ELL Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ELL Program


ELL Program Radnor Township School District – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: LynneLi1
Learn more at: https://www.rtsd.org
Tags: ell | program | students


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ELL Program

ELL Program
Radnor Township School District
The Koi Fish Story
  • A favorite fish among many hobbyists is the
    Japanese carp, commonly known as the koi. The
    fascinating thing about the koi is that if you
    keep it in a small fish bowl, it will only grow
    to be two or three inches long. Place the koi in
    a large tank or a small pond and it will reach
    six to ten inches. Put it in a large pond and it
    may get as long as a foot and a half.
  • Information from the DCIU ELL Department

What size fish bowl are your ELLs in?
ELL 101
  • ELL is funded through the Title III program of
    the NCLB Act of 2001
  • PA recently updated the Basic Education Circulars
    for ELL (April 14, 2009)
  • Instructional placement of ELLs must be age and
    grade appropriate
  • ELLs must be given equal access to all
    educational programs, opportunities, and extra
    curricular activities in the same manner as for
    all students
  • Parent permission to assess IS NOT REQUIRED

WIDAWhat is it?
  • PA is one of 21 states which make up the WIDA
    (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment)
  • All schools in PA follow the guidelines and
    standards of WIDA.
  • The WIDA Consortium has developed
  • English language proficiency standards
  • English language proficiency test aligned with
    those standards (ACCESS for ELLs)
  • Information from www.wida.us

Entrance Criteria
  • Home Language Survey
  • W-APT
  • Assesses English language proficiency in
    Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing
  • The W-APT can only be administered once per
    calendar year.
  • Grades 1-12
  • Score of 4.5 and below qualifies a student for
    the ELL program
  • Kindergarten
  • Score of 24 and below on Listening and Speaking

Exit Criteria
  • ACCESS for ELLs test
  • Composite score of 5.0 or higher on Listening,
    Speaking, Reading and Writing
  • PSSA
  • Score of Basic or higher on Reading, Writing, and
  • Final grades of C or higher in content area
  • District reading assessments
  • Students are monitored for 2 years after exiting
    from the ELL program
  • Students may not be exited from the language
    instructional program based only on their oral
    proficiency proficiency in academic reading and
    writing must also be assessed.

ELL Instruction
  • ELL curriculum must be aligned with
  • PAs Language Arts Standards
  • PAs ELPS (English Language Proficiency
    Standards) for ELLs
  • The ELL program includes English instruction
    across the four language domains (Listening,
    Speaking, Reading, and Writing)

The Four Language Domains
  • Listening process, understand, interpret, and
    evaluate spoken language in a variety of
  • Speaking engage in oral communication in a
    variety of situations for an array of purposes
    and audiences
  • Reading process, interpret, and evaluate
    written language, symbols and text with
    understanding and fluency
  • Writing engage in written communications in a
    variety of forms for an array of purposes and
  • Information from www.pde.pa.state.us

PennsylvaniaAcademic Standards vs. English
Language Proficiency Standards
  • Academic Standards
  • Are for all students
  • Guide the alignment of content curriculum
  • Guide content instruction
  • Comprise of content specific objectives
  • Information from DCIU ELL Department
  • ELP Standards
  • Are for ELLs
  • Are aligned to PA Academic Standards, WIDA
    Standards, and National TESOL standards
  • Guide district ESL curriculum and instruction
  • Include both content and language objectives

PA English Language Proficiency Standards
  • Standard 1 Social Instructional Language
  • Standard 2 Language Arts
  • Standard 3 Math
  • Standard 4 Science
  • Standard 5 Social Studies
  • The ELPs are clustered by grade levels
  • Grades Pre-K, 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12

Levels of English Language Proficiency
6 R E A C H I N G
Information from www.pde.pa.state.us
Language Performance Definitions for the Levels
of English Language Proficiency
Figure 1 Linguistic characteristics at levels
of language proficiency
Across the curriculum Across the curriculum Across the curriculum Across the curriculum Across the curriculum
Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging
at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can process and understand. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can process and understand. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can process and understand. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can process and understand. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can process and understand.
Pictorial or graphic representation of the language of the content areas with minimal comprehension. General language related to the content areas. General and some specific language of the content areas. Specific and some technical language of the content areas. The technical language of the content areas.
at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can use and produce. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can use and produce. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can use and produce. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can use and produce. at the given level of English language proficiency, English language learners in Pennsylvania, can use and produce.
Non-verbal communication, single words or short phrases which may be demonstrated by repeating and copying words and phrases, or use of first language. Common phrases or short sentences and some general academic language in oral and written communication with errors that may impede meaning. Familiar oral and written language of expanded sentence length, short paragraphs, and academic language with occasional errors. Oral and written academic and technical language of varying complexity in context with nominal errors. Oral or written academic and technical language of varying complexity approaching that of English proficient peers with minimal errors.
Information from www.pde.pa.state.us
Classroom Instruction for ELLs
  • ELLs must be graded using the same grading system
    as all other students
  • ELLs must be provided with meaningful,
    comprehensible access to instruction in all
    content areas (www.pde.state.pa.us/k12)
  • Curriculum in all content areas must be modified
    and differentiated according to their language
    proficiency level (Entering, Beginning,
    Developing, Expanding, Bridging)
  • Suggestions for modifications are found in WIDAs
    CAN DO Descriptors http//www.wida.us/standards/CA

What are the expected outcomes?
  • ELL students will have meaningful access to the
    full curriculum.
  • ELL students will progress with their English
    language development while meeting academic
    content standards.
  • ELL students will acquire the language and
    content necessary to exit the formal ELL program
    and demonstrate academic achievement across the
  • Information from DCIU ELL Department

  • Center for Applied Linguistics www.cal.org
  • PA Department of Education www.pde.pa.state.us
  • National Clearing House for English Language
    Acquisition www.ncela.gwa.edu
  • Office of English Language Acquisition
  • World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment
  • Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
    Languages www.tesol.org
  • Information from DCIU ELL Department
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