The Kingdom of God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Kingdom of God


The Mediatorial Kingdom in Old Testament Prophecy ... Visions in Daniel 2 and 7 The Prophetic Kingdom Is Related to History Its beneficiaries will include nations of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God
  • The Mediatorial Kingdom in Old Testament Prophecy
  • Part I

Last Week
  • The Mediatorial Rulers from Moses to Saul
  • The Monarchial Form of the Mediatorial Kingdom in
  • The Decline and End of the Mediatorial Kingdom in

The Role of the Prophets During the Decline of
the Kingdom
Northern Kingdom
722 BC
United King.
Southern Kingdom
586 BC
This Week
  • Introduction The nature, interpretation, and
    extent of kingdom prophecy. McClain calls OT
    prophecy the largest and most important area of
    investigation regarding the future mediatorial
  • The prophetic kingdom is related to history. Why
    does McClain emphasize this?
  • The Mediatorial ruler in the prophetic kingdom.

  • The Nature of Kingdom Prophecy
  • Prophecy arises out of a definite historical
    situation existing before the eyes of the
    prophet there is always a connection with the
  • Prophecy and Time events which appear together
    in prophecy may in their fulfillment be widely
    separated in time (e.g., the two comings of
    Christ Isa 96-7, the 70 weeks of Daniel 9). The
    sequence of events may also be reversed (e.g. new
    heavens and new earth mentioned before millennial
    conditions in Isa 6517-25).
  • The Interpretation of Kingdom Prophecy 3 major
  • Literal according to the rules of grammar
    (including figures of speech) and the facts in
    history. (McClain allows for more typology here
    than I would, e.g. when he says it is legitimate
    for a preacher to take a prophecy concerning
    Israel and apply it to the church p. 141).
  • Eclectical aka spiritual method. Originated
    by Origen, who was a Platonist in philosophy. It
    is eclectic in that it takes some things
    literally and some not.
  • Critical denies the supernatural character of
    Scripture, especially concerning prophecy. More
    radical group says prophecy written after the
    event moderates accept literal meaning, but say
    there is no present validity.
  • The Extent of Kingdom Prophecy
  • Begins with scattered references in the
    Pentateuch, opens up clearly with the historical
    books, grows in volume and brilliance as the
    historical kingdom declines and comes to its
    close in Malachi.

The Prophetic Kingdom Is Related to History
  • the Messianic Kingdom will not only be
    established in future history but its roots are
    anchored in history past (McClain, p. 147).
  • Its coming king will be related to history.
  • He is related to historical persons such as Adam
    and Eve (Gen 315), Abraham (Gen 178), the tribe
    of Judah (Gen 4910), the family of Jesse (Isa
    111), the line of David (Jer 235).
  • He is to be born in a historical place, Bethlehem
    (Mic 52).
  • He will sit on the throne of David (Isa 97) and
    execute judgment and righteousness in the land
    (Jer. 3315).
  • Its establishment will be within the arena of
  • It is a kingdom on the earth, headquartered at
    Jerusalem in the land of Palestine, just as the
    historical kingdom of the OT was.

The Prophetic Kingdom Is Related to History
  • Its favored nation will be the Israel of history.
  • Gods covenant relationship with Israel is the
    basis for this. The prophets contain both
    punishment and hope of restoration in the last
    days. Once restoration comes, it will never be
    taken away.
  • This has been denied by 2 different hermeneutical
  • OT prophecies seen as fulfilled in Israels first
    return to the land. What is wrong with this
  • Making the church the new Israel.
  • It will destroy and supplant historical powers.
  • Daniel 2 and 7. If the preceding human kingdoms
    are on earth, so will be the kingdom of Messiah.

Visions in Daniel 2 and 7
Picture taken from International Inductive Study
Bible, p. 1432.
The Prophetic Kingdom Is Related to History
  • Its beneficiaries will include nations of
  • The nations will not be completely annihilated
    but will instead become worshippers of the true
    God (Isa 22-4).
  • Its covenant basis is grounded in history.
  • Abrahamic
  • Mosaic
  • Davidic
  • New

Relationship Between the Covenants
Fulfillment of the Covenants in the Kingdom
Continuity of the New Covenant with the Mosaic
  • It thus appears that the difference between the
    old and the new covenants must be reduced to
    this, that what was commanded and applied to the
    heart in the old is given to the new, and the new
    is but the completion of the old covenant. This
    is, indeed, the true relation between them, as is
    clearly shown by the fact, that the essential
    element of the new covenant, I will be their
    God, and they shall be my people, was set forth
    as the object of the old cf. Lev. 2612 with Ex.
    2945 (C.F. Keil, Jeremiah in Commentary on the
    Old Testament, 282).

Relationship of the New Covenant to the Previous
  • Jeremiahs vision for renewal corresponds with
    the more comprehensive statements in Isaiah. The
    earlier prophet merges the Davidic, Mosaic, and
    Abrahamic covenants in the work of the servant.
    Jeremiah locates the fulfillment of these
    agreements at the initiation of the new covenant.
    When the new covenant comes into effect, the
    others will be gathered into it, fulfilled and
    explained by it. Both prophets believe that a
    new age will come when a cleansed, faithful
    people of God inherit a glorious city in which
    they worship the Lord under the leadership of a
    Davidic descendant. Gods law will be obeyed,
    and God will rule over subjects from Israel and
    the nations (House, Old Testament Theology, 320).

The Mediatorial Ruler in the Prophetic Kingdom
  • The nature of the coming ruler
  • Both human and divine in nature For a child
    will be born to us, a son will be given to us
    and the government will rest on His shoulders
    and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor,
    Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace (Isa
  • The origin of the coming ruler
  • Both natural and supernatural born of a woman,
    but conceived by the Holy Spirit.

The Mediatorial Ruler in the Prophetic Kingdom
  • The character of the coming ruler
  • Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse,
    And a branch from his roots will bear fruit. And
    the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, The
    spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of
    counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and
    the fear of the LORD. And He will delight in the
    fear of the LORD, And He will not judge by what
    His eyes see, Nor make a decision by what His
    ears hear But with righteousness He will judge
    the poor, and decide with fairness for the
    afflicted of the earth And He will strike the
    earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the
    breath of His lips He will slay the wicked. Also
    righteousness will be the belt about His loins,
    And faithfulness the belt about His waist (Isa
  • He will be the servant of Jehovah, revealing
    in His character and leadership all the
    perfections which were so sadly lacking in even
    the best of former rulers in the historical
    kingdom (McClain, p. 164).
  • The ability of the coming ruler
  • Not only good and wise, but also strong and
    capable, fully able to execute His will. He shall
    not fail in His task!

The Mediatorial Ruler in the Prophetic Kingdom
  • The functions of the coming ruler
  • Three functions of leadership in the historical
  • King
  • Priest
  • Prophet
  • OT prophecy anticipates the combination of these
    3 offices into one. The Messiah will rule with
    the authority of a king, speak Gods words as a
    prophet, and mediate for Gods people as a
  • The mystery of the kings career
  • Presented both as servant of Jehovah and a
    suffering servant.
  • A man of sorrows and ill treatment, and at the
    same time the good shepherd of Israel.
  • Comes as the long awaited Messiah the Prince,
    but is cut off and left with nothing (Dan
  • What was the expectation for the Messiah in
    Jesus day and why?

Next Week The Mediatorial Kingdom in Old
Testament ProphecyPart II
  • The Coming and Establishment of the Prophetic
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