Title: Understanding Sex Offenders and Sexual Victimization
1- Understanding Sex Offenders and Sexual
2Learning Objectives
- Name the most common victim-offender
relationships and locations for crimes - Discuss the issues surrounding sexual
victimization - Describe ways in which sex offenders differ from
one another - Understand implications of diversity on
sentencing and - Describe some of the current uncertainties about
sex offense and recidivism data.
- Research on Judges Challenges in Sex Offender
Cases - Incidence and Prevalence Trends
- Victim Issues in Court Practices
- Uncertainties in Sex Offender Data
- Offender Characteristics
- Recidivism Research
- Dynamics of Sexual Victimization
4Factors that Pose Difficulties in Sex Offender
- Disproportionate media attention
- Negative public sentiment
- Widespread myths, conflicting information
- Proliferation of sex offender-specific laws
- Imperfect science
5Research on Judges Difficulties in Sex Offender
- What Difficulties Have You Faced?
6Judges Difficulties Presiding Over Sex Offense
Legal/Technical Perspective
No More Difficult
More or Much More Difficult
(Bumby Maddox, 1999)
7Judges Difficulties Presiding Over Sex Offense
Cases (cont.)
Public Scrutiny/Pressure Perspective
More or Much More Difficult
No More Difficult
(Bumby Maddox, 1999)
8Judges Difficulties Presiding Over Sex Offense
Personal/Emotional Perspective
More or Much More Difficult
No More Difficult
(Bumby Maddox, 1999)
9Specific Decision-Making Difficulties Reported by
- Pre-existing relationship between accuser and
accused - Reluctance or refusal of victim to testify
- Limited evidence, lack of corroborating evidence
(Bumby Maddox, 1999)
10Specific Decision-Making Difficulties Reported by
Judges (cont.)
- Defendants injection of reasonable doubt into
circumstances of the crime - Interpretation and application of (and limited
confidence in) assessments - Limited information about what works
(Bumby Maddox, 1999)
11Incidence and Prevalence Trends
12Incidence and Prevalence Trends
- Childhood Sexual Abuse
- 1 in 4 girls
- 1 in 6 boys
- Rape
- 1 in 6 women
- 1 in 33 men
(See, e.g., Finkelhor, 1994 Finkelhor et al.,
2005 Tjaden Thoennes, 2006)
13Does This Prevalence Data Compare to Your
14What are the Challenges in Jury Selection and
15Dynamics of Sexual Victimization
- Victim-Offender Relationship
- Locations Where Victimization Occurs
- Reporting Rates
- Short- and Long-Term Impact
16Myth or Fact?
- Those who commit sex crimes are usually known to
their victims.
17Sexual Victimization of Children and Adolescents
Victim-Offender Relationship by Victim Age
15 to 17
12 to 14
6 to 11
0 to 5
Family Acquaintance Stranger
(Snyder Sickmund, 2006)
18Rape Victim-Offender Relationship
Strangers Known
(Tjaden Thoennes, 2006)
19Myth or Fact?
- When sexual victimization occurs, it usually
takes place at a location that is not familiar to
the victim.
20Most Common Locations Where Sexual Assaults Occur
- Adult victims
- Victims home (39)
- Home of friend, other relative (24)
- Child and adolescent victims
- Home (81)
- School (8)
(Rennison, 2001 Snyder, 2000 Snyder Sickmund,
21Myth or Fact?
- Reporting rates for sex crimes are higher than
for other kinds of crimes against persons.
22Reporting Rates for Various Crimes Against Persons
Aggravated Assault
Rape/Sexual Assault
(Rand, 2008)
23Examples of Potential Short- and Long-Term Impact
on Victims
- Fear, anxiety
- Depression, suicidal ideation and attempts
- Self-esteem, self-image difficulties
- Relationship difficulties
- Substance abuse
- Delinquency
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
24Victim Issues in the Courtroom
25Balancing Offender Focus with Victim Awareness
- System responses that consider victims as well as
offenders - Policies and practices that are sensitive to
victims needs, interests
26Roles for Judges
- Be knowledgeable about rape shield laws
- Know legal status of privileged communications
that occur in the context of victims counseling
sessions - Allow support persons for victims during court
proceedings - Model appropriate, victim-sensitive conduct
- Inquire of impact of plea agreement on victims
27Roles for Judges (cont.)
- Hold pre-trial conferences, motions, or
evidentiary hearings in a manner that does not
intimidate victims - Be sensitive to the timing of trials
- Allow flexibility in court scheduling to
accommodate the needs of victims - Minimize court appearances for victims
- Ensure compliance with victims rights
28Plea Bargaining andProsecution Practices
- Potential unintended consequences of plea
bargains - Victim advocates
- Victim impact statements
- Vertical prosecution
- Accurate charges
- Specialized units
29What Percentage of All Arrests Are for Sex
- Less than 1
- 1 to 10
- Greater than 10
30Uncertainties in Sex Offender Data
31Limitations of Sex Offense Data
- Many offenses not reported
- 58/84 sex offenses not reported
- 32 robberies not reported
- All reports do not lead to arrest
- All arrests do not lead to charges
- All charges do not lead to convictions
- Convictions on lesser charges may result from
plea agreements
32Arrests for Sex CrimesAdult Males vs. Adult
Males Females
(FBI, 2005)
33Myth or Fact?
- Individuals can be identified as sex offenders
based on a specific set of profile
34Sex Offender Demographics
- Variable
- Culture/race
- Socioeconomic status
- Employment
- Marital status
35Variations in Offending Behaviors
- Known age of onset
- Known targets (victims)
- Known motivations
- Deviant arousal, interests (paraphilia)
- Known patterns of behavior
- Known frequency, duration/course
- History of detection
36Additional Variations Among Sex Offenders
- Recidivism risk
- Intervention needs
- Amenability to treatment
- Response to criminal justice sanctions
37Myth or Fact?
- As a group, sex offenders have a very high
known recidivism rate.
38What Does Sex Offender Recidivism Mean and How
Is It Measured?
- Conviction of new sex offense
- Conviction of a new violent offense
- Conviction on any new offense
- Violation/revocation of probation/parole
- Arrest
- New criminal charge
- Complaint
- Self-disclosed event
39Key Recidivism Findings About Sex Offenders
- Relatively low known sexual recidivism rates as a
group - Higher rates of known non-sexual recidivism
- Lower known recidivism rates than other felony
40Known Recidivism Rates for Sex Offenses Previous
Conviction vs. No Previous Conviction
No Previous Conviction Previous
(Harris Hanson, 2004)
41Implications for Sentencing
- Look for heterogeneity of sex offenders
- Individualize sentences
- Capitalize upon existing judicial discretion
- Consider assessment data to inform decisions
- The incidence of sex crimes is widespread and sex
crimes have a significant impact on victims. - Sex offenders usually know their victims and
perpetrate sex crimes in familiar places. - Judges need to understand victim issues and
related justice system practices.
43Summary (cont.)
- Sex offenders are a diverse population
- Differ in numerous ways, including known
recidivism risk and - Different Diagnoses.
- As a group, sex offenders have relatively low
rates of known recidivism. - Recidivism is a challenge to define and measure
research is evolving.
44(No Transcript)