The Kingdom of God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Kingdom of God


The Kingdom of God Denoting sovereignty, royal power, dominion; then by metonymy denoting the territory or people over whom a king rules (W.E. Vine). – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God
  • Denoting sovereignty, royal power, dominion
    then by metonymydenoting the territory or people
    over whom a king rules (W.E. Vine).

Compare World
  • The universe Rom. 120
  • Human race Jn. 316
  • The earth Mt. 48
  • Things opposed to God 1 Jn. 215

Kingdom Gods Reign
  • Ps. 2227,28 All the ends of the world shall
    remember and turn to the Lord, and all the
    families of the nations shall worship before You.
    For the kingdom is the Lords, and He rules over
    the nations.
  • Mt. 1228 Lk. 2131 (Gods rule)

God Rules
  • Man was made in the image of God, Gen. 126,27
  • God came in the flesh, Jn. 114 Heb. 214
  • No other place in the universe can be called the
    visited planet. The king of the universe paid us
    a visit!
  • All are accountable to Him (Jn. 524-29).

Kingdom of Israel
  • Ex. 195,6 Now therefore, if you will indeed
    obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you
    shall be a special treasure to Me above all
    people for all the earth is Mine. And you shall
    be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
    These are the words which you shall speak to the
    children of Israel.
  • So a kingdom within a kingdom

God Ruled Israel
  • 1 Chron. 2910-16 Yours, O Lord is the
    greatness, the power and the glory Yours is the
    kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over
    allAll this abundance that we have prepared to
    build You a house for Your holy name is from Your
    hand, and is all Your own.

God Also Ruled Gentile Nations
  • Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar They shall wet you
    with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall
    pass over you, till you know that the Most High
    rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to
    whomever He chooses (Dan. 425,32).
  • Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords
    (1 Tim. 615).

A Spiritual Kingdom
  • Dan. 244 713,14 Heb. 1228
  • Matthew Christ as King
  • 423 935 1111 1338-48 1618,19 2626-29
    (1 Cor. 1123-26)
  • This kingdom will be delivered to the eternal
    kingdom heaven (Mt. 2534
    1 Cor. 1522-26).

God versus Satan
  • Gods reign is described in three ways over His
    creation (the world), over the nation of Israel
    (a physical kingdom) and over the church (a
    spiritual kingdom).
  • Satan also has a kingdom Mt. 48 1226 Col.

Two Ways to Heaven
  • Those who die without sin (before entering
    Satans kingdom)..Kingdom of Heaven, Mt. 183
  • Those in the Kingdom of Christ.Kingdom of
    Heaven, 2 Pet. 110,11 1 Cor. 1524

Two Ways to Hell
  • Those die in sin, Is. 591,2 2 Thess. 17-9
  • Those who become unfaithful, Mt. 251-13

  • Those who are not accountable are neither saved
    nor lostbut safe. God gave no terms of
    salvation for an infant!
  • Those who are accountable are responsible to
    obey (Rom. 617,18) and remain faithful (Mt.
    2531-34 1 Cor. 1558)
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