Title: Diapositiva 1
1Maestra Thecla has always given shape and
brought light to our Pauline life,
I always pray for you, see you and follow you
in spirit, I am close to you.
2She fashioned the Pauline life according to her
great heart
At times I have a great desire to visit you I
often see you in spirit and feel myself in your
midst I love you very much And have a great
desire to be with you
3You owe everything to Prima Maestra and I also
am indebted to her, because she enlightened and
orientated me in many things both joyful and sad
she comforted me in the difficulties that I
encountered along the way. (Blessed
Alberione, 1960)
4Prima Maestra marked out the way with much
sacrifice and took steps which at times seemed
truly difficult and risky. Although her health
was frail, she was nevertheless strong in
spirit, steadfast and obedient to the point of
sacrifice. Don Alberione
5Do not feel her far away, but present in your
midst If you become as holy as Prima Maestra
was, paradise will be not large enough. (Blessed
Alberione, 1964)
6The Congregation is doing well and is pleasing
to the Lord. Prima Maestra guided the
Congregation with charity, prayer and her
example ( Father Alberione).
7You are always present to me Maestra Thecla
gave shape to our Pauline life also through her
frequent circulars which show her to be mother,
friend to every Sister, and mediator of the
8Maestra Thecla wrote at least every fifteen days
to the missionary Sisters, expressing her concern
for every aspect of their lives
9To Sr. Addolarata Baldi, november 1931
The difficulties that you are facing show that
you are doing the work of God. This is our life
to begin from the manger of Bethlehem and follow
the Divine Master, all the way to Calvary.
10Alle sorelle in partenza per il Brasile
Go forth in the name of the Holy Trinity(1932)
11To the sisters leaving
for the United States
I send my greeting and best wishes from the
bottom of my heart. I wish that the new land to
which you are going may be first of all the
field in which you attain sanctity. Become great
saints. May the great sacrifices awaiting you
there be rendered sweet by the thought of heaven
and by the hope of bringing many souls to the
12We think of you, we speak of you, we are with
you in spirit--you are always present to us.
Courage! The Lord is with you, remain united
to Him (1932)
13Be well united to the Lord () Let everything be
used for the foundation of the building. Do you
feel a heavy cross on you? But it is the Lord
who carries always the heavier piece. (to Sr.
Stefanina, 1932)
14Be recollected, lost in the Lord.
In Jesus you will always find that which you
heart desires, you will find everything the love
of the mother and the affection of the sisters.
Remain always under the mantle of the holy
Madonna. (1934, to Sr. Stefanina)
15Act with prudence, but be open minded One
thing to take care for the study of the
16 I am looking forward to hearing from you
give news about the house and the Daughters of
St. Paul. If you sent your letter by air mail, I
will be pleased (1932 to Sr. Addolorata)
17I am much in pain for you
Dearest M. Paula () Write to your mother once
a month, and you may also enclose a sheet in my
letter when writing to me. I will forward it to
her. She is alone and you are so far.
18A solitary journey
On Marh 26, 1936 M. Thecla leaves alone for the
two Americas.
I am on the sea Nine days went by out of
fifteen, so I am taking courage. I find these
days long above all for the fasting we are
obliged to make no Mass, no Communion I set a
little altar in the cabin.
19The difficult years of the institutional
discernment (in regard to the Pious Disciples)
Dearest M. Brigida (), let us take everything
from the hands of the Lord, and let us try only
to do our duties well, to practice virtues, to
earn paradise. In the proper moment the Lord will
make us know how things are. Let us be serene
trusting only in Him. ... Speak little, say
nothing about these things and work only for the
20I do not know what to say, we are really in the
dark let us do what we are told in this way we
will make no mistakes.(27.12.38)
21Rome 16-10-1939 Dearest M. Paolina By now you
would already know that I had to leave urgently.
I was called back to give some help to Primo
Maestro who is having very tight needs. Never
before as now that there are so many distressing
material needs. I am in great pain for him and I
would do anything to help him out.
22I see you in spirit and often I feel myself in
your midst I love you very much and have a great
desire to see you.To M. Paola, 1940
23During the war providence always came to our
24To Sr. Elena Ramondetti (Filippine - 1946)
Always I love you, but I did not know many
things and when I wrote to you I did not have
many things to tell you. Now that I spoke with
you and the sisters, I know more about your life
and needs, You also suffered a lot during the
years of the war. When you write, please tell me
everything, I am not surprised of anything. If I
can be of some help to you, I will do it very
25Let us look at the essential
There is no need to be so meticulous .let us
not be so small to waste time on trifles. It is
necessary to go over many things (to Sr.
Cleofe, 1947)
26Bring light to many souls who are awaiting
you and are thirsty for truth.
27Primo Maestro is worried because the Gospel does
not move fast enough . Please pray for this.
28In great economical difficulties
I would not like to ask you, but if you could
give us some help in these two months, it would
be a great charity. We were never in such
difficulty for the payments. We still have to
pay the bread we bought in May (to M. Cleofe,
29You are my dearest friend. To M. Paola, 1954
30Dearest Dolores, after having spent forty days
in the Orient, I am again in Italy. This time,
however, my health is bad. We are exhausted
because of the intense heat in India. I am
pleased with Brazil. I would like you to prepare
two sisters for India. I think they will be very
happy at the thought of going to the missions.
(to Sr. Addolorata, 1953)
31I am begging you
Your help is always providential.
32Nel Capitolo del 1957
I would have preferred not to be chosen
However I accept this as the will of God even
though this is a cross for me.
33Let us have this holy fixation to become
34May everything in our life move ahead
You have already produced many catechetical
records. Certainly the difficulties have non been
lacking There is no need to be discouraged,
just keep moving ahead. To Sr. Stefanina, 1961
35Che le maestre siano materne
36E bene avvisare le Maestre che abbiano riguardo
alla salute delle Suore Anche se loro vogliono
non facciano più di 5 6 ore al giorno di
propaganda e più un giorno di riposo oltre la
domenica, se non a lungo non la possono durare e
noi abbiamo la responsabilità
- (the words of Cardinal Larraona referring to M.
38Each of you felt embraced by her maternal
solicitude which stemmed from her perceptive
foresight so that she could offer comfort and a
remedy to each one. Card. Larraona
39From this moment on I offer my prayer and my
sufferings according to the intentions of Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament. I intend to renew
this offering with each beat of my heart. During
the night while I am sleeping I desire that my
breathing express a continual communion with my
God. And with each breath I want to say Jesus is
with us and we are with Jesus (). Thanks be to
God. May your will be done. (January 1927)
40Let every breath, every beat of my heart, every
action be acts of love of God. May all my
thoughts, the affections of my heart, my will,
everything be ordered to God. O my Jesus, my
God, I wish this new year with its months and
days to be all for You, only for You. From this
moment I detest every thought, affection, sight
that are not for you. I place this 1938 in your
hands, Mary most holy. Grant that all the
Daughters of St. Paul love God alone and never
offend him. (January first 1938)
41Prima Maestra has traced out a wide, luminous
way rising to the heights of perfection.
E un disegno di grande amore e abbandono nel
42(No Transcript)