Title: Missouri Assessment Program
- Missouri Assessment Program
- Spring 2008
- MAP Manuals Training
2Meeting Norms
- Keep side-bar conversations to a minimum so that
everyone can hear - Follow along in your manuals and take notes if
necessary - Ask questions when clarification
is needed - Save questions that may be specific
to your district for the break/after
the session - Place cell phones on mute or vibrate
3Test Coordinators Manual2008Produced by the
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
in collaboration with CTB/McGraw-Hill
42008 MAP Test Coordinators Manual (TCM)
- The TCM is primarily focused on the
responsibilities of - District Test Coordinator (DTC)
- School Test Coordinator (STC)
- The TCM also contains
- An Overview
- Timelines
- A Glossary of Terms
5Missouri Assessment ProgramMAP
2008Communication Arts.Grades 3-8
11Math...........Grades 3-8
10Science...Grades 5, 8 11
6Dates to Remember
- Arrival of Materials
- Feb. 20-27, 2008..Test Coordinator packages
to district - March 3-14, 2008.Test Materials arrive in
districts - Testing Window
- March 31-April 25, 2008Administer Assessments
- Testing Materials
- April 11, 2008 Deadline for ordering
additional testing materials without
incurring additional shipping costs - NOTE If testing materials are ordered after
April 11, - the district will be responsible for paying the
shipping costs - April 21, 2008Final deadline for ordering
additional testing materials
7Dates to Remember
- Return of Materials
- April 28, 2008Deadline to contact
CTB/McGraw-Hill for pickup of testing materials - May 1, 2008..Deadline for testing materials
to be picked up by CTBs transportation vendor - Test Results
- August-October 2008..Reports shipped to
8DTC Responsibilities
- Checks, reviews and distributes testing materials
to the STC - Trains STC on MAP processes
- Assumes STC role when necessary
- Guarantees security for all testing materials
- Communicator between district and CTB
- (MAP Service Line 1-800-544-9868)
- Collects and returns all testing materials to
9STC Responsibilities
- Receives and checks all testing materials from
the DTC - Assumes DTC role when necessary
- Guarantees security of all testing materials
- Disseminates Examiners Manuals
- Trains all Examiners
- Checks Group Information Sheets (GIS)
- Completes School/Group Lists
- Collects all testing materials after testing,
checks and organizes materials for return to the
10Examiner Responsibilities
- Examiner responsibilities are addressed in the
2008 MAP Test Examiners Manual provided for each
grade 3-8, 10 and 11. -
- Note All examiners (experienced or
not) should receive training!
11Summary of 2008 Changes (p. 2)
- 2008 MAP includes all required tests bound
together in one book for grades 3-8 - Communication Art
- Mathematics
- Science
- Organized in this order
- High School Test Booklets are still individual
content areas - Math Grade 10
- Comm. Arts Grade 11
- Science Grade 11
- Scorable and unused test materials MUST be boxed
- Content area labels are not required.
122008 Changes (cont.)
- Voluntary Social Studies assessment will not be
offered in 2008. - In 2009-2010 Government and American History are
required EOC Assessments.
- Field test items are embedded throughout the
operational form of the MAP this year.
- A Missing Test Materials Form is used to notify
CTB of contaminated and/or destroyed test books. - Form included in the Test Coordinators Kit.
132008 Changes (cont.)
- A single School/Group List for all books is being
used this year.
- One Group Information Sheet (GIS) per grades 3
-10 - Two GIS for 11th grade
- One GIS for C.A.
- One GIS for Science
142008 Changes (cont.)
- Changes in STC responsibilities now include
- Packing test materials in the return, shipping
boxes and - Affixing the return, shipping labels.
- Test materials are now required to be shipped in
GREEN shaded boxes provided by CTB/McGraw-Hill.
152008 Changes (cont.)
- After testing, the STC should collect and
securely destroy all Examiners Manuals.
- A 5 overage of test books is included in each
schools shipment. - Plus, a 5 overage is also sent to the DTC.
- Front cover of the test book has a new line for
district and school name. This information is
needed on books without pre-code labels.
- The Test Book Accountability Form replaces the
Security Barcode Verification Form.
162008 Changes (cont.)
- Neither an SIS nor a blank test book will be
returned for students taking the MAP-Alternate
Assessment (MAP-A).
- A new bubble was added for the Blind/Visually
Impaired student who does not read Braille - 04 Oral Reading Blind/Partial Sight.
- An error exists on the 2008 8th/10th grade Math
reference sheet that was already printed and
shrink-wrapped. DESE and CTB made the correction
last May when the error was first discovered
however, the corrected version did not make it to
CTBs Manufacturing department. - The second part of the Midpoint Formula should be
(bd)/2, not (bc)/2. - An errata sheet (a correction sheet) was included
in all boxes, notifying schools of the error and
providing the correction. - Additionally, on DESES website, the corrected
version has been posted that schools may download
and print - http//www.dese.mo.gov/divimprove/assess/map/docu
18NCLB requires all eligible Missouri students to
take the MAP test. Only two groups are exempt
Guidelines for Testing (p. 3)
- Group 1 MAP-Alternate (MAP-A)
- Group 2 ELL students in the United States, 12
months or fewer, may be exempt from
taking only the Communication Arts test
19Guidelines for Testing (p. 3)
- The following are examples of special
populations - IEP students
- The IEP team determines the individual
accommodations for students - Any accommodation should be bubbled on SIS
- Individual Accommodation Program (IAP 504)
students - IAP 504 students can receive the same
accommodations as IEP students - Any accommodation should be bubbled on SIS
Note For broken arms or hands, you are to mark
the scribe bubble. It is not appropriate to do a
504 plan for these students.
20Guidelines for Testing (p. 4)
- Students Testing Out-of-District
- The DTC (where the student is enrolled) delivers
the testing materials to the serving
districts/agencies - After testing, the completed materials are
returned back to the DTC - A GIS must be completed and placed with the
book(s) to ensure student results are reported to
the district of enrollment
21Homebound Students
Guidelines for Testing (p. 4)
- Must take the test if they are receiving
homebound services - Must have test administered by a trained Examiner
who guarantees the security of testing materials - May be tested either at home or school
22Homeschooled Students
Guidelines for Testing (p. 4)
- May take part in the MAP with the local district
at the districts discretion - Must test if enrolled in a MAP content area
- Must test at local school
- Each homeschooled student will have their own GIS
- Should not be in core data and will not have bar
code label
23Guidelines for Testing (p. 4)
- Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MoVIP)
- Only non-public school students will be taking
the MAP at designated testing centers across the
state. - A public school student will take the test in
their regular districts window. - DESE will identify and correctly
process the scores after testing.
24Student Make-up Sessions
Guidelines for Testing (p. 4)
25Student Absences
Guidelines for Testing (p. 5)
- Write students name on front of the unused test
book - Affix student barcode label if accurate
- Complete SIS if student barcode label is
inaccurate - Code SIS for absences
- Return test book with scorable books
26Large Print/Braille Procedures
Guidelines for Testing (p. 5)
- Must be transcribed to a Form A regular edition
test book to receive score - Large Print and Braille editions must be labeled,
Contents transcribed to a regular test book --
DO NOT SCORE - Must return Large Print and Braille editions with
the unused testing materials - See Braille Omit Return Instruction Sheet for
specifics on handling and packaging
Guidelines for Testing (p. 5)
- For Mathematics and Science MAP Assessments only
- Tests can be read to students in their native
language - ELL students can use their native language to
give oral or written responses to assessment
items - ELL students responses must be translated into
English and scribed verbatim into a regular test
book - Translators must be trained in administering the
MAP - Translators can review tests before administering
the test in a secure environment - Translators must guarantee security of MAP
testing materials - ELL accommodation codes apply (see Examiners
Manual codes).
Guidelines for Testing (p. 6)
- Three categories for test invalidation
- Student discovered cheating
- Examiner paraphrased test questions in any
content area - Examiner reads any part of the Communication Arts
test to student(s) other than students who are
Blind/Visually impaired who do not read Braille.
- Note for ELL This includes reading CA test
in native language.
29Invalidation Procedures for Cheating
Guidelines for Testing (p. 6)
- The STC must
- Be in agreement with Examiner regarding the test
invalidation - Complete the Teacher Invalidation grid on the SIS
- Provide demographic information to the DTC
- Include invalidated test materials with the
scorable testing materials - The DTC must
- DTC sends written communication to the Director
of Assessment at DESE and a copy to Director of
Accountability, Data and Accreditation. Also
retain a copy in district files.
30Invalidation Procedures for Accommodations
Guidelines for Testing (p. 6)
- These accommodations will invalidate the MAP
test - Examiner paraphrases test items in any content
area - Examiner reads any part of the Comm. Arts test to
students other than students who are
Blind/Visually impaired who do not read Braille - Note for ELL This includes reading CA test
in native language - The appropriate accommodation bubble should be
filled in - for these accommodations. Do not bubble Teacher
- Invalidation when using these accommodations.
- Teacher Invalidation is only for cheating.
31Test Coordinators Roles (pp. 7-8)
- Checklists for DTC and STC
- Convenient checklists are provided to the DTC and
STC on pages 7 and 8 of the TCM - DTC and STC must ensure all functions are
completed - DTC and STC share responsibilities for both
checklists if either are not available to fulfill
their duties
32Test Coordinators Roles (p. 9)
- Student Barcode Labels
- Student barcode labels are in the Test
Coordinators Kit - Student barcode labels include
- Information from MOSIS Phase III (pre-code
system) - Biographical information (but not all
biographical data) from the pre-code file - CTB-McGraw-Hill prints and provides
- One biographical master label
- Two student barcode labels
- DTC and STC do the following
- Check student barcode label against the student
pre-code roster for accuracy - Determine accuracy of labels
- Handle exceptions appropriately
33(No Transcript)
34Handling Student Barcode Labels
Error in Student Name, Birth Date, Gender,
Race/Ethnicity, and MOSIS ID
Dont use barcode
bubble in all info on
the SIS
Place two blank labels over the incorrect label
and then bubble in all information on the SIS
If label is affixed and then found to be wrong
35Using Student Barcode Labels
Wrong student label is affixed
Place blank label over incorrect label and then
affix correct label
No student barcode label
Notify local student data management person to
enroll/submit the student in core data. Bubble
in all info on SIS Leave barcode area blank!
36Step 1 Review Testing Materials (pp. 11-12)
- Test Coordinators Packet
- DTC folder
- STC folder
- Testing Materials
- If not sufficient materials to administer the
test immediately call Missouri Assessment
Program Service Line 1-800-544-9868 (DTC) - See Order Additional Testing Materials Chart
deadline dates on page 12
37Step 1 Review Testing Materials (p. 11)
- DTC Folder
- District Packing List
- District Cover Letter
- Materials Ordering and Inventory Information
Flyer - Test Book Accountability Form
- Add/Short Form District
- Missing Test Materials Form
- Braille Omit Return Instruction Sheet
- Student Barcode Label Instruction Sheet
- Test Coordinators Manuals
- Blank District Return Shipping Labels
- Blue for scorable materials
- White for unused inventory
38Step 1 Review Testing Materials (p. 11)
- STC Folder
- School Packing List
- School Cover letter
- Add/Short Form School
- Braille Omit Return Instruction Sheet
- School Group Lists (SGL)
- Group Information Sheet (GIS) for each teacher
and grade - Test Coordinators Manuals
- Blank Green stock labels
- Return Shipping Labels
- Blue for scorable materials
- White for unused Inventory
- Student Barcode Label Instruction Sheet
- Student Pre-code Roster
- Blank Barcode Label Stock
- Student Barcode Labels
39Step 1 Review Testing Materials (p. 12)
- Testing Materials
- Packaged by school
- Shipped to the districts office or the
designated address used in the online order - Included
- Examiners Manuals
- Test books
- Large white envelops
- Ancillary testing materials
40Step 1 Review Testing Materials (p. 12)
- Verify Shipment
- Compare packing list material against shipment
- Follow procedures for ordering more materials if
needed, using Add/Short Form
41MAP Spring 2008Ordering Additional Testing
Materials Missouri Assessment Program Service
Line 1-800-544-9868
42Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials (p. 13)
- Security Barcode
- Used for test book security
- Used for inventory each book consecutively
numbered - Used to ensure 100 accountability of test books
- Used for missing inventory reports generated by
CTB/McGraw-Hill - Used by DESE to track barcode numbers, district
and school name - Located on lower right-hand corner directly above
Spring 2008 -
43Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(p. 13)
- Test Book Accountability Form
- This form replaces the past Security Barcode Form
- Deals with the security barcode information
- One copy is needed for each school in the
district - The form is used to ensure 100 accountability of
test books - Instructions for the DTC and STC are outlined on
page 13 - 15 in TCM - Pretest and post-test responsibilities regarding
the form apply to both the DTC and STC - This form or a copy of it is never given to the
44Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(p. 13)
- DTC Pretest Administration
- Maintains security
- Tracks security barcodes to confirm start and end
barcode numbers for each shrink-wrapped bundle
using Test Book Accountability Form - Matches numbers with packing list
- Reports discrepancies to CTB
- Check that each STC has the testing materials
that they need
45Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(p. 14)
- STC Pretest Administration
- Maintains security
- Open shrink wrap bundle and verify bar code order
of the test books and packing list - Report any discrepancies on the Test Book
Accountability Form and notify DTC - Keep Test Book Accountability FormDo not give to
46Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(p. 14)
- Examiners Pretest Administration
- Maintains security
- Count and document the number of books received
- Document bar code information
47Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(pp. 14-15)
- Examiners Post-Test Administration
- Maintains security
- Assemble and organize testing materials to return
to the STC - Count books and verify barcode
- Check SIS accuracy
- Separate used and unused books
- Place the To-Be-Scored test booklets in large
white envelopes (Do NOT seal the envelopes)
48Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(p. 15)
- STC Post-Test Administration
- Maintains security
- Verify return of all test booklets
- Complete lines 6 7 on Test Book Accountability
Form - Separate To-Be-Scored from the unused test
books and put them in separate boxes (DO NOT seal
the envelopes) - Affix the shipping labels on all boxes (blue or
white) - Return all boxes and the Test Book Accountability
Form to DTC - Keep a copy of the Test Book Accountability Form
and any other documentation in your records - Any books not accounted for should be documented
on Lines 9 and 10 of Test Book Accountability
Form. - STC is responsible for 100 rate of return of all
test books
49Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(p. 16)
- DTC Post-Test Administration
- Maintains security
- Verify accuracy of the Test Book Accountability
Form from each school - Check for signatures
- Fax all Test Book Accountability Forms from your
district to CTB - Verify documentation of any contaminated test
books (see page 16)
50Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(p. 16)
- DTC - Contaminated Test Books
- Examiner notifies STC
- Contaminated book must be
- Recopied to new test book (same form) the
STC/DTC or the student may have to start over
with a new book - Securely destroy test at site
- Complete a Missing Test Materials form
- Complete an explanation with security bar number
and demographic information - Fax copies of all documentation to CTB
- When sending completed Test Book Accountability
form to CTB, be sure to attach letters pertaining
to contaminated test books
51Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials(pp. 16-17)
- Ordering additional materials
- Each school will receive a 5 overage
- The district will receive a 5 overage
- Use school and district overage before ordering
52 Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials
- Steps in the Life Cycle of Test Administration
- DTC guarantees the security of the testing
materials. - DTC distributes the materials to all STC in the
district. - DTC delivers appropriate testing materials for
out-of-district students, prior to the first day
of testing. Also, the DTC makes arrangements for
returning materials after testing is complete. - STC distributes the 2008 MAP Examiners Manuals
to all who will administer the test as soon as
possible. - STC collects all student draft work and scratch
paper and securely destroys after testing. - DTC saves their folder and boxes for use after
test administration.
53Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials
- Securing Testing Materials (p. 17)
- Testing materials shall not be photocopied,
duplicated, or made accessible to non-testing
personnel - Test books shall not be viewed by Examiners prior
to testing - NOTE The exceptions are ELL translators and
Special Education teachers who are pre-
selecting items - Testing materials shall not be left in an
unsecured area at any time, for any reason --
must be locked in room or cabinet at school or
district office before, between and after testing
sessions - Test books shall not be shared between schools
54Step 2 Distribute Testing Materials
- Each Examiner should have the following (p. 18)
- Examiners Manual for appropriate grade level
- Appropriate quantities of books, manipulatives
and reference sheets - Student barcode labels for each student
- Pre-coded Group Information Sheet (GIS)
- One for each grade, 3-8
- One for Grade 10 Mathematics
- One for Grade 11 Communication Arts
- One for Grade 11 Science
- No separate GIS for Special Education students
- Appropriate quantity of large white envelopes
(each holds approximately 5-10 books)
56 Step 3 Collect Testing Materials
- Instructions for the STC
- Bulleted items on pages 19 and 20 are used to
ensure that all tasks are completed appropriately - A test book is returned for every eligible
student (except MAP- A students) - One test book is returned for each student,
except Grade 11, where two books will be
submitted per student CA and SCI - Check for student bar code label or completed SIS
- Students name is on the front of the test book -
if there is no bar code, the district and school
name must be written on the front of the test
book - All Examiners Manuals, manipulatives, reference
sheets, writing prompt drafts, scratch paper, and
contaminated test books are securely destroyed
57Step 3 Collect Testing Materials
- Instructions for STC Marking in test booklets
- In order to be scored properly, the following
must take place - Test books completed in ink are transcribed into
another test book with a non-mechanical 2 pencil - Student responses written on coding
tracks/margins are erased and transcribed onto
the response line or box - All stray marks on the coding track are erased
- All underlining of text is erased around the
answer choices - 5. Test books marked with highlighters are
transcribed into other test books for scoring
58Step 4 Check the Organization of
Materials Collected (p. 21)
- Instructions for the School Test Coordinator
- Collect large white envelopes with test books in
the exact order prescribed on page 21-22
information on the front of each envelope should
be completed. - Large white envelopes should contain the
following - A completed GIS for each testing grade or group
- MAP test books with student barcode labels and/or
completed SIS (remember that for each invalidated
test, the test book with a completed SIS must be
placed in the envelope) -
59Step 4 Check the Organization of Materials
Collected (p. 21)
- Instructions for the School Test Coordinator
- Unused books include
- Test books which are damaged or have
manufacturing errors - Test books written in a language other than
English - Test books that are partially used (child moved
before completing a content test) - Test books that are Braille/Large Print editions
with contents transcribed to a regular test
bookContents transcribed to a regular test book - DO NOT SCORE should be written on the front and
back of each of these test books. -
60Step 4 Check the Organization of Materials
Collected (p. 21)
- Instructions for the School Test Coordinator
- Clarification on partially used
books/student moving - A child completes a content of the test and moves
- The MOSIS Core Data file that is submitted in
April must be updated. - If the child is officially removed from
school attendance records, core data will
capture the updated information. Write DO NOT
SCORE across the CONTENT TEST, not the whole test
book, which is incomplete due to the child
moving. The test book should be returned for
scoring. - Do not fill in the absentee spaces for any
incomplete sessions after the child has
61Step 4 Check the Organization of Materials
Collected (pp. 21-22)
- Instructions for STC
- To prepare materials for the DTC
- White envelopes should remain unsealed for the
DTC to verify contents - Be certain that a student has only one test book
- if their responses are in more than one test
book, transcribe them into one test book - Only responses in regular edition test books will
be scored -
62Step 5 Check Student Information Sheet (SIS)
(pp. 23-24)
- Physical Conditions of test book and SIS can
affect/interfere with scoring. Those conditions
are listed on pages 23-24. - Biographical data must be checked on the barcode
label pre-code roster - SIS of the test book must be completed only when
- Pre-coded student barcode label cannot be used
- Pre-code roster information is inaccurate for a
student - A completed SIS and/or a test book with a student
barcode label must be received for every eligible
63(No Transcript)
64Step 6 Check Group Information Sheet (GIS) (p.
- Each Group/Examiners materials MUST be grouped
together - GIS provides data that is used on reports
notify the DTC if any errors exist on the GIS - GIS is submitted for each grade, except Grade 11
which requires two (Communication Arts Science) - GIS has both hand-entered and pre-coded
information both must be accurate - GIS is scannable and cannot be photocopied
- GISs are placed on top of test books whose
scores are to be reported togethersee picture on
page 30
65(No Transcript)
66Step 7 Complete School/Group List (SGL) (pp.
- SGL is used by CTB McGraw-Hill to inventory test
books - SGL can be photocopied
- SGL should have an entry for every GIS that was
completed - SGL information includes
- Pre-coded
- District Name and code number
- School Name and code number
- County Code Number
- Hand-written
- Contact persons name, email and phone number
- Group Name is identical to Teacher Name/Grade
Level on GIS - Grade
- Grade 11 only, indicate Communications Arts or
Science - Total number of scorable books being returned
- Sample SGL on page 32
- Directions for completing fields on page 33
67(No Transcript)
68Step 8 Organize Materials for the DTC (pp.
- The STC will
- Reuse the CTB/McGraw-Hill green-shaded boxes in
which testing materials arrived - Package the following scorable materials
- School/Group Lists
- Large white envelopes, organized by grade in
ascending order, accompanied by GIS forms - Package unused test books
- Affix shipping labels on the side of each box and
number each set of boxes separately - Blue labeled on scorable books, numbered 1 of X,
2 of X, etc. - White labels on unused books, numbered 1 of X, 2
of X, etc. - Send materials to the DTC in unsealed boxes
69Step 9 Package and Ship Testing Material (pp.
- The DTC will
- Ensure all testing materials are received
from each school in the district - Verify TCM instructions for the STC were followed
exactly - Contact any STC who delays returning materials
- Add enough packing material to secure tests
- Schedule testing material pickup online
- Schedule pickup no later than April 28, 2008
- Follow instructions outlined in TCM on page 37-38
- Fax Test Book Accountability Forms to
702008 Ancillary Forms for MAP
- The forms below are posted at
- http//www.dese.mo.gov/divimprove/assess/map/
- Test Book Accountability Form
- District Add/Short Form
- School Add/Short Form
- School/Group List (SGL)
- Student Barcode Label Instruction Sheet
- Missing Test Materials Form
- Braille Omit Return Instruction Sheet
- Test Coordinators Manual
- Various Cover Letters
71Level Not Determined (LND)
Glossary of Terms (pp. 39-41)
- This designation is for students who did not
receive a MAP score for any one of the following
three reasons - An SIS is returned to CTB/McGraw-Hill with a
blank test book - A student does not attempt any items in one or
more content areas of the MAP - A student is absent all 3 sessions
73MAP Examiners Manual 2008Produced by the
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education in collaboration with CTB/McGraw-Hill
74Missouri Assessment ProgramMAP
2008Communication Arts.Grades 3-8
11Math...........Grades 3-8
10Science...Grades 5, 8 11
75Each assessment could require three to five hours
of test administration time and may include any
of three types of test items
- Selected response
- Constructed response
- Performance events
76- Field Test Items
- Are embedded throughout the test
- Added time to the testing period
- Saves districts and DESE time since no
stand-alone field test is needed
77- This Examiners Manual is constructed so that an
Examiner could administer more than one content
area in a grade level using one manual. -
- Steps 1-4 Contain the same information in all
content areas - Step 5 Contains test administration directions
specific to Communication Arts, Mathematics,
and Science for relevant grade level - Steps 6-8 Contain the same information in all
content areas
78Table of Contents
- Step 1 Preparing for Testing and
Testing Schedule - Step 2 Organize Your Classroom
- Step 3 Check Your Testing Materials
- Step 4 Before Testing
- Step 5 Administer the Test
- Step 6 Invalidations and Make-ups
- Step 7 After Testing Student Status Coding
- Step 8 Assemble Materials for Return
- Glossary
- Last 2 pages in each Examiners Manual
- An extensive list of terms and definitions
- Terms used for MAP materials and administering
the assessment - Helpful resource while reviewing the
procedures/guidelines for administering the MAP
80Step 1 Preparing for Testing (Pages 1-4)
- Testing Schedules Page 1 for all content areas
- Review the test directions in the Examiners
Manual in advance - Test books shall not be viewed by Examiners
before testing - NOTE The exceptions are ELL translators and
Special Education teachers who are
pre-selecting items. - Some sessions are strictly timed. Other sessions
allow students who are making adequate progress
to complete the test - Each test session must be completed in one
sitting - Proctors One proctor for every 20 students in
excess of 30 - Accommodations Discussed in Step 7 (IEP, ELL)
81Use Standardized Testing Procedures
- 1. Follow the instructions to ensure similar
testing conditions are used in all classrooms - Read test directions exactly as written
- Observe time allowances for strictly-timed
sections - 2. Verify that students understand the directions
and how to mark answers - Test directions in the manual can be paraphrased
- Test items and student directions CANNOT be
82Use Standardized Testing Procedures
- 3. Encourage students to attempt ALL items
83Large Print and Braille
- Accommodations must be coded on SIS on inside of
front cover of the test book - Manipulatives are included with Braille and Large
Print editions - Brailler can be used for the Braille edition
- Braille and Large Print test books must be
transcribed to regular test book - Braille and Large Print test books are handled
differently than regular edition test books.
Refer to BRAILLE-OMIT Instruction Sheet for
handling and packing Braille Omit test books - Braille-Omit test books have special
instructions. Mark the Braille and Large Print
book with the words, Contents transcribed to a
regular test book. DO NOT SCORE, and return to
CTB/McGraw-Hill with the unused test books
84Step 2 Organize Your Classroom (Page 4)
- Plan and organize for
- Distributing and collecting materials
- Making seating arrangements
- Using a Do Not Disturb Sign
- Noting start and stop times on the board for the
timed sections of the test
85Do remove all information that might cue students
about test content or process
Do eliminate noise distractions
Do prepare students the day before the test to
get a good nights sleep
Do remind students to use ONLY No. 2 pencils to
bubble in their answers
86Dont limit students -- encourage students as a
group to attempt all items
Dont correct answers that are wrong
Dont return books to students who have
completed their test
Dont ask students to finish incomplete answers
after time has expired in any of the sessions
87Step 3 Check Your Testing Materials(Pages 5-7)
- Examiner materials
- Examiners Manual
- Student barcode labels
- Test Books
- Manipulatives - Have all manipulatives
punched-out prior to testing - One Group Information Sheet (GIS) per
Examiner/Grade - Large white envelopes
- A box or envelope for unused test books
- Do Not Disturb sign (not provided)
88- Student Materials
- Items not provided with the tests
- Writing instruments students must use
non-mechanical, No. 2 pencils - Scratch paper for all Mathematics sessions and
draft paper for Communication Arts Session 2 (PE
only) - Book markers (such as blank paper strips or index
89- Ancillary Materials for Mathematics
- Manipulatives
- Students will be provided with a standard set of
manipulatives for use during the test. No other
classroom sets of manipulatives will be allowed.
BLANK graph/grid paper is acceptable for scratch
paper. - Reference Sheets
- Grades 3 through 7 will not be provided a
reference sheet necessary formulas and
conversions will be included with the item. - Grades 8 and 10 will be provided with a
reference sheet that contains formulas and
conversions. - Calculators
- Grades 3 through 5 will not be allowed to use
calculators during any session of the test. - Grades 6 through 10 will not be allowed to use
calculators during Session 2 part 1. If schools
choose to use calculators on the other parts of
the test, students should be given advanced
notice and access to a calculator.
- An error exists on the 2008 8th/10th grade Math
reference sheet that was already printed and
shrink-wrapped. DESE and CTB made the correction
last May when the error was first discovered
however, the corrected version did not make it to
CTBs Manufacturing department. - The second part of the Midpoint Formula should be
(bd)/2, not (bc)/2. - An errata sheet (a correction sheet) was included
in all boxes, notifying schools of the error and
providing the correction. - Additionally, on DESES website, the corrected
version has been posted that schools may download
and print - http//www.dese.mo.gov/divimprove/assess/map/docu
91Mathematics GLE Glossary Update
- Teachers need to be aware of the new
- definitions for
- Rule
- Number Sentence
- Go to the DESE website and check for
the updated Glossary
92- Ancillary Materials for Communication Arts
- Grade 3 A standard dictionary and extra paper
for writing first drafts may be used
only during Session 2. - Grades 7 and 11 A standard dictionary,
thesaurus, grammar handbook, and extra paper for
first drafts may be used during Session 2. - Grades 4, 5, 6, 8 No tools may be used for any
sessions of the test.
93- Ancillary Materials for Science
- Reference Sheets
- Grades 5 and 11 will not be provided a
reference sheet. Necessary formulas and
conversions will be included with the item. - Grade 8 will be provided with a reference sheet
that contains formulas and conversions when
required by particular items. - Calculators
- Grades 5, 8 and 11 will not be allowed to use
calculators during any session of the test. - Rulers
- Grades 5 and 8 will need to use the rulers from
the mathematics manipulatives. -
- Grade 11 may use the ruler or straight edge for
graphing purposes.
94Security Shall Nots
- Testing materials shall not be photocopied,
duplicated, or made accessible to non-testing
personnel - Test books shall not be viewed by Examiners
before testing - NOTE The exceptions are ELL translators and
Special Education teachers who are
pre-selecting items - Testing materials shall not be left in an
unsecured area at any time, for any reason --
must be locked in room or cabinet at school or
district office before, between and after testing
sessions - Testing materials shall not be discussed between
Examiners - Test books shall not be shared between schools
95Security Barcode
- Each test book has a unique barcode, numbered in
consecutive order for security and inventory - Security barcodes are located on the lower
right-hand corner of the student test book - Barcodes should be checked by DTC and STC, and
books counted by the Examiner
96Use of Translators
- All tests, except Communication Arts, may be read
to ELL students in their native language - ELL students may give responses orally or in
writing in their native language - All written responses must be transcribed
verbatim to another MAP test book - Translators must be trained in giving the MAP
97Step 4 Before Testing(Pages 7-9)
Affix the barcode label Do not complete the SIS
When all information on the student pre-code
roster is correct
Dont use barcode Bubble in ALL info on SIS
Error in Student Name, Birth Date,
Race/Ethnicity, Gender, MOSIS State ID
Place one blank label over the incorrect label -
then affix correct label
Wrong student label is affixed
98Using Student Barcode Labels
Place 2 blank labels over incorrect label Bubble
in all info on SIS
Label attached with error in Student Name, Birth
Date, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, MOSIS State ID
No student barcode label
Enroll/submit to core data Leave barcode area
blank Bubble in all info on SIS
99How to Fill Out the SIS (Page 8)
- Student Name
- Birth Date
- Race/Ethnicity
- Gender
- MOSIS State ID
100(No Transcript)
101Step 5 Administer the Test(Begins on Page 11.
Section 5 will vary in length depending on grade
level or content being tested.)
- Help students relax and be positive
- Explain the purpose of the test
- Point out that some items may be more difficult
or may be new to students they are not expected
to know all the answers. They are only expected
to do their best.
102Specific Instructions for Test
- Examiners instructions are arranged by grade
level across content areas - Content area is in alphabetical order
Communication Arts, Mathematics, and Science - Sample questions are illustrated and printed in
the Examiners Manual for each content - A starting/stopping time graphic is printed for
Examiners to follow - Sessions cannot be split over 2 days or over
lunch periods - Break times are printed in the Examiners Manual
- Notice the wording about not paraphrasing test
questions and pronouncing only one word per
103Step 6 Invalidations and Make-upsPage 35 (Page
numbers will vary due to variation in Step 5)
- Three categories for test invalidation
- Student discovered cheating
- Examiner paraphrased test questions in any
content area - Examiner reads any part of the Communication Arts
test to student(s) other than students who are
Blind/Visually impaired who do not read Braille.
- Note for ELL This includes reading CA test in
native language.
104Invalidation Procedures for CheatingThe STC
Step 6 Invalidations and Make-upsPage 35 (Page
numbers will vary due to variation in Step 5)
- Be in agreement with Examiner regarding the test
invalidation - Complete the Teacher Invalidation grid on the SIS
- Provide demographic information to the DTC
- Include invalidated test materials with the
scorable testing materials - The DTC must
- DTC sends written communication to the Director
of Assessment at DESE and a copy to Director of
Accountability, Data and Accreditation. Also
retain a copy in district files.
105Invalidation Procedures for Accommodations
Step 6 Invalidations and Make-upsPage 35 (Page
numbers will vary due to variation in Step 5)
- These accommodations will invalidate the MAP
test - Examiner paraphrases test items in any content
area. - Examiner reads any part of the Comm. Arts test to
students other than students who are
Blind/Visually impaired who do not read Braille. - Note for ELL This includes reading CA test
in native language. - The appropriate accommodation bubble should be
filled in - for these accommodations. Do not bubble Teacher
- Invalidation when using these accommodations.
- Teacher Invalidation is only for cheating.
106Make-up sessions for students who are absent
during one or more sessions of the MAPIf a
student is absent for one or more testing
sessions and cannot participate in make-up
testing sessions, follow the procedures in the
Examiners Manual listed in Step 6
107Step 7 Student Status CodingPage 36 (Page
numbers will vary due varying length of Step 5)
How to fill in Student Status
- If necessary, the appropriate school personnel
are responsible for completing the lower portion
of the SIS after the last day of testing - The lower portion of the SIS is used for student
- status coding
- Accommodation Codes for IEP, IAP and ELL
- student ONLY
- Descriptions for accommodations for students with
an IEP are provided in Step 7
108Accommodations Footnotes
- Please observe the footnotes at the bottom of
Accommodations pages (37-38) - Oral reading of CA except for blind students who
do not read Braille - Paraphrasing test questions invalidates that
students scores for accountability purposes. - If paraphrasing is used, student scores cannot be
compared with scores generated under standard
conditions. - Use of magnifying equipment, amplification
equipment, graph paper, and testing with the
teacher facing student are not listed as
accommodations because these are no longer
required to be reported as accommodations for the
MAP tests.
109Students Not Tested in Content Area Assessments
- Only two groups of students are not required to
take the MAP - MAP Alternate (MAP-A) students
- ELL (English Language Learner) in the United
States 12 months or fewer at the time of
administration of MAP assessments may be exempted
from the Communication Arts test. All other
content areas must be assessed.
110Step 8 Assemble Materials for ReturnPages
40-45 (Page numbers will vary due to Step 5)
- Checklist after testing
- All student barcode labels are accurate and
attached correctly - All student identifying information is correct
and complete according to Step 7 - The SIS should not be damaged or torn
- All applicable accommodations are completed
accurately - Non-mechanical, No. 2 pencil was used
- Test books with issues/problems were transcribed
and recorded - (Continued on next slide)
111Step 8 Assemble Materials for ReturnPages
40-45 (Page numbers will vary due to Step 5)
- Checklist after testing
- All loose papers, scratch paper, manipulatives
and Examiners Manuals are removed and securely
destroyed. - The STC completes and checks Group Information
Sheets (GIS) - Examiners must count the test books against the
pretest total both used and unused - Organize test books whose scores are to be
reported together
112Step 8 Assemble Materials for ReturnPages
40-45 (Page numbers will vary due to Step 5)
- Organize materials as shown on picture of
envelope (page 44) - MAP test books each with a student barcode
label or with a completed SIS - 2. GIS for class/group
- NOTE Do not seal the envelopes. The DTC will
verify the contents before sealing them.
113Large White Envelopes
- Each envelope will hold approximately 510 test
books, depending on grade level - If an Examiner has more than one envelope, put
the GIS in the Examiners first envelope with as
many test books as will fit. (See Step 1 for the
proper handling of the Large Print and Braille
editions of the test books) - If multiple envelopes are needed to hold large
groups of books, the envelopes should be bundled
together and marked on the front upper-left
corner 1 of X, 2 of X, 3 of X, etc., with
X being the total number of envelopes - The information requested on the front of each
envelope must be completed
114Step 8 Assemble Materials for ReturnPages
40-45 (Page numbers will vary due to Step 5)
- Unused test books, Large Print, and Braille test
books can be placed in a box together labeled
Unused Test Books - Draft copies of writing prompt and scratch paper
should be given to STC for secure destruction.
115What should I do if a problem occurs?
- For any problems or questions, contact the STC
who will, in turn, contact the DTC. - The DTC is the sole channel for all communication
between districts and CTB MAP Service Line.
116Expanded MAP Spring 2008
For specific information regarding all content
assessment sessions, number of items, etc., go to
- PowerPoint Presentation Prepared by
- The Assessment Section, DESE
- Revised February 22, 2008
117Quality Assurance Visits
- The 2008 Quality Assurance letter to the
superintendents and the observation/questionnaire
are on the DESE Assessment website. These
documents are for districts to use to ensure
quality security of assessments and assessment
- http//dese.mo.gov/divimprove/assess/map/index.htm
118Contact Information
- Please contact the MAP Office with any questions!
- (417) 829-5075
- (800) 899-8146
- www.map.missouristate.edu
- Trish Goddard, Mathematics
- Goddard_at_missouristate.edu
- Danielle Sellenriek, Communication Arts
- DSellenriek_at_missouristate.edu
- Barbara St. Clair, Science
- bst_at_missouristate.edu
119Thank You!
- Please fill out an evaluation form and leave
it on the table - Please return borrowed copies of the manuals
- Please return borrowed highlighters