Title: Social stratification and a stratified world?
1Social stratification and a stratified world?
Market size by GDP, 1995 (Size of country
indicates GDP)
2Social StratificationA class hierarchy
3Marx -Social Stratification A Two class
hierarchy based on economic ownership
- The Bourgeoisie
- (The owners
- and controllers of
- the means of production)
- The Proletariat
- (the non owners
- or workers)
4Marx - Conflict of interests in a two class
5Webers Social Stratification
- A four-class hierarchy based on economics, power
and status
6The Upper class - wealthy and powerful
7The Middle class Non-manual workers
8The Working class mainly manual workers
9The Underclass - very poor, e.g. the
unemployed and homeless
10A stratified World?
11The world stratified into two layers?
Rich World
Poor World
12The world stratified into four layers?
13Put simply - countries roughly break along a
class hierarchy e.g.
Upper Class Countries USA, Japan, Singapore, European Union, Australia, New Zealand
Middle Class Countries Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey
Working Class Countries (developing) China, India, Africa, Ghana, Nigeria Pakistan, Indonesia
Underclass Countries States such as , Albania, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh
14Stratification and social mobility
- Just as individuals and classes can be
economically and socially mobile, some
sociologists say that countries are economically
and socially mobile. - NB
- Besides class inequalities gender, ethnicity,
age and locality are also dimensions of
inequality both between and within countries.