Title: National Community Outreach Project Latinas and Sexual Violence
1National Community Outreach ProjectLatinas
and Sexual Violence
2Population Overview and Projections
- By 2050, nearly one in three U.S. residents will
be Hispanic (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). - According to a 2004 survey, one in six females
age 13 and older will suffer some form of sexual
violence (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2004). - The number of Hispanic females who have
experienced some form of sexual violence could
reach 10.8 million by 2050.
- A snapshot of Hispanics in the United States in
2008 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010) - 66 were of Mexican background.
- 9 were of Puerto Rican background.
- 3.4 were of Cuban background.
- 3.4 were of Salvadoran background.
- 2.8 were of Dominican background.
- 15.4 were of some other Central American, South
American, or other Hispanic or Latin American
4Alternative Terms
- Hispanic and Latino are not identical terms.
- Hispanic Used most often in government
publications. - Latino Generally used by grassroots
organizations and community-based initiatives.
5Alternative Terms (cont.)
- Existe Ayuda materials use Latina/o.
6Immigrant References
- The phrases illegal immigrant and illegal
alien both include politically charged words
that many victim advocates see as dehumanizing
labels. - The phrase undocumented immigrant is often
7Immigrant Assumptions
- It is important that victim advocates do not make
assumptions about the immigration status of those
they assist. - Most Latina/o youth are not immigrants
two-thirds were born in the United States (Pew
Hispanic Center, 2009).
- Challenge 1. Lack of bilingual and bicultural
direct service staff and volunteers.
9Challenges (cont.)
- Challenge 2. Lack of bilingual and bicultural
10Challenges (cont.)
- Challenge 3. Lack of bilingual and bicultural
11Latinas and Sexual Violence
- Latina girls reported that they were more likely
to avoid further harassment than to seek help and
or report (American Association of University
Women, 2000). - Married Latinas were less likely to immediately
define their experiences of forced sex as "rape"
and terminate their relationships some viewed
sex as a marital obligation (Bergen, 1996).
12Latinas and Sexual Violence (cont.)
- Female farmworkers (or Campesinas) are 10 times
more vulnerable than others to sexual assault and
harassment at work (Lopez-Treviño, 1995). - According to a 2009 report, 77 percent of Latinas
said that sexual harassment was a major problem
in the workplace (Southern Poverty Law Center,
13Cultural Considerations
- Addressing cultural considerations is necessary
for the development of protocols that eliminate
access barriers and enhance outreach. - Generalizations should also be avoided,
especially when working with Latinas/os who are
third-generation and longer residents of the
United States.
14Cultural Considerations (cont.)
- When developing outreach strategies and
materials, consider - Language.
- Gender.
- Level of acculturation.
- Education.
15Gender Expectations
- Ongoing struggle between Latinos (who are
encouraged to be sexually active) and Latinas
(who are socialized to avoid the advances of
males). - Amarra tu perra porque mis perros andan
sueltos. (Tie your female dog because my male
dogs are loose.)
16Good Girls and el Respeto
- Good girls are expected to know how to make
oneself be respected (hacerse respetar) to
avoid being raped. - In some Latina/o communities le faltĂ³ el
respeto (he disrespected her) is another way
of referring to a sexual assault. - Tengo suerte que me ha durado. (I am lucky that
she has lasted.)
17Emphasis on Virginity
- "Me siento sucia y dañada." (I feel damaged and
dirty.) - "He avergonzado a mi familia." (I have shamed my
family.) - NingĂºn hombre querrĂ¡ casarse conmigo." (No man
will ever want to marry me.)
18Emphasis on Virginity (cont.)
- The loss of control over a precious rite of
passage does not need to define a survivor. - Being raped as a virgin does not automatically
imply the loss of virginity to rape.
19Understanding Culpa (Blame)
- Por algo me pasĂ³. (This happened to me for a
20Language and Confianza (Trust)
- Trust may improve the survivors comfort level
when addressing very difficult and often taboo
issues. - Â An advocate can build trust by
- Speaking the same language.
- Having a similar cultural heritage.
- Demonstrating awareness of pertinent cultural
21Impact Through a Cultural Lens
- Survivors often fear how the assault may affect
their - Standing in the community.
- Feelings of self-worth.
- Reproductive options.
- Future marriage prospects.
- Future intimate partners/relationships.
22Addressing Shame
- Latina/o victims can benefit from shame-releasing
exercises that allow them to assign
responsibility for sexual violence to the
offender(s) (Fontes, 2007). - Â For example, a Testimonio is a written or oral
recounting of the victim's story that may allow
others to bear witness to the trauma suffered by
the survivor (Aron, 1992).
23Diversity of the Spanish Language
- The United States
- Has the third largest Spanish-speaking population
after Spain and Mexico. - Is home to residents with Spanish dialects from
South America, Central America, the Caribbean,
North America, and other Spanish-speaking regions
of the world.
24Language Considerations
- The most frequently reported barrier keeping
Latinas from needed services was languageeither
not being able to speak English or not having an
interpreter (Murdaugh et al., 2004).
25Language Terms
- Limited English Proficiency or Proficient (LEP).
- English Language Learner (ELL).
26Language Access Laws and LEP.gov
- Executive Order 13166 requires federal agencies
and state and local agencies receiving federal
assistance to develop guidelines guaranteeing
accessibility to their programs by persons with
LEP. - U.S. Department of Justice LEP Guidance
www.ojp.usdoj.gov/about/ocr/lep.htm - LEP Web site from the Federal Interagency Working
Group on Limited English Proficiency www.LEP.gov
27Victim Service Access
- English Language Learners require service access
to - A crisis line at the moment of need.
- Information regarding the rape exam.
- The various levels of supportive services and
legal advocacy that an agency may offer.
28Victim Service Access (cont.)
- Bilingual personnel are crucial for eliminating
access barriers at every stage of the
help-seeking process (ALAS, 2004).
29Use of Interpreters
- All staff must know how to use an interpreter
properly, whether the interpreter is a
professional (such as an agency employee) or a
non-professional (such as a friend of the
survivor). - Being a fluent Spanish speaker is not enough.
Interpreters should also be familiar with and
respectful of Spanish language regional
30Professional Interpreters
- When working with professional interpreters
- Verify the interpreters experience with, or
knowledge of, different Latin American dialects. - Meet with the interpreter 15 to 30 minutes before
the appointment. - When meeting with the client, pause every three
sentences or less. - Look at and talk directly to the Spanish-speaking
client, not the interpreter.
31Non-Professional Interpreters
- When working with non-professional or
acquaintance interpreters, consider - Competence.
- Confidentiality.
- Appropriateness.
- Possible conflicts of interest.
32Non-Professional Interpreters Risks
- Confidentiality may be compromised.
- Feelings of embarrassment or shame may be made
worse. - The survivor may be less willing to share details
when discussing his/her assault.
33Non-Professional Interpreters Ethical Issues
- Never use children as interpreters.
- Using family, friends, or other survivors can
cause secondary victimization. This can create
additional problems for the agency and victim.
34Downside of Using Interpreters
- Communicating the trauma of sexual violence
through an interpreter can make the help-seeking
process even more difficult. - Interpretation disrupts the smooth communication
of events and sentiments. - Outside professional interpreter services can be
35Specialized Lay Interpreters
- Band with other victim service agencies to train
lay interpreters. - Recruit Spanish-speaking college students as
volunteers who are fluent or at least familiar
with your target areas dialects.
- To reach an audience that is more comfortable
reading Spanish - Translate English language materials.
- Adapt materials already available in Spanish.
- Develop original materials in Spanish.
37Downside of Translations
- Myth If the English language version works, then
you can simply translate it into Spanish. - Facts
- The ideas and concepts of the original version
may not translate culturally. - The translation may be too formal or at a reading
level too advanced for the target population. - If the material was not originally written with
translation in mind, it requires careful editing
and revision to be useful for the target
38Machine Translation
- It may be tempting to rely on Web sites that
translate text into various languages because
its quick and often free. - This can be problematic when dealing with the
specialized terminology of sexual assault and
domestic violence advocacy.
39Machine Translation Risks
- Not accurately translating There are some
idioms, culture-specific phrases, and grammatical
forms that only a native speaker can understand. - Not adjusting for the English-to-Spanish
translation expansion rate (16 increase in word
count). - Not using special Spanish characters that are
often required in a translated document (such as
the accent mark).
40Machine Translation Errors
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month was translated
to meses conciencia asalto sexual (or months
awareness sexual assault). - The specific sexual assault context of the term
grooming was absent in the literal hygiene
reference translation aseo. - Acquaintance rape was literally translated to
conocido violaciĂ³n (or known rape).
41Machine Translation Possible Consequences
- Agencies that use machine translation services
often cannot understand the output and therefore
cannot verify that it is correct. - Agencies may suffer credibility issues because of
incorrect or incoherent text.
42Original Materials
- Original Spanish-language and bilingual
materials - Convey information in a manner that is culturally
relevant and fluid. - Ensure that agencies transmit the intended
messages and information effectively. - Convey respect for cultural diversity and ethnic
identity, even to bilingual speakers who may be
proficient in English.
43Original Materials (cont.)
- Considerations for developing original materials
in Spanish include - Economic and education level.
- Gender.
- Immigration status.
- Country of origin/dialect.
- Acculturation level.
- Attitude/awareness differences.
- All agency materials and online content should
describe in Spanish the bilingual services
offered. - Services offered in Spanish servicios que se
ofrecen en español. - 24-hour hotline lĂnea de ayuda disponible las
24 horas del dĂa. - Crisis counseling asesorĂa o consejerĂa para
personas en crisis. - Support groups grupos de apoyo.
- Hospital accompaniment acompañamiento al
hospital. - Legal advocacy asesoramiento legal.
45A Glossary Resource
- Existe Ayudas Sexual Assault Glossary
- www.ovc.gov/pubs/existeayuda/glossaries/sexualassa