Title: Music In Art
1Music In Art
- This slideshow is meant to serve as inspiration
- for your own artistiv interpretations of the
subject matter. - Lets begin with a look at examples produced by
some famous artists throughout history.. - J.Thobaben- 2009
2Musical Instruments - Evaristo BaschenisItalian
Baroque Era Painter, 1617-1677
3The Guitar PlayerJohannes VermeerDutch
Baroque-c. 1672Oil on canvas, 53 x 46,3
cmKenwood House, London
4Young Flute PlayerJudith LeysterDutch Baroque,
c. 1635Oil on canvasNationalmuseum, Stockholm
5Still Life Violin and Music - William Michael
HarnettAmerican -1848-1892
6The Cello Player Thomas EakinsAmerican Artist-
7The Guitar Player , 1910Pablo PicassoSpanish -
1881-1973Oil on canvas 100 x 73 cm Musee
National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou
8Still Life with Mandolin and Guitar (oil on
canvas, 1924)Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Guggenheim Museum, New York
9The Green Violinist Marc Chagall Russian -
1887-19851923/24. Oil on canvas. 198 x 108.6 cm.
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
10The Red Orchestra - The Seven Arts. Music, 1957,
Salvador Dali Spanish -1904-1989 Oil on
canvas. 84 x 116 cm Private collection.
11- The rest of the slides include recent
interpretations of musical instruments in various
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19Digital Art and Photography
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212-Dimensional Art Graphic Design
22Two interpretations by the same artistperhaps
the start of a concentration.
23END If anyone runs across any really cool
musical art examples on the internet.save the
image or let me know and we can add it to our
slide show. If anyone has any old or broken
musical instruments that we can add to our still
life assortment, please bring them to the studio.