Title: Aerobic Plate Count, Gram Stain, and Isolation
1Aerobic Plate Count, Gram Stain, and Isolation
- Food Microbiology Laboratory
2Aerobic Plate Count
- Provides general estimate of live, aerobic,
bacteria - Excludes
- Obligate Anaerobes
- Microaerophiles
3Plate Counts
- Assumption
- Each colonies arises from a single bacterial cell
- Bacteria like to clump together so some
colonies may arise from more than one cell - Report as
- Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/gram or ml
- NOT at total bacteria
4APC Results
- Evaluate Sanitation of Product
- Predict Shelf-life
- Safety Indicator
- Monitor Environment
5Limitations of APC
- Only aerobic organisms are counted
- Bacteria Type not known
- Media may not support growth of certain bacteria
- Eye strain/Human Error
- Hard to Distinguish Between food particles and
bacteria - Dont Use on Fermented Foods
- Colonies may be too small to see
6Types of Samples
- Liquid
- Non-viscous Liquids can be measured with pipet
- Viscous liquids should be weighed
- Solid
- Aseptically weigh Sample
- Sponge/Swab
- Collect sample by swabbing a defined area
- Environmental and Container
- Rinse inside of Containers
- Open Plate to Collect Air Samples
- RODAC Plates
7Protocol for Plate Counts
- Prepare a Sample Homogenate
- 110 dilution
- 1 part sample to 10 parts total volume
- Blend in Blender or Stomacher for 2 min.
90 ml of diluent
10 g/ml sample
110 Dilution 10-1
- 10 ml/g sample, want 1100 dilution
- 100 10 90 ml of diluent needed
- Start with Different Sample Sizes
- 50 g sample
- Must have 500 g total volume for 110
- 500 50 450 ml diluent needed
- 95 ml sample
- Must have 950 total volume for 110
- 950 95 855 ml of diluent
9Plate Count Protocol
- Prepare Serial Dilutions
- Dilute to a level where you will get countable
colonies on plates - Use a NEW STERILE PIPET between each dilution
- Place pipet tip down in pipet tanks
- Shake each dilution bottle 25 times in a 90
degree arc within 7 seconds. - Phosphate Buffer or Peptone Buffer to Dilute
Dilution Blanks Containing 90 ml Diluent
Sample Homogenate
10 ml
10 ml
10 ml
10 ml
Put 1 ml of Each Dilution into Empty Petri-Dish
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
12APC Protocol
- Add 18-20 ml of tempered (45-50 F), molten plate
count agar to the petri dish. - Agar MUST be tempered or the bacteria will be
killed by heat - Standard Methods or Plate Count Agar
- Swirl 10 times in each direction
- Allow to Solidify
- Incubate inverted at 35-37 C for 48 hours
- Equipment and Media MUST be Sterile
- Hot Air Sterilization
- 170 C for 1 hour
- Equipment Temperature
- Put in oven for 2 hours
- Wrap in paper, foil, etc.
- Steam Sterilization
- 121 C for 15 min. MUST have 15 psi pressure
- Liquid Media or Equipment
- Dont Put Lids on tightly
14Counting Plates
- Only count plates with 25-250 colonies
- More than 250
- Too Numerous To Count TNTC
- Less than 25
- Too Few to Count - TFTC
15Counting Plates
Plate 110 1100 11000 110000 1100000
1 TNTC1 TNTC TNTC 200 222
Average - - - 175 -
1 Too Numerous to Count 2 Too Few to Count
- Average two countable plates and Multiply by
Dilution Factor - Count is 175 x 104
- Must Convert to TWO Significant Digits
- 1.8 x 106 cfu/ml or g
16Counting - Examples
Plate 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4
1 TNTC 300 150 10
2 TNTC 200 100 20
Average - 250 125 TFTC
Use ALL FOUR even though 300 is outside range.
If ONE PLATE is in RANGE, use BOTH for
Average. 250 x 102 2.5 x 104 125 x 103 1.3
x 105 AVERAGE 7.8 x 104 cfu/g or ml
17Counting Examples
Plate 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4
Average - - - 350
All Dilutions are outside Range so we MUST use
counts Outside range 350 x 104 3.5 x 106
cfu/ml or g Use an when using dilutions
outside countable ranges This means it is an
18Counting Examples
Plate 10-1 10-2 10-3
1 TNTC 300 10
2 TNTC 400 5
Average - 250 125
If Both Dilutions are outside Range, use the
Higher Dilution (LOWER COUNTS) 7.5 x 103 cfu/ml
or g
19Overloaded Plates
- Use Highest Dilution and Use Grid on Colony
Counter - 1 Grid 1 cm2
- A standard Plastic Plate has 56 cm2 surface area
- If lt10 colonies/cm2, count 12 squares (6
consecutive horizontally and 6 consecutive
vertically) - Total and Divide by 12 (average). Multiply by 56
to get total colonies on plate. Report as
Estimate - If gt10 colonies/cm2
- Count 4 squares, average and multiply by 56
20APC Variations
- Psychrotrophic
- Incubate at 5-7 C for 10 days
- Use Pre-poured Plates
- Thermoduric
- Hold 5 ml liquid sample or 110 diluent of solid
sample in 60-80 C water bath for 30 min - Cool on ice for 10 min
- Plate and incubate
21Dilution Variations
99 ml Dilution Blanks
1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
0.1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
0.1 ml
0.1 ml
1 ml
1 ml
0.1 ml
CAN NOT use with petri-film