of
    transporting oil and natural gas.
  • Pipelines stretch all over Canada an into the
    United States.
  • However, to pass a pipeline large tracts of
    forests and farmland must be cleared.
  • Animal food sources are lost.
  • Trenches must be dug and ecosystems and native
    areas are destroyed.

Alberta Energy Autonomy
  • Alberta is Canadas leading fossil fuels
    producer. It only uses about 25 of all it
  • Alberta exports over 75 of its oil and gas.
  • The biggest consumer of Albertas oil is the US.
  • In recent years China has been buying
    increasingly larger amounts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Selling Oil Sands
  • Advantages
  • Alberta government has paid off the provinces
  • Has reduced income tax and abolished their sales
  • Disadvantages
  • Growing cities makes housing difficult to find
  • Destruction of native land and forrests
  • Contribution to global warming

Depletion of Fossil Fuels
  • Every year the demand for fossil fuels increases.
  • Many of the conventional (traditional) reserves
    are becoming depleted (running out).
  • It is this depletion that has put Alberta in a
    very wealthy position.
  • This also means that areas must find new energy

Oil Sands Consequences
  • 1) Global Warming
  • When Fossil fuels are burnt they emit greenhouse
  • These gasses surround the planet and they absorb
    the suns energy. This raises the earths
  • It is this layer of gas that is increasing the
    rate of global warming.

  • 2) Concerned populations
  • People living close to refineries, pipelines, and
    mines have the threat of environment damage.
  • Furthermore, there are major health concerns for
    these people.
  • Citizens are demanding increased safety measures
    from these companies.

  • 3) Aboriginal peoples
  • Native lands that were traditional hunting,
    trapping, and burial grounds are being destroyed.
  • These communities are putting pressure on
    governments to retrieve their lands.
  • They also would like a share of the profits made
    and employment in developing these resources.

  • 4) Rivers loosing water
  • Oil sands require large amounts of water to be
  • Water is used to clean equipment and dilute
    chemicals from the oil extraction process.
  • This waste water is held in holding ponds.
  • Many residents fear that this very polluted water
    will end up in their wells.

  • 5) Air Pollution
  • The transformation of bitumen into crude oil
    emits toxic gases.
  • These gases turn water and soil acidic and they
    increase the risk of drought and forest fires.
  • The extraction of bitumen releases double the
    amount of greenhouse gases than conventional oil
  • In recent years Canada has committed to reducing
    its gas emissions

  • 6) Destruction of forests and wetlands
  • Large areas of forests and wetlands have been
  • Plants and animals have lost their habitats.
  • Today companies have to reforest the areas they
  • However, wetlands cannot be restored after they
    have been destroyed.

  • 7) Growing cities
  • As the popularity of oil sand mining grows more
    people are moving to Alberta.
  • This means that cities and towns will grow.
  • More jobs will be created to meet the service
    needs of a growing population.
  • With more jobs created more labour is needed.

  • 8) Depletion and overuse
  • With increased energy demands around the world
    there is always the threat of over mining.
  • Alberta may not be able to mine as much oil as
  • This may be due to government and international
    laws, recession, public protest, etc.
  • Alberta must monitor its resources carefully.

  • 9) Need for Renewable Energy
  • As more oil is mined governments and energy
    companies must find new sources of energy.
  • International obligations (Kyoto) force
    governments to reduce their greenhouse gases.
  • Therefore, as more oil is mined, there is an
    increase in renewable energy research.
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