Title: Conducting an Advanced Search on EBSCOhost Single Find Field
1Conducting an Advanced Search on EBSCOhostSingle
Find Field
2Welcome to EBSCOs Advanced Searching with Single
Find Field tutorial. In this tutorial, we will
look at conducting a search from the Advanced
Search screen of EBSCOhost using the Single Find
field style as well as applying limiters and
3The Advanced Search, Single Find Field Screen
features the same style of Find field as the
Basic Search Screen. Start by entering a search
term in the Find field.
4The Advanced Search screen offers search modes,
expanders, and limiters for increased result
refinement In the Search Options area. For
example, you can limit results to Full Text
articles within a specified date range. Apply
your desired limiters or expanders and click
Search to view the Result List.
5The result list for your search is displayed and
defaults to showing All Results. It is easy to
further limit your results using the limiters
under Refine your results on the left. The Result
List can also be filtered to view results by
source type, such as Academic Journals,
Magazines, or Newspapers, by clicking the
checkboxes next to the desired source type and
clicking Update.
6You can print, email, save, cite or export a
single result from the Detailed Record when you
click on a title link. To print, email, save,
cite or export multiple results, add them to the
folder, then click the appropriate icon inside
the folder. Folder contents can be permanently
saved by clicking on the Sign In link, and then
setting up a personalized (My EBSCOhost) folder
account at no charge.
7At any time, click the Help link to view the
complete online Help system.
8(No Transcript)