Diapositiva 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositiva 1


How to promote access to land for future generations Italian case studies Leonardo Gallico Contents Land trend in Italy (access, distribution, ownership) Case studies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

How to promote access to land for future
generations Italian case studiesLeonardo
  • Land trend in Italy (access, distribution,
  • Case studies and proposal
  • - management of public land (coop. Agricoltura
  • - collective management of commons (usi civici)
  • - access on land expropriated by the state who
    belonged to mafia members (Libera Terra)
  • - renting of public land (belonging to Demanio)
  • Conclusions

Land in Italy an historical overview
Agrarian Economy (1950) Industrial Economy (60- 70) Post industrial economy (90)
Key sector Agriculture Industry Services
Use of Land
Major problems
Policies on land Territorial management
Agricultural use Industrial real estate and
environmental purpose
Agricultural use Industrial and real estate
Agricultural Use

Conflicts between Urban and agricultural use and
environmental constraints
Conflicts between Urban and agricultural use
Conflicts between owners and workers
Supporting growth of farm dimension
Training and agrarian reform
Lost of Utilised Agriculture Area (UAA) in the
last 40 years in Italy
Source ISTAT
1970 17,5 MHa of UAA 2007 12,7 MHa of
UAA 1970/2007 lost of 27 of cultivable area
Decrease in UAA by typology of farm size
Source ISTAT
  • In the last 20 year land mobility has created
    and increase of land for farmers between 50 and
    100 Ha.
  • An important decrease interested the farms
    below 20 ha, not just in term of hectares but
    also in term of number of enterprises.
  • Today in Italy 2,4 of the farms , with more
    than 50 Ha, cultivate the 40 of the available
    land for agriculture purpose
  • The 75 of the farms, which are with less than
    5 ha, cultivate ONLY the 15 of the arable land.

Cost of land per Ha 2008
Source INEA
Who buy land in Italy?
Source direct survey COLDIRETTI 2009
  • The problem of pressure over land originated by
    non-agricultural users needs a revised legal
  • The land market is characterized by a limited
    activity of sell and buying. In one year less
    than 2 of the total area changed ownership.

Land rent in Italy
In the last 20 years the area rented has grown by
18 reducing the distance between Italy and EU.
The total land rented in Italy is 28 compared
with EU-15 where the average is 44
Case studies 1the management of public land
Cooperative Agricoltura Nuova
  • Its a mix public/private area occupied in 1976
    by landless and people who want to create
    employment in agriculture and maintain rural
    activities still vital
  • The farm is located in the peri-urban area of
    Rome, with an increasing pressure for real estate
    investment the cooperative contributed to the
    creation of a regional park of 6.000 ha
  • The cooperative guaranteed the management of more
    than 320 ha. all rented at public authorities and
    private sector, giving employment to 50 people


Case studies 1the management of public land
Cooperative Agricoltura Nuova
The farm enterprise model
  • Cooperative with more than 50 active members
  • Inclusion of disable workers in daily activities
    since the 80s, promoting a new welfare system in
    peri-urban area of Rome
  • Access to new market and promotion of direct
    selling and local market Km0 restaurant
  • Organic agriculture since 1995
  • Opened to the world of services which guarantee
    income and network
  • Hippo therapy
  • Educational services with school (more than
    10.000 children/year visit the farm)
  • Renewable energy (Photovoltaic system has been
  • Tourism
  • Restaurant

Case studies 2 collective management of
communal land
Communal land are traditionally used for forest
and pasture, areas characterized by extensive
agricultural activities they play a key role in
rural marginalized areas (mountains) In Lazio
region there exist 500.000 Ha of communal land
(50 of the total UAA in the region ), they
clearly contribute for environmental
purposes Communal land without fragmentation
(private ownership) contribute on the maintenance
of extensive grazing and local races, which are
the bases for the production of traditional food
stuff productions registered as PDO and IGP
Commons today implies none management and
abandonment of the land and less opportunities
for rural population in managing natural
capital There is therefore the problem of
Knowledge management or sharing of all
competencies needed to address those schemes
lawyer, technicians and environmental
Case study 3 Libera Terra
The law 109/96 on the expropriation of goods
belonging to Mafia, foreseen that these goods
will be assigned to subject who will be able to
manage the asset guarantying a social benefits
for local communities. On this basis since 14
years in Italy, more than 5.500 goods have been
expropriated (houses, land, apartments). The
NGO Libera Terra manages now, in 2009, more
than 800 Ha, all around the country particularly
in southern Italy troughs 5 cooperatives which
gave employment to 65 people and more 50 seasonal
workers. On these land in 2009 were produced
different kind of foods stuff vegetable,
horticulture, pasta, wine, etc.. Al products are
sold trough direct selling schemes which
guarantee more earning for the coops, and support
from the consumers.
Case study 4 The public land in Italy (
DEMANIOs land )
  • Purpose to increase the supply of land on the
    market offering public land (Minister for
    agriculture and fisheries Mr. Zaia - July 2009)
  • The total amount of state managed area is 935.000
    UAA, subdivided in to
  • Flat land 1 (about 10.000 ha)
  • Hills 14 (about 140.000 ha)
  • Mountain 85 (about 750.000 ha)
  • Still not clear for which kind of beneficiaries
    and which target
  • However the objective of this policy is to
    increase employment for young people in rural
    areas, through and increased offer of public
  • The objective of this policy is to increase
    access to land through an increased offer of
    public land
  • (creation of employment maybe 5.000 new young

Access to land in Italy conclusions
  • for the characteristic of the Italian land
    market, the mobility of land, now can be promoted
    mainly supporting rent agreement
  • there exists some good practices, as shown, and
    its important to support those practices trough
    second Pillar of CAP in the next future
  • From the other side the total amount of public
    land (Demanio, Commons, and land belonged to
    Mafia) could be a new opportunity to support the
    creation of new farmers in rural areas

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