Exercise 5 Part I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exercise 5 Part I


... agar and often look like little footballs (or lenses, hence, the proper term is 'lenticular' ... is indicated by a change in the medium from green to blue. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Exercise 5 Part I

Exercise 5 Part I
  • Biochemical Tests
  • Data Analyses

TODAY- What we are doing
  • Data analysis of hamburger counts.
  • Go over lab report format sheets and review the
    requirements for first lab report (Hamburger
    experiment 4) due at the beginning of class next
  • Biochemical tests.
  • Environmental isolates.

Lab Reports
  • Writing report handout
  • Citation handout
  • Graphing handout
  • Rubric
  • Sample papers

Data Analysis of Hamburger Counts
  • Count the number of colonies on each set of
    spread plates and pour plates.
  • All of the colonies will be on the surface of the
    spread plates
  • Colonies will be both on the surface and embedded
    into the medium for the pour plates. ONLY COUNT
  • Note that colonies in the pour plates will
    frequently be very small when embedded in the
    agar and often look like little footballs (or
    lenses, hence, the proper term is "lenticular").

Data Analysis of Hamburger Counts
  • Plates that have 29 or fewer colonies are not
    statistically significant and although the data
    should be recorded as Not Statistically
    Significant (NSS), they should not be used in
    determining the titer.
  • Plates that have much greater than 300 colonies
    are difficult to count. Plates that have too many
    colonies to count accurately should be recorded
    as Too Numerous To Count (TNTC).

Data Analysis of Hamburger Counts
  • Determine the titer for both spread plates and
    pour plates.
  • This is done by dividing the number of colonies
    found on a plate by the dilution.
  • For example, if there were 229 colonies on a
    10-5 dilution plate, the formula would be 229
    divided by 10-5. This is equivalent to 229 X
    105 (remember when you divide by an exponent,
    you change the sign of the exponent, so negative
    exponents become positive and positive exponents
    become negative).

Data Analysis of Hamburger Counts
  • The units here are colony forming units per gram
    (cfu/g). Record the spread plate and pour plate
    titers for your sample on the board. Record all
    of the class data and use the pooled results for
    writing your laboratory report.

Report Due Next Week
  • You will need the data incorporated into a table
  • You will need a hand drawn histogram (bar graph)
    done on 3 cycle log paper of your groups data.
  • You will also need a computer generated histogram
    done on excel of the class data. (see me if you
    need help)
  • Writing for the Biological Sciences by McMillan
    will help with Tables and Graphs.

Table Example of 1 set of Data
Enumeration of Bacteria
Average titer of bacteria from hamburger samples
Figure 1. Enumeration of Bacteria in hamburger
samples from various supermarkets.
Biochemical Tests
  • Microorganisms can not be identified with any
    precision solely on the basis of cell and colony
    morphology, Gram reaction and source of inoculum.
  • Pure cultures are critical for biochemical
    analyses as biochemical tests using mixed
    cultures containing two or more organisms will
    generate uninterruptible results.
  • You will need to come in 24 and 48 hours to check
  • Record your findings on page 5-9 we will discuss
    the results next week

Biochemical Tests
  • In this set of experiments, you will subject your
    unknown(s) to a battery of biochemical tests and
    compare the results to known positive and
    negative results produced by control organisms.

Biochemical Tests What is a Control ?
  • CONTROL Identical conditions without the
  • CONTROL ORGANISM An organism with a known
    reaction to a specific test that is used in
    comparative analysis.
  • POSITIVE CONTROL Identical conditions using a
    variable with a known positive response.

Biochemical Tests Catalase Test
  • Obligate aerobes and facultative anaerobes that
    utilize oxygen frequently produce toxic
    by-products like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or
    superoxide radicals (O2-) as part of their
    aerobic respiration. The liberation of oxygen gas
    is the basis for the catalase test.

Catalase Test Procedure
Biochemical Tests
  • To test for catalase activity Remove a small
    amount of your environmental unknown from your
    agar slant, or a loopful of control test
    organisms from a broth culture and place it on a
    glass slide. Mix the organisms with a drop of 3
    H2O2 and check for the appearance of gas bubbles
    (a positive test). No bubbles is a negative
    test. Check under the microscope for bubbles.
    Use Bacillus spp. for the positive control and
    Streptococcus lactis for the negative control.

Oxidase Test
Biochemical Tests
  • Cytochrome oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of a
    reduced cytochrome by molecular oxygen (O2)
    resulting in the formation of H2O or H2O2. This
    enzyme plays a vital role in the electron
    transport chain. In the cell, the reduced
    cytochrome donates electrons to the oxidase and
    becomes oxidized.
  • The oxidase test involves substituting an
    artificial substrate p-phenylenediamine (note!
    this compound is toxic!) for the reduced
    cytochrome that the cytochrome oxidase usually
    acts upon.
  • There are very few oxidase positive organisms.
    However, since most pseudomonads are oxidase
    positive, use a pseudomonad for the positive

Oxidase Test Procedure
Biochemical Tests
  • To test for cytochrome oxidase For the test,
    you will use a commercially prepared test called
    a "dry slide" oxidase test. Squares of filter
    paper have been impregnated with
    p-phenylenediamine then sandwiched between two
    pieces of plastic (figure 5.1)

Oxidase Test Procedure
Biochemical Tests
  • Using a plastic "Steri-loop" rub the cells from a
    plate or slant directly onto the filter paper in
    one of the windows of the dry slide and record
    the color change within 20 seconds.
  • If oxidase positive, the reaction area will turn
    dark purple. If oxidase negative, there will be
    either no color change or a change from colorless
    pink to gray

Biochemical Tests Oxidase Test Procedure
Group A positive control
Group A unknown
Group B unknown
Group B positive control
Carbohydrate Fermentation
Biochemical Tests
  • The ability to ferment carbohydrates and the
    types of fermentation end products that are
    formed (e.g., acid or gas) are very useful in
    bacterial identification.
  • These tests are set up so that a number of
    different sugars can be tested easily. You will
    test your environmental isolate for the ability
    to ferment glucose (also called dextrose),
    sucrose (also called saccharose), lactose and
  • Broth tubes containing the individual sugars also
    contain a pH indicator (phenol red) to
    demonstrate changes in pH and a small tube called
    a Durham tube which is inserted upside down to
    trap any gas that may be produced as a result of
    the fermentation.

Carbohydrate FermentationProcedure
  • Inoculate a tube containing one each of the four
    sugars from your TSA slant of your purified
    environmental isolate.
  • Incubate the tubes at room temperature. It is
    critical that you score the tubes at 24 and 48
    hours and record your results.
  • Make sure that the broth is turbid and that the
    organism has actually grown before scoring the
  • A yellow color is a positive test orange is
    still negative after 24-48 hours. Tubes that
    have incubated for greater than 48 hours should
    not be scored.

Biochemical TestsCarbohydrate Fermentation
Biochemical Tests Anaerobic Respiration by
Nitrate Reduction
  • Some microorganisms that usually use molecular
    oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor can
    substitute nitrate (NO3-) for this purpose under
    anaerobic conditions (e.g., Pseudomonas).
  • Nitrate can be reduced to nitrite (NO2-) and some
    microorganisms can reduce the nitrite further to
    ammonia (NH3) or even to nitrogen gas (N2).

Nitrate Reduction Procedure
  • To test for nitrate reduction Inoculate a tube
    of nitrate broth containing a Durham tube with
    your culture. Incubate the culture tube until
    growth appears (24-48 hrs), then refrigerate
    until next lab. Since nitrate reduction occurs
    under anaerobic conditions at the bottom of the
    tube, do not mix the tube or do anything to
    introduce oxygen into the culture. Do all of the
    following tests in the same culture tube during
    the next lab period (refer to figure 5.3).

Nitrate Reduction Procedure
  • (i) First, check for the presence of gas in the
    Durham tube. If there is gas in the Durham tube,
    it is nitrogen and this observation alone is a
    positive test for nitrate reduction.

Nitrate Reduction Procedure
  • (ii) To determine if nitrite is present, add 10
    to 15 drops of Nitrite A reagent ( Note that
    dimethyl-alpha-naphthylamine is closely related
    to compounds that are carcinogenic. If any of
    this reagent contacts your hands, wash them
    immediately. If the culture turns red within 15
    min. it is positive for the presence of nitrite
    and positive for nitrate reduction. If after 15
    min. there is no color change, then one of two
    events have occurred either the nitrate has not
    been reduced or nitrate has been reduced beyond
    nitrite to ammonia or nitrogen gas.

Nitrate Reduction Procedure
  • (iii) If there was no color change after the
    addition of Nitrite A reagent and Nitrite B
    reagent, test for the presence of nitrate by
    adding a small amount of zinc powder. If nitrate
    is present, it will be reduced to nitrite by the
    zinc and since the Nitrite A reagent and Nitrite
    B reagent are already present, the culture will
    turn red. If the culture turns red within 15
    min., then nitrate was present and the test is
    negative for nitrate reduction. If the culture
    does not turn red upon the addition of zinc, this
    means that the nitrate has been reduced to either
    ammonia or nitrogen gas and is positive for
    nitrate reduction.

Nitrate Reduction Procedure
Motility Test
Biochemical Tests
  • True motility (directed movement) is different
    than Brownian movement. Brownian movement is
    caused by invisible molecules striking the the
    bacteria making them appear to vibrate rather
    than the bacteria actually moving from one place
    to another.
  • Motility can be observed in a wet mount or
    hanging drop preparation of the organism.
    However, wet mounts tend to dry out quickly
    rendering the organisms immotile.

Motility Test Procedure
  • To test for motility Inoculate a tube of
    motility medium using your inoculating needle
    rather than you inoculating loop. Flame
    sterilize your needle and once it is cool,
    transfer some cells onto the very tip. Stab the
    motility medium to about 2/3rds of its depth,
    then withdraw the needle straight out using the
    same path that was used going in. Sterilize the
    needle. Incubate for 24 to 48 hrs. The test is
    positive for motility if there is red cloudiness
    around the stab pathway (figure 5.4).

Motility Test ProcedureFig. 5.4 (Shand)
Biochemical Tests Simmons Citrate
  • This test determines if an organism can transport
    citrate and use it as the sole carbon source. In
    addition, the sole nitrogen source in Simmons
    Citrate agar is ammonium ions (instead of amino
    acids). A third important ingredient is the pH
    indicator brom thymol blue. This indicator is
    green at neutral pH but turns blue above pH 7.6.

Simmons CitrateProcedure
  • To perform at test with Simmons Citrate agar
    Flame sterilize your inoculating needle, allow it
    to cool and transfer some of your test
    microorganism onto the tip.
  • Stab the agar about 2/3rds of the way down and
    then streak the surface of the slant in a zigzag
    fashion before removing the needle from the tube.
  • Incubate at room temperature for 24 to 48 hrs. A
    positive test is indicated by a change in the
    medium from green to blue. No color change is a
    negative test.

Urea Hydrolysis
Biochemical Tests
  • Urea is a common metabolic waste product that is
    toxic to most living organisms.
  • Urease is an enzyme that hydrolyzes urea into
  • and carbon dioxide.
  • 1 is uninoculated
  • 2 is positive
  • 3 is negative

Urea Hydrolysis Procedure
  • To test for urea hydrolysis Urea broth is
    composed of yeast extract, urea and the pH
    indicator phenol red.
  • Inoculate a tube of urea broth with your test
    organism and incubate at room temperature for 24
    to 48 hrs.
  • If urease is present, ammonia will be released
    and the pH will rise. A positive urease test is
    a change from yellow to cerise (a light cherry
    color pH 8.1 or greater). No change in the
    color of the indicator is a negative test.

Biochemical Tests Kligler's Iron Agar
  • Kligler's iron agar is used to test for the
    production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. The
    production of H2S often results from the
    deamination of the sulfur containing amino acid
  • This medium contains ferrous sulfate, which
    reacts with H2S to form a dark precipitate of
    iron sulfide.

Kligler's Iron Agar Procedure
  • To test for H2S production Inoculate a tube of
    Kligler's iron agar with some of your test
    organism using your inoculating needle. Make
    your stab about 2/3rds of the way into the agar.
    Incubate at room temperature for 24 hours.

Kligler's Iron Agar Procedure
  • A positive test shows a dark precipitate that has
    formed in the tube. The absence of a precipitate
    is a negative test.
  • Since this medium also contains glucose, lactose
    and phenol red, the medium might also turn yellow
    due to the fermentation of these carbohydrates.
  • Note that a yellow color in the tube without a
    dark precipitate is still a negative test for H2S

Biochemical Tests Gelatinase Test
  • Gelatin is a heterogeneous mixture of very large,
    water-soluble proteins and is prepared from
    collagen by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments,
    bones etc., with water. Many microorganisms
    produce an enzyme called gelatinase that can
    degrade or breakdown the gelatin into smaller
    polypeptides and amino acids that can be taken up
    and used by the cell.
  • Gelatin liquefies at temperatures above 30?C but
    solidifies at 4?C. When hydrolyzed by the enzyme
    gelatinase, however, gelatin does not gel when
    placed at 4? or 5?C. Thus a positive test for
    hydrolysis of gelatin is the inability of the
    medium to gel when placed in a refrigerator for
    30 minutes as compared with a control that does

Gelatinase Test Procedure
  • To test for gelatinase production Stab two
    tubes of gelatin medium, one with your unknown
    culture and the other with a sterile needle.
    Incubate both tubes at room temperature for one
  • At the end of the one week incubation, test for
    gelatinase production by chilling the tubes in an
    ice-water bath. Do not shake the tubes when
    transferring them to the ice bath as this medium
    is already a bit "loose." The control
    (uninoculated) gelatin tube should "firm up" when
    chilled. If your unknown organism produced
    gelatinase and hydrolyzed the gelatin, the
    gelatin will remain liquid. If your unknown
    organism did not hydrolyze the gelatin after one
    week incubation, continue incubating both the
    control tube and your unknown for another week.

Biochemical Tests Starch, Casien Lipid
  • NOTE For the following biochemical tests that
    are done on plates, the plates should be divided
    into thirds by drawing lines on the back of the
    plates with your Sharpie marker and the
    microorganisms spotted onto the plates as shown
    in Figure 5.5 below.

Starch, Casien Lipid Hydrolysis Fig. 5.5 (Shand)
Starch Hydrolysis
Biochemical Tests
  • Starch is a complex polysaccharide that can be
    hydrolyzed by a variety of microorganisms via
    extracellular enzymes called a-amylases. Starch
    molecules are much too large to be taken into the
    cell, and must be broken down into their
    constituent parts just like large protein.

Starch Hydrolysis Procedure
  • To test for starch hydrolysis Inoculate a
    single starch-gelatin agar plate with a small
    amount of your environmental unknown(s) and use
    B. subtilis for the positive control and E. coli
    for the negative control.
  • The plate will be incubated at room temperature
    for 24 to 48 hours and then refrigerated. During
    the next lab period, add a few drops of Gram's
    iodine (i.e., use just enough to cover the
    surface of the plate).
  • Areas on the plate that contain starch will form
    a dark blue or purple complex. Areas around
    colonies in which the starch has been hydrolyzed
    will appear as clear zones.
  • A clear zone around your test organism after
    treatment with Gram's Iodine is a positive test.

Biochemical Tests Casein (milk protein)
  • In order for microorganisms to take advantage of
    the carbon and nitrogen in large proteins found
    in their environment, the proteins first have to
    be broken down into individual amino acids or
    small peptides (chains of a few amino acids) in
    preparation for transport into the cell. The
    cell accomplishes this by excreting extracellular
    enzymes called proteases which break down
    proteins in the environment.

Casein (milk protein) HydrolysisProcedure
  • To test for casein hydrolysis Use one plate for
    all of your test organisms. Use B. subtilis for
    a positive control. We will use casein in Skim
    milk plates to determine if a microorganism
    excretes extracellular proteolytic enzymes.
  • Place a small amount of culture from your
    environmental unknown onto the plate.
  • The plate will be incubated at room temperature
    for 24 to 48 hours and examined for zones of
    clearing. A clear zone will appear around the
    colony where the protein has been hydrolyzed.

Biochemical Tests Lipid Hydrolysis
  • Lipases (or esterases) are enzymes which
    hydrolyze the ester linkages that hold fatty
    acids to glycerol.

Lipid Hydrolysis
  • To test for lipid hydrolysis Microorganisms
    that excrete enzymes that break down fats
    (lipids) can be identified by growing them on a
    spirit blue agar. In addition to your unknown,
    inoculate a plate of spirit blue agar with
    Pseudomonas spp. for the positive control and E.
    coli for the negative control.
  • Incubate the plate at room temperature for 24 to
    48 hours (may take longer).
  • If lipases are produced, a clear zone will
    develop around where the organism has grown. If
    no lipases are produced, then the area will
    retain the original color of the medium.
  • TA must check before discarding.

Biochemical Tests Facultative Anaerobes
  • Many bacteria can grow both aerobically and
    anaerobically. Organisms that can grow in the
    presence or absence of oxygen are call
    "facultative anaerobes" (E. coli is an example).
  • To determine if your unknown organism is a
    facultative anaerobe, inoculate a TSA plate with
    your unknown and place it into the anaerobic jar
    that your instructor has prepared. The oxygen
    will be removed chemically and the organisms
    allowed to incubate until the next laboratory

Facultative AnaerobesProcedure
  • To determine if your unknown organism is a
    facultative anaerobe, inoculate a TSA plate with
    your unknown and place it into the anaerobic jar
    that your instructor has prepared. The oxygen
    will be removed chemically and the organisms
    allowed to incubate until the next laboratory

Environmental Isolate
  • In the time remaining, continue microscopic
    examination of your environmental unknown(s),
    including Gram stains, capsule stain and
    endospore stain.
  • Remember your control organisms
  • Examine to determine best storage conditions.
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