?????? ? ??? Biological process simulation and optimization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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?????? ? ??? Biological process simulation and optimization


Biological process simulation and optimization Major: Interdisciplinary program of the integrated biotechnology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ?????? ? ??? Biological process simulation and optimization

?????? ? ???Biological process simulation and
  • Major Interdisciplinary program of the
    integrated biotechnology
  • Graduate school of bio- information technology
  • Youngil Lim (N110), Lab. FACS
  • phone 82 31 670 5200 (secretary), 82 31 670
    5207 (direct)
  • Fax 82 31 670 5445, mobile phone 82 10 7665
  • Email limyi_at_hknu.ac.kr, homepage 

Part I. Problem Formulation
  • Mathematical form
  • Objective function (economic criteria) profit,
    cost, energy, productivity or yield w.r.t. key
  • Process model (constrains) interrelationship of
    key variables (physical and empirical equations).

Part I. Problem Formulation
  • Ch. 1 Examples in chemical engineering
  • Ch. 2 Process models material/energy balances,
    equilibrium equations, empirical equations.
  • Ch. 3 Objective functions capital cost/operating

Ch 1. Nature of optimization problems
  • In process design and operations,
  • - so many solutions exist
  • - select the best among the possible solutions
  • To find the best solution,
  • - critical analysis of process
  • - appropriate performance objectives
  • - use of past experience (from expert)
  • Objectives
  • - process design largest production, greatest
    profit, minimum const, least energy usage
  • - process operation improve yield of target
    product, reduce energy consumption, or increase
    processing rate

Ch 1. Nature of optimization problems
Allocation scheduling
Individual equipment
  • Fig. 1.1 Hierarchy of levels of optimization

Ch. 1 Examples
  1. Determine the best sites for plant location
  2. Routing tankers for the distribution of crude and
    refined products
  3. Sizing and layout of a pipeline
  4. Designing equipment and an entire plant
  5. Scheduling maintenance and equipment replacement
  6. Operating equipment, such as tubular reactors,
    columns and absorber.
  7. Evaluating plant data to construct a model of a
  8. Minimizing inventory charges
  9. Allocating resources or services among several
  10. Planning and scheduling construction

Example 1.1 Optimum insulation thickness
Cost of insulation
Cost, y (/yr)
Cost of lost energy
Insulation thickness, x (cm)
Example 1.2 Optimal operating conditions of a
Thermal efficiency
Thermal efficiency
Hydrocarbon emissions
NOx emissions
1.0 1.3
Air-fuel ratio, x
Example 1.3 Optimum distillation reflux (1/2)
  • When fuel costs were low, high reflux (high heat
    duty, high purity) leads to maximize profit.
  • When fuel costs are high, low reflux (low heat
    duty, limited purity) prefer to maximize profit.

Example 1.3 Optimum distillation reflux (2/2)
  • When fuel costs are high, low reflux (low heat
    duty, limited purity) prefer to maximize profit.

Example 1.4 Multiplant product distribution
  • Distribution of a single product (Y) manufactured
    at several plant locations.
  • Several costumers are located at various
  • We have m plants Y(Y1, Y2, Ym)
  • We have n demand points (costumers) Ym(Ym1,
    Ym2, Ymn)
  • Minimize cost including transportation costs and
    production costs

Essential features of optimization problems
  • 1. Optimization problems must be expressed in
  • 2. A wide variety of opti. problems have the same
    mathematical structures
  • - at least, on objective function
  • - equality constraints (equations)
  • - inequality constraints (inequalities)
  • 3. Terminologies (see Fig. 1.2)
  • - variables
  • - feasible solution
  • - optimal solution

Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Formulation of
the optimal problem
  • To schedule the production in two plants A B
  • Each plant produce two products 1 2
  • To maximize profits ( or /year) ? objective
    function f(t)
  • Variables are the working days (day) tA1, tA2,
    tB1, tB2
  • Given parameters Sij (/lb), Mij (lb/day), where
    iA, B j1, 2

Num. Objective func. Num. variables Num.
parameters Num. inequality Num. equation
1 2 4 9 5
Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Matlab practice
  • To schedule the production in two plants A B
  • Each plant produce two products 1 2
  • To maximize profits ( or /year) ? objective
    function f(t)
  • Variables are the working days (day) tA1, tA2,
    tB1, tB2
  • Given parameters Sij (/lb), Mij (lb/day), where
    iA, B j1, 2
  • Preparation steps before using Matlab
  • Use constrained LP based on SQP (successive
    quadratic programming)
  • ? fmincon()
  • 2. Search matlab help (F1)
  • 3. Learn how to use this function
  • Programming steps in Matlab
  • Define parameters of the given problem
  • Define parameters of the used function,
  • Call and define the objective function

Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Matlab practice
  • Preparation steps before using Matlab
  • Use constrained LP based on SQP (successive
    quadratic programming)
  • ? fmincon()
  • 2. Search matlab help (F1)
  • 3. Learn how to use this function

Using constrained optimization solver, SQP
LP x,fval fmincon(_at_fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)
NLP x,fval fmincon(_at_fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,u
b,nonlcon) x variables fval minimum value
of objective function fun objective function
to be called x0 initial guess of x A and b
linear inequalities, Ax lt b Aeq and beq
linear equalities, Aeqx beq lb lower bound
of x ub upper bound of x
Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Matlab practice
x (variables) should be a column matrix
Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Matlab practice
  • Programming steps in Matlab
  • Define parameters of the given problem M, S, L
  • Define parameters of the used function,
    fmincon() A, b, lb, ub
  • Call and define the objective function
  • function f fun(x)

Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Matlab practice
  • Programming steps in Matlab
  • Define parameters of the given problem M, S, L
  • Define parameters of the used function,
    fmincon() A, b, lb, ub
  • Call and define the objective function
  • function f fun(x)

Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Matlab practice
Programming steps in Matlab 1. Define parameters
of the given problem M, S, L 2. Define
parameters of the used function, fmincon() A, b,
lb, ub. 3. Call and define the objective
function function f fun(x)
Example 1.5 Optimal scheduling Matlab practice
  • Programming steps in Matlab
  • Define parameters of the given problem M, S, L
  • Define parameters of the used function,
    fmincon() A, b, lb, ub
  • Call and define the objective function
  • function f fun(x)

Example 1.6 Material balance reconciliationquadr
atic programming
  • We have 3 experimental measurements of flowrate,
    respectively, at two points.
  • We wanna know inlet flowrate
  • Mass balance MA MBi MCi
  • MB (11.1 10.8 11.4)
  • MC (92.4 94.3 93.8)
  • Characteristics of above problem
  • 2nd-order one variable function
  • Unique global optimum exists.
  • First-order derivative is needed to get the

1.6 General procedure for solving optimization
  1. Analyze the process itself so that the process
    variables and specific characteristics of
    interest are defined ? make a list of the
  2. Determine the criterion for optimization, and
    specify the objective function w.r.t variables
    and parameters ? performance model
  3. Using mathematical expressions, develop a valid
    process or equipment model that relates the
    input/output variables. Include both equality and
    inequality constraints. Use first-principle
    models (mass/energy balances, equilibrium
    equations), empirical equations, implicit
    concepts and external restrictions. Identify the
    number of degree of freedom. ? equality/inequality
  4. If the problem formulation is too large in scope,
    ? reduced model development
  5. Break it up into manageable parts or
  6. Simplify the objective function and model
  7. Apply a suitable optimization technique (SQP, GA,
    GCMC, etc. or Matlab, GAMS, etc.) to the
    mathematical statement of the problem.
  8. Check the answers, and examine the sensitivity of
    the result to change in the parameters ?
    parameter sensitivity analysis.

Exercise and homework 1
  • Select one problem among 1.10-1.24 and solve it
    using Matlab.
  • Each student should select a different problem
    each other.
  • If there is no specific value to be needed,
    please set the values yourself.
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