Title: FLUKA: Present and Future
1FLUKA Present and Future
A.Fassò, A.Ferrari (on leave from INFN ),
S.Roesler CERN J. Ranft Leipzig P.R.Sala
(on leave from INFN) ETHZ F.Ballarini,
G.Battistoni, M. Campanella, M.Carboni,
F.Cerutti, L.DeBiaggi, E.Gadioli, M.V.Garzelli,
A.Ottolenghi, M.Pelliccioni, T.Rancati,
D.Scannicchio, S.Villari INFN-Milan Frascati,
University of Milan and University of
Pavia V.Anderson, A.Empl, K.Lee, L.Pinsky
University of Houston T.N. Wilson, N. Zapp
- What is FLUKA
- A short history of FLUKA
- The features of FLUKA
- The fields of application of FLUKA
- The FLUKA project
- The FLUKA server
- Examples
- High Energy Physics
- Cosmic Rays
- Radiobiology
- Dosimetry
- Conclusions
3What is FLUKA
- Complete Monte Carlo code (stand-alone) for
transport and interaction of - particles and nuclei
- h-h and h-A Interactions 0-10000 TeV
- A-A Interactions up to 0-10000 TeV/A
- e.m. and muon interactions 0-10000 TeV
- Photo-nuclear interactions
- Neutron interaction and transport down to
thermal energies - (multi-group for Elt 20 MeV)
- Residual nuclei calculations
- Neutrino interactions
- Optical photon generation and transport
- Combinatorial geometry
- Voxel geometry
- Interface to GEANT4 geometry
- Analog and biased (Variance reduction)
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5The Features of FLUKA
- Very accurate mathematical and physical
algorithms - Successful microscopic approach to hadronic
interactions (a review of physics models of FLUKA
is given by A. Fassò in this session) - Core physics coding in FORTRAN , 400,000 lines
of code. Internal management of memory - Built-in mathematical library
- Today maintained for various platforms with
Unix-interface Linux, Compaq-Unix, HP-Ux,
Sun-Solaris - Already used in mixed-language applications
(example the FLUGG package to run FLUKA with
GEANT4 geometry)
6Fields of Application
- Energy Physics (exp. engineering)
- Cosmic Rays, Aircraft and Space applications
- Radiation protection and Shielding
- Dosimetry
- Medical Physics
- ADS and Nuclear waste transmutation
- Why FLUKA is Requested
- Very high Accuracy level
- Successful benchmark to a wide set of
experimental data
7Fields of Application Examples
- Energy production, waste transmutation
EnergyAmplifier (C.Rubbia) - Spallation neutrons TARC / nTOF _at_CERN
- LHC beam-machine interaction and radioprotection
- LHC/ATLAS/CMS radiation background in detectors
- LHC/ATLAS calorimetry simulation
- Neutrino beams from accelerators WANF e CNGS
(officially based on FLUKA) - Cosmic Rays calculation of secondary particles
in atmosphere (neutrinos) - ICARUS general detector and physics simulation
- OPERA (through FLUGG, see later)
- LHC/ALICE general detector simulation
- Dose calculations in civil aviation
- Dose calculations in space missions
- Medical physics hadrotherapy
8Goals of the present FLUKA Project
- 1) Physics models
- High energy A-A collisions (gt 5 GeV/amu)
- A-A Collisions E lt 5 GeV/amu
- 2) Technological development
- Web server
- User advanced (graphical) tools.
- Web Assistance (Documentation, FAQs)
- CVS Management of the source code
- New interfaces for user routines
- 3) Technical Improvements
- Elimination of e.m. preprocessor
- Higher abstraction levels, in particular for
geometry - 4) Application of the code to basic and applied
research projects - Cosmic Rays application modules
- Radiobiology application modules and coupling
FLUKA with phantoms
9The FLUKA Server
- http//www.fluka.org
- Served by INFN through the italian scientific
research network (GARR)
10High Energy Physics Applications
- ATLAS radiation background and Calorimetry
- Benchmark for ATLAS background E.Gschwendtner,
C.W.Fabjan, N.Hessey, T.Otto, and H.Vincke, - Measuring the photon background in the LHC
experimental experiment, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A476,
222 (2002) - (benchmarked up to 14 attenuation lengths)
Photon background
Neutron background
11 NIM A387, 333 (1997) NIM A449, 461
12A Complex Geometry
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14High Energy Physics Applications FLUGG
- The C interface between FLUKA and the GEANT4
Geometry - available from the www server
- (with documentation and examples)
Allows to use FLUKA using an input geometry in G4
format As desired by LHC experiments (see
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17 (NASA grants NAG8-1658 and 01-OBPR-05)
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22Cosmic Ray applications
Atmospheric neutrino fluxes (within ICARUS and
MACRO collaborations) One of the first attempts
in the field aiming at a significative reduction
of the systematic error due to hadronic
interaction models
Sub-GeV nm
Multi-GeV nm
Comparison with Exp. Data from Super-K
23Cosmic Ray Applications
Muon Flux in Atmosphere (simulation of CAPRICE
ballon exp.)
Other benchmarks available, e.g. hadrons
(charged and neutral)
24Cosmic Ray Applications
25Cosmic Ray Applications
- Collaboration started with Karlsruhe FLUKA
(only hadronic section, Egt50 MeV) as an option of
CORSIKA (widely used by high energy cosmic ray
exp.) to replace GHEISHA for Ehad? 80 GeV - To be announced at ICRC2003 (Jul/Aug 2003)
No. of muons vs. No. of electrons/positrons at
the earths surface from Extensive Air Showers
D.Heck and R.Engel
26Dosimetry Applications
Above Narita Airport (Tokyo)
Ambient dose equivalent from neutrons at solar
maximum on commercial flights from Seattle to
Hamburg and from Frankfurt to Johannesburg
Solid line FLUKA simulation
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- Its only the beginning...