Title: Triangle meshes
1Triangle meshes
- Jarek Rossignac
- GVU Center and College of Computing
- Georgia Tech, Atlanta
- http//www.gvu.gatech.edu/jarek
2Popular domain
- Surfaces decomposed into simple manifolds (with
boundary) - Represent each manifold surface as a triangle
mesh - T-meshes are supported by optimized rendering
systems - Easily derived from polygons and parametric
3Focus on explicit representations
- Samples Location and attributes (color, mass)
- Connectivity Triangle/vertex incidence
- Fit Rule for bending triangles (subdivision
surfaces, NURBS)
V(3Bk) bits
T 2V
V(6log2V) bits
4Samples, connectivity, attributes
- Samples (vertices)
- Location (x,y,z)
- Connectivity (triangles)
- Define how surface interpolates samples
- Specifies surface as a set of triangles
- Associates each triangle with 3 samples (called
corners) - Define how to interpolate corner attributes over
triangle - Attributes (parameters for color and texture
calculations) - One per corner of each triangle
- Could be the same for all 3 corners (flat
triangle) - Could be the same for two adjacent corners
(smooth edge) - Could be the same for all coincident corners
(smooth surface) - Linear interpolation of shape and attributes over
- Vertex
- Location of a sample
- Triangles
- Decompose approximating surface
- Edge
- Bounds one or more triangles
- Joins two vertices
- Corner
- Abstract association of a triangle with a vertex
- May have its own attributes (not shared by
corners with same vertex) - Used to capture surface discontinuities
- Border (half-edge, dart)
- Association of a triangles with a bounding edge.
- Defines an orientation of the border
- A triangle has 3 borders and 3 corners
6Representation as independent triangles
- For each triangle
- For each one of its 3 corners, store
- Location
- Attributes (may be the same for neighboring
corners) - Each vertex location is repeated (6 times on
average) - geometry 36 B/T (float coordinates 9x4 B/T)
- Plus 3 attribute-sets per triangle (6 per vertex)
Very verbose! Not good for traversal.
7Connectivity Incidence adjacency
- Triangle/vertex incidence (corner)
- Associates each triangle with 3 vertices
- Defines Corners
- Triangle/triangle adjacency
- Associates triangle with neighboring triangles
- Neighboring triangles share a common edge
- Is completely defined by incidence!
- Convenient to accelerate traversal of
triangulated surface - Walk from one triangle to an adjacent one (visit
them all once) - Used to build triangle strips
- Used to estimate surface normals at vertices
- Used to compress triangulated surfaces
- Triangle/edge incidence (border)
- Associates triangles with their bounding edges
8Triangle orientation
- Orient the plane supporting a triangle
- Pick one of 2 possible orientations for the
normal - List corners in counter clockwise order
- Cyclic order (equivalence under cyclic
permutation) - Orientation compatibility for adjacent triangles
- Common corners follow each other in reverse order
- Can try to propagate consistent orientation
- Pick orientation for first triangle
- Propagate to neighbors (edge-connected), needs
not use geometry - What if more than two triangles share same edge?
- Orientable set of triangles
- Can all triangles be oriented to be consistent
with their neighbors? - Only if the mesh is orientable
9Incidence table
- Integer Ids for vertices (0, 1, 2 V-1)
triangles (0, 1, 2T-1) - Triangle orientation cyclic order in which
corners are listed - Other connectivity info may be derived
- Borders defined by 3 pairs of corners for each
triangle - Edges Set of borders with same two vertices
- Adjacency Triangles incident upon the same edge
- Incidence graph representation
- List of corners (id for vertex attribute)
- Corners of each triangle are consecutive
- Samples defined separately
- List of vertex locations (x,y,z)
- List of attributes (color,normal, texture)
- Not practical for traversing mesh
10T-meshes manifold connectivity graph
- T-mesh triangle set with a manifold
connectivity graph - The corners of each triangle refer to different
vertices - Each edge has exactly two incident triangles
- Manifold vertices The star of each vertex is
connected - Star union of edges and triangles incident upon
the vertex - Triangles form a surface that may be globally
oriented - All triangle orientations are consistent (No
Klein bottle) - All triangles form a connected set
- All pairs of triangles are connected
- Two adjacent triangles are connected
- Connectivity is a transitive relation
11Connectivity/geometry discrepancy
- Connectivity of T-mesh may conflict with actual
geometry - Vertices with different names may be coincident
- Edges with different names may be coincident
- Triangles, edges, and vertices may intersect
- T-mesh with consistent geometry
- Triangles, edges, vertices are pairwise disjoint
- We consider edges and triangles to be open
- I.e., not containing their boundary
- Manifold graphs may be used with invalid geometry
- Coincident edges and vertices Non-manifold
singularities - Self-intersecting surfaces
12Handles in T-meshes
- Handles correspond to through-holes
- A sphere has zero handles, a torus has one
- The number of handles is well defined in a T-mesh
- A handle cannot be identified as a particular set
of triangles - An edge-loop is a cycle of oriented edges
- Each starts where the previous one ended, no
repetition of vertices - A T-mesh has k handles if and only if you can
remove at most 2k edge-loops without
disconnecting the mesh - The genus of a T-mesh is the number of handles it
13Simple T-meshes (STM) and T-patches
- We first look at simple meshes (no handles)
- Homeomorphic to a sphere
- Incidence graph is a planar triangle graph
- We will also use the notion of a T-patch
- Connected portion of an STM
- Bounded by a single edge-loop
14Simple mesh
- A simple mesh is homeomorphic to a triangulated
sphere - Orientable
- Manifold
- No boundary (no holes)
- No handles (no throu-holes)
- Properties
- Each edge has exactly 2 incident triangles
- Each vertex has a single cycle of incident
triangles - May be drawn as a planar graph
15Dual graphs and spanning trees
From Bosen
- Dual graph
- Nodes represent triangles
- Links represent edges
- Join centers of adjacent triangles
- Vertex spanning tree (VST)
- Edge-set connecting all vertices
- No cycles
- Cuts mesh into simply connected polygon with no
interior vertices - Triangle-spanning tree (TST)
- Graph of remaining vertices
- No loops
- Connects all triangles
16Euler formula for Simple Meshes
- Mesh has V vertices, E edges, and T triangles
- E (V-1)(T-1)
- VST has V nodes and thus V-1 links
- TST has T nodes and thus T-1 links
- E 3T/2
- There are 3 borders (edge-uses) per triangle
- There are twice more edge-uses then edges
- T2V-4
- Because (V-1)(T-1) 3T/2
- And hence V-2 3T/2-T T/2
- There are twice more triangles than vertices
- The number C of corners (vertex-uses) is about 6V
- C3T6V-12
- On average, a vertex is used 6 times
17Properties of manifold meshes
- T triangles, E edges, V vertices, H handles, S
shells - Euler T-EV2S -2H
- Example a tetrahedron has T4, E6, V4, S1,
H04-642-0 - Number of handles HS-(T-EV)/2
- Shared edges E3T/2
- 3 borders per triangle, 2 borders per edge
- Twice more triangles than vertices T2V4(H-S)
- T-3T/2V2S-2H
- Assume H and S are much smaller than V
- Three times more edges than vertices E3V-66H
- 2E/3-EV2-2H
18Corner tabledata structure for T-meshes
- Table of corners, for each corner c store
- c.v integer reference to vertex table
- c.o integer reference to opposite corner
- c.a index to table of corner attributes
- Make the corners of each triangle consecutive
- List them according to consistent orientation of
triangles - Can retrieve triangle number c.t c DIV 3
- Can retrieve next corner around triangle c.n
3t (c1)MOD 3
19Computing adjacency from incidence
- c.o can be derived from c.v (needs not be
transmitted) - Build table of triplets min(c.n.v, c.n.n.v),
max(c.n.v, c.n.n.v), c - 230, 131, 122, 143, 244, 125,
- Sort
- 122, 125 ...131... 143 ...230...244
- Pair-up consecutive entries 2k and 2k1
- (122, 125)...131... 143...230...244
- Their corners are opposite
- (122,125)...131...143...230...244
20Accessing left and right neighbors
- Can identify opposite corners of right and left
neighbors - c.r c.n.o
- c.l c.n.n.o
21Using adjacency table for T-mesh traversal
- Visit T-mesh (triangle-spanning tree)
- Mark triangles as you visit
- Start with any corner c and call Visit(c)
- Visit(c)
- mark c.t
- IF NOT marked(c.r.t) THEN visit(c.r)
- IF NOT marked(c.l.t) THEN visit(c.l)
- Label vertices
- Label vertices with consecutive integers
- Label(c.n.v) Label(c.n.n.v) Visit(c)
- Visit(c)
- IF NOT labeled(c.v) THEN Label(c.v)
- mark c.t
- IF NOT marked(c.r.t) THEN visit(c.r)
- IF NOT marked(c.l.t) THEN visit(c.l)
- Samplesincidence graph define triangles and
corners (c.v) - Attributes attached to corners (may be same for
neighbors) - T-mesh oriented manifold incidence (consistent
geometry?) - Adjacency (c.o) supports T-mesh traversal
(derived from c.v) - Simple meshes, T2V-4, H0, S1