Title: Introduction to Human Resources
1Introduction to Human Resources
2The HR manager as a strategic business partner
- Three dimensions are critical in the design and
practice of HR
3The HR manager as a strategic business partner
- Bottom line impact
- The success of the HR function depends on the
extent to which HR managers see themselves as
strategic business partners
Bottom Line Impact
4The HR manager as a strategic business partner
- Legal implications
- Many HR policies and procedures are driven in
large part by a number of federal, state and
local employment laws - Compliance (or noncompliance) can have a dramatic
bottom-line impact
Legal Implications
Bottom Line Impact
5The HR manager as a strategic business partner
- Ethical considerations
- Ethical organizational behavior is good business
- Public and customer relations
- Employee morale and commitment
- Management self-respect and pride in achievement
Ethical Considerations
Legal Implications
Bottom Line Impact
6The HR manager as a strategic business partner
- Sound HR policies maximize each dimension
- The dimensions are not mutually exclusive
- They complement and support each other
Ethical Implications
Legal Implications
Bottom Line Impact
7- Youve been assigned to be the VP of HR for a new
manufacturing plant to be located in midtown
Kansas City - What should you do?
8The HR manager as a strategic business partner
- What specific functions must be in operation for
effective strategic HR?
9Defining the work that needs to be done.
- Job (work) analysis
- Organizational structure
- Management strategies
- Teams?
- Individual contributors?
- Decline of the job
10Defining the skills that are needed to accomplish
the work
- KSAs
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Abilities
- How will you find the right skills and match them
to the required work?
11Maximizing the Job-Person Match
- Recruitment
- What type of potential workers have the skills?
- How will we attract them to our organization?
12Maximizing the Job-Person Match
- Selection
- How will you measure the type and level of skills
of job candidates? - How will ensure that they adequately match the
type and level needed for the required work?
13Maximizing the Job-Person Match
- Training Development
- How do you train
- New workers without the skills you need?
- New workers about company-specific KSAs?
- Longer tenured workers in new knowledge, skills
and technologies? - All workers to effectively function in a changing
14Motivating Workers
- How do you ensure that workers are motivated to
perform effectively and efficiently? - How do you ensure that workers want to remain
with the organization?
15Motivating Workers
- Compensation
- Providing a competitive base salary
- Designing motivational incentives to elicit the
desired behavior - Achieving internal fairness
- Matching the organizations strategic approach to
16Motivating Workers
- Benefits
- Determining what employees want and need
- Determining what the competition offers
- Remaining affordable
- Communicating value of benefits
- Matching the organizations strategic approach to
17Motivating Workers
- Being a preferred employer
- Fairness in procedures, policies, management
behavior and attitudes - Empowering employees and respecting their
knowledge and capabilities - Communicating management intentions, actions and
18Maintaining Employee Relationships
- Labor Relations
- Maintaining positive relationships with unions
- Negotiation
- Administration of contract
- Seniority systems
- Grievance systems
19Maintaining Employee Relationships
- Employee Relations
- Remaining union free through sound, superior
human resource policies - Listening to employee suggestions and complaints
- Creating an environment where employees believe
they can change conditions
20Ensuring a Productive Workplace
- Measuring and managing performance
- Aligning personal goals with organizational goals
- Accomplishing goals
- Controlling absenteeism
- Coaching, encouragement
- Discipline
21Ensuring a Productive Workplace
- Health and safety
- Wellness programs
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Workers compensation
- Anticipating violence
22Linking HR to Company Strategy
- Maintain a focus on business strategy
- Monitoring and evaluating HR programs for
relevance and effectiveness - HR Planning
- HR Information Systems
- Keeping abreast of unfolding legal, business and
HR issues