Title: EBSCOhost ?? ?????????
1EBSCOhost ???????????
- ???? ?
- EBSCO Publishing Taiwan
- jchou_at_ebscohost.com
- 02-2729-8821
2EBSCOhost??? ?????????????
- ???
- Academic Search Complete ????
- Business Source Complete ????
- Communication Mass Media Complete ???????
- Film Television Literature Index with Full Text
???? - PsycARTICLES ???
- Historical Abstracts with Full Text ???
- Education Research Complete ????????
- ?????
- EconLit ????????
- MLA International Bibliography ?????????
- ERIC ????????
3EBSCOhost ???????????????
5??EBSCOhost ??????????????
Quick jump to selected major resources ??????
EBSCO Academic Search Premier ??????Quick Links???
????????? ASC
AgeLine ???? 445
AGRICOLA ???? 311
Applied Science Technology Abstracts ???? 161
Art Abstracts ?? 59
ATLA Religion Database ??? 262
ATLA Serials ??? 33
BasicBIOSIS ??????? 111
Biological Agricultural Index ????? 82
Biological Abstracts ??? 849
CINAHL ??? 442
EconLit ??? 64
Education Abstracts ??? 207
ERIC ??? 465
????????? ASC
Food Science and Technology Abstracts ?????? 171
General Science Abstracts ???? 106
GeoRef ??? 318
Humanities Abstracts ??? 199
Index Islamicus ????? 151
Inspec ?? 691
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts ??? 73
International Political Science Abstracts ??? 132
MEDLINE ???? 1,649
MLA International Bibliography ???? 682
PsycINFO ??? 684
Readers' Guide Abstracts ????? 153
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature ??? 375
Social Science Abstracts ???? 157
10?? TOP 20 MBA School ??BS???????
11Business Source Complete
??????? ?? BSC
???? 3,570
Peer-Reviewed?? 1,853
?? MBA ???? 55
???????????? 6,280
???? 18,828
?????? 2,144
???? 1,464
????? 945
??????? 40
?????? (Company Profile) 17,651
???? 40,000
SWOT?? 3,078
???? 5538
Working Paper 25
12- BSC??????????
- ????
- ????
- ????
- ????????
- ??
- ???????
- ???????
132008 JCR???????????????
?? ???? JCR Impact Factor ????
1 Academy of Management Review ? ???? 6.125 1/1/1976 ??
2 Academy of Management Journal ? ???? 6.079 1/1/1963 ??
3 MIS Quarterly ? ???? 5.183 3/1/1977 ??
4 Strategic Management Journal ? ???? 3.344 1/1/1980 ??
8 Academy of Management Learning Education ? ???? 2.889 8/1/2002 ??
9 Administrative Science Quarterly ? ???? 2.853 6/1/1956 ??
12 Journal of Product Innovation Management 2.65 1/1/2003 ??
13 Organization Science 2.575 2/1/1990 ??
14 Journal of Management Studies ? ???? 2.558 3/1/1964 ??
16 Journal of Organizational Behavior ? ???? 2.441 1/1/1988 ??
19 Journal of Management Information Systems 2.358 6/1/1984 ??
20 Management Science ? ???? 2.354 10/1/1954 ??
14???? Harvard Business Review (1922??????)
2008 SSCI Management ??? Rank 19
????????????? ???????????? ??????5????
15????55? Harvard Business School
????????(Seminar Video)
- ???????????????????????????,????????????BSC???????
- ????
- ??
- ??
- ??
- ?????
- ????
- ??
- ?????
- ???
- ??
- ????
- ????
- ?????
- ????
- ??
- ?????
???????????????? Christopher A. Bartlett Over
the history of the corporation, many successful
businesses have shifted from a culture focused on
capital to a culture invested in people and
ideas. Professor Christopher Bartlett argues that
organizations are social as well as economic
entities, and that by cultivating a culture based
on a belief in people, they can stimulate
employees to produce extraordinary results.
Topics covered Management Strategy. ???????????
Clayton M. Christensen How do seemingly benign
innovations disrupt entire industries? And why
are industry leaders consistently losing out to
the upstarts, even when the disruptive innovation
came from the leader's own lab? Professor Clay
Christensen shows why these destructive patterns
occur and how your company can break out of them.
Topics covered Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Strategy Technology and Operations. ???????????
Rohit Deshpandé What kinds of corporate cultures
are common to best-performing organizations? Does
being customer focused really matter? In this
presentation, Professor Rohit Deshpandé describes
revolutionary changes in marketing that lead to
more customer-centric organizations, where
customers are everybodys responsibility and the
language of the customer is key. Approaching
marketing as a cultural challenge is a hallmark
of the most successful high-performance companies
in the world. Topics covered Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Leadership Sales and
Marketing Strategy.
17Case Studies ????(????????)
- American Productivity Quality Center (APQC)
- Business Ethics Canada
- Datamonitor Plc
- XIMB - Center of Case Research
- Company Profiles ????
- ??10,100?????,??????????
- Datamonitor Plc
- Life Sciences Analytics (?7,500?????????????????)
19????????????????-1 ??????????? Association of
Computing Machinery(ACM)???????
???? ????
ACM Computing Surveys ? ???? (2004??)
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems ? ???? (2009??
ACM Transactions on Database Systems ? ???? (1996??)
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages Systems ? ???? (1996??)
Journal of the ACM ? ???? (2004??)
20(1977??????) 2008 SSCI JCR Management??? Rank
- Research Technology Management (1994??)
- Information Systems Management (1990??) ? ????
- The PM NET WORK (2003??????)
- Network World (2002??????)
- Journal of Business Communication (1963??????)
- Computerworld (1999????)
- Interfaces (1970????)
- Human Systems Management (1996????) ? ????
- Journal of Management Information Systems
(1984??) - Communications of AIS (2003???)
- Computer Economics Report (2006???)
- Journal of the Association for Information
Systems (2003???) - MIS Quarterly Executive (2006???)
- MultiLingual (2006???)
- Netsources (2005???)
- NetworkWorld Asia (2007???)
- Standards Today (2007???)
- CIO (2006???)
- Information Society (1997???)
Compared on July 20, 2009
232008 JCR???????????????
?? ???? JCR Impact Factor ????
4 Journal of Marketing ? ???? 3.598 7/1/1936 ??
6 Marketing Science 3.309 1/1/1982 ??
12 Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) ? ???? 2.574 2/1/1964 ??
16 RD Management 2.043 1/1/1998 ??
17 Journal of Consumer Affairs 1.969 6/1/1967 ??
19 Harvard Business Review ? ???? 1.793 10/1/1922 ??
??????????????? ???????????????
McKinsey Quarterly (1965??) ? ???? Sales Marketing Management (1994??) ?????
Journal of Consumer Research (1974??) ????? Marketing News (1993??) ? ????
Marketing Management (1992??) ????? Marketing Magazine 2001??) ? ????
Journal of Advertising Research (1965??) Advertising Age (1996??) ? ????
Journal of Advertising (1974??) ? ???? Brandweek (1994??)
Campaign (2002??) Adweek (1996??)
Compared on July 20, 2009
25- Richard K. Miller Associates
- (RKMA??????,??22?)
- ?????????? (????????385??)
- Beverages Market Research Handbook
- ??????????
- Casinos
- ??????????
- Consumer Behavior
- ???????????
- Consumer Healthcare
- ???????????
- Entertainment, Media Advertising Market
Research Handbook
26- ??????2006-2008???????
- Architectural/Engineering/Construction Market
Research Handbook - ????????????
- Home Decor Furnishings Market Research
Handbook - ????????????
- Retail Business Market Research Handbook
- ??????????
- Retail Real Estate Site Selection
- ???????????
- Sporting Goods Market Research Handbook
- ???????????
- Toys Video Games Market Research Handbook
- ?????????????
27???? ???????????
?? ???? JCR Impact Factor ????
4 Journal of Finance ? ???? 4.108 8/1/1946 ??
5 Journal of Accounting Research ? ???? 2.235 3/1/1963 ??
6 Accounting Review 1.92 3/1/1926 ??
10 Review of Accounting Studies 1.5 3/1/1996 ??
13 World Economy ? ???? 1.294 7/1/1993 ??
14 Mathematical Finance ? ???? 1.237 1/1/1997 ??
15 Journal of Financial Quantitative Analysis ? ???? 1.231 3/1/1966 ??
16 Finance Stochastics 1.151 1/1/1997 ??
17 Journal of Industrial Economics ? ???? 1.143 11/1/1964 ??
18 Contemporary Accounting Research ? ???? 1.087 9/1/1984 ??
19 Journal of Risk Uncertainty 1.02 3/1/1988 ??
Journal of Business Finance Accounting (1974??) ? ????
Contemporary accounting research (1984??) ? ????
Journal of Accounting Research (1963??) ? ????
Accountancy International Edition (2003??) ? ????
ACCOUNTING TODAY (2003??) ? ????
Journal of Accountancy (1965??)
CPA Journal (1993??)
Accounting Horizons (1987??)
29??? ???
American Banker (1997??)? ???? Healthcare Financial Management (1994??)
Strategic Finance (1999??) Journal of Financial Planning (1988??)
Financial Executive (1987??) Financial Management (2000??)
Financial Analysts Journal (1965??) Euromoney (1998??????)
International Financial Law Review (2002??) ABA Banking Journal (1979??)
Business Insurance (1996??????)
INSURANCE ADVOCATE (1995???) ? ????
Journal of Risk Insurance (1965??????)
Journal of Insurance Regulation (1982??????)
Best's Review / Property-Casualty Insurance Edition (1993??) ? ????
Financial Insurance Meetings (2005??????)
Best's Review / Life-Health Insurance Edition (1993??) ? ????
Risk Management Insurance Review (2003??????)
30AICPA????????????? ? ????
- AICPA AcSEC Update
- AICPA Bylaws
- CPA Letter (2004??)
- Practicing CPA (2004??)
- Uniform CPA Examination Alert (2004??)
- AICPA Annual Report
- AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
- Journal of Accountancy (1965??)
- Tax Adviser (1998??)
31MORNINGSTAR (????????????)
???? ????????????,??????????????????????????????
- Investment Data
- Full Text from Morningstar
- FundInvestor
- GrowthInvestor
- StockInvestor
- Morningstar Fund FamilyReports Fidelity
- Morningstar Fund FamilyReports Vanguard
- Morningstar Fund FamilyReports American Funds
- PracticalFinance
- DividendInvestor
32Bernstein Financial Data (????????????)
- ?????????SP 500?sector???????,?????????????????
Bernstein Global Wealth Management ???1,997 ??????
- ?????????
- 1,706 black books (companies)
- 289 white books (market research)
33Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC
???????Investment Guides Series (?39???????)
- Algorithmic Trading Precision, Control,
Execution - Corporate Governance
- Guide to Exchange-Trade Publication Funds
- Guide to Small Cap Investing
- Transaction Costs
- Transaction Performance
- Transition Management
- Turnaround Management
34?????? / ???? (???????)
- European Management Association
- International Labour Organization
- Klaipeda University
- Management Theory Studies for Rural Business
Infrastructure Development - MBAA Consortium for Business, Society
Government - National Tax Association
- Northeast Decision Sciences Institute
- University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Economics
- Academy of Management
- American Academy of Advertising
- American Marketing Association
- Association for Consumer Research
- Association for NeuroPsychoEconomics
- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics - Australian Strategic Policy Institute
- Berkeley Electronic Press
- DreamCatchers Group, LLC
- Ekonomski fakultet Sveucilista u Splitu
352008 JCR ????????????
?? ???? JCR Impact Factor ????
1 Quarterly Journal of Economics ? ???? 5.048 10/1/1886??
2 Journal of Economic Literature ? ???? 4.842 1/1/1969??
3 Journal of Economic Perspectives ? ???? 3.944 6/1/1987??
5 Journal of Political Economy ? ???? 3.725 2/1/1965??
10 Review of Economic Studies ? ???? 2.633 1/1/1965??
12 American Economic Review ? ???? 2.285 3/1/1911??
13 Journal of Labor Economics ? ???? 2.275 1/1/1983??
14 Economic Policy ? ???? 2.25 1/1/1985??
36???????????? (American Economics
Association) ?????????
EconLit with Full Text??????????? ??????????????
37Economist Intelligence Unit ???????? (?Viewswire,?
11 ?EIU??
44 ?EIU Monographs????
395 ?Industry Report ????
184 ?Country Reports ????
38????????(Country Reports)
Business Monitor International
CountryWatch Incorporated
Datamonitor Plc
EIU Economist Intelligence Unit
Global Insight Inc.
Going Global
ICON Group International, Inc.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD)
PRS Group, Inc. (Political Risk Yearbook)
Superintendent of Documents
???? 2008 JCR Impact Factor ??????
Transportation Journal IF0.571 1961 to present
Transport Reviews IF0.819 1/1/1999 to present
Transportation Science IF1.534 2/1/1967 to present
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems IF1.031 1/1/2004 to present
Networks Spatial Economics IF0.718 3/1/2004 to present
Transportation Planning Technology IF0.286 3/1/2002 to present
Production Planning Control
Journal of Product Innovation Management IF 2.65
Industrial Relations IF 1.317
RD Management IF 2.043
Industrial Labor Relations Review IF 1.093
British Journal of Industrial Relations IF 0.903
Industry Innovation
Industrial Management
Industrial Maintenance Plant Operation
Industrial Distribution
Industrial Organizational Psychology
Manufacturing Service Operations Management
Manufacturing Business Technology
Manufacturing Today
Product Design Development
41PsycARTICLES ???????????
- American Psychological Association (APA) ?
PsycARTICLES,,??????????????????????????? - ????? 73 ????? 134,000 ???,50 ?? APA ?????
Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF) ???,?? 13
????????? - ???????????????????????,????? 1894 ???,?????????
1 ?,? 1 ??
42Communication Mass Media Complete??????????????
- ??????????????
- 406 ?????
- 109 ???????
- 13,579 ????????
- International Communication Association
- National Communication Association
43?? 31? SSCI ??????? 25? SSCI ???????
Language Teaching Research ??1/1/1998 to present
American Speech ??1/1/1925 to present
Modern Language Journal ??10/1/1916 to present
Language Acquisition ??1/1/1990 to present
Language Learning ??3/1/1994 to present
Language Speech ??1/1/1958 to present
Language Testing ??3/1/1998 to present
Second Language Research ??1/1/1997 to present
44Historical Abstracts with Full Text?????????
- Historical Abstracts with Full Text????????????ABC
CLIO?EBSCO Publishing??????????????? - ????1450?????????(???????),????????????????????
- ????????????300??????130?????,????????1800?,??40??
45Historical Abstracts with Full Text?????????
- Annali di Storia di Firenze
- Chinese Historical Review
- Clio
- History of Education Review
- History of Religions
- History Scotland
- International Journal of Korean History
- ISIS Journal of the Historyof Science in
Society - Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies
- Journal of British Studies
- Journal of Cyprus Studies
- Journal of Historical Biography
- Journal of Modern Hellenism
- Journal of Modern History
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of the BritishArchaeological Association
- Journal of the RoyalAustralian Historical
Society - Journal of Turkish Studies
- Lagos Historical Review
- Lithuanian Historical Studies
- Mediterranean Studies
- Melbourne Historical Journal
- Nuncius Journal ofthe History of Science
- Osiris
- Revista de Historia
- Scrinia Slavonica
- South African Journal of Economic History
- Victorian Review
46Film Television Literature Index with Full Text
- ???????????????,??????????????????????????????????
??????????? - ??? 380 ???????????? (?? 300 ??????),??? 100
?????? 100 ???? - ??,Film Television Literature Index with Full
Text ???? 1914 ???? Variety ??,??? 36,300 ???
MPTV Image Archive ????
47Education Research Complete(ERC)????????
Education Research Complete ERIC
???? ???????? 1,984 1,090
- ?? 2,376 ??????
- 1,372 ?????
- 553 ???????
- 318 ????????
- (US Department of Education)
ERIC ED (Education Report)
- 1. ????
- ??(???)??
- ??
- ???
- ?????
- ??
- ???
- 2. ???????
- ??
- ??
- 3. ??????????????????
- ???????????
- ???????????
- 4. ???????(????)
- ????? (???) ?????
- ???????????????
- ????/?? Boolean/Phrase
- ?and, or, not?????????,and, or, not??????,??and,
or, not ??????????????. Ex. ?? heart attack
and treatment ????? heart attack and treatment
?? - ????????Search all my terms
- ? Google??????(?????????and),????????????? Ex. ??
heart attack and treatment ?????? heart
attack and treatment - ????????Search any of my terms
- ???????????,?????????
- SmartText??
- ???????????,????5,000???,??????????????????,??????
- TX All Text ????????key word?????
- AB Abstract????????key word?????
- AF Author Affiliation?????????Ex. Harvard
University - AG Age Group??????Ex. Age over 80
- AN Accession Number??????AN??
- AU Author?????????????
- CA Corporate Author?????????????????Ex. National
Hospital - CH Cochrane AN?Cochrane Accession Number????
- CT Gender????????
- DN Dissertation Number?Dissertation Number????
- DT Publication Date???????
- EM Entry Date???????????
- IB ISBN????ISBN???
- IS ISSN????ISSN???
- JT Journal Title Abbreviation?????????
- LA Language??????????????
- MW Word in subject heading??key word?subject
heading??????? - MH Exact subject heading??key word?subject
heading ??????? - MJ Word in Major subject heading???Major subject
heading????? - MM Exact Major subject heading???Major subject
heading??????? - PB Publisher????????
- PG Numbers of Pages???????
- PM Medline PMID?Medline?PubMed ID???
- PY Year of Publication??????????
- SO Journal Title??????????
- TC Table of Contect??????????
- TI Title????????????
- VI Volume?????????????
- Cas registry number ???????
- Gene symbol ????
- Gene symbol word ??????
- Grant number ????
- Molecular sequence ????
- Registry number word ?????????
- ??
- YouTube ???,??????EBSCO ???,?????????????????
- ??
- EBSCOhost Support Center
- http//support.ebscohost.com