Green buildings for a better future - IQUBX - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Green buildings for a better future - IQUBX


Please check GREEN CERTIFIED MODULAR FURNITURE & INTERIOR SYSTEMS, to know about these products and use /recommend them to promote sustainability. Green building is the practice of creating structures & using processes that are environmentally responsible & resource efficient & aim to reduce the environmental impact of building. How to make our buildings green? #1 Use energy intelligently- by using materials produced near by, recycled material, with low VOC & with low maintenance & longer life cycle. #2 Conserve water resources #3 Keep environment green #4 Minimize waste and maximize reuse #5 Promote health and well being of all. IQUBX makes such products for interiors which have minimum wastage and are made from 100% recycled aluminium and are certified GREENPRO by IGBC, CII, like baffle ceilings, ceiling trap doors, glass & demountable partitions, aluminium cladding panels, modular workstations, floor junction box, floor raceway, electrical floor box outlet etc – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Green buildings for a better future - IQUBX

Green Buildings For a better Future GREEN CERTIFIED MODULAR FURNITURE
What is Green Building?
Green building is the practice of creating
structures and using processes that are
environmentally responsible and resource
  • We can also say that Green building design and
    construction is a method that wisely using
    resources to create homes and commercial
    buildings that are
  • High-quality
  • Healthier
  • more energy-efficient

Why do we need Green Buildings?
  • Globally, buildings are responsible for a huge
    share of energy, electricity, water and materials
  • Buildings account for 18 of global emissions
    today, or the equivalent of 9 billion tonnes of
    CO2 annually. The building sector has the
    greatest potential to deliver significant cuts in
    emissions at little or no cost.
  • According to the UN Environment Program, If new
    technologies in construction are not adopted now,
    emissions could double by 2050.
  • Green building practices aim to reduce
    the environmental impact of building.

Green Buildings Vs. Conventional Buildings
The main benefits of a green building when
compared to a conventional building
  • Environment friendly
  • conserves natural resources like water and energy
  • Generates less waste and pollution
  • Cost Saving
  • uses energy and water efficiently
  • Health benefits
  • Provides healthier spaces for occupants


5 Principles of a Green Building
Green Building benefits Example
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad is
Indias 6th busiest airport. It has set a
benchmark for the green buildings in India. The
structure of the airport is designed in a way so
as to consume less water, electricity and
conserves natural resources.
Within the campus of the airport, there is a
green belt of 273 hectares with numerous plants.
In the last couple of years, RGIA has been
successful in saving energy for nearly 3.97
million kWh and has reduced the carbon footprint
by 3331 tons.
How to make our buildings green?
1 Use energy intelligently
2 Conserve water resources
3 Keep environment green
4 Minimize waste and maximize reuse
5 Promote health and well being of all
Using Energy Intelligently 1
We can reduce inherent energy consumption in
construction of buildings by using energy
efficient raw materials with low carbon foot
print and products
  • This is done by using
  • materials produced near by
  • using recycled material
  • Materials with low VOC to minimize effect on
    health and ozone layer
  • Materials with low maintenance and longer life
  • IQUBX makes such products for interiors which
    have minimum wastage and are made from 100
    recycled aluminium.

Using Energy Intelligently 2
Using Energy Intelligently 3
Use a mix of renewable and low-carbon
technologies to meet buildings energy needs.
Example Wind Turbines can be set up on roof
to generate power! Solar Panels can be set up on
roof to generate power as well as heat bath
Conserving Water Resources
  • Rainwater Harvesting Systems can be installed on
    rooftops of buildings to collect the rain water.
  • This water can later be used to wash cars,
    watering plants other cleaning purposes.
  • Permeable pavement or pavers with the spaces in
    between filled with grass or stones, also allow
    rainwater to be absorbed.
  • Water can be conserved with ultra-low flush
    toilets and low-flow faucets.
  • Gray water (water that cones from bath sinks,
    kitchens washing machines) can be used to flush

Keeping Our Environment Green
  • Green landscapes and spaces create reduced need
    for cooling of buildings in tropical climates
  • Green landscapes allow water conservation by
    creating reservoirs
  • Green cover minimizes heat reflection back to
  • Green cover also reduces the pollution levels and
    improves IAQ

Minimizing Waste and Maximizing Reuse
  • Green buildings are built using fewer and more
    durable materials and so generate less waste.
  • Recycled industrial goods such as coal combustion
    products, foundry sand, and demolition debris are
    used in their construction.
  • Composting is done to minimize waste going to the
    landfill and produce nutrient-rich humus for the
  • While designing a green building, it is also
    planned how the waste to be generated on its
    demolition will be reused.
  • Building users are trained to reuse and recycle.

GBC was the first building outside of the US to
be awarded LEED platinum rating. It doesnt let
out any waste and recycles it all within. It can
be said that building is literally made up of
only recycled materials.
Promote Health and Wellbeing
  • Bringing fresh air inside
  • Delivering good indoor air quality through
  • Avoiding materials and chemicals that create
    harmful or toxic emissions.
  • Incorporating natural light and views to ensure
    building users comfort and enjoyment of their
  • creating the right indoor temperature so that
    people are comfortable.

One Central Park, Sydney Worlds best tall
building It has a series of reflector panels that
automatically redirect natural sunlight to
various parts of a nearby park during shady
periods of the day
Green Building Certification
  • Most nations have their own Green building
    councils. These are supported by World Green
    Building council (GBC) and give Green building
  • This certification confirms that a building meets
    one or more of the following conditions
  • Efficient use of energy and water
  • Sustainability
  • Protection of the environment

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
design) is a prominent US-based certification
agency. It has a point based certification
IQUBX products are certified GREENPRO by IGBC, CII
Green building combines many practices,
techniques, and skills to reduce and ultimate
eliminate the impact of buildings on the
environment and human health.
  • Some practices commonly used in green buildings
  • Taking advantage of renewable resources like
    sunlight and wind energy
  • Conservation of water and reduction of rainwater
  • Using low-impact building materials available
    locally and using Green Certified products
  • Reduction of solid waste and pollution
  • Increasing green cover to reduce energy costs

Green building councils around the world certify
buildings as green.
The practices and technologies employed in green
building are still evolving and may differ from
region to region.
IQUBX is a DIPP recognized startup MSME with very
innovative GREENPRO certified Modular Furniture
Interior Systems based in India. We develop
customized solutions for our clients as well.
Please check our website to know
about these products and use / recommend them to
promote sustainability. Our products have been
certified GREENPRO by Indian Green Building
Council, Confederation of Indian Industries,
probably the first and the only products to be
certified GREENPRO in their categories in the
IQUBX has designed many certified green building
products for interiors like baffle ceilings,
ceiling trap doors, glass and demountable
partitions, aluminium cladding panels, modular
workstations, floor junction box, floor raceway,
electrical floor box outlet and so on..
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