The difference between self-care and self-indulgence is thin. When you take time out to maintain your mental and physical health every day invest in exercise and diet and pursue your passion for dancing singing or painting, it is considered self-care.
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Decoupling the Building Latent and Sensible Loads Using 100% Outside Air Systems ASHRAE Chicago Seminar 39 January 24, 2006 Stanley A. Mumma, Ph.D., P.E.
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Mammoth Gulch profile data. Measured profiles of T and u. QH from aerodynamic profile method: ... SHEBA (Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic) Surfaces melting ...
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... re-state sensible heat flux from profile data and compare with the internal one ... stating is based on similarity theory, i.e. is good for near-neutral conditions ...
El curso est previsto para un total de 40 horas, entre conferencias, clases ... de sobrevoltaje que pueden aparecer en condiciones anormales de operaci n ...
Los sacramentos son signos sensibles y eficaces de la gracia. En ellos Cristo est presente para santificarnos por medio de la Iglesia. Por ellos nos encontramos con ...
Characterize C and energy exchanges at a range of spatial and temporal resolutions ... and measured fluxes and temperatures for the FIFE region in June 1987 ...