CCEA GCSE Qualifications Controlled Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CCEA GCSE Qualifications Controlled Assessment


Memory sticks should be collected at the end of each session. Teachers can mark at home but need to take sensible precautions regarding the security of the work. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CCEA GCSE Qualifications Controlled Assessment

CCEA GCSE QualificationsControlled Assessment
Controlled Assessment Presentation
  • Overview
  • Why change coursework?
  • 2005 QCA report
  • Outcome of review
  • What is controlled assessment?
  • Questions and answers
  • Useful information

Controlled assessment -Overview
  • In relation to new and revised CCEA GCSE
    qualifications only.
  • Controlled Assessment is the new term for GCSE
  • All CCEA revised and new GCSEs, except Religious
    Studies, Economics and Mathematics, have an
    element of controlled assessment.
  • Either 60 or 25 weighting.

Why change coursework?
  • 2005 QCA report,
  • Views from
  • Candidates, teachers, parents, senior examiners
    and moderators, awarding body staff and staff of
    the regulatory bodies.

2005 QCA report findings
  • Findings of review
  • Benefits outweigh any drawbacks
  • Value of coursework
  • assessing skills and knowledge that cannot be
    assessed by exam
  • important motivator for many candidates in many
  • candidates have an opportunity to study an area
    in depth
  • candidates have an opportunity to take
    responsibility for their own learning

2005 QCA report findings (contd)
  • Findings of review (contd)
  • Needs to be a strengthening of the current
  • Concerns about coursework
  • Teachers need to be able to confidently and
    consistently confirm that the work is the
    candidates own
  • More guidance needed on
  • setting tasks
  • drafting work
  • limits of permitted help
  • what constitutes malpractice
  • internal standardisation
  • purpose and format of feedback from moderators
  • weighting of coursework across subjects

Outcome of the Review
  • The 2007 report recommended that coursework be
    replaced by controlled assessment. For the full
    report go to
  • New general regulations were developed.
  • New subject specific regulations were developed
  • All subjects were allocated 0, 25 or 60
    controlled assessment weighting.
  • All GCSE specifications which were developed or
    revised by all awarding bodies from the 2007 to
    2010 were required to adhere to these

What is controlled assessment?
  • New approach in GCSE subjects which require
  • A more integrated approach to teaching, learning
    and assessment.
  • A tightening of the circumstances in which
    students, over a period of time, complete those
    aspects of the subject which are usually marked
    by their teacher.
  • Controlled assessment regulations set out the
    levels of control for individual subjects.
  • Levels of control address issues of authenticity,
    plagiarism and comparability of process and
    demand across specifications in the same subject
    offered by different awarding bodies.

Processes in controlled assessment
  • Important processes in coursework, now referred
    to as controlled assessment, relate to
  • setting the task the need to ensure that tasks
    are valid and reliable by making them less
    predictable and formulaic
  • taking the task the circumstances under which
    the task is taken and the need to address issues
    of authenticity and
  • marking the task the need to ensure
    high-quality judgements in assessment.

Levels of Control
  • For each of the processes different levels of
    control are possible
  • high
  • medium
  • limited/low
  • Within any subject, varying levels of control are
    likely to be required across the three processes.

Task Setting explained
  • High CCEA sets the task(s).
  • Medium CCEA provides a task(s) that can be
    adapted by the teacher.
  • Low/Limited The teacher sets the task(s)
    according to criteria provided by CCEA.

Task Setting (contd)
  • Some specifications require teachers to submit
    the titles to CCEA.
  • There are also some specifications that offer
    teachers a choice, for example
  • choose from exemplar tasks provided by CCEA
  • create a task of choice or
  • adapt a task provided by CCEA.
  • For those specifications that have
  • 25 controlled assessment, CCEA will replace the
    task every year 
  • 60 controlled assessment, CCEA will review the
    task, as a minimum, every two years to ensure
    that they continue to set an appropriate

Task Taking explained
  • One of the issues for centres relates to the
    level of supervision that is required during the
    time when candidates are completing their
    controlled assessment.
  • The level of supervision varies for individual
    subjects and is defined in each specification.
  • Three levels
  • High Formal Supervision
  • Medium Informal Supervision
  • Low Limited Supervision

Formal Supervision JCQ para 4.1.2
  • Candidates work must be completed under direct
    supervision ie. candidates teacher or another
    person nominated by the centre.
  • Candidates must work independently.
  • Teachers must not offer assistance.
  • Usually candidates do not have to complete their
    work in one sitting advice in specifications.
  • Usually during the final stages of the work when
    candidates write up the results of preparatory
    work or research and present the outcome for
  • When this takes place over a number of sessions,
    candidates work should be collected, stored
    securely and redistributed as necessary.

Informal Supervision JCQ para 4.1.3
  • Candidates can work on their own - some guidance
    by the teacher.
  • Some subjects, e.g. Art Design and Music -
    necessary for candidates to complete part of the
    assessment outside the classroom
  • Teacher/supervisor must be able to state that
    what candidate presents for assessment is their
    own work
  • Candidates must sign a Declaration of
  • Close supervision of portfolio work which may
    have been
  • started in class and completed in the candidates
    own time
  • started outside the classroom and completed by
    the candidate in class

Informal Supervision (contd)
  • Where work has been done outside the classroom,
    the amount of work carried out during class time
    should be sufficient for the teacher/supervisor
    to determine each candidates capability in
    relation to what is presented for assessment.
  • E.g. analytical discussion with the candidate
    about his/her work.  

Limited SupervisionJCQ para 4.1.4
  • Candidates undertake work without teacher
  • Candidates may undertake research and preparatory
    work which will inform, but should not be
    included in, the final piece of work presented
    for assessment.

Task Marking explained
  • Most tasks for individual specifications are
    marked with a medium level of control. This
    means that the tasks are internally marked by
    centres and externally moderated by CCEA.
  • There are some tasks within a small number of
    specifications which are marked with a high level
    of control. This means that the tasks are marked
    by CCEA.

Your questions answered -drafting/redrafting
  • Can candidates draft and redraft their work?
  • When drafting skills are being assessed, mark
    schemes will clearly give credit for
    drafting/redrafting work. Therefore, candidates
    work should show evidence of work having been
    drafted and redrafted.
  • When drafting is not one of the skills being
    assessed, teachers may review candidates work
    and may provide advice at a general level.
  • Teachers must not provide detailed and specific
    advice on how drafts could be improved to meet
    assessment criteria.

Your questions answered storage
  • Where should the candidates work be stored to
    ensure that it is secure?
  • Assessment materials and mark schemes must be
    kept secure throughout the controlled assessment
  • Candidates work for assessment must be stored
    securely within the centre.
  • This could be done by the subject department or
    the examinations office - this would normally
    mean a locked steel or metal cabinet.

Your questions answered storage (contd)
  • Where should the candidates work be stored to
    ensure that it is secure? (contd)
  • If this is not practical because of the nature of
    the assessment e.g. the need to allow items of
    work to dry overnight, secured storage can be
    defined as classrooms being locked from one end
    of the session to the start of the next.
  • Memory sticks should be collected at the end of
    each session.
  • Teachers can mark at home but need to take
    sensible precautions regarding the security of
    the work.

Your questions answered adherence to regulations
  • What procedures are in place to ensure
    adherence to the regulations?
  • It is the responsibility of the head of centre to
    ensure that the subject leaders adhere to the
    procedures for setting, taking and marking the
    task(s), as appropriate to the specification.
  • Declaration of Authentication (JCQ para 4.7)
  • Any breaches of the regulations for the setting,
    supervision, authentication and marking of
    controlled assessment may constitute
    maladministration as defined by JCQ.
  • For further information and access to the current
    documentation go to

Your questions answered malpractice
  • What constitutes malpractice?
  • Candidates must not
  • submit work that is not their own
  • lend their work to others or allow their work to
    be copied
  • allow others access to, or the use of, their own
    independently sourced material
  • use any books, the Internet or other sources
    without acknowledgement or attribution
  • submit work word processed by a third party
    without acknowledgement.

Your questions answered absenteeism
  • If a candidate has an occasional absence during
    the controlled assessment, how can this be
  • If a candidate is absent or misses allocated
    controlled assessment time, they can sit the task
    or work on it at another convenient time
    providing that the controlled assessment
    supervision requirements for the specific
    subject(s) are met, ie. an alternative supervised
    session may be organised for such candidates.
  • If the assessment can not be repeated, the centre
    should contact CCEA for advice.

Your questions answered re-doing units
  • If a candidate wants to re-do a controlled
    assessment unit, what are the regulations?
  • Units not yet submitted to CCEA
  • At the discretion of a centre, candidates who
    wish to re-do a controlled assessment unit before
    the marks have been sent to us can do so as long
    as the following conditions are met
  • Controlled Assessment tasks taken under Formal
    supervision conditions
  • Candidates must do a different task available
    from the examination series in question.
  • The work must be undertaken in a new period of
    formal supervision.
  • Candidates must not be allowed to make another
    attempt at the same task.
  • Note Candidates may re-use the research carried
    out for the
  • original task.

Your questions answered re-doing units (contd)
  • If a candidate wants to re-do a controlled
    assessment unit, what are the regulations?
  • Controlled Assessment tasks taken under Informal
    supervision conditions
  • Candidates may make amendments to their work in
    the light of feedback from their teacher.
  • The feedback must be in line with the
    requirements of the specification and any
    additional instructions issued by JCQ on task
  • Candidates must not be allowed to make amendments
    after the work has been submitted for final
    assessment by the teacher.

Your questions answered re-sitting units
  • If a candidate wants to re-sit a controlled
    assessment unit after it has been submitted to
    CCEA what are the regulations?
  • Candidates who wish to re-sit a controlled
    assessment after it has previously been submitted
    to CCEA may make another attempt at the task if
    it is still available within that examination
  • The work presented for assessment must be
    entirely new and carried out under the level(s)
    of control specified in the specification.
  • Candidates must not be allowed to amend the work
    which was submitted previously.
  • In unitised specifications, candidates may
    re-take an individual unit once before
  • Note Candidates may re-use the research carried
    out previously.

Your questions answered re-using units
  • If a candidate wants to re-take a GCSE
    qualification, what are the regulations regarding
    re-using results?
  • The candidate can re-use the result of any unit,
    including the controlled assessment unit.
  • The candidate, however, must meet the terminal
    requirement by re-taking units contributing to at
    least 40 of the assessment.
  • The result(s) from this final series (of units
    accounting for at least 40 of the total
    assessment) will count towards the new award even
    if the candidate has (a) better result(s) from a
    previous series.

Your questions answered re-taking linear GCSEs
  • In linear GCSE specifications candidates who
    re-take the whole qualification may either
    re-take their controlled assessment component or
    re-use their previous mark.

Further questions and answers
  • Answers to these and other questions can be
    found on our controlled assessment microsite and
    the JCQ document, for example
  • Can candidates work in groups to complete their
    controlled assessment task?
  • If candidates miss a substantial amount of
    controlled assessment, what are the procedures?
    (JCQ para 13.6)
  • How should candidates authenticate their work?
    (JCQ para 4.7.1)
  • What if a teacher has reservations about the
    authenticity of the candidates work? (JCQ para

CCEA supporting teachers and learners
  • Where can you find more information on
    Controlled Assessment?
  • Within the revised Specification for each subject
  • Section 6
  • The Appendix.
  • Some Specimen Assessment Materials have specimen
  • Subject microsites at

Supporting teachers and learners
  • What additional support/information
  • is available?
  • Controlled Assessment Guide
  • Teacher guidance
  • Student guidance
  • Student guide
  • Controlled assessment microsite
  • JCQ documents

Centre management of controlled assessment
  • Develop and implement a controlled assessment
    policy (JCQ Instructions for conducting
    controlled assessments 1.6)
  • Create a centre-wide plan (QCDA Managing GCSE
    controlled assessment. A centre-wide approach)

QCDA suggested approachto developing a policy
  • Whole school approach
  • Roles and responsibilities (Outlining staff
  • Risk management (Risk management process)
  • Coordination of controlled assessment activities
  • Monitoring of progress

Administration of controlledassessment
  • Some recurring issues
  • Timetabling
  • Accommodation
  • Facilities
  • Resources
  • Absenteeism
  • Adherence to rules
  • Internal standardisation
  • Internal appeals
  • Unitisation
  • Re-sits
  • Terminal assessment

Other useful documents
  • JCQ
  • Arrangements for internal appeals about internal
    assessment decisions and enquiries about results
  • Notice to centres Malpractice
  • Plagiarism in examinations Guidance for
  • Ofqual
  • Avoiding Plagiarism A guide for parents and

Other useful documents(contd)
  • QCDA
  • Authenticity A guide for teachers
  • Unitised GCSEs and the terminal assessment rule

Controlled Assessment Micro-site
Staying informed
  • For information on all our support events go
  • to
  • Click on the Events icon (top left)

Useful information
  • Subject specific microsites
  • Controlled assessment microsite
  • Online event booking
  • NI Regulators
  • Qualifications handbook
  • Instructions on conducting controlled assessments
  • Other useful guides and instructions
  • Useful links and documents on controlled
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