Middle ware - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Middle ware


Middle ware & CORBA Alzahra University, Branch IT Management SSADM Course By : Leila Ghaffari Spring 1384 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Middle ware

Middle ware CORBA
  • Alzahra University, Branch IT Management
  • SSADM Course
  • By Leila Ghaffari
  • Spring 1384

  • Part One Middle ware
  • Part Two CORBA
  • References

Part One Middle ware
  • What is a Three-layer architecture (3LA) ?
  • what does a 3LA provide that a 2LA doesn't ?
  • Why would one want to use a 3LA?
  • Two Approaches
  • Why writing an application using a 2LA model is
    easier than writing a 3LA?
  • Why MCL is adopted a 3LA?
  • Summary and Conclusions

What is a Three-layer architecture (3LA) ?
  • A non-computing example
  • Within a computing context

A non-computing example
  • The travel agent represents a real-world parallel
    to the concept of the three-layer architecture.
    In this example, the customer is equivalent to
    the front-end application, the agent to the
    middle-layer logic, and the various reservation
    systems to back-end IT systems.

The Travel Agent
A non-computing example
  • A customer makes a simple request to the agent,
    perhaps asking for the cheapest fare to a
    destination. The customer does not have direct
    access to airline guides or booking systems, but
    the agent does, and will transform the customer's
    query into a series of enquiries to different
    systems, compare and consolidate the results, and
    give the customer the answer. If a service
    changes (the advent of the Eurotunnel booking
    system for example) only the agent needs to be
    aware of this, the customer can be completely
    unaware of it and yet can still benefit from the
    services which it offers.

A non-computing example
  • The key point is that the client knows what
    questions he wants to ask (how to get to Paris)
    but is completely unaware of the work that the
    agent is doing on his behalf.

Within a computing context
  • It is important to state that the 3LA model
    describes an application framework for developing
    on-line transaction processing (OLTP) systems.
    Whilst the concepts of separating logic into
    presentation, business rules and data management
    components applies equally well to batch
    processing and MIS/Data Warehousing systems, the
    rest of this paper is directed towards the
    framework in which OLTP applications should be
  • The Gartner Group separates the layers of a
    client-server application into presentation,
    function and data management. These functions can
    be partitioned in 5 different ways as illustrated
    in figure 2.

The Gartner Definitions of Client Server
Within a computing context
  • Depending on the technology chosen, an
    application may implement one or many of these
  • A 3LA is usually taken as supporting models 2 3
    (remote presentation/distributed function) and
    tending towards a 'thin client/thick server'
  • This should be distinguished from a thick
    client/thin server model typified by Oracle
    Version 6 which would be seen as a classic 'two
    layer model' and described as model 4 in the
    Gartner model.

Layered models compared
  • This figure compares a two and three layer
    models with the "traditional" mainframe model

What does a 3LA provide that a 2LA doesn't ?
  • The separation of the business rules from the
    presentation layer (the user-facing front end
    normally a GUI) enables the business rules to be
    used by many different presentation layers. This
    might seem self-evident, but the fact that (in
    theory at least) a Web browser front-end can
    access the same functionality as a Power builder
    application provides the capability for reuse
    across many applications areas that do not share
    the same GUI code or even the same platform.
  • The separation of the business rules from the
    data management functions provides you with the
    capability of implementing business rules that do
    not depend on the underlying data structure.
    Using our travel agent as an example, the
    business rule that describes how the question
    'what is the cheapest way to Paris on a Tuesday'
    is answered need not be dependent on knowing how
    the BR, channel tunnel and Sealink timetables are
  • The addition of a third physical layer enables
    functionality that would previously have been
    "buried" within the client code to be made
    available in its own right. There are several
    potential advantages in this approach, including
    the ability to share common business logic (see
    below), and the fact that the code which
    implements this logic can be run on a robust and
    managed platform. This is particularly important
    where several different back-end systems must be
    accessed, since the desktop workstation is freed
    of the need to support multiple protocols.

Why would one want to use a 3LA?
  • one would choose to use a 3LA whenever more than
    one of the following conditions apply
  • There is a wish to reuse business functionality
    across many front-end systems and especially when
    the front-ends are written in different
  • The acquisition of data to display on the
    presentation layer comes from many sources
  • There is complex processing to be done outside
    the back-end systems
  • There are several different communications
    protocols involved
  • There is potentially a large number of
    client/server users
  • There is a network capacity limitation, and a
    consequent need to avoid SQL traffic
  • There is a need to perform read-ahead and
    store-and-forward cacheing

  • There is a more subtle advantage that a 3LA model
    has over a 2LA - namely that it supports the
    concept of the use of services rather than simply
    the accessing of data.
  • Typically in a 2LA environment the presentation
    layer must know exactly what data it needs, where
    it is and how to access it. The presentation
    layer will read and write to the database
    directly. Thus whenever the data changes, the
    presentation layer will need to be amended.
  • A 3LA model uses the concept of services (or
    agents in the previous analogy).
  • This concept of having an "agent" to act on
    behalf of applications is one of the powerful
    architectural ideas which is made possible by the
    three-layer architecture as opposed to a simple
    client/server design.

  • A service-based approach involves the creation of
    a set of processes which implement business
    functions which can then be used by any other
    process which needs that function. Examples of
    the functions involved include looking up a
    customer balance, updating address details,
    changing an employee's status, etc. This type of
    business logic has traditionally been built into
    individual applications, and has not been
    accessible from outside those applications.
  • In the 3LA, the presentation layer calls upon the
    business rules in the middle layer to perform
    specific requests (e.g. 'add a customer' or
    'retrieve account balance'). The business rules
    determine how to perform the function 'retrieve
    account balance'. Consequently, when the
    processing to support the business rule changes
    then only the business rule code must be changed
    rather than the presentation layers that invoke
    the rule.

Applications share common services
  • This figure illustrates the concept of many
    applications sharing a range of services

Two Approaches
  • Data-everywhere approach.
  • In this paradigm, the presentation layer is given
    access to data in the back-end systems. To make
    it easy for the presentation layer the data will
    usually be made available in an 'SQL-format' even
    if it is held as VSAM or DB2 (EDA/SQL is a good
    example of the 'data-everywhere' approach).
  • API approach.
  • In this paradigm the presentation layer has no
    direct access to back-end data. Instead, it calls
    upon a service (such as 'retrieve customer
    balance') without knowing or caring about where
    the data to support the request resides.
  • It is up to each organisation to determine which
    model they wish to follow. Within MCL we are very
    strong on the API approach - to such an extent
    that our newest 3LA application (BQS - discussed
    later) does not have any SQL calls from the
    desktop application, all access is provided
    through services invoked by an API.

Why writing an application using a 2LA model is
easier than writing a 3LA?
  • Less infrastructural work is required to build
    the required foundation for a 2LA than a 3LA
  • Most current CASE tools tend to support a 2LA
    model rather than a 3LA one.
  • Development tools (e.g. debuggers) are less well
    developed for 3LA languages than 2LA ones.

Why MCL is adopted a 3LA?
  1. Give the appearance of integration
  2. To support re-use across applications
  3. To provide consistent process logic
  4. To isolate users from the churn of functionality

a) Give the appearance of integration
  • The Customer Services Assistants (CSA's) require
    access to a large amount of functionality and
    data to perform their jobs. They need to register
    faults, answer queries about bills, take change
    of address details, etc. MCL has a large number
    of 'back-end' systems that support these various
  • The time taken to train our CSA's on all the
    systems is becoming a significant bottleneck on
    deploying new staff in this area.
  • By giving the CSA's a single, consistent
    interface regardless of the back-end system the
    training time and costs are reduced considerably.

b) To support re-use across applications
  • Within MCL we have a large number of presentation
    systems to support the various user communities.
    These systems are often written in different
    languages and run on different platforms.
  • By separating the presentation logic from the
    business logic we can increase the amount of code
    and functionality that can be reused across the
    various applications

c) To provide consistent process logic
  • The large number of back-end systems within MCL
    means that the business process to support
    'update customer address' can be very
  • Having decided once what the process should be we
    want each application to use the same code. Thus
    when the process changes (for example we reduce
    the number of systems that hold address from 15
    to 5) then only the service (middle) layer code
    need change not all the application layers that
    invoke the service.

d) To isolate users from the churn of
  • Systems are usually upgraded/replaced to suit the
    requirements and needs of a specific user
    community. It is usually the case that there is a
    wider user community that is interested in the
    information but does not care which system is
    being used to supply it.
  • For these users there are considerable benefits
    in isolating them from the churn of functionality
    that results when one system is replaced with
    another. Giving the user an interface independent
    of the system providing the data enables such
    differences to be concealed.

Summary Conclusions
  • a) Implementing a 3LA is not simple. The
    technology is not yet at the stage where it can
    be employed 'straight out of the box'. You will
    need to employ good low-level technical people if
    you want to succeed.
  • b) As with any new technology, you need to be
    sure that the benefits outweigh the risks. If you
    can afford to wait six months do so (and in six
    months time ask the same question again).
  • c) The technology is a means not an end. It is
    easy to get drawn into the technology without
    appreciating the wider aspects.
  • In fact, within MCL we feel that we have the
    technology under control and that the success or
    failure of the 3LA architecture is more dependant
    on organisational issues than anything else.

Summary Conclusions
  • d) Make sure that you start small. Start with a
    pilot to ensure that the technology fits your
    skills and that your organisation is capable of
    dealing with the changes that the 3LA will bring.
  • e) Don't convert an entire 'legacy' application
    to a 3LA overnight.
  • Start by creating services 'on-demand' when they
    are required. It is perfectly reasonable for some
    users to continue to access the back-end systems
    via 3270 terminals whilst other users are given a
    GUI presentation.

Summary Conclusions
  • f) Use your legacy functions wherever you can.
    Try and create wrappers around the existing code
    rather than rewriting all the code onto a new
  • g) Performance of a 3LA is surprisingly good.
    Whilst first impressions might suggest that 3LA
    means lots of connections between lots of boxes,
    all that is happening is that a 3LA makes
    explicit what is happening in the background on a
  • Expect your 3LA application to perform as well as
    your 2LA and to scale up better.

Summary Conclusions
  • h) A 3LA gives you a platform to implement
    time-dependant processing (e.g. only update the
    billing system when the provisioning system has
    accepted the order). In a 2LA model this type of
    processing is difficult to implement.
  • i) Don't underestimate the culture change that
    the 3LA will require. It will take people longer
    than you realise to understand the implications
    of a 3LA on the way they design and implement
  • j) Be aware that 're-use' will not happen by
    accident, you will need to put in a program to
    ensure it happens.
  • k) And finally..... remember that "in a journey
    of a thousand miles the first step is the

Part Two CORBA
  • What is CORBA?
  • The object management group (OMG)
  • For User Provider
  • A way of phrasing
  • The Basic Mechanics of issuing a request
  • CORBA advantages
  • Standards
  • CORBA clients
  • CORBA servers
  • Other Middle ware

What is CORBA?
  • CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
    is a very general and open industry standard for
    working with distributed objects. We think it is
    an important new development in the field of bio
  • CORBA was developed by the Object Management
    Group (OMG), a large non-profit consortium that
    includes the major software vendors (Sun, DEC,
    IBM, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, etc. etc.) as well
    as end users.

The Object Management Group (OMG)
  • The Object Management Group, is a non-profit
    consortium created in 1989 with the purpose of
    promoting theory and practice of object
    technology in distributed computing systems.
  • It aims to
  • reduce the complexity
  • lower the costs
  • hasten the introduction of new software
  • Originally formed by 13 companies, OMG
    membership grew to over 500 software vendors,
    developers and users..

The Object Management Group (OMG)
  • OMG realizes its goals through creating standards
    which allow interoperability and portability of
    distributed object oriented applications.
  • They do not produce software or implementation
    guidelines only specifications which are put
    together using ideas of OMG members who respond
  • Requests For Information (RFI)
  • Requests For Proposals (RFP)
  • The strength of this approach comes from the
    fact that most of the major software companies
    interested in distributed object oriented
    development are among OMG members.

  • To achieve language, site and platform
    independence, an interface to the objects is
    written in a specification language called CORBA
    IDL or shortly IDL.

FOR User Provider
  • To the user of an object (e.g., an applet), it
    specifies the available data types, object types
    and their methods. To the provider, it specifies
    which objects and functionality have to be
  • TO a user, the IDL specification is a promise
    from the provider. To the provider, the IDL
    specification is an obligation to the user.
  • Therefore, IDL specifications should be general
    and stable.

A way of phrasing
  • CORBA is to object oriented computing what the
    World Wide Web is to documents.
  • IDL is to CORBA what HTML is to the World Wide

The Basic Mechanics of issuing a request
CORBA ORB Architecture
  • Object is a CORBA programming entity that
    consists of
  • an identity
  • an interface
  • an implementation, which is known as a Servant.
  • Servant is an implementation programming
    language entity that defines the operations that
    support a CORBA IDL interface.
  • Servants can be written in a variety of
    languages, including C, C, Java, Smalltalk, and
  • Client is the program entity that invokes an
    operation on an object implementation.

  • Object Request Broker (ORB) provides a
    mechanism for transparently communicating client
    requests to target object implementations.
  • ORB Interface is a logical entity that may be
    implemented in various ways (such as one or more
    processes or a set of libraries). To decouple
    applications from implementation details, the
    CORBA specification defines an abstract interface
    for an ORB. This interface provides various
    helper functions.
  • CORBA IDL stubs and skeletons serve as the
    glue'' between the client and server
    applications, respectively, and the ORB. The
    transformation between CORBA IDL definitions and
    the target programming language is automated by a
    CORBA IDL compiler. The use of a compiler reduces
    the potential for inconsistencies between client
    stubs and server skeletons and increases
    opportunities for automated compiler

  • Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) allows a
    client to directly access the underlying request
    mechanisms provided by an ORB.
  • Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI)
  • is the server side's analogue to the client
    side's DII.
  • allows an ORB to deliver requests to an object
    implementation that does not have compile-time
    knowledge of the type of the object it is
  • The client making the request has no idea
    whether the implementation is using the
    type-specific IDL skeletons or is using the
    dynamic skeletons.
  • Object Adapter
  • assists the ORB with delivering requests to the
    object and with activating the object
  • associates object implementations with the ORB.
  • can be specialized to provide support for certain
    object implementation styles (such as OODB object
    adapters for persistence and library object
    adapters for non-remote objects)

CORBA Advantages
  • CORBA allows the interconnection of objects and
    applications, regardless of
  • the computer language of the applications that
    provide or use the objects
  • the machine architecture of the computers
  • the geographical location of the computer
    (connection through the Internet)

  • CORBA itself is an international standard, but by
    itself is not enough to build up systems out of
    software components.
  • The OMG has wide-ranging efforts underway to
    standardize commonly used components.
  • They fall apart in two areas
  • Common Object Services
  • Facilities

Common Object Services (COS)
  • These are IDL specifications of basic
    functionality commonly needed to implement and
    use CORBA objects. The specifications are written
    in IDL. Important Common Object Services are
  • Cos Naming
  • Trader
  • Cos Life Cycle
  • Cos Query
  • Property

  • These are IDL specifications of functionality
    commonly needed to implement complete
    applications. They are subdivided in two
  • Horizontal Common Facilities It is aimed at
    providing high level general functionality for
    working with objects. They include standards such
    as the User Interface and Information Management
  • Vertical Market Facilities It offers more
    specific standards for working with objects in a
    particular business or scientific domain.
    Examples include Transportation, Accounting, and
    most importantly the Life Sciences.

CORBA Clients
  • sequencing trace viewer
  • EST clients
  • Pfam (protein family and alignment database)
  • Radiation Hybrid Map Viewer
  • Querying the Radiation Hybrid Database with
    different clients
  • There are various demos clients which access the
    EMBL database.

Name Description Authors/ maintainers
EMBL servers EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database servers EMBL CORBA
RHdb servers The Radiation Hybrid Database CORBA servers Rhdb team
EST specific servers EST clusters and alignment CORBA servers, EuroGeneIndexes Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé
EST specific servers EMEST, EST database corba server Juha Muilu
AppLab CORBA-Java based Application Wrapper Martin Senger
Comparison within CORBA, Legion and Globus
CORBA Legion Globus
Security Kerberos, SSL and others Kerberos v5 GSS API to come GSI offers GSS API, SSL X509 certificates, Kerberos
Accessing resources Methods on other objects Tools permit remote job submission, file staging Tools permit remote job submission, file staging
Resource discovery Offers naming and trading services Limited MDS handles resource information
Communication ORB used for method invocation LOIDs Nexus and globus_io used for remote calls
Fault tolerance None Checkpointing via libraries, C and C Can query for machine status
  • Mercury's Experiences with 3 Layer Architectures
  • Alasdair Arthur - email 100016.1255_at_compuserve.co
  • Peter Burke - email 70314.2335_at_compuserve.com
  • Version 1.0b ,November 1995
  • OMG95a Common Object Request Broker
    Archictecture, OMG, July, 1995.
  • OMG95b Common Object Services Specification,
    OMG 95-3-31, 1995
  • Vinoski Steve Vinoski, CORBA Integrating
    Diverse Applications Within Distributed
    Heterogeneous Environments, IEEE Communications
    Magazine, February, 1997.
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