Diapositiva 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositiva 1


Note that all background points in the image correspond to sources. ... and # of mirror shells (50 vs. 24) SiC mirror shells with diameter ranging from 70 to 21 cm, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

Cluster of galaxies and large area survey
Wide-field X-ray telescopes
Sergio Campana INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico
di Brera/INAF - Via Bianchi 46 23807 Merate
(Lc) Italy
  • Dark energy probe needs for a large area survey
  • Wide-field X-ray polynomial optics for imaging
    applications short review of the concept

Mainly based on Panoram-X proposal and NASA white
papers (Haiman et al. 2005 and Vikhlinin et al.
2005) and final JDEM proposal (Bautz et al. 2006).
I am not an expert in clusters of galaxies and
large scale structures
I am not an expert in mirror manufacturing
so I will try to be short
Why is the universe expansion accelerating?
What is DE made of? (73 of our universe is made
of DE!)
Now Future CMB WMAP Planck Supernovae
HST SNAP Clusters of galaxies X-ray
satellites ??
Cluster of galaxies Dedicated
Cluster power spectrum and X-ray luminosity
function (Schuecker et al. 2003 Boehringer 2006)
Evolution of the cluster temperature (Henry 2004)
Constan-cy of the cluster baryon fraction (Allen
et al. 2004)
Evolution of the cluster gas mass (Vikhlinin et
al. 2003 2006)
Cluster Survey 105 clusters
Need to study the brightest fraction of clusters
to calibrate relations
Constrain the equation of state of Dark Energy,
(i.e. understand what is it!)
w(z)w0 wa z/(1z)
Better than high-z SNe or weak lensing surveys
Cluster survey in context
Survey simulated image
Point-source limit
Side products X-ray background AGN
studies Starts in our Galaxy Cataclismic variables
What do we need? Theory
What do we need? Practice
Field of view 1.4 square degrees Orbit
efficiency 70 Vignetting efficiency 70
Survey area 10-20,000 square degrees
(slowly drifting satellite) Extended source
detection 30-50 counts Allocated time 9-12
months Flux limit for ext. sources 2-5
x10-14 erg cm-2 s-1
7-14,000 pointings
MINIMAL REQUIRMENTS Area 10,000 square
degrees Extended source detection 30
counts Allocated time 9 months Flux limit
for ext. sources 5 x10-14 erg cm-2 s-1
Need 1,825 cm2
What about angular resolution
Concerning clusters of galaxies 15 arcsec HEW
(over the entire field of view) are
enough but for survey purposes the lower the
better (Goal 5 arcsec HEW over the entire field
of view)
How can we obtain these features?
X-ray optics with polynomial profile
  • Mirrors are usually built in the Wolter I
    (paraboloid-hyperboloid) configuration which
    provides, in principle, perfect on-axis images.
  • This design exhibits no spherical aberration
    on-axis but suffers from field curvature, coma
    and astigmatism, which make the angular
    resolution to degrade rapidly with increasing
    off-axis angles.
  • More general mirror designs than Wolter's exist
    in which the primary and secondary mirror
    surfaces are expanded as a power series.
  • These polynomial solutions are well suited for
    optimization purposes, which may be used to
    increase the angular resolution at large off-axis
    positions, degrading the on-axis performances
    (Burrows, Burgh and Giacconi 1992)
  • A trade-off of the whole optics assembly of a
    wide-field telescope can further on increase the
    imaging capabilities off-axis of wide-field
    polynomial optics

The wide-field polynomial optics concept was
extensively studied as a part of the WFXT
mission concept (OAB, CfA, Univ. of Leicester)
Some historical remarks on WFXT-like missions
  • 1992, Burrows, Burg and Giacconi investgate the
    possibility of using polinomial mirror
    configurations to get X-ray optics with a
    corrected PSF onto a large FOV
  • 1995 WFXT small satellite proposal to NASA (PI
    R. Burg, J. Hopkins Univ, CfA, OAB)
  • 1997-98 WFXT proposal and Phase A to ASI in the
    context of the small satellites program (PI G.
    Chincarini, OAB large part of the Italian AE
    community, CfA, Leicester Univ.)
  • 2000 Panoram-X mission proposal to ESA in the
    context of the F2-F3 program
  • 2001 Conconi Campana paper (AA 2001)
    improving mirror design
  • 2003 ASTER-X concept (OAB in collaboration with
    NASA/GSFC) in view of the probe-Einstein program
    (never started), further mirror design improvement
  • 2005 NASA Call for white papers on Dark Energy
    exploration two proposal based on the Panoram-X
    concept also ESA mention in the Cosmic Vision
    booklet the need of a similar mission, merged
    into a single proposal DECS (PI Bautz/MIT
    including OAB scientists).

WFXT (ASI feasibility study 1997-1998)
Polynomial mirrors
WFXT (epoxy replication on SiC carrier) Ø 60
cm Focal Lenght 300 cm HEW 10 arcsec
The Panoram-X mission
  • proposed to ESA in 2001 in the context of the
    F2-F3 Mission Program
  • in practice, it is the same WFXT concept scaled
    up in FL (3.5 vs. 3 m) and of mirror shells (50
    vs. 24)
  • SiC mirror shells with diameter ranging from 70
    to 21 cm, total mirror height of 28 cm and max
    wall thickness 1 mm. Predicted HEW of 10 arcsec
    over a field radius of 30 arcmin (including
    profile and integration errors)
  • X-ray camera made of an array of nine CCDs
    arranged in an inverted pyramid that matches the
    focal surface of the mirrors. Each device is a
    600x600 pixel front side illuminated frame store
    with pixel size 40 ?m corresponding to 2.4 arcsec
    in the focal plane. Energy resolution provided by
    the CCDs is ?E/E ?10 at 1.5 keV

Panoram-X Effective Area
Aeff(average)W 600 cm2 (1.2o)2
The ASTER-X (ASTronomical ExploreR for X-rays)
  • Study performed in view of a Probe-Einstein
    class mission (2003 year) under request of
  • Baseline an X-ray telescope able to provide
    1300 cm2 at 1.5 keV and 650 cm2 at 4 keV of
    effective area, with an angular resolution (HEW)
    better than 5 arcsec over a FOV of 30 arcmin
  • 2 mirror modules, 12 monolithic shells
  • Focal length 7 m
  • Max, Min diameters 1020 - 690 mm
  • Max, Min height 485 mm, 330 mm
  • The focal plane has a curvature radius of 280 mm
  • Wall thickness 10 mm constant
  • if made in ZerodurTM ? 423 Kg per module
  • if made in foamed SiC ? a factor 3 less (at

Optical axis
ASTER-X theoretical performances of the design
HEW of the order of 3 arcsec on most of the FOV,
reaching a value of 5 arcsec at 30 arcmin
On-axis effective area 800 cm2 _at_1 keV/
module The reflecting coating is Ir a Carbon
overcoating to enhance the soft X-ray reflectivity
ASTER-X off-axis vignetting
Aeff(average) x V 400 cm2 x (1.4o)2
ASTER-X feasibility
  • Mirror shells twice longer than WFXT its a
    much more favorable conditions to reduce slope
  • Focal length similar to that used for Chandra
    and XMM
  • Mass-to-area ratio just 20 than ROSAT if
    ZerodurTM is assumed

Difference (rms) between Wolter I and polynomial
Typical rms surface values measured for ROSAT ?
0.5 arcsec Adding 0.5 rms value to our nominal
polynomial profile, we find that the HEW values
increase on average less than 1 and remain
always below 5.
Mirror shell Front surface Rear surface
N 1 2.49 0.46
N 12 2.14 1.28
Possible implementation of a cluster survey
mission based on the previous concepts
Possible options
  • ready-off-the-shelf not (too) expensive mirror
    technology (XMM-like with refined design based on
    Ni) to meet the moderate angular requirement
    (15-25 arcsec HEW).
  • use of the same technology and input requirement
    of wide FOV high imaging mission (ASTER-X like
    based on ZERODUR, i.e. glass) to have a 5-10
    arcsec HEW. To have an effective area of 1800 cm2
    this implies a total mirror weight of ? 800 kg x
    Tsurvey/(9 months)
  • new technologies under study like slumped glass
    (HEW ? 5-10 arcsec and weight ? 250 T9 kg) or
    already proven SiC (HEW ? 10-20 arcsec and weight
    ? 200 T9 kg)

Theory strongly constrain Dark Energy equation
and deep survey of the AGN population
Large area cluster survey gt10,000 square
degrees Effective area gt1,800 cm2 and/or survey
time gt 9 months Mean HEW lt 15 arcsec Caveats (to
have 5 arcsec HEW) Ad hoc mirror assembly
(mirrors with different lenghts) Ad hoc focal
plane assembly (inverted pyramid)
Practice feasible from the point of view of
mirrors. Angular resolution depending on mirror
My personal view
  • Microcalorimeters science
  • WHIM absorption
  • WHIM emission
  • GRB
  • Superbursts
  • Type I X-ray bursts
  • CCD science
  • Dark energy
  • Outskirts of clusters

Science drives
Vision Single telescope (1800 cm2 5-10
HEW) Small FOV microcalorimeter (lt 5x5) CCDs
around (gt 30x30, possibly 40x40) Fast
response and GRB/superburst location capabilities
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