8. Spin and Adding Angular Momentum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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8. Spin and Adding Angular Momentum


... probably other stuff It is common to need matrix elements of operators between these ... , j, j , and of course T The Wigner-Eckart ... (m1,m2) pairs forms a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 8. Spin and Adding Angular Momentum

8. Spin and Adding Angular Momentum
8A. Rotations Revisited
The Assumptions We Made
  • We assumed that r? formed a basis and R(?)r?
  • From this we deduced R(?)?(r) ?(?Tr)
  • Is this how other things work?
  • Consider electric field from a point particle
  • Can we rotate by R(?)E(r) E(?Tr)?
  • Lets try it
  • This is not how electric fields rotate
  • It is a vector field, we must also rotate the
    field components
  • R(?)E(r) ? E(?Tr)
  • Maybe we have to do somethingsimilar with ??

Spin Matrices
  • How do the D(?)s behave?
  • We want to find all matrices satisfying this
  • Easy to show when ? 1, D(?) 1
  • As before, Taylor expand D for small angles
  • In a manner similar to before, then show

We Already Know the Spin Matrices
  • We used to have identical expressions for the
    angular momentum L
  • From these we proved that L has the standard
    commutation relations
  • It follows that S has exactly the same
    commutation relations
  • The three Ss are generalized angular momentum
  • But in this case, they really are finite
    dimensional matrices
  • Logically, our wave functions would now be
  • But s is a constant, so just label them
  • There are 2s 1 of them total

Restrictions on s?
  • Recall, for angular momentum, we had to restrict
    l to integers, not half-integers
  • Why? Because wave functions had to be continuous
  • Can we find a similar argument for spin? Consider
    s ½
  • Consider a rotation by 2?
  • This would imply if you rotate by 2?, the state
    vector changes by ? ? ? ? ?
  • But these states are indistinguishable, so this
    is okay!
  • Any value of s, integer or half-integer, is fine
  • The basic building blocks of matter are all s ½
  • Other particles have other spins

part. s e- ½ p ½ n0 ½
part. s ? 1 ??,? 0 0 ?s 3/2
Basis States for Particles With Spin
  • Basis states used to be labeled by r?
  • But now we must label them also by
    whichcomponent we are talking about r,ms?
  • Comment for spin ½, it is common to abbreviate
    the ms label
  • The spin operators affect only the spin label
  • Operators that concern position, like R, P, and
    L, only affect the position label
  • All these position operators must commute with
    spin operators

Sample Problem
Define J L S. Find all commutators of J, J2,
S2, and L2
  • Thats 6 operators, so 6?5/2 15 possible
  • Ill just do five of them to give you the idea
  • Recall, for any angular momentum-like set of
    operators, J2,J 0

Hydrogen Revisited
  • Recall our Hamiltonian
  • Note that S commutes with the Hamiltonian
  • We can diagonalize simultaneously H, L2, Lz, S2,
    and Sz
  • It is silly to label them by s, because s ½
  • Degeneracy ms takes on two values,doubling the
  • Do all Hamiltonians commute with spin?
  • No! Magnetic interactions care about spin
  • Even hydrogen has small contributions (spin-orbit
    coupling) that depend on spin

8B. Total Angular Momentum and Addition
What Generates Rotations?
  • Recall that
  • Rewrite this in ket notation
  • Define J
  • J is what actually generates rotations
  • If a problem is rotationally invariant, we would
    expect J to commute with H
  • Not necessarily L or S

What are L, S and J?
  • Consider the rotation of the Earth around the
  • It has orbital angular momentumfrom its orbit
    around the Sun L
  • It has spin angular momentumfrom its rotation
    around the axis S
  • The total angular momentum is
  • It is another set of angular momentum-like
  • It will have eigenvectors j,m? with eigenvalues
  • Because L and S typically dont commute with
    theHamiltonian, we might prefer to label our
    states byJ eigenvalues, which do
  • To keep things as general as possible, imagine
    any two angular momentum operators adding up to
    yield a third

Adding Angular Momentum
  • Commutation relations
  • We could label states by their eigenvalues under
    the following four commuting operators
  • Instead, wed prefer to label them by the
  • These all commute with each other
  • These have the same j1 and j2 values, so well
    abbreviate them
  • Two things we want to know
  • Given j1 and j2, what will the states j,m? be?
  • How do we convert from one basis to another,
    i.e., what is
  • Clebsch-Gordan coefficients

The procedure
  • It is easy to figure out what the eigenvalues of
    Jz are, because
  • For each basis vector j1,j2m1,m2?, there will
    beexactly one basis vector j,m? with m m1
  • The ranges of m1 and m2 are known
  • From this we can deduce exactly how many
    basisvectors in the new basis have a given value
    of m
  • By looking at the distribution of m values,
    wecan deduce what j values must be around
  • Easier illustrated by doing it than describing it

Sample Problem
Suppose j1 2 and j2 1, and we change basis
from j1,j2m1,m2? to j,m?. (a) What values of m
will appear in j,m?, and how many times? (b)
What values of j will appear in j,m?, and how
many times?
  • First, find a list of all the m1 and m2 values
    that occur
  • I will do it graphically
  • Now, use the formula m m1 m2 to find the
    mvalue for each of these points
  • From these, deduce the m values and how
    manythere are
  • I will do it graphically
  • Note where the transitions are

Sample Problem (2)
Suppose j1 2 and j2 1, and we change basis
from j1,j2m1,m2? to j,m?. (a) What values of m
will appear in j,m?, and how many times? (b)
What values of j will appear in j,m?, and how
many times?
  • For any value of j, m will run from j to j
  • Clearly, there is no j bigger than 3
  • But since m 3 appears, there must be j 3
  • This must correspond to ms from 3 to 3
  • Now, there are still states with m up to 2
  • It follows there must also be j 2
  • This covers another set of ms from 2 to 2
  • What remains has m up to 1
  • It follows there must be j 1
  • And thats it.
  • Why did it run from j 3 to j 1?
  • Because it went from j1 j2 down to j1 j2

General Addition of Angular Momentum
  • The set of all (m1,m2) pairs forms a rectangle
  • The largest value of m is m j1 j2, which can
    only happen one way
  • As m decreases from the max value, there is one
    more way of making each m value for each decrease
    in m until you get to j1 j2
  • This implies that you get maximum jmax j1 j2
    and minimum jmin j1 j2
  • So, j runs from j1 j2 to j1 j2 in steps
    of size 1

Check Dimensions
  • For fixed j1 and j2, the number of basis vectors
    j1,j2m1,m2? is
  • How many basis vectors j,m? are there?
  • For each value of j, there are 2j 1.
  • Therefore the total is
  • So dimensions work out

Sample Problem
Suppose we have three electrons. Define the
total spin as S S1 S2 S3. What are the
possible values of the total spin s, the
corresponding eigenvalues of S2, and how many
ways can each of them be made?
  • Electrons have spin s ½, so
  • Combine the first two electrons
  • Now add in the third
  • If s12 0, this says
  • If s12 1, this says
  • Final answer for s
  • The repetition means there are two ways to
    combine to make s ½
  • For S2

Hydrogen Re-Revisited
  • Recall hydrogen states labeled by
  • Because of relativistic corrections, these arent
  • Closer to eigenstates are basis states
  • j l ? ½
  • States with different mj are related by rotation
  • Indeed, the value of mj will depend on choice of
    x, y, z axis
  • And they are guaranteed to have the same energy
  • Therefore, when labelling a state we need to
    specify n, l, j
  • We label l values by letters, in a not obvious
  • Good to know the first four s, p, d, f
  • We then denote j by a subscript, so example state
    could be 4d3/2
  • Remember restrictions l lt n and j l ? ½
  • Often, we dont care about j, so just label it 4d
  • Remember, number of states for given n,l is

l let 0 s 1 p 2 d 3 f 4 g 5 h 6 i 7 k 8 l 9 m 10 n
11 o 12 q
8C. Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients
How do we change bases?
  • We wish to interchange bases j1,j2m1,m2? ??
  • These are complete orthonormal basis states in
    the same vector space
  • We can therefore use completeness either way
  • The coefficients are called Clebsch-Gordancoeffic
    ients, or CG coefficients for short
  • Our goal Show that we can find them (almost)
  • Note that the states j1,j2m1,m2? are all
    related by J1? and J2?
  • There are no arbitrary phases concerning how they
    are related
  • The j,m? states with the same js and different
    ms are related by J?
  • But there is no simple relation between j,m?s
    different js convention choice

Convention Confusion
  • If you ever have to look them up, be warned,
    different sources use different notations
  • Recall that the other states are alsoeigenstates
    of J12 and J22
  • People also get lazy and drop some commas
  • In addition, the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are
    defined only up to a phase
  • Everyone agrees on phase up to sign
  • As long as you use them consistently, itdoesnt
    matter which convention you use.
  • They will turn out to be real, and therefore
  • Because of this ambiguity, people get lazy and
    often use what is logically the wrong one

Nonzero Clebsch-Gordan (C-G) Coefficients
  • When are the coefficients meaningful and
    (probably) non-zero?
  • (1) j range
  • (2) m range
  • (3) conservation of Jz
  • Lets prove the last one using
  • Act on the left with Jz and on the right with
    J1z and J2z
  • Must be zero unless

j1 j2 j is an integer
j m is an integer, etc.
Finding C-G Coefficients for m j
  • Largest value for m is j, therefore
  • Recall in general
  • We therefore have
  • Recall only if m1 m2 m ( j) are non-zero
  • This relates all the non-zero terms for m j,
    all relative sizes determined
  • To get overall scale, use normalization
  • This determines everything up to a phase
  • We arbitrarily pick

Finding C-G Coefficients for m 1 from m
  • We now have CG coefficients when m j
  • I will now demonstrate that if we have them for
    m, we can get them for m 1
  • First note
  • Dagger this
  • So
  • So if we know them for m, we know them for m 1
  • Since we know them for m j, we know them for m
    j 1, j 2, etc.
  • Hence we have a (painful) procedure for finding
    all CG coefficients
  • Sane people dont do it this way, they look them
    up or use computers

Properties of CG-coefficients
  • Adding j1 and j2 is thesame as adding j2 and j1
  • Corollary if j1 j2, then the combinations of
    spins is symmetric if j1 j2 j is even,
    anti-symmetric if it is odd
  • You can work your way up from m j in the same
    way we worked our way down from m j
  • Adding j1 0 or j2 0 is pretty
    trivial,because these imply J1 0 or J2 0
  • If you ever look things up in tables, they will
    assume j1 ? j2 gt 0, and assume you will use the
    first or third rule to get other CG coefficients
  • Or you can use computer programs to get them

gt clebsch(1,1/2,1,-1/2,3/2,1/2)
CG coefficients when j2 ½
  • For j2 small, we can find simple formulas for the
    CG coefficients
  • If j2 ½, then j j1 ? ½
  • Example
  • For one electron, J L S. Let j1 ? l, m ? mj,
    drop j2 s ½, m2 ?½ ? ?
  • For adding two electron spins, drop s1 and s2,
    abbreviate mi ?½ ? ?

Sample Problem
Hydrogen has a single electron in one of the
states n,l,m,ms? 2,1,1,? or 2,1,0,? , or
in one of the states n,l,j,mj? 2,1,3/2,1/2?
or 2,1,1/2,1/2? . In all four cases, write
explicitly the wave function
  • For s ½, wave function looks like
  • Spin state ms tells us which component exists
  • This lets us immediately write the wave
    functionfor the first two
  • For the j,mj?states we have

Sample Problem (2)
or in one of the states n,l,j,mj?
2,1,3/2,1/2? or 2,1,3/2,1/2? . In all four
cases, write explicitly the wave function
  • You can also get the CG coefficients from Maple

gt clebsch(1,1/2,1,-1/2,3/2,1/2) gt
clebsch(1,1/2,0,1/2,3/2,1/2) gt
clebsch(1,1/2,1,-1/2,1/2,1/2) gt
Sample Problem
Hydrogen has a single electron in the state
n,l,j,mj? 2,1,3/2,1/2?. If one of the
following is measured, what would the outcomes
and corresponding probabilities be, and what
would the state afterwards look like E, J2, Jz,
L2, S2, Lz,Sz
  • For the first five choices, our state is an
    eigenstate of the operator
  • The eigenstate will be unchanged by this
  • For the last two, we write it in terms
    ofeigenstates of Lz or Sz
  • Then we have
  • State afterwards is
  • Or we have
  • State afterwards is

8D. Scalar, Vector, Tensor
Definition and Commutation with J
  • A scalar operator S is anything that is unchanged
    under rotation
  • Examples
  • Scalar operators commute with the generator of
    rotations J
  • Vector operators V are operators that rotate like
    a vector
  • Examples
  • They have commutation relations with J given by
  • A rank 2 tensor Tij under rotation rotates as
  • Can show that
  • Rank k tensor has k indicesand commutation
  • Scalar rank 0 tensor, Vector rank 1 tensor
  • Rank 2 tensor is sometimes just called a tensor

How to Make a Tensor From Vectors
  • If V and W are any two vector operators,then we
    can define a rank-2 tensor operator
  • One can similarly define higher rank tensor
  • This tensor has nine independent components
  • But it has pieces that arent very rank-2
  • Dot product V?W is a scalar operator
  • Cross product V?W is a vector operator
  • The remaining five pieces are the truly rank-2
  • We want figure out how to extract the various

Spherical Tensors
  • We start with a vector operator V
  • Define the three operators Vq by
  • You can then show the following
  • Proof by homework problem
  • Compare this with
  • Another way to write it
  • Generalize this formula
  • Define a spherical tensor of rank k as 2k 1
  • It must have commutation relations
  • Trivial example A scalar is a spherical tensor
    of rank 0

Combining Spherical Tensors (1)
Theorem Let V and W be spherical tensors of rank
k1 and k2 respectively. Then we can build a new
spherical tensor T of rank k defined by
  • Those matrix elements are CG coefficients
  • Proof

Combining Spherical Tensors (2)
  • We have complete set of states k1,k2q1,q2?
  • Now insert complete set of states k,q?
  • J doesnt change the k value, so k k
  • So we have proven it

How it Comes Out
  • This sum only makes sense if CG coefficients are
  • Only non-zero terms are when q1 q2 q
  • So its really just a single sum
  • By combining two vectors, we can get k 0, 1, 2
  • k 0 Scalar (dot product)
  • k 1 Vector (cross product)
  • k 2 Truly rank 2 tensor part
  • We can then combine rank 2 tensors with more
    vectors to make rank 3 spherical tensors

Sample Problem
If we combine two copies of the position operator
R, what are the resulting components of the
rank-2 spherical tensor Tq(2)?
8E. The Wigner-Eckart Theorem
Why it should work
  • Suppose we have an atom or other rotationally
    invariant system
  • Eigenstates should be eigenstates of J2, Jz,
    probably other stuff
  • It is common to need matrix elementsof operators
    between these states
  • We know how the ket and bra rotate
  • If we also know how the operator in the middle
    rotates, we should be able to find relations
    between these various quantities
  • Suppose the operator is a spherical tensor,or
    combinations thereof
  • Then we know how T rotates, and we should be able
    to find relations
  • This helps us because
  • If the calculation is hard, we do it a few times
    and deduce the rest
  • If the calculation is impossible, we measure it a
    few times and deduce the rest

Similarities With CG coefficients (1)
  • I want to compare the matrix element above to the
    CG coefficient above
  • Recall relations for Jz
  • Use commutationrelation
  • Let Jz act on the braor the ket on the left
  • Hence matrix elements are zero unless
  • Compare to the CG coefficient above
  • This vanishes unless

Similarities With CG coefficients (2)
  • Recall relations for J?
  • For m j,
  • Implies
  • Our commutation relations tell us
  • Compare to the CG coefficients

Similarities With CG coefficients (3)
  • We have
  • Equivalent to
  • Our commutation relations tell us

These Matrix Elements are CG Coefficients
  • We have three relations that are identical for
    these two expressions
  • These expressions were all that were used to find
    the CG coefficients
  • Plus, we had a normalization condition
  • Hence, these two expressions are identical
  • Up to normalization

The Wigner-Eckart Theorem
  • What can the proportionality constant depend on?
  • Not m, m, nor q
  • It can depend on ?, ?, j, j, and of course T
  • The Wigner-Eckart Theorem
  • The square root in the denominator is a choice,
    neither right nor wrong
  • That other thing is called a reduced matrix
  • You dont calculate it (directly)
  • You may be able to calculate left side for one
    value of m, m, q
  • Or you may be able to measure left side for one
    value of m, m, q
  • Then you deduce the reduced matrix element from
    this equation
  • Then you can use it for all the other values of
    m, m, q

Why Is the Wigner-Eckart Theorem Useful?
  • The number of matrix elements is
  • For example, if j 3, j 2, k 1, this is 105
    different matrix elements
  • Calculating them computationally may be difficult
    or impossible
  • Measuring them may be a great deal of work
  • By doing one (difficult) computation or one
    (difficult) measurement you can deduce a lot of
  • Comment why is the factor of 2j 1 there?
  • If T0(k) is Hermitian, then you can show

Sample Problem
The magnetic dipole transition of hydrogen
causing the 21 cm line is governed by the matrix
element , where F is the total angular
momentum quantum number and mF is the
corresponding z-component, and S and L are spin
and orbital angular quantum operators for the
electron. Deduce as much as you can about these
matrix elements for mF 1, 0, or 1.
  • We have no idea what most of this means, but its
  • F and mF are angular quantum number, effectively,
    j ?? F and m ?? mF
  • S and L are vector operators
  • Call reduced matrix element A
  • Non-vanishing only if q mF 0
  • Get the CG coefficients from program
  • All other matrix elements vanish

Sample Problem
Deduce as much as you can about these matrix
elements for mF 1, 0, or 1.
  • For mF 1, we also have
  • Vx and Vy two equations, two unknowns
  • We therefore have
  • Similarly

8F. Integrals of Spherical Harmonics
Products of Spherical Harmonics
  • Consider the product of any two spherical
  • By completeness, this can be written as a sum of
    spherical harmonics
  • The coefficients clm can be found
  • Think of the expression
  • as an operator acting on a wave function
  • It is not hard to see that this operator is a
    spherical tensor operator
  • Think of clm then as a matrix element
  • By the Wigner-Eckart theorem
  • All that remains is to findthe reduced matrix

Working on the Reduced Matrix Element
  • Substitute the top equation in the bottom
  • Multiply this expression by and sum over
    m1, m2
  • Rename l as l

Finishing the Computation
  • Must be true at all angles
  • Evaluate at ? 0
  • Formula for the Ys at ? 0 is simple
  • Now we solve for thereduced matrix element
  • We therefore have

When doesnt it vanish?
  • We want to know when this is non-zero, or likely
    to be non-zero
  • We need
  • We need
  • Under parity, each of the spherical harmonics
    transforms to
  • So the whole integral satisfies
  • We need

Sample Problem
Atoms usually decay spontaneously by the electric
dipole process, in which case the rate is
determined by the matrix element , where?I
and ?F are the initial and final states. For
hydrogen in each of the following states, which
states might be the final n and l quantum states
if the initial state is 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f?
  • The initial state has n 4 and l 0, 1, 2, or
  • Final state has unknown n and l, but
  • Must have n lt 4 because energy goes down
  • Must have l lt n
  • The position operators can be written in terms of
    l 1 spherical harmonics
  • So we have
  • To not vanish, we need
  • For 4s, l 0
  • Must have l lt n lt 4

Sample Problem (2)
Atoms usually decay spontaneously by the electric
dipole process, in which case the rate is
determined by the matrix element , where?I
and ?F are the initial and final states. For
hydrogen in each of the following states, which
states might be the final n and l quantum states
if the initial state is 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f?
  • For 4p l 1, so
  • Must have l lt n lt 4
  • For 4d l 2, so
  • Must have l lt n lt 4
  • For 4f
  • Must have l lt n lt 4
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