Title: NIMS FY 07 State Agency Requirements
1NIMS FY 07 State Agency Requirements
2FY 07 Transition
- State
- Self- Certification
- Taken as a whole.
Performance Measures (Metrics) (Who, what, why,
where, when)
3FY 07 Requirements
- Requirements identified in Matrixes (State and
Territories, Local and Tribal Governments) - Metrics performance measures
- (State and Territories, Local and Tribal
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5 Matrix/Metrics, Tiers
- Requirements
- FY 07 Tier 1 (bolded) require an affirmative
answer to all questions - Tier 2 Unbolded items simply require an
answer..doesnt have to be in the affirmative - NEW FOR FY 07 will be required FY 08 NOT FY 07
6FY 07 NIMS Requirements
- Fully Meet the FY 05 and
- FY 06 Requirements
- FY 07 on..METRICS! Responses that indicate
compliance more details - (Some require Yes/No response others require
numbers and some require narrative)
7METRICS That Measure?
- Details of compliance with FY 05 and FY 06
requirements - More use of NIMSCAST for all jurisdictions to
report details of compliance
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11N I M s C A S T To be revised late Spring 2007
National Incident Management System Compliance
Assistance Support Tool
12Key Features for FY 07
- NIMSCAST will be used by federal agencies that
provide federal preparedness funds to monitor
applicants NIMS compliance. - Federal Preparedness Funding Agencies/Departments
that include at least 11 agencies and 61 funded
programs - (List in folder)
13OES Role
- Lead for statewide NIMS compliance
- Need assistance from state agencies in completing
state metrics - OES will roll-up state agencies responses
14Continuation of Basic Training Requirementsfor
Local, Tribal Jurisdictions
- IS - 700 (1-2 hours)
- IS - 800 (1-2 hours)
- ICS -100 (1 hour) (IS 100)
- ICS- 200 (7 hours) (IS 200)
- SEMS Intro (1-2 hours for all state and local
jurisdictions) - ICS 300 and ICS 400 start now to be required in
FY 08
15What State Agencies Need To Do ?
- Meet the FY 07 Requirements
- Complete the Metrics that relate to your agency.
- Complete NIMSCAST (when metrics are added)
- Forward completed metrics to OES HQ
- Maintain copies of completed metrics
16Future Efforts
- FY09 and FY10 requirements released with FY 08
- NIC working on a 5 year training plan
- NFPA 1600 and 1561 will be included in the
standards for training - NFPA 1561 Standard on Emergency Services Incident
Management - NFPA 1600 Standard for Disaster and Emergency
Management and Business Community
17SEMS/NIMS Integration Resources
- www.oes.ca.gov
- NIMS Compliance
- NIMS Compliance www.fema.gov/nims/nims_compliance
- NIMS/SEMS Integration www.fema.gov/NIMSCAST
- NIMS- www.fema.gov/emergency/nims/mutual_aid.shtm
- Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-5
- www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/02/2003022
8-9.html - NIMSCAST - www.fema.gov/NIMSCAST
- SEMS/NIMS Integration
- Directors Letters, Executive Order,
Requirements, etc. - SEMS/NIMS Toolkit
- Materials developed, crosswalk, NIMS and Plan
Further Assistance OES NIMS Primary Point of
Contact Curry Mayer (916) 845-8288 Curry_Mayer_at_o
es.ca.gov OES SEMS/NIMS Point of Contact Glenn
Cadman (916) 845-8775 Glenn.Cadman_at_oes.ca.gov