Title: Multiclassifier Systems: Back to the Future
1Multiclassifier Systems Back to the Future
- Joydeep Ghosh
- The University of Texas at Austin
- MCS at crossroads
- Even part of SAS,.. but whats next?
- Historical Tidbits
- Selected (old) highlights
- Themes worth re-visiting
- Broadening the scope
- Combining multiple clusterings
- Knowledge transfer/reuse
- Exploiting output space
- Limits to performance, confidences, added
classes, - Modular approaches revisited
3Combining Votes/Ranks
- Roots in French revolution?
- Jean-Claude de Borda, 1781
- Condorcets rule, 1785
- Duncan Black (1958) Condorcet then Borda
- Condorcets Jury Theorem, 1785
- Social choice functions or group consensus
functions - Arrows impossibility theorem (1963)
- Even 3 classes can be problematic
- ? Did not have true class
- Linear opinion pool Laplace
4Multi-class Winner-Take All
- Selfridges PANDEMONUIM (1958)
- Ensembles of specialized demons
- Hierarchy Data, computational and cognitive
demons - Decision pick demon that shouted the loudest
- Hill climbing re-constituting useless demons,
. - Nilssons Committee Machine (1965)
- Pick max of C linear discriminant functions
- g i (X) Wi T X wi0
5Hybrid PR in the 70s and 80s
- Theory No single model exists for all pattern
recognition problems and no single technique is
applicable to all problems. Rather what we have
is a bag of tools and a bag of problems Kanal,
1974 - Practice multimodal inputs multiple
representations, - Syntactic structural statistical approaches
(Bunke 86) - multistage models
- progressively identify/reject subset of classes
- invoke KNN if linear classifier is ambiguous
- Combining multiple output types 0/1 0,1,
- Designs were typically specific to application
6Combining in Other Areas
- PR/Vision Data /sensor/decision fusion
- AI evidence combination (Barnett 81)
- Econometrics combining estimators (Granger 89)
- Engineering Non-linear control
- Statistics model-mix methods, Bayesian Model
Averaging,.. - Software diversity
- .
7mid 90s- Competing vs. Cooperating Models
Confidence, ROC,
Classification/ Regression Model 1
Model n
Model 2
Data, Knowledge, Sensors,
- Less diversity nowadays??
8Motivation for Modular Networks
- (Sharkey 97)
- More interpretable localized models (Divide and
conquer) - Incorporate prior knowledge
- Better modeling of inverse problems,
discontinuous maps, switched time series, .. - Future (localized) modifications
- Neurobiological plausibility
- Varieties
- Cooperative, successive, supervisory,..
- Automatic or explicit decomposition
- Progress in MCS
- Local selection (Woods et al 97)
- dynamic classifiers (Giacinto Roli, 00)
9DARPA Sonar Transients Classification Program
- J. Ghosh, S. Beck and L. Deuser, IEEE Jl. of
Ocean Engineering, Vol 17, No. 4, October 1992,
pp. 351-363.
Classifer N
. . .
. . .
. . .
Gabor Wavelets
Feature Set M
Pre-processsed Data from Observed Phenomenon
10Ensembles Insights and Lessons (Ho, MCS 2001)
- Additional Observations
- Coverage Optimization
- Bagging/arcing/.. Most popular in machine
learning and neural network communities! - sweet spot in training data set size
- Decision Optimization
- Usually simple averaging adequate (Kittler et al,
96,98) - Highly correlated outputs
- Diversity from feature and classifier choices
more effective than diversity from
11Cluster Ensembles
- Given a set of provisional partitionings, we want
to aggregate them into a single consensus
partitioning, even without access to original
features .
(individual cluster labels)
Clusterer 1
(consensus labels)
12History Consensus classification
- Barthelemy Laclerk 1986, Neumann Norton
1986 - Classifications included partitions,
dendrograms, n-trees, .. - Basic assumption is that a partial ordering
exists which induces a lattice - Strict consensus used today in phylogenetic tree
13Cluster Ensemble Problem
- Let there be r clusterings ?(r) with k(r)
clusters each - What is the integrated clustering ? that
optimally summarizes the r given clusterings
using k clusters?
Much more difficult than Classification ensembles
14Application Scenarios
- Improve quality and robustness
- Reduce variance
- Good results on a wide range of data using a
diverse portfolio of algorithms - Knowledge reuse
- Consolidate legacy clusterings where original
object descriptions are no longer available - Distributed Clustering (one clusterer/ node)
- Only some features available per clusterer
- Only some objects available per clusterer
- Hybrids
15Average Norm. Mutual Info. (ANMI)
- Normalized mutual information between clusterings
a, b - Other normalizations, e.g. using geometric mean,
possible - Proposed Optimal k consensus clustering
- Empirical validation
16Designing a Consensus Function
- Direct optimization impractical
- Three efficient heuristics
- Cluster-based Similarity Partitioning Alg. (CSPA)
- O( n2 k r)
- HyperGraph Partitioning Alg. (HGPA)
- O( n k r)
- Meta-Clustering Alg. (MCLA)
- O( n k2 r2)
- All 3 exploit a hypergraph representation of the
sets of cluster labels (input to consensus
function) - See AAAI 2002 paper for details.
- Supra-consensus function performs all three and
picks the one with highest ANMI (fully
17Hypergraph Representation
- One hyperedge/cluster
- Example
18Applications and Experiments
- Data-sets
- 2-dimensional bi-modal Gaussian simulated
data(k2, d2, n1000) - 5 Gaussians in 8-dimensions (k5, d8, n1000)
- Pen digit data (k3, d4, n7494)
- Yahoo news web-document data (k40, d2903,
n2340) - application setups
- Robust Consensus Clustering (RCC)
- Feature Distributed Clustering (FDC)
19Robust Consensus Clustering (RCC)
- Goal Create an auto-focus clusterer that works
for a wide variety of data-sets - Diverse portfolio of 10 approaches
- GP (Eucl, Corr, Cosi, XJac)
- KM (Eucl, Corr, Cosi, XJac)
- Each approach is run on the same subsample of the
data and the 10 clusterings combined using our
supra-consensus function - Evaluation using increase in NMI of
supra-consensus results increase over Random
20Robustness Summary
- Avg. qualityversusensemblequality
- For severalsamplesizes n(50,100,200,400,800)
- 10-fold exp.
- 1 standarddeviation bars
21Feature-Distributed Clustering (FDC)
- Federated cluster analysis with partial feature
views - Experimental scenario
- Portfolio of r clusterers receiving random subset
of features for all objects - Approach
- identical individual clustering algorithm (graph
partitioning) and same k - Use supra-consensus function for combining
- Evaluation
- NMI of consensus with category labels
22FDC Example
- Data 5 Gaussians in 8 dimensions
- Experiment 5 clusterings in 2-dimensional
subspaces - Result Avg. ind. 0.70, best ind. 0.77, ensemble
23Experimental Results FDC
- Reference clustering and consensus clustering
- Ensemble always equal or better than individual
- More than double the avg. individual quality in
- Cluster ensembles
- Improve quality robustness
- Enable knowledge reuse
- Work with distributed data
- Are yet largely unexplored
- Future work
- Soft in/output clusterings
- What if (some) Features are known?
- Bioinformatics
- Papers, data, demos code at http//strehl.com/
25Solving Related Classification Problems
- Real-world problems are often not isolated
- History
- Compound decision theory (Abend, 68)
- 90s Life-long learning, learning to learn,
(Pratt, Thrun,..)
26Knowledge transfer or reuse
- Leveraging a set of previously existing solutions
for (possibly) related problems - Scarce new data ?? prior knowledge
Grapefruit / Pear
Orange / Apple
Existing SUPPORT
Knowledge Transfer
27Supra-Classifier Architecture
- K. Bollacker and J. Ghosh, "Knowledge reuse in
multiclassifier systems", Pattern Recognition
Letters, 18 (11-13), Nov 1997, 1385-90. -
28Output Space Decomposition
- History
- Pandemonium, committee machine
- 1 class vs. all others
- Pairwise classification (how to combine?)
- Limited
- Application specific solutions (80s)
- Error correcting output coding (Dietterich
Bakhiri, 95) - ve of meta-classifiers can be less can
tailor features - -ve groupings may be forced
- Desired a general framework for natural grouping
of classes - Hierarchical with variable resolution
- Custom features
29Hierarchical Grouping of Classes
- Top down Solve 3 coupled problems
- group classes into two meta-classes
- design feaure extractor tailored for the 2
meta-classes (e.g. Fisher) - design the 2-metaclass classifier (Bayesian)
- Solution using Deterministic Annealing
- Softly associate each class with both partitions
- Compute/update the most discriminating features
- Update associations
- For hard associations also lower temperature
- Recurse
- Fast convergence, computation at macro-level
30Binary Hierarchical Classifier
- Building the tree
- Bottom-Up
- Top-Down
- Hard soft variants
- Provides valuable domain knowledge
- Simplified feature extraction at each stage
31The Future Scaling to Large, Non-Stationary
- Can build a knowledge base of
- discriminating features
- Typical class pairings
- More amenable to changing mix of classes,
changing class statistics - Integrate with semi-supervised learning methods
32Re-visiting Mixtures of Experts (MoEs)
Expert 1
Y(x) ? gi (x)yi (x)
Expert 2
Expert K
Gating Network
- Hierarchical versions possible
33Beyond Mixtures of Experts
- Problems with soft-max based gating network
- Alternative use normalized Gaussians
- Structurally adaptive add/delete experts
- on-line learning versions
- hard vs. soft switching error bars, etc
- Piagets assimilation accomodation
- V. Ramamurti and J. Ghosh, "Structurally Adaptive
Modular Networks for Non-Stationary
Environments", IEEE Trans. Neural Networks,
10(1), Jan 1999, pp. 152-60.
34Generalizing MoE models
- Mixtures of X
- X HMMs, factor models, trees, principal
components - State dependent gating networks
- Sequence classification
- Mixture of Kalman Filters
- Outperformed NASAs McGill filter bank!
- W. S. Chaer, R. H. Bishop and J. Ghosh,
"Hierarchical Adaptive Kalman Filtering for
Interplanetary Orbit Determination", IEEE Trans.
on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 34(3), Aug
1998, pp. 883-896.
35Some Directions for MCS
- Extend to Multi-learner systems
- Develop a Meta-theory based on data properties
- - for Classification
- Catering to changing statistics and changing
questions (concept drift) - Maintaining explainability (cf. Briemans
constant) - Classification of sequences
- Online evidence accumulation
- distributed data mining and scalability issues
- Active learning
- Implications for feature selection
- Computational aspects
- Completed PhD theses
- Alexander Strehl, (cluster ensembles), May 02
- Shailesh Kumar, Modular Learning Through Output
Space Transformations, 2000 - Viswanath Ramamurti, Modular Networks, 1997
- Kurt D. Bollacker, A Supra-Classifier Framework
for Knowledge Reuse, 1998 -
- Kagan Tumer, math analysis of ensembles, 1996
- Ismail Taha, symbolic connectionist, 1997
- Papers at http//www.lans.ece.utexas.edu