Sample collection, transport - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sample collection, transport


Surface cleansing with alcohol and iodine for deep abscess fluid or blood cultures ... pathology resulting in inflammation of the colon, and most likely pain. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sample collection, transport

Sample collection, transport processingpg 76
Importance of good samples
  • Think like a microbe. Be aware that the microbes
    are everywhere. Always use aseptic technique as
    much as is possible and practical.
  • Good microbiology cannot be performed on a bad
    specimen. A poor specimen can result in recovery
    of contaminants, failure to recover causative
    microorganisms, and or inaccurate diagnosis and

A few ways of avoiding contamination
  • Surface cleansing with alcohol and iodine for
    deep abscess fluid or blood cultures
  • Rinsing oral cavity with water before collecting
  • Touching only inflamed area of the throat
    (usually tonsillar fossae) and avoiding gums,
    tongue, lips, etc.
  • Cleansing the external genitalia before having
    the patient void the urine for a midstream
    collection for urine culture
  • Use your head think like a microbe and it will
    be common sense

Importance of good samples
  • Example
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae causes acute bacterial
    pneumonia BUT it also colonizes the oral cavity
    of many hospitalized patients after a day or 2,
  • Collecting saliva instead of sputum can lead to a
    misdiagnosis of K. pneumoniae pneumonia.

Importance of good samples
  • Specimens must be from the actual infection site
  • Sputum (deep cough) versus saliva (superficial)
  • Drainage from deeper sites versus scabs on top
    of a skin lesion
  • Aspiration of pus after skin decontamination is

Timing of sample collection
  • Collect the specimen prior to administration of
    antimicrobial therapy
  • Acute symptomatic phase is the most productive
  • Example
  • S. typhi (typhoid fever) can be cultured from
    blood during the first week of infection
  • S. typhi can be cultured from feces and urine in
    second and third weeks
  • S. typhi usually cannot be cultured after the
    acute symptomatic phase
  • Serology is method of choice for diagnosing
    typhoid after first three weeks of infection

General guidelines
  • The number of specimen should be appropriate
  • More than one routine throat, sputum, feces,
    urine, or wound culture within a 24h period is
  • However, a single blood culture is not adequate

General guidelines
  • The number of specimens should be appropriate
  • A single blood culture is never adequate. Two to
    three blood cultures within 24hour period are
    needed per septic episode because
  • multiple methods (routine diagnostic, serology,
    etc.) may be used making more sample necessary
  • bacteremia is sometimes transient growth may
    show up in one sample and not in another
  • unless multiple samples are collected, it is
    difficult to determine if the isolate is a

General guidelines
  • Sufficient quantity of specimen is required
  • The single most important criterion that
    correlates with positive blood cultures is the
    volume of blood drawn
  • Swabs, due to the small volume collected and the
    tendency to dry out, are generally inferior to
    collecting liquid specimens in a needle and

General guidelines
  • Prompt processing is important
  • The quicker the specimen is processed the better
  • Pathogens may die in transit thus leading to
    false negative results (ideally specimens for
    culture should arrive in the lab within 30
    minutes of collection)
  • If transport is delayed, a transport medium
    should be used

Transport Media
  • Stuarts (typical formula) dont memorize
  • Sodium chloride
  • Potassium chloride
  • Disodium phosphate
  • Monopotassium phosphate
  • Calcium chloride
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Agar
  • Distilled water
  • pH 7.3, buffered

Transport Media
  • Contain no growth supporting nutrients
    (carbohydrates, peptones or other) the
    objective is to maintain viability without
    supporting growth commensal organisms would
    likely outcompete and ultimately kill pathogens
  • Special purpose additives
  • a reducing agent such as thioglycolate can be
    added to preserve anaerobes but allows aerobes to
  • CO2 can be included to support viability of
    certain pathogens (e.g. Neisseria gonorrhoeae and
    Streptococcus pneumoniae)
  • Charcoal, gelatin, or corn starch can be included
    to absorb toxic metabolic products of the host or
    the hosts normal microbes this is most critical
    for particularly fastidious pathogens (ex.

Transport Media
  • Special purpose transport media
  • Buffered glycerol is sometimes used to transport
    fecal samples to be shipped via the mail (but not
    adequate for shigellosis)
  • Boric acid will preserve urine specimens for
    culture at room temperature when refrigeration is
    not possible
  • Refrigerated urine for culture can be kept up to
    24h without specimen deterioration due to
    microbial growth

General guidelines
  • Some microbes do not survive well even in
    transport media and should be brought immediately
    to the lab or, better still, planted on media at
    the bedside, examples
  • Shigella die quickly in feces
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae lose viability genital
    specimens due to low temperature
  • Bordetella pertussis in oral secretions

General guidelines
  • Some swabs are better than others
  • If swabs must be used the following guidelines
    are important
  • Cotton may contain toxins to fastidious pathogens
  • Calcium alginate inhibits Chlamydia and other
  • Dacron (polyester) is the best all-around
    material for culture swabs

Upper Respiratory Infections
  • The upper respiratory tract (URT) includes the
    oral cavity, uvula, oropharynx, nasopharynx,
    epiglottis, eustachian tube, middle ear, and
    nasal cavity (sinuses)
  • The oral cavity, oropharynx nasopharynx, are
    normally inhabited by a multitude of indigenous
  • The eustachian tube, middle ear, and the nasal
    sinuses generally are free of indigenous
    microbiota but may occasionally have a few

Upper respiratory tract (URT) sample collection
  • The principle of collecting a throat specimen is
    the same as for collecting specimens from any
    site harboring indigenous microbes limit sample
    to the infected areas and avoid the indigenous
    microbiota to the extent possible
  • A tongue blade should be used to press down on
    the tongue in order to get it out of the way

URT samples
  • The throat should be visualized using good
    lighting and the patient is asked to say aaah
    to retract the uvula
  • Areas in the posterior pharynx that appear
    inflamed (swollen, red, suppurative) should be

URT samples
  • The tonsilar fossae and the extreme posterior
    pharynx beyond the uvula are the sites most often
  • The swab should not touch the tongue, lips,
    teeth, gums, and uvula (unless it is specifically
  • Two or more swabs are collected if serology
    testing or other additional procedures are

(No Transcript)
URT samples
  • It is always best to transport swabs and other
    samples to the lab ASAP to prevent drying,
    possibility of contamination, etc. If transport
    is delayed, most organisms maintain viability
    better if stored in an appropriate transport
    medium such as Stuarts.
  • An exception to this rule, throat swabs for S.
    pyogenes culture (and antigen testing) do not
    have to remain moist by placing them in a
    transport medium. Studies have shown that dry
    swabs sent through the mail yielded more positive
    cultures of S. pyogenes than similar ones sent in
    a transport medium

URT samples
  • A properly collected throat swab is
    roll-inoculated onto one quadrant of SBA,
    streaked for isolated colonies, and stabbed
    with the loop in order to place organisms below
    the surface into a relatively low oxygen
  • If Haemophilus infection is suspected, a
    chocolate agar plate should be similarly

URT infections
  • Since the indigenous microbes are almost always
    present, the problem for the microbiologist is to
    be able to differentiate between the normal
    and the pathogenic microbes in URT cultures
  • Also, what is normal in the oropharynx may be
    pathogenic in the sites that communicate with it
    (e.g. middle ear and sinuses and the lower
    respiratory tract)

URT Infections
  • Each URT site can be infected with a variety of
    bacteria, fungi, and viruses
  • The site most commonly infected is the oropharynx
    (infected throat or pharyngitis)
  • Pharyngitis is most frequently caused by viruses
    (70 to 80) and not by bacteria
  • Viral phayngitis cultures are not rountinely
    conducted in the med lab as they require special
    cell culture techniques not available
  • The exception to this rule is RSV which can be
    quickly diagnosed using a rapid serological
    method such as ELISA, yet this may not be
    conducted in the med lab either

URT Infections
  • Routine cultures of the oropharynx in the U.S.A
    is almost exclusively for S. pyogenes (group A
    beta hemolytic streptococcus or GAS) - the most
    common bacterial infection of the oropharynx in
    the U.S.A. Although the remainder of these URT
    throat slides are generic, the focus is actually
    on S. pyogenes for this reason.
  • S. pyogenes pharyngitis is frequently associated
    with pain, swelling, fever and a purulent exudate
    from the affected area
  • S. pyogenes can readily be detected by culturing
    throat swabs on sheeps blood agar (SBA), looking
    for characteristic colony morphology, confirming
    beta hemolysis, and serotyping to Lancefield
    group A, or running an ELISA rapid strep test.

URT Infections
  • Throat cultures for S. pyogenes
  • Some studies have shown that the use of a
    selective blood agar medium is superior to using
    a non-selective blood agar medium for isolating
  • SBA containing antibiotics (e.g trimethoprim
    sulfomethoxizole) is an example of such a
    selective medium
  • This is known as SXT blood agar

URT samples - nasopharygeal
  • A moistened swab on a thin flexible wire is used
    to sample the nasopharynx
  • It is inserted through one of the nares and slid
    along the floor a nasal passage
  • When the swab reaches the nasopharyngeal chamber
    it is held there for a few seconds and is then
  • The procedure is repeated using the same swab in
    the other nasal passage
  • Ideally the specimen should be placed on
    appropriate media by the bedside, especially if
    sampling for B. pertussis (frequently found in
    nasal fluids) as it dies quickly outside the body
  • If C. diptheriae (diphtheria) or Bordetella
    pertussis (pertussis) are suspected, some of the
    nasopharyngeal sample should be used to conduct a
    specific direct fluorescent antibody procedure.

URT samples - nasopharygeal
  • Corynebacterium diptheriae (diphtheria) and
    Bordetella pertussis (pertussis or whooping
    cough) are rare in most industrialized countries
    due to very successful vaccination programs.
    Infants are given the DPT vaccine to prevent
    diphtheria(D), pertussis(P), and tetanus(T).
  • However, some individuals are not immune. Either
    of these species can be detected using throat
    cultures but nasopharyngeal swabs yield positive
    results more often. Both organisms require
    special media for culturing.

URT samples - nasopharygeal
  • Blood or chocolate agar supplemented with
    tellurite as well as Tinsdales agar (which also
    contains tellurite) are selective and
    differential media for detecting C.diphtheriae.
    Organisms capable of starch utilization reduce
    tellurite which results in gray-black colonies.
  • Loefflers solidified serum medium is
    non-selective but C. diphtheriae produces cells
    that have a characteristic morphology on it.
  • B. pertussis will not grow on media containing
    peptone (such as TSA). Bordet-Gengou works well
    as it is a peptone-free agar medium containing
    sheeps blood, potato, and glycerol usually with
    added antibiotics.
  • Regan Lowe is an antibiotic containing
    peptone-based selective medium that contains
    toxin-neutralizing charcoal to counteract the
    inhibition of B. pertussis.
  • Dont learn this stuff for me at this point. We
    may cover this stuff later.

URT samples sinus, inner ear
  • Reliable cultures of the sinuses or inner ear
    involves aspirating fluid from the cavities using
    a needle and syringe. The needle is inserted
    through the eardrum (tympanocentesis) or through
    the roof of the mouth (sinuses)
  • Since few pathogens are likely to cause sinusitis
    or otitis media, and since invasive sampling is
    traumatic, antibiotic therapy is usually
    under-taken rather than culture
  • If empirical antibiotic therapy is not
    successful, the invasive procedures can be
    performed later

LRT samples
  • The lower respiratory tract (LRT) includes the
    larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and
  • Microbes that reach the LRT are usually quickly
    and efficiently removed by the ciliary elevator
    or destroyed by immune defenses such as alveolar
    macrophages. The LRT should be essentially
    microbe free.
  • Direct LRT sampling requires invasive procedure
    which is contraindicated unless absolutely
    necessary as in the case of inner ear
  • Non-invasive sputum collection is more common

LRT samples - sputum
  • Sputum is a mucous secretion from the LRT
  • Saliva is not sputum saliva is secreted from
    the URT care should be taken to prevent their
  • The patient may produce a sufficient volume of
    sputum via coughing. If not, it can be induced
    by breathing aerosolized hypertonic salt or other
    solutions or by postural drainage . Respiratory
    therapist perform these procedures

LRT samples - sputum
  • Expectorated or induced sputum are often used but
    are not ideal for diagnosing LRT infections as
    they are invariably contaminated by indigenous
    microbiota of the URT
  • Nursing personnel will instruct hospitalized
    patients about proper sputum collection
  • It is usually the responsibility of the lab
    technician to instruct outpatients about specimen
    collection so which is it?
  • If the patient is properly instructed and
    supervised, the quality of a sputum specimen can
    be improved significantly, otherwise patients
    often produce only saliva which is not acceptable

LRT samples - sputum
  • The patient should be made to understand that
    sputum comes from deep down in the chest
  • Also they should wash their mouth thoroughly with
    water just prior to collection
  • In spite all the precautions, sputum is still
    not the very best specimen for diagnosing LRT
  • Novel approaches such as testing the urine for
    antigens derived from LRT pathogenic microbes
    (ex S. pneumoniae) are being evaluated as an
    alternateive to sputum cultures

LRT samples - sputum
  • Smears of expectorated sputum should be made,
    Gram stained, and examined microscopically
  • The smear is scanned using low power
    magnification for immune cells, especially PMNs,
    and for contaminating URT cells, specifically
    squamous epithelial cells (SECs).
  • Quantitative scoring systems are used to
    determine acceptability of sputum samples. One
    such standard states that a low power field (LPF)
    should contain gt PMNs and lt 10 SECs.
  • Many variations of this systems are used.

LRT samples
  • Transtracheal Aspiration (TTA) Fig 3-2 pg 129
  • TTA is performed (by a physician) for the
    following reasons
  • If sputum specimen cannot be expectorated
  • If routine sputum samples have failed to recover
    the causative organism in spite of clinical
    bacterial pneumonia
  • If an anaerobic infection is suspected
  • Procedure
  • the skin over the larynx is anesthetized and
  • A large bore needle is inserted into the larynx
    through the skin
  • A polyethylene catheter is passed through the
    needle and into the lower trachea
  • Secretions are aspirated with a syringe

LRT samples - bronchoscopy
  • Bronchoscopy is an alternative to transtracheal
  • A fiberoptic bronchoscope is inserted through he
    upper respiratory tract down into the bronchi and
  • This allows the attending physician to visualize
    a lesion and directly sample it
  • A protected bronchial brush can be inserted
    through the lumen of the bronchoscope without
    being heavily contaminated with URT microbes
  • The brush can be uncovered temporally and be used
    to collect a sample of the lesion, an acceptable
    method for collecting anaerobic organisms as well
    as aerobes
  • The cover is then put back over the brush and

LRT samples - bronchoscopy
  • Fluid can be injected into the bronchi and lungs
    through the bronchoscope cannula and aspirated
    with a syringe, a method termed a bronchial
  • Unlike bronchial brushes, bronchial washings are
    not suitable for anaerobic cultures as O2 is
    invariably introduced in the washing fluid
  • A bronchoscope can be threaded deep into the
    alveoli, injected with fluid and then retrieved.
    This method is called bronchoalveolar lavage
  • BAL is considered by many to be the method of
    choice for diagnosing Pneumocystis carinii
    pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. Why?

LRT Infections
  • The recovery of Streptococcus pneumoniae,
    Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae,
    and Moraxella catarrhalis as predominating
    organisms from a respiratory culture supports
    their role as the cause of acute pneumonia
  • If it is a hospitalized patient, Pseudomonas
    aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and enteric
    Gram negative rods can be added to the list
  • Non-bacterial organisms such as opportunistic
    fungi, especially Aspergillus sp., and
    Pneumocystis carinii are found in
    immunocompromised host
  • Viruses are not an infrequent cause of LRTs

LRT Infectionsfastidious organisms - serology
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the cause of primary
    atypical pneumonia (PAP), mostly in
    non-hospitalized young adults (a.k.a walking
    pneumonia). This organism is normally diagnosed
    using serological methods.
  • Legionellosis (caused by Legionella pneumophila)
    can be diagnosed by culture on special media such
    as charcoal yeast extract agar (CYE), but is most
    often diagnosed by serological methods or direct
    microscopic examination.

  • Mycobacteria, especially M. tuberculosis in the
    general population,and M. avian-intracellulare,
    in AIDS patients, are causes of LRT infections
    that require special culture techniques and
    special media (Covered in another Power Point

LRT Infectionsroutine culture
  • Sheeps blood agar (SBA) is used for routine
    culture because of its ability to grow most
    pathogens of the LRT
  • S. pneumoniae, which is by far the most common
    cause of typical acute bacterial pneumonia,
    causes a unique and characteristic type of
    hemolysis (alpha) on blood and has a
    characteristic colony morphology on SBA.

  • Chocolate agar is included because H. influenzae
    is a possible cause of LRT infections and it will
    not grow on SBA
  • MacConkey agar is included to isolate enteric
    gram-negative rods and nonfermenting
    gram-negative rods (especially P. aeruginosa and
    Burkholderia cepacia) which are occasional LRT

LRT Infectionsdirect microscopic examination
  • After assessing the quality of the sputum the
    smear is examined microscopically.
  • If there appears to be is a predominating
    organism, its morphology should be noted and
  • An experienced microbiologist often can make
    presumptive identifications of classical
    pathogens based on morphological criteria

Blood Cultures
  • Definitions
  • Septicemia bacteria actively growing in the
    blood stream or along the endothelial lining of
    the blood stream, including the heart valves
  • Bacteremia bacteria being transported via the
    blood stream from a focus of infection to other
    body sites. Bacteria may not be present in every
    sample sloughing is transient.
  • Morbidity mortality occur in both cases, but
    septicemia is generally worse. Bacteremia can
    follow daily activities like brushing teeth.
    Bacteremia can be severe in cases of pre-existing
    conditions, such as heart valve damage.
  • See table 3-8, pg 154

Blood Cultures
  • Definitions
  • Occult bacteremia bacteremia with persistent
    fever but no other signs of sepsis. Seen mostly
    in children, is a sign of potential septicemia,
    but without identifiable focus of infection. In
    healthy children this frequently resolves
    spontaneously. Historically linked to bacterial
    pneumonia, but other conditions apply.
  • Intermittent bacteremia occurs when microbes are
    intermittently released into the bloodstream from
    an established focus of infection - symptoms
    occur upon release of cells and disappear when
  • Persistent bacteremia patient is constantly
    symptomatic, risk of morbidity / mortality is
    greater likely preempts septicemia infection
    is most likely intravascular.
  • Toxemia septicemia with persistent systemic

Blood Cultures
  • Blood sample contamination with skin microbes is
    a serious issue, therefore strict disinfection
    procedures must be followed per your text
  • Apply 12 iodine antiseptic, allow to dry 1-2
  • Remove iodine with 70 alcohol
  • Tom
  • Press firmly at and make an inside-out
    concentric pattern from

Blood Cultures - timing
  • Taking multiple blood samples increases the
    likelihood of detecting infection, however,
    statistics indicate that taking more than 3
    samples in 24hrs is unnecessary
  • Ideally a blood culture should be taken just as
    the patients fever spikes during early-accute
  • If this is not possible (not all patients with
    bacteremia will have a fever) the blood should be
    drawn before antibiotics are given
  • If antibiotics need to be given immediately, two
    to three blood cultures should be drawn
    one-after-another, using separate puncture sites
    if possible
  • If antibiotic therapy is not immediately
    anticipated, two to three blood cultures should
    be performed at 30 minute intervals or up to one
    hour intervals

Blood Cultures - volume
  • The volume of blood collected is the most
    important criterion for obtaining a positive
    blood culture. Too little blood may not allow
    detection of mild or early onset of bacteremia.
    This is more true of adults who generally have
    lower microbe concentrations than children. As
    little as 1 2mL will often suffice for
    detection of microbes in childrens blood.
  • The minimum volume of blood for a single adult
    sample is 10 mL
  • 20 to 30 mL per sample is advocated by many
    clinicians, with 30mL being an absolute maximum
  • For each 1mL increase of blood/culture, there
    will be a 2-3 increase in the number of positive
    blood cultures

Blood Cultures - media
  • Blood contains many natural antimicrobial
    substances (e.g. phagocytic cells, lysozyme,
    complement, etc,).
  • Additionally, when the blood is collected
    antibiotics may have already been administered.
  • In order to negate these antimicrobials blood
    specimens need to be adequately diluted in a
    culture medium
  • Common blood culture media are liquid and contain
    trypic soy (TSB) with peptone, BHI and other
  • The ideal blood to media ratio (see above) is 1
    part blood with 9 parts media for a final
    dilution factor of 110.
  • Many commercially automated blood culture systems
    use a 1 to 5 blood to medium ratio which
    manufacturers claim to be adequate for their

Blood Cultures - media
  • Use of anticoagulants is essential to prevent
    microbes from becoming trapped in a fibrin clot.
    Trapped microbes may not grow in the liquid
    portion of the culture media giving false
    negative results
  • Anticoagulants used must not inhibit the growth
    of important pathogenic microbes. Many
    anticoagulants have this undesirable property.
  • Sodium polyanetholsulfonate (SPS) is an
    anticoagulant formulated for blood cultures. It
    is commonly used at a concentration of 0.024 to
    0.05 V/V (these values will not be on a test).

  • Other beneficial effects of SPS
  • In addition to anticoagulant properties, SPS
    also inactivates phagocytes and neutralizes some
    antibiotics such as aminoglycosides and
  • SPS interferes with the antibacterial action of
  • Undesirable effects of SPS
  • SPS may inhibit the growth of certain pathogenic
    bacteria (P. anaerobius, N.gonorroheae, N.
    meningitidis and G. vaginalis), though this
    inhibitory effect of SPS can be overcome by
    adding gelatin to the blood medium (final
    concentration 1).

Conventional Blood Cultures
  • A blood sample is distributed between two (or
    more) bottles of media. Bottles of media are
    under vaccum, with high CO2 and low O2
  • One bottle of media, best suited for growing
    obligate aerobes and most facultative organisms,
    is vented to allow CO2 to escape and O2 to enter.
  • The other bottle is not vented (?CO2 ?O2) and
    is better suited for growing obligate anaerobes,
    most facultative organisms, and aerotollerant
  • Conventional blood cultures are examined
    manually twice a day (both macroscopically
    microscopically) for the first two days and once
    a day thereafter. They are incubated for 7 days
    before being reported as negative.
  • Macroscopic examination bottles are observed for
    evidence of a)turbidity, b)hemolysis, c)gas
    bubbles, and d) microcolonies on the surface of
    the sedimented red blood cells or suspended in
    the broth

  • An aliquot of a well-mixed broth and blood is
    taken for microscopic exam and for subculture
    from bottles showing any evidence of growth.
  • Blind subculture of aerobic bottles showing no
    evidence of growth (for the 1st 2 days) is
    required because viable microbes may actually be
    present a day or two after collection and display
    no evidence of growth. Pathogens can then die
    and never show evidence of their presence if
    subcultures are not done.
  • Chocolate agar is the best medium for routine
    blind subculture. Chocolate agar contains X
    and V factors (NAD hematin) which are
    required by Haemophilus influenzae, a very
    important fastidious pathogen that is often
    isolated in blood cultures.
  • Chocolate agar subcultures are incubated under
    elevated CO2 levels which favors growth of some
    fastidious pathogens, as well as anaerobes no
    need to subculture anaerobic bottles.

  • Advantages of a conventional broth-based-non-autom
    ated blood culture system
  • savings automation is expensive
  • Eyes machines dont have em
  • Disadvantages of this type of system
  • Continuous monitoring is not possible
  • The whole process is labor intensive because
    subculturing is a monotonous repetitive task
  • Results of positive conventional blood cultures
    are often delayed compared to automated systems
    (mainly due the inability to continuously
  • Chance of human error

Automated Blood Culture - broth
  • Blood samples are processed as usual, inoculated
    into the same broth media under the same
    conditions, but following inoculation there are a
    lot of differences, and advantages?...
  • Once placed in the incubator/monitor/computer
    unit no action is taken until a positive is
    detected by the machine or the incubation time is
  • Monitoring is continuous (usually once every ten
    minutes or so) during the entire incubation
  • Time course data - growth curve - kinetics
  • Visual and/or audible results signals are given
  • Routine blind subcultures are not necessary
  • Incubation times are usually shorter than for
    conventional systems allowing negative reports to
    be rendered in five days or less versus seven

Automated Blood Culture - broth
  • Detection methods
  • Optical density meter to detect turbidity
  • CO2 evolution (or consumption?) indicating
    substrate catabolism, via pH colorimetry, pCO2
  • Consumption of other gasses (O2, H2, etc)
  • Other?
  • Summary / considerations
  • Cost of machine vs cost of labor
  • Rapidly process large number of samples
  • Continuous monitoring allows earlier detection of
    positive samples quicker diagnosis treatment

Automated blood culture methods not exclusively
  • Lysis centrifugation system
  • lyses all formed elements in sample (RBC WBC)
  • Centrifuges solids for collection
  • Sediment inoculated onto plates of various agar
    media and incubated under various conditions
  • Allows examination of colony morphology and
    generates pure cultures for further study AB
  • Allows detection of intracellular parasites such
    as Listeria and Brucella
  • The system has its problems including necessity
    of extensive manual labor and an inherently high
    contamination rate that occurs during sample

  • Biphasic blood cultures
  • Bottles of media containing broth and an agar
    slant are inoculated allowing culturing and
    examination of both - best of both worlds
  • broth culture recovery / turbidity
  • colony morphology on agar
  • The unique closed-system design
  • allows sub-culturing from broth to
  • agar that is much easier, quicker
  • and has much less manipulation
  • which greatly decreases chances
  • of contamination

Blood Cultures wrap-up
  • Microscopic examination (e.g. gram reaction
    cellular morphology) is an absolute necessity,
    and is a first step, no matter which system is
    used i.e. automation does not replace this.
  • Since septicemia and complications thereof has
    such a high mortality rate, a positive blood
    culture is a medical emergency and should be
    treated as such. Promptness and accuracy
  • The results must be communicated to the physician
    or designee immediately by phone and followed up
    by a written report
  • Lab results on cerebrospinal fluid are also
    treated as critical values

Fecal Specimens
  • Several bacterial species (and other pathogens)
    cause gastrointestinal (GI) conditions (diarrhea,
    dysentery, colitis, etc) associated either with
    consumption of food or water contaminated with
    feces (ie. fecal-oral), or with food poisoning.
    Food poisoning primarily involves the ingestion
    of toxins present in food from previous growth of
    bacteria therein, although some bacterial growth
    and toxin production can occur in the patient.
    The lower GI tract is the primary focus for all
    of the above.
  • Diarrhea can be limited to cramping loose
    stool. It can be mild or severe depending on the
    potency of the enterotoxins involved example
    S. aureus vs V. cholera.
  • Enterotoxins attach to the intestinal mucosal
    cells and stimulates them to secrete water and
    electrolytes without physically damaging the cell
    - it is non-inflammatory.
  • Other exotoxins (see conditions on next slide)
    can be inflamatory, causing varying degrees of
    cell destruction ex enterohemorrhagic E. coli
    verotoxin is deadly.

  • Colitis involves diarrhea with additional
    pathology resulting in inflammation of the colon,
    and most likely pain.
  • Enterocolitis is similar but also involves the
    small intestine.
  • Dysentery includes the above symptoms along with
    fever, and severe diarrhea, but most
    characteristic is the passage of blood (with
    PMNs) and mucus due to the enteroinvasive nature
    of the pathogens and toxins involved. Bacterial
    dysentery-like illness is most commonly
    associated with Shigella, Salmonella,
    enterohemorrhagic E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni,
    and Yersinia enterocolitica.

  • These and other GI conditions are much less
    common in industrialized countries due to
    infrastructural advantages hygienic practices,
    municipal sanitation, water systems, etc

Fecal Specimens
  • Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter,
    enterohemorrhagic Escherchia coli, and
    Clostridium difficile are routinely tested for in
    most microbiology labs in the USA
  • Culture and direct wet preparations for fecal
    leukocytes are standard methods for all of the
    above except C. difficile
  • For years the only intestinal pathogenic
    bacteria routinely cultured for was non-typhoidal
    Salmonella and Shigella
  • Through further study and improved methods it was
    over time determined that many other organisms
    were significant causers of GI pathology.
  • Enteric pathogens that emerged include Salmonella
    typhi, Vibrio cholera, Vibrio parahaemolyticus,
    Yersinia entercolitica, Campylobacter jejuni,
    Bacillus cereus, S. aureus, several toxin
    producing and enteroinvasive strains of E. coli,
    and some viruses rotavirus, norwalk virus, HVA,

Fecal specimens
  • Collection and processing
  • Collection of fecal samples is relatively
  • Feces (stool) is the specimen of choice for
    diagnosing fecal-orally contracted diarrhea,
    dysentery, or food poisoning caused by bacteria,
    protozoans viruses.
  • Stool should be collected in a wide-mouth
    container with a tight fitting lid. The
    container need not be sterile, but should be free
    of preservatives, detergents and metal ions, and
    not previously contaminated with feces or urine.
  • If the patient cannot produce a stool specimen
    (such as newborns debilitated adults) a rectal
    swab will suffice.
  • Swab samples are generally processed more rapidly
    in the lab, and are therefore superior for
    recovery of those pathogens (Shigella and
    Clostridium difficile) that are especially
    susceptible to cooling, drying and progressive
    acidification that can result in a sample.
  • It is always best to transport all samples
    directly to the lab within hoe hour of collection.

Fecal Specimens
  • Collection and Processing
  • Stool that cannot be processed within one hour
    should be placed in a transport medium as
    discussed previously.
  • If intestinal parasites are suspected, samples
    should be placed in preservatives such as PVA and
    10 formalin.

Fecal direct examination
  • The majority of GI infections are caused by
    morphologically similar Gram(-) rod-shaped
    bacteria. Most of these are members of the family
    Enterobacteriaceae (E. coli and his cousins
    Shigella, Salmonella, etc, - ie. the enterics).
  • Therefore a Gram stain for bacterial cellular
    morphology is not generally clinically useful
  • Fecal Gram stains for leukocytes (PMNs) are
    helpful for differentiating inflammatory from
    non-inflammatory infections.
  • A Methylene blue wet prep is an easy alternative
    to the Gram stain for detecting fecal leukocytes

Fecal direct exam exceptions
  • The presence of Gram () cocci in clusters
    presumptively suggests the involvement of S.
  • A preponderance of budding cells (with or without
    pseudohyphae) is suggestive of yeast infection.
    Candida albicans is an infrequent cause of
  • Campylobacter is a tiny curved or loosely
    spiraled Gram (-) bacterium that can be seen
    on Gram stains in heavy infections.
    Characteristic darting motility may also be
    revealed in a wet mount of Campylobacter.

Fecal specimen culture methods
  • Fecal specimens are heavily contaminated with
    indigenous microbiota and must be cultured on
    selective media
  • Fecal microbes, in general, are resistant to
    bile, are facultative or obligately anaerobic,
    and can ferment a variety of carbohydrates
    (including lactose in some cases) producing acid
    and sometimes gas. There are exceptions to these
  • This allows application of various selective and
    differential media for characterization of fecal
  • Selective media for the isolation of Salmonella,
    Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni, and
    enterohemorrhagic E. coli should always be

  • Selective/differential media routinely used for
    Salmonella and Shigella usually contain bile
    salts and/or dyes with bile-like properties as
  • The differential agents in these media commonly
    include lactose along with a pH indicator to
    indicate production of acid fermentation via
    color change of the media and or colonies.
    Salmonella and Shigella do not ferment lactose
    therefore their colonies appear clear and
    colorless. Many other fecal bacteria such as E.
    coli do ferment lactose, and their colonies have
    color on these media. Such media include
    MacConkeys and SS agar.
  • Colony color in the case of some media (EMB) is
    due to accumulation of dye from the agar rather
    than pH change.

? MacConkey EMB? SS
agar ?
  • There is a commercially available selective
    medium for Y. entercolitica but, since this
    organism is almost exclusively found in cooler
    climates (Canada, N-C. Europe) it is not commonly
    tested for in the USA any further south than New
  • Vibrio cholera and V. parahaemolyticus are not
    prevalent in the USA except near the Gulf of
    Mexico. Special selective media for these
    bacteria are not commonly used elsewhere in the
  • Aeromonas and Pleisiomonas are also diarrhea
    producing bacteria with a very low incidence in
    the USA.

Fecal cultures - enrichment broth media
  • To aid in selection of the causative pathogens
    from the numerous commensals, fecal samples are
    inoculated into highly selective enrichment
    broth media. These media contain chemicals
    preventing the normal gut microbes from quickly
    entering the logarithmic growth phase while
    enteric pathogens are allowed to grow rapidly.
  • Gram Negative (GN) and Selenite broths are two
    such types of enrichment broth media.
  • It takes the normal gut bacteria six hours in GN
    broth to reach log phase, and 12 hours to reach
    log phase in selenite broth.
  • Salmonella in selenite, and Salmonella and
    Shigella in GN reach the log phase of growth
    within an hour or two.
  • After several hours of incubation, the enrichment
    broth is subcultured onto the appropriate
    selective agar.

Culturing Campylobacter
  • Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli are thermophilic
    (they grow best at 42oC) and also microaerophilic
    (require sub-ambient O2 and elevated carbon
    dioxide conditions). This atmosphere is
    generated using a commercially available campy
    pack to consume O2 and ?CO2.
  • They do not compete well with indigenous
    microbiota and require a selective medium. Most
    of these media use a combination of antibiotics
    as selective agents
  • Vancomycin inhibit Gram positives
  • Trimethoprim inhibit swarming Proteus
  • Amphotericin B inhibit fungi
  • Cefoperazone inhibit enteric Gram negative rods
    and Pseudomonas

Culturing enterohemorrhagic E. coli EHEC
  • Various strains of intestinal pathogenic E. coli
    have caused sporadic cases of GI infections
    worldwide. These strains are referred to by
    various names (enteropathogenic, enterotoxigenic,
    enteroinvasive, enterohemorrhagic).
  • Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) came to the
    forefront in the US in 1988 when it was
    contracted by several people who ate undercooked
    hamburgers from Jack In The Box, a NW
    restaurant chain. This strain was eventually
    designated E. coli 0157-H7, a serotype
  • Many people became severely ill with painful
    explosive bloody diarrhea. Some people developed
    acute renal failure and ischemic bowel disease,
    and a few died.
  • EHEC is a potentially deadly strain of E. coli
    due to the production of a potent toxin known as
    verotoxin (VTEC) or shiga-like toxin (STEC).
    EHEC infection most often comes from meat (beef)
    contaminated with the organism from the animals
    feces. The pathology of this organism will be
    discussed later.

  • EHEC is detectable on a selective/differential
    medium, Sorbitol MacConkey (SMAC). EHEC forms
    colorless colonies on SMAC where other E. coli
    colonies are red.
  • Commercially available ELISA tests can be used to
    confirm presumptive EHEC isolates.
  • The LGH microbiology lab uses EHEC to report
    these enteropathogenic E. coli

Fecal specimens C.difficile
  • Diarrhea that develops during a stay in the
    hospital (ie. is nosocomial) is rarely caused by
    the same organism associated with fecal-oral or
    food born disease.
  • Patients who develop diarrhea thee or more days
    after initial hospitalization should not be
    cultured for enteric pathogens unless one of
    their stool specimens has shown to be negative
    for the Clostridium difficile cytotoxin (i. e.
    have a negative C.diff test).
  • Nosocomial diarrhea is almost always associated
    with C.difficile in hospitalized patients who are
    receiving or have had antibiotic treatment
    antibiotic associated pseudomembranous colitis.
  • This antibiotic therapy eradicates a persons
    normal intestinal microbiota giving the pathogen
    an opportunity to proliferate.

  • Pseudomembranous colitis is characterized by the
    formation of a membrane-like structure in the
    intestine. C. difficile produced a toxin that
    results in damage to, and sloughing of layers of
    the intestinal mucosa forming this
  • Clostridium difficile is resistant to many
  • The most common method for detecting C. difficile
    in feces is an ELISA test for antigen. Again,
    cases of C. difficile are usually nosocomial and
    suspected when hospitalized patients develop
    diarhea after antibiotic treatment.

Fecal specimen culture methods
  • Vibrio, Aeromonas, and Pleisiomonas
  • Vibrio cholera, Vibrio parahaemolyticus,
    Aeromonas sp, and Pleisiomonas sp. are found only
    sporadically as enteric pathogens in most
    developed countries
  • Most strains of Vibrio cholera have been
    associated with epidemics and pandemics
  • Sheeps blood agar will grow the infrequently
    isolated enteric pathogens Vibrio, Aeromonas, and
  • There are selective media available for each of
    these pathogens but it is not practical to use
    them routinely due to their low incidence
  • A major characteristic that differentiates
    Vibrio, Aeromonas, and Pleisiomonas from most
    enteric Gram negative rods is the production of
    cytochrome oxidase oxidase positive
  • Colonies of oxidase positive Gram negative rods
    that grow on SBA from fecal samples much be
    tested to rule out Vibrio, Aeromonas, and

Fecal specimen culture methods
  • Detecting Yersinia entercolitica
  • Y. entercolitica is unique among enteric
    pathogens in that its optimum growth temperature
    is room temperature
  • There are selective/differential media for Y.
    enterocolitica but it is not practical to use
    them routinely due to their low incidence
  • Y. enterocolitica grows as tiny pinpoint lactose
    negative colonies on MacConkey incubated at 37oC
    for 24 hr.
  • If these plates are incubated at room temperature
    an additional 24h period, colonies of Y.
    enterocolitica will enlarge considerably.
  • Bacteria exhibiting this behavior are further
    identified to rule out Yersinia.

Fecal Specimens
  • Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enteritidis and
    Bacillus cereus are relatively common causes of
    food poisoning in the USA
  • Symptoms of most bacterial food poisoning
    pathogens occur within 72 hours of ingestion and
    include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps
  • Except for the culturing of Salmonella, diagnosis
    of food poisoning is best done by examining the
    food product directly for the bacterial toxins

Fecal Specimens upper GI tract
  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach or
    upper GI tract
  • Upper GI infection symptoms generally include
    anorexia, nausea, occasional vomiting and
    abdominal pain, but NOT profuse diarrhea as is
    characteristic of a lower GI infection.
  • Upper GI specimens for culture are rare
    (including H. pylori) and are limited to
    situations where diagnosis by other means is not
  • Bacteria agents responsible for acute toxic food
    poisoning can be recovered from vomit samples.
  • Gastric biopsies are becoming more common
    (usually a biopsy taken in surgery with the aid
    of a gastroscope) for recovery of Helicobacter
    pylori, although other methods such as
    histological examination, urease enzyme tests,
    DNA testing for the urease gene, or serology
    tests are usually used.

Fecal Specimens upper GI tract
  • Helicobacter pylori is the most common cause of
    gastritis in patients who produce a normal amount
    stomach hydrochloric acid
  • H. pylori produces a very potent urease that can
    be rapidly detected when the biopsy specimen is
    placed in a urea substrate containing a pH
  • Urease hydrolyzes urea yielding ammonia ammonia
    is highly alkaline and will quickly change the
    color of certain pH indicators.

Urine Specimens UTIs
  • 80 of UTIs in people ages 2-65 originate from
    endogenous fecal organisms, mostly from E. coli.
  • UTIs are fairly common among females of all ages
    due to the short exposed urethral design. Sexual
    intercourse, contraceptives, and pregnancy
    predispose women to UTIs.
  • 1 of all neonates develop UTI associated
    bacteremia (bacteriuria) with the incidence being
    higher in boys ???
  • Childhood bacteriuria can result in kidney
    damage, and frequent episodes are suggestive of
    underlying structural abnormality.
  • After age 65 the incidence in men dramatically
    increases and the incidence in women increases
    only moderately
  • Infections of older men are usually associated
    with prostate disease, a very common occurrence
    in this age group

  • The higher incidence of UTIs in hospitalized
    patients is often associated with UT
    manipulations such as prostate examination,
    urinary catheterization and instrumentation
  • UTI pathogens can ascend from the perineum to the
    urethra (urethritis), bladder (cystitis) or
    ureters (ureteritis), or ultimately to the kidney
    to cause pyelonephritis.
  • Lower UTIs, urethritis and cystitis, are not
    associated with long term disabilities. Upper
    UTIs, ureteritis and especially pyelonepritis,
    are more severe and are associated with long term
    renal dysfunction.

UTI symptoms
  • Neonates and children younger than 2 years of age
    with UTIs usually present with nonspecific
    symptoms including failure to thrive, vomiting,
    and fever
  • Symptoms of lower UTIs occur with the same
    frequency in older children and adults dysuria,
    frequency of urination, urgency of urination,
    small amounts of turbid urine with each void, and
    occasional suprapubic tenderness
  • Upper UTIs present the same symptoms as lower
    UTIs (a source of confusion) as well as flank
    pain and fever
  • A majority women over 65 years old with UTIs do
    not have symptoms other than turbid urine.

UTI etiology
  • E. coli is the leading cause of community
    acquired and nosocomial UTIs in most cases (see
    exception below). Most uropathogenic E. coli (
    other enterics) have fillamentous protein
    adhesins that allow specific attachment to UT
    epithelial cells a virulence factor.
  • Other enteric Gram (-) rods that frequently cause
    community acquired UTIs include Klebsiella
    pneumonia, various species of Enterobacter, and
    Proteus sp. (mostly P. mirabilis)
  • Gram positive bacteria associated with community
    acquired UTIs include Enterococcus and
    Staphylococcus aureus
  • Staphylococcus saprophyticus is the leading cause
    of lower and upper UTIs in college age women, but
    rarely causes infections in other groups
  • Other prominent etiologies in hospitalized
    patients include K. pneumoniae, P. mirabilis,
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus, S. aureus,
    coagulase (-) Staphylococcus (mostly S.
    epidermidis) and Candida albicans

Urine Specimen culture methods
  • Unlike most other clinical specimens, the culture
    of urine must be done quantitatively presence
    of a UTI correlates with the number of bacteria
    in the specimen (CFU/mL).
  • ?105 CFU/ml of a pure culture from catheterized
    urine was established in the 1950s to correlate
    with asymptomatic pyelonephritis in women. Later
    it was determined that most people with
    symptomatic pyelonephritis and cystitis will also
    have colony counts of ? 105 CFU/ml
  • Colony counts lt 105 CFU/ml may correlate with
    UTIs in certain circumstances such as occurs when
    bacteria that cause urethritis get trapped
    within the urethra, or when cells are
    significantly clumped, each leading to colony
    counts much lower than 105 CFU/ml, even far lt103
  • Studies show that symptomatic females with
    urethritis associated with a single species and a
    colony count of 103 CFU/ml or greater should be
    treated with antibiotics.

Urine culture plating
  • Two procedures can be used to do urine colony
    counts serial dilution of the urine using
    diluents and pour plates and the calibrated loop
  • The calibrated loop method is a much simpler than
    the calibrate loop method
  • Perhaps it is not as accurate but it is
    sufficiently accurate to be useful for diagnosing
  • In either case there are a few media that are
  • MacConkey agar or equivalent is always included
    since the vast majority of UTIs are caused by
    Gram-negative rods.
  • SBA is included as well to increase recovery.
    Hemolysis data may also prove useful in
    presumptive ID.

Urine plating calibrated loop method
  • Mix specimen thoroughly, then insert a sterile
    0.01 or 0.001 calibrated loop vertically into the
    urine until the loop is completely submerged.
  • Place the filled loop flat onto the agar and drag
    a 1 streakdirectly across the agar bisecting it
    into equal halves.
  • Streak perpendicular to the 1 streak in a way
    that spreads the specimen thoroughly over the
    entire plate surface.
  • Repeat in the opposite direction.

Urine plating calibrated loop method
  • Plating 0.01mL of urine is equivalent to making a
    1100 dilution. Colony counts from a 0.01mL loop
    must be multiplied by 100 to give CFU/mL values.
  • For statistical validity, the number of colonies
    on a given quantitative culture plate should be
    between 25 and 250.
  • The reporting unit is CFU/mL and not colonies
    per mL

Urine plating dilution method
  • Making serial dilutions of urine in sterile water
    (?) and then plating a measured volume allows for
    a very accurate colony count.
  • Even though this method is very accurate it is
    tedious to perform.
  • The kind of accuracy this method allows is not
    required for urinary colony counts and the
    calibrated loop method is easier to perform and
    the results are clinically relevant

Urine Specimen collection - catheter
  • Properly collected catheterized urine rarely is
    contaminated with indigenous microbes
  • However, the process of catheterizing is a risk
    factor for causing UTIs and is not recommended
    for routine sampling
  • If the patient is going to be catheterized for
    some other purpose or has an indwelling urinary
    catheter, this can provide an excellent specimen
    for culture
  • Urine taken from an indwelling catheter must not
    be taken from the collecting bag
  • The specimen should be taken aseptically with a
    needle and syringe from the catheter port after
    disinfecting it with alcohol.
  • Again, this is not recommended for routine
    samples. The clean catch method is the routine
    method of choice.

Urine Specimen collection clean catch
  • It is now known that clean-catch counts are
    comparable to catheterized specimen counts,
    although they are more susceptible to
    contamination with indigenous microbes.
  • The urethral opening is colonized with a variety
    of indigenous microbes, some of which are UTI
    pathogens. These microbes can contaminate urine
    samples and cause misdiagnosis similar to the
    case with saliva in sputum.
  • Collection of mid-stream urine prevents much of
    the problem of contamination with indigenous
  • Clean-catch applies to urine that does not make
    contact with any body surface after exiting the
    urethral opening.
  • This is easy for males, but often requires
    instruction from trained personnel for a good
    sample from a female.
  • These samples are best taken first thing in the

Urine Specimens
  • Urine specimens must be processed within 2 hrs of
    collection, or otherwise be refrigerated.
    Refrigerated specimens can be kept up to 24hr
    without deterioration
  • Suprapubic aspiration (SPA), another method of
    urine specimen collection, is reserved almost
    exclusively for neonates, small children and
    occasionally adults in whom clean catch midstream
    urine has failed to establish a diagnosis
  • Suprapubic aspirated urine is the only type of
    urine specimen suitable for anaerobic culture,
    although UTIs due to anaerobic bacteria are very
  • Suprapubic aspiration is done by qualified
    medical personnel, usually a physician, and is
    only used when absolutely necessary due to the
    associated risk. However SPA samples are the
    type least likely to be contaminated.

Urine Specimens
  • SPA
  • The skin directly over the bladder is
    anesthetized and disinfected
  • Then a needle is inserted through the skin and a
    syringe is used to aspirate 10mL urine for
  • Cytoscopy
  • Cystoscopy is a procedure that uses a fiber-optic
    device to visualize the urinary tract
  • During this exam urine specimens can be collected
    from the bladder or ureters for culture. These
    are processed as catheterized specimens

Urine specimens
  • Properly collected, freshly voided urine from a
    noninfected individual processed immediately
    should have colony counts ? 103 CFU/ml, most
    likely far below this value.
  • A given UTI is usually caused by a single species
    of microbe, however in patients with an
    indwelling catheter a UTI can be caused by two or
    rarely three different species
  • If gt 3 organisms grow in a urine specimen (other
    than those taken by catheterization), no matter
    what the colon count is, this is considered
    evidence of contamination, and further processing
    is not warranted
  • If 2 different organisms grow at a colony count
    of ? 105 CFU/ml each, both are considered to be
    etiologic agents of the UTI
  • Any number of organisms in catheterized,
    cystoscopy, or suprapubic aspirated urines, is
    presumed to be of clinical significance

Urine Specimens direct exam
  • Direct microscopic examination of urine for
    culture is not routinely performed in most
    clinical labs
  • Occasionally a physician will request a Gram
    stain when anticipating the immediate
    administration of antimicrobial therapy
  • A drop of unspun urine is placed on a microscope
    slide, allowed to dry, fixed, and Gram stained
  • If the number of microbial cells averages one or
    more per oil immersion field, this correlates
    rather well with approximately 105 CFU/mL

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
  • Meningitis is inflammation of the meninges. A
    number of pathogens cause various meningitic
  • Acute meningitis is a medical emergency - it can
    be associated with high morbidity and mortality
    if not diagnosed and treated early in the course
    of the disease
  • Acute meningitis is commonly caused by only a few
    rapid growing bacteria that cause inflam
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