Title: \Rotational Motion
1\Rotational Motion
2Rotational Inertia and Newtons Second Law
- In linear motion, net force and mass determine
the acceleration of an object. - For rotational motion, torque determines the
rotational acceleration. - The rotational counterpart to mass is rotational
inertia or moment of inertia. - Just as mass represents the resistance to a
change in linear motion, rotational inertia is
the resistance of an object to change in its
rotational motion. - Rotational inertia is related to the mass of the
object. - It also depends on how the mass is distributed
about the axis of rotation.
3Rotational Inertia and Newtons Second Law
- The resistance to a change in rotational motion
depends on - the mass of the object
- the square of the distance of the mass from the
axis of rotation. - For an object with its mass concentrated at a
point - Rotational inertia mass x square of distance
from axis - I mr2
- The total rotational inertia of an object like a
merry-go-round can be found by adding the
contributions of all the different parts of the
4Rotational Inertia and Newtons Second Law
- Newtons second law for linear motion
- Fnet ma
- Newtons second law for rotational motion
- The net torque acting on an object about a given
axis is equal to the rotational inertia of the
object about that axis times the rotational
acceleration of the object. - ?net I?
- The rotational acceleration produced is equal to
the torque divided by the rotational inertia.
5Example a baton with a mass at both ends
- Most of the rotational inertia comes from the
masses at the ends. - A torque can be applied at the center of the rod,
producing a rotational acceleration and starting
the baton to rotate. - If the masses were moved toward the center, the
rotational inertia would decrease and the baton
would be easier to rotate.
6Conservation of Angular Momentum
- How do spinning skaters or divers change their
rotational velocities?
I mr2
7Angular Momentum
- Linear momentum is mass (inertia) times linear
velocity p mv - Angular momentum is rotational inertia times
rotational velocity - L I?
- Angular momentum may also be called rotational
momentum. - A bowling ball spinning slowly might have the
same angular momentum as a baseball spinning much
more rapidly, because of the larger rotational
inertia I of the bowling ball.
8Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Linear momentum is conserved if the net external
force acting on the system is zero. - Angular momentum is conserved if the net external
torque acting on the system is zero.
9Angular momentum is conserved by changing the
angular velocity
- When the masses are brought in closer to the
students body, his rotational velocity increases
to compensate for the decrease in rotational
inertia. - He spins faster when the masses are held close to
his body, and he spins more slowly when his arms
are outstretched.
10Angular momentum is conserved by changing the
angular velocity
- The diver increases her rotational velocity by
pulling into a tuck position, thus reducing her
rotational inertia about her center of gravity.
11Keplers Second Law
- Keplers second law says that the radius line
from the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas
in equal times. - The planet moves faster in its elliptical orbit
when it is nearer to the sun than when it is
farther from the sun.
12Keplers Second Law
- This is due to conservation of angular momentum.
- The gravitational force acting on the planet
produces no torque about an axis through the sun
because the lever arm is zero the forces line
of action passes through the sun.
13Keplers Second Law
- When the planet moves nearer to the sun, its
rotational inertia about the sun decreases. - To conserve angular momentum, the rotational
velocity of the planet about the sun must
14Angular momentum is a vector
- The direction of the rotational-velocity vector
is given by the right-hand rule. - The direction of the angular-momentum vector is
the same as the rotational velocity.
15A student holds a spinning bicycle wheel while
sitting on a stool that is free to rotate. What
happens if the wheel is turned upside down?
- To conserve angular momentum, the original
direction of the angular-momentum vector must be
16A student holds a spinning bicycle wheel while
sitting on a stool that is free to rotate. What
happens if the wheel is turned upside down?
- The angular momentum of the student and stool,
Ls, adds to that of the (flipped) wheel, -Lw,
to yield the direction and magnitude of the
original angular momentum Lw.
17A student sits on a stool holding a bicycle wheel
with a rotational velocity of 5 rev/s about a
vertical axis. The rotational inertia of the
wheel is 2 kgm2 about its center and the
rotational inertia of the student and wheel and
platform about the rotational axis of the
platform is 6 kgm2. What is the initial angular
momentum of the system?
- 10 kgm2/s upward
- 25 kgm2/s downward
- 25 kgm2/s upward
- 50 kgm2/s downward
L I? (2 kgm2)(5 rev/s) 10 kgm2/s upward
from plane of wheel