Title: Working with Juvenile Sexual Offenders
1Working with Juvenile Sexual Offenders
- Differences from Adults and Special
Considerations Donya L. Adkerson, MA,
LCPCAlternatives Counseling, Inc.2005
2Not Just Younger Adults
- Much less is known from research on JSOs than
with ASOs - What we know for sure about ASOs does not
necessarily apply to JSOs - Adolescence as a developmental stage goes into
the early 20s - Research does suggest that intervention is MORE
EFFECTIVE with JSOs than adults
3Practical Differences
- There will be a legal guardian involved who can
help or may hurt the intervention process - JSOs may not be in control of simple things, like
getting to therapy on time, or at all - JSOs more likely to have continued contact with
their victims that is out of their control (e.g.,
in home or at same school)
4Practical Differences
- School and family systems often provide
complications not faced with adults - JSOs may view adults as an alien species
- Impulsivity, questionable judgement, and testing
rules and limits are all normal and expected
annoyances to some degree - Wide variation among youth requires flexibility
for maximum effectiveness
5Group Issues with JSOs
- Peers can have greater power over youth than the
adults in group - Antisocial youth may be powerful role models
- Drive for acceptance by peers may be greater than
desire to please group leader - Too much difference in age/development can pose
risk for exploitation of more vulnerable youth - Outpatient JSOs more likely to see group members
in other settings than with adults
6Additional differences in working with JSOs
- Things change RAPIDLY B risk other assessments
are very time-limited in their useful validity - Sexual arousal patterns less fixed
- Level of sexual focus may be high due to hormones
rather than compulsion - Factual knowledge of human sexuality may be poor,
misinformation is common
7Additional differences in working with JSOs
PThere may be pressure from family to deny even
normal sexual interest or behavior, not just the
offending PThe younger the JSO the more likely a
victimization history is plying a role in the
offending PCurrent hidden victimization is a risk
8Finding a Balance
- Safety Planning vs. Normal development
- JSOs need normal developmental experiences to
develop a healthy lifestyle and the social skills
and confidence they will need to help them avoid
offending in the future. - Normal developmental experiences may bring risks
or opportunities to offend. - Balancing these potential conflicts must be a
case-by-case decision.
9JSOs the School
PNot all JSOs pose a risk at school PSchools may
overreact PSchools MUST be involved when there is
any identified potential for offending at
school ltPeers ltOn-campus daycare or younger
grades ltField trips ltBus
10JSOs and work
- The JSO should never be in a position of
authority over younger children. - Fast food job precautions
- Not handling childrens parties
- Restrooms
- Playground areas
11Other environments to consider
PAfter school programs PSports recreational
activities ltBeware swimming pools PChurch PHomes
of friends and relatives POnline/internet
12Treatment Tasks
PRemediate skill deficits that interfere with
successful functioning, such as ltIdentification
and expression of feelings ltRealistic levels of
trust ltAssertiveness training ltAnger stress
management emotional regulation ltCommunication
relationship skills ltSex-role stereotyping ltValues
13Treatment Tasks
- Develop positive and prosocial sexuality
- Learn about of human sexuality
- Sexual health-Birth control, STDs, safe sexual
practices - Gender roles
- Responsibility sexuality
- Healthy relationship and sexual skills
14Treatment Tasks
PIdentify family issues or dysfunction that
trigger, support, or fail to inhibit the
offending behaviors PWork with youth and family
system for successful reintegration, when
clinically appropriate
15Family Reintegration Work
PSuccessful progress of the offender in his/her
treatment PTherapy including the offender an
family PTherapy for the victim (individual and
family) PSupervised visits transitioning to
successful unsupervised visits PProgression from
apology to reconciliation to reunification
16Treatment Tasks
PPrepare the youth for successful reintegration
into the community ltActivities in the
community ltAttending public or community
schools ltEmployment opportunity ltFamily visits P
17Treatment Tasks
PInvolve the youth in Arestorative justice_at_
activities to make amends, such as ltPublic
service ltCommunity projects ltFinancial restitution
18Treatment Tasks
PAddress other clinical needs ltSubstance
abuse ltMental health issues ltMedical
needs ltEducational needs
19Treatment modalities that may be used for
intervention with JSOs
PIndividual PGroup PFamily PMilieu (for
residential settings) PMulti-systemic
20Individual Therapy
- Benefits
- Allows the most individualized focus good for
unusual needs that may not fit a broader group of
clients - Pacing can be as slow as needed for lower
functioning clients and as repetitive as
necessary - Adaptable for shorter attention spans
- Some techniques (e.g., EMDR) only usable in
individual work
21Individual Therapy
- Limitations
- Easier to con an individual therapist
- Intense focus may increase resistance of some
clients - No opportunity to learn from peers or practice
peer interaction lack observation of peer
interaction - May reinforce belief that the client is Asick_at_
and isolated with his problem - Costly
22Choose Individual Therapy
PClient cannot follow group process (due to age,
severe developmental delay, active
psychosis) PIntensive trauma recovery
work PUnique clinical need is not shared by other
group members PTo address severe anxiety or
depression PNo group is available
23Individual may be used very effectively as an
adjunct to group
- Some uses for adjunctive Individual therapy
- Teaching specific tasks (i.e., ammonia aversion)
- Handling reactive depressions
- Reinforcing clarifying concepts for cognitively
slower youth - Treating PTSD symptoms
24AFamily_at_ can cover a wide range of people
ltBio, Step or Adoptive Parents ltCurrent, past or
future foster parents ltExtended
family ltCaseworkers and Mentors ltOther caregivers
25Roadblocks presented by Caretakers
- Can impede the progress of the JSO
PDenial Minimization ltAcknowledging the offense
self failing as parent ltFears their anger at
child if accept the offense happens ltFears
choosing between children ltOwn victimization
history triggered dissociative
coping PEnabling ltHas own deviancy issues
ltIncestuous family culture
26Roadblocks presented by Caretakers
PUnhealthy AProtecting_at_ ltSees role as protecting
child from consequences PParental
Dysfunction ltAlcohol drug abuse ltMental
illness ltCriminal involvement ltSerious domestic
violence PUninformed ltLacks knowledge, either
about offending overall or about their own
childs problems/patterns
27Family Involvement may be critical
PFamily education PFamily therapy PEducational
groups PSupervised visitation POther means of
28Family Therapy
- Benefits
- Allows education of the support system
- Addressing dysfunction within the family that may
support the offending - Allows for improvement of skills in general
parenting and supervision of child with the
sexual behavior problem - Can improve likelihood of child remaining in or
returning to the family system
29Family Therapy
- Limitations
- Family secrets (e.g., undisclosed parental
offending or parental trauma history)) can
undermine the therapy and increase stress on
client and sibs - It can be damaging to victim if family therapy
undertaking without victim treatment, appropriate
work for parents support of victim, or if sibs
are blaming victim - Families who do not want the offender in home may
sabotage treatment, increasing harm to client - Often difficult to get/keep family participation
30Choose family therapy
- Parents need better understanding or skills
relating the abuse problem - Family Reintegration is a goal
- Other family dysfunction is impacting the client
- Communication skills or family relationships need
31Family Therapy is Contraindicated
- A parent is an untreated offender
- The victim is in the family and has not had
victim treatment OR the abuser is not yet fully
honest/accountable about the offending - Parent-child dyad may be utilized to begin work
until victim offender are both ready for family
work - The familys current level of hostility, anger,
or punitive behavior makes therapy too
emotionally risky for the client
32Group Therapy
PBenefits ltDecreases ability to Aget over_at_ on the
therapist ltIncreases hope of positive
change ltDecreases sense of isolation, stigma, and
uniqueness ltSocial skills practice ltVery
effective for the problem area ltCost-effective
33Group Therapy
PLimitations PNot all clients capable of
following group process ltRequires effort from
therapist to develop and maintain a positive
group culture ltA single disruptive member may
take valuable time from others ltHigher initial
level of nervousness from clients ltRisk breach of
confidentiality by group members
34Typical goals of Group JSO therapy
PSocial skills PCycle work PChanging
cognitions PLearning practical skills
strategies PDevelop motivation POn-going
assessment of client
35Choose Group Therapy
PClient has capacity to interact, follow a group
process PTreatment needs are within norms for the
36Types of Interventions that Utilized in Group
PEducation PCorrection PModeling PReinforcing PCon
sequences PFacilitating peer Intervention
37External Controls
- Are a form of therapeutic intervention
- Supervision
- Visual monitoring
- Alarms
- Locked facility
- Restrictions on activities, places, people
- Legal sanctions
- Physiological monitoring
- Polygraph monitoring
- Drug testing
38Multi-systemic Therapy
- Research-proven value with criminal youth
- A combination of interventions, including
therapy, family intervention, and community
interventions - Educational
- Occupational
- Recreational
- Proven effectiveness for reduction of delinquent
behaviors including sexual offending - Research established cost-effectiveness
- Likely best approach for antisocial/conduct
disordered youth
39Helpful Skills for JSO therapy
PListen carefully and hear what is behind the
words PRead body language PCommunicate ltKnowledge
40Helpful Skills for JSO therapy
PKnow your subject ltJSO issues goals ltThe
clients history PHumor PCaring ltAbout
protecting victims ltAbout the client
41Treatment traps In JSO work
PPower struggles PWasting time PToo much personal
disclosure PPersonalizing
42Treatment traps In JSO work
PSide-stepping sex PEroticizing
material PReacting to the offense (rather than to
victim harm) PFailing to connect back to offending
43Treatment traps In JSO work
PToo much belief or trust of self-report ltThis
gets worse the longer a therapist works with a
44Treatment traps In JSO work
PIgnoring the silent PABeating a dead
horse_at_ PInappropriate modeling ltSocial
skills ltAbusive confrontation ltFacilitator
thinking errors
45Treatment traps In JSO work
PMonopolizing the group PGiving up control of the