Title: Organization Theory: Strategy Implementation Process
1Organization Theory Strategy Implementation
- Power, Psychic Prisons, Domination, Flux
- Steven E. Phelan
2Organizations as Political Systems
3Organizations as political systems
- Power the ability to get what you want, when
you want - Politics the process of acquiring and using
power - As no-one can get everything they want when they
want it, politics inevitably involves coalitions,
compromises, and conflict management. - According to Morgan, many organizations have
strong autocratic tendencies does that mean
CEOs always get what they want? - Would democracy be better for organizations?
4Types of Power (Lukes)
- Type I
- Power is decision making
- Whoever makes the decisions has power
- Exercised in formal institutions
- Measured by the outcomes of decisions
- Type II
- Decision making PLUS agenda-setting
- Need to consider extent of informal influence
- Do lobbyists in Washington have power?
5Sources of power
- Coercive power
- Use or threats of violence
- Use of organizational rules and regulations,
- The ability to reward or punish (or threaten to
do so) - Is threatening someones income stream a form of
economic violence? - Formal authority
- What does this mean given Lukes critique?
- Ultimately, based in law (e.g. at will
6Resource Dependency
- Control of
- scarce resources,
- decision making premises, processes, objectives
- knowledge/information,
- boundaries,
- technology, uncertainty,
- informal networks,
- counter-organizations
7Power and ethics
- Are these tactics from the 48 laws of power
ethical? Necessary? - 2 Never put too much trust in friends
- 3 Conceal your intentions
- 7 Get others to do the work but take the credit
- 10 Avoid the unhappy and unlucky
- 11 Learn to keep people dependent on you
- 14 Pose as a friend, work as a spy
- 15 Crush your enemy totally
- 32 Play to peoples fantasies
- 38 Think as you like but behave like others
- 45 Preach the need for change but never reform
too much
- Is lack of power a major constraint?
- How important should power considerations be in
management action? - Should I strive to increase my power (perhaps by
creating resource dependencies or coalitions) - Does being in a coalition constrain me?
- Can I make my organization less political?
- The bigger the prize, the more self-interest, and
the more politics do you agree? - Politicking can also lead to gridlock
9Strengths of the political metaphor
- We see how all organizational activity is
interest-based - Conflict management becomes a key activity
- The myth of organizational rationality is
debunked rational for whom? - Organizational integration becomes problematic
- Politics is a natural feature of organization
- It raises fundamental questions about power and
control in society
10Limitations of the political metaphor
- Politics can breed more politics
- It underplays gross inequalities in power and
11Organizations as Instruments of Domination
12Lukes Third Type of Power
- Shapes preferences via values, norms, ideologies
- All social interaction involves power because
ideas operate behind all language and action - Not obviously measurable we must infer its
existence (how?) - These become routine
- we dont consciously think of them
- We see them as natural or normal
- Examples?
- Wall street bailout is an interesting example
- Teenagers went from adults to children during
13Critical Theory
- Structural factors
- Class
- Gender
- Race
- Symbolism and the management of meaning
- Hegemony and false consciousness (Gramsci)
- Self-censorship and propaganda model (Chomsky)
- Ideal speech situations
- Since truth cannot be verified then no idea is
more privileged than another - The very development and use of the rhetoric of
objectivity represents a mere play for power, a
way of silencing other ways of knowing - Weaker forms seek to unmask the social and
political processes that create privileged and
elitist ways of knowing this is the power
behind culture - More radical forms seek to alter the social
structure to admit other ways of knowing and
thereby share (or destroy) power.
- Deconstruct the narrative that
- CEOs are entitled to high salaries
- The American dream is within everyones reach
- There is a pay gap between men and women
- Cutting taxes on the wealthy creates a trickle
down effect - The Iraq war is being fought for freedom
- Share the wealth
- Is there generally a dominant discourse or
competing discourses in an organization?
- Primary and secondary labor markets
- Stress and workaholism
- Occupational Disease
- Exploitation of people and resources
- Class, race, gender, world regions
- Green (environmental) issues
- Poor working conditions in developing countries
and responsibilities of MNCs
- Do you have constraints if the dominant discourse
does not favor your group? - Are rich white men more privileged in America? If
so, how? - What can be done to remove constraints created by
language and beliefs? - How does this affect a CEOs ability to act?
- Can corporations been seen as too dominant?
- What are the implications of this? Does this
create its own constraints on the powerful?
18Organizations as psychic prisons
- Invulnerability
- We cannot fail
- Morality
- We are right and just, God is with us
- Stereotypes
- the enemy are evil monsters
- Pressure on group members to conform
- Self-censorship
- Unanimity
- acting as though silence equals agreement
- Rationalization of conflicting evidence
20Cognitive biases
- Distorted perceptions (Rumelt)
- Myopia
- Hubris (pride in past accomplishments)
- Denial/defensive behavior
- Superstitious learning
- Faulty analogies
21Cognitive biases
- Availability
- Easily recalled events are judged as having
higher frequencies - Crime, earthquakes, plane crashes, tech company
bankruptcies - Representativeness
- We make decisions based on representative
probabilities - In families we six children, which sequence of
boys and girls is least likely - GBGBBG
- Hindsight
- We are not surprised by what happened in the past
we tend to focus on single factor explanations - Why did Enron fail?
22Cognitive biases
- Escalation of commitment
- If a bet or investment goes poorly we tend to
increase our efforts next time instead of walking
away - Illusion of control
- e.g. tossing dice, playing slots
- Overconfidence
- Managers are overconfident in their judgments
- Set 98 confidence limits on the population of
the US and Las Vegas - Managers also tend to dismiss or minimize the
level of risk
23Unconscious processes (Freud)
- Tension
- The demands of the id ('I want it, I want it
now') and the demands of the superego ('no it's
wrong') frequently conflict. The ego deals with
this conflict by operating unconscious defense
24Defense mechanisms
- Displacement
- This is the transfer of desires or impulses onto
a substitute person or object. For example, if
we are reprimanded by our boss, we may 'take it
out' on a less dangerous substitute (e.g.
shouting at our children, slamming a door or
stamping our feet.) - Projection
- This is where characteristics or desires that are
unacceptable to a person's ego are externalized
or projected onto someone else. - Reaction formation
- Behavior that is the exact opposite of an impulse
that they dare not express or acknowledge - Dealing with homosexual feelings by beating up
gay people
25Defense mechanisms
- Regression
- an individual attempts to avoid current anxiety
by withdrawing to the behavior patterns of an
earlier age. - Repression
- the expulsion of thoughts and memories that might
provoke anxiety from the conscious mind - they continue to affect a person's behavior later
in adulthood in disguised or symbolic forms (such
as dreams or neurotic behavior). - Rationalization
- This is an attempt to explain our behavior to
ourselves and others, in ways that are seen as
rational and socially acceptable, instead of
irrational and unacceptable.
26Defense mechanisms
- Denial
- This is where a person may deny some aspect of
reality. For example, someone who cannot come to
terms with the death of a loved one may still
talk to them, lay the table for them and even
wash and iron their clothes. - Identification
- this is incorporating an external object (usually
another person) into one's own personality,
making them part of one's self. You come to
think, act and feel as if you were that person.
27Psychoanalysis in the organization
- Ingroup/outgroup
- Idealizing the group or the leader
- Demonizing the other
- Organizational practices/processes as
transitional objects - Change threat to personal identity
- Strategic plans as defenses against anxiety about
an uncertain future
- Do what degree to psychic processes constrain the
process of free choice? - How prevalent are these issues in organizations
and management?
29Organizations as Flux and Transformation
30Chaos Theory
- Chaos theory can be compactly defined as "the
qualitative study of unstable aperiodic behaviour
in deterministic nonlinear dynamical systems" - Famous for the butterfly effect (or sensitivity
to initial conditions) and the concept of strange
31Logistic Equation
32Chaos in the Real World
- If the economy is a chaotic system then planning
is doomed - Better learn to react and learn quickly rather
than prepare - It feels chaotic, but there is little evidence
that the economy is a chaotic system
33What is complexity theory?
- Based on an agentan ant in a colony, an electron
in an atom, a worker in a company... - A complex system is defined as any network of
interacting agents (or processes or elements)
that exhibits a dynamic aggregate behavior as a
result of the individual activities of its
agents. - An agent in such a system is adaptive if its
actions can be given a value (performance,
utility, payoff, fitness etc.) and the agent
behaves so as to increase this value over time.
34Complex Adaptive System
- A complex adaptive system is one in which agents
adapt to higher levels of fitness over time - A fitness landscape is simply a visual
representation of the payoffs from taking
different strategies - Fitness landscapes can be rugged (with many peaks
or troughs) or smooth - Co-evolution creates a dancing fitness landscape
35Modeling Methods
- The development of complexity theory is a direct
result of new computer technology. - Increased computing power has given us the
ability to model the idiosyncratic behavior of
thousands of individual agents - artificial intelligence, parallel processing,
high level programming languages. - In the past, aggregated models were used
(e.g. system dynamics)
36Key Result Areas
- Some key results in complexity theory have proved
important for management - Emergence
- Agent-Based Search
- Patches
- Self-Organized Criticality
- Emergence
- Order for free no central control!
- Simple/local interactions produce interesting
(unanticipated) outcomes at the macro-level (e.g.
boids) Examples - Craig Reynolds Boids Program
- Separation steer to avoid crowding local
flockmates - Alignment steer towards the average heading of
local flockmates - Cohesion steer to move toward the average
position of local flockmates.
38Agent-Based Search
- A rugged fitness landscape can be produced by an
NK model (also known as a Boolean network or spin
glass model) - Imagine N nodes in a lattice with each node
randomly connected to K other nodes - The energy of any given node is a function of its
state (on/off) and the states of the K other
nodes - How should the energy of the lattice be
minimized? - Brute trial-and-error takes a long time
- Using a pack of agents to explore the landscape
and zero in on promising regions may be faster
- Stu Kauffman found that dividing an NK lattice
into several patches and minimizing the energy in
each patch without reference to the global energy
level gave better solutions than global search on
very rugged (i.e. complex) landscapes - Relaxing some constraints may work well in
complicated problems
40Complexity as Metaphor
- Complexity theory has been extended from biology
and physics into other arenas - Undoubtedly, societies, economies, and
organizations are complex adaptive systems, too. - If an organization is like an NK model then
- Adaptation (biology) rather than efficiency
(machine) should be promoted - A variety of small experiments should be
undertaken to explore the fitness landscape - Rely less on central controls, use simple rules
- Eisenhardt Strategy as simple rules
- Recognize that change can yield big (or small)
results and solutions can emerge from the
interaction of agents (workers)
42Strengths and limitations of flux metaphor
- Strengths
- We think of the limits of forecasting,
prediction, and control - We think about adaptation rather than
optimization - Limitation
- Is there really an analogy between the results of
computer simulations of physical systems and
- If small seemingly unimportant events can trigger
large consequences then how much are we in
control of events - Similarly, by putting rules in place we can
direct the organization to evolve in novel
directions without direct control - Do these workers have free will or are they
constrained? Are these constraints better than
traditional rules?
44Disclosure (1994)
- Why the title Disclosure?
- Why did Meredith come on the Tom?
- Why was everyone so ready to believe that Tom was
guilty? - How did chaos theory undo Meredith numerous times
in the movie? - Is this realistic or a deus ex machina?
- Was Stephanie Kaplan a better politician than
Meredith? - Why did they want to set Tom up a second time?
- Why use Meredith?
45Disclosure Quotes
- "Sexual harassment is not about sex, it's about
power. She has it, you don't - You must pounce because we don't have the
harassment. It must be that Sanders is
incompetent. It'll be in public. With reporters.
Bob's counting on you. - Did it ever occur to you, Meredith, that maybe I
set you up?