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Studies in Daniel Presentation 11 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Studies

Studies in Daniel
Studies in Daniel
Presentation 11
The Table of Contents

Chapter 1v1-21 Compromise or
Else Chapter 2v1-49 A Disturbing Dream
Chapter 3v1-30 Dare to be Different
Chapter 4v1-37 God Humbles the Proud
Chapter 5v1-31 The Destiny of Man
Chapter 6v1-28 Finding Yourself on the Menu
Chapter 7v1-28 The Four Beasts
Chapter 8v1-27 The Little Horn
Chapter 9v1-27 Daniels Prayer
Chapter 10v1-11v1 Spiritual Conflict
Chapter 11v2-35 Historys Pattern
Chapter 11v36-12v-13 The End
Historys Pattern Chap 11v2-25
Studies in Daniel
Presentation 11
H.A.L. Fisher, the famous historian said, I am
unable to make any sense of history. History, to
many, seems senseless. Is it? This second part of
the book of Daniel attempts to sharpen our
understanding of history. We are taken behind the
scenes and shown a spiritual dimension in all
thats going on. Ch 10 introduced us to the
spiritual conflict that is outworked on the stage
of history. Daniels preparation in Chap 10 is
integral to his understanding of the final vision
given him in Chap 11-12.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Knowledge
The detail of the prophetic vision is quite
amazing. How can God provide such detail? He sees
the end from the beginning. He isnt bound by
time but inhabits eternity. At one and the same
time he sees the creation, the cross and you the
reader. The vision outlines the struggle between
two superpowers the Selucids and the Ptolemies.
Syria and Egypt are identified here as the
kingdom to the North and the kingdom of the
South. This passage is more that a statement of
historical events see the next slide but
provides ,material for our spiritual
Presentation 11
The History of Daniel 11 Alexander The Great
"the mighty king" v3 who defeats the Persians.
After his death his sons are assassinated.
Studies in Daniel
Egypt ruled by Ptolomy the "king of the South" v5
Syria ruled by Selucius the "king of the North" v5
Thrace - Asia Minor ruled by Lysimachus
Macedonia ruled byCassander
Marriage alliance of the two dynasties between
grandson of Selucius I and daughter of
Ptolomy II. Hence at the end of some years v6.
Selucius forced to flee Syria. Gained Ptolemy's
help to regain Babylon in 312 B.C. He is the
commander' of v5. He ended up 'ruling his own
kingdom with great power.
Antiochus divorced Bernice and returned to his
former wife Laodice who then poisoned him. She
encouraged her son Selusius II to murder Bernice
and her son leaving the way clear for him to
inherit the throne.
Selusius regained power marched against Ptolomy
and was defeated v9.
Bernices brother Ptolomy Ill arose in his
place' v7, defeated the northern forces and
carried off their gods v8
Selusius sons Selucius III and Antiochus III
continued the conflict. Antiochus led 'a
multitude of great forces' v10 to Ptolomys
fortress. Ptolomy IV the new 'king of the south'
moved against and defeated him v11.
Ptolomys ascendancy did not last cf. v12
although he did defend his kingdom against
further invasions in which a number of Jews took
part v14
Antiochus III was eventually victorious. He made
a marriage treaty between his daughter and hoping
he had introduced a fifth column into the kingdom
to destroy it' v17. But Cleopatra sided with her
husband, she will not stand with him or be for
him' v17
Antiochus then turned his attentions to the
coastlands v18 but was defeated in battle at
Magnesia 190 B.C. by a 'ruler' when the Romans
intervened. There was no place left for him to go
but the fortress of his own land' v19.
Antiochus was assassinated and succeeded by
Selusius IV. He sought unsuccessfully to take the
treasure from the temple in Jerusalem. He was
assassinated shortly after this, 'not in anger or
in battle' v20.
The next figure to appear dominates the rest of
the chapter, a contemptible person who has not
been given the honour of royalty' v21. Antiochus
Epiphanes brother of Selucius IV who gained the
throne that rightly belonged to his nephew
Demetrius through careful intrigue. He
ingratiated himself with some of the Jews v28. He
made several attacks on Jerusalem v24-35.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Knowledge
The accuracy of the details of the vision, e.g.
the clear reference to Cleopatra in v17, has so
troubled many modern critics that they have tried
to argue this chapter written after the events.
Of course such a claim creates moral, theological
and scholastic problems. Moral because we have to
ask, Can God bless deception? Theological
because Jesus accepted Daniels authorship of the
book of Daniel. Scholastic because of the
failure of modern critics to defeat the
arguments of those who argue for the early date
of the book. In order to preach on such a
passage it is necessary to stand back from the
historical details and ask what lessons are
being taught.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
History is not an accident but under Gods
control. The world is neither rumbling along
aimlessly towards no specific conclusion nor is
it running out of control. When we read of the
catalogue of wars, alliances, marriages, and
intrigue it would be easy to conclude that the
strongest man of the hour calls the tune. Armies
were crossing and re-crossing Palestine which had
become a doormat, a thoroughfare for two
superpowers with expansionist policies. As the
attention of the world was fastened on these
superpowers, can you imagine the hearts of Gods
people filling with fear? Where was God while
all this was going on?
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
People continue to ask, Where is God in
history? or The world is in a terrible mess why
doesnt God do something? What is God expected
to do? To speak from heaven, light up the sky
with a message that reads, Be careful or else?
This chapter reminds us that God works through
history. God is not mentioned as being actively
involved in the historical process but hes
there. Read all 10 chapters of the book of
Esther and you will find that Gods name does
not appear once. But the discerning reader will
we aware that God is at work behind the scenes.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
Grasping this is of tremendous practical
importance for the Christian, to recognise that
evil, when it is most rampant, most seemingly
meaningless, apparently denying the very
existence of God does not in fact do so. Note the
words of the hymn? Thrice blest is he to whom
is given, The instinct that can tell That God
is on the field when he, Is most
invisible. He hides himself so wondrously,
As though there were no God, He is least
seen when all the powers, Of ill are most
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
The silence of God in this chapter corresponds to
the silence of God in Ch. 10. when Daniel
wrestled in prayer and no answer seemed apparent.
God is working his purposes out even when we
dont see him. We might think malignant evil is
in control of society. But God works his purpose
out through historical events and even through
historical upheaval. In 1979 when the Islamic
revolution swept through Iran, many Christians
thought that would be the end of the church in
Iran. But today many Christians describe it as
Gods revolution. Why ? Because as a result
many have come to faith in Christ.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
To talk about God controlling history in this way
disturbs some people who think it implies that
God is personally responsible for all the evil
which takes place in our world. The Bible does
not teach that kind of determinism. God controls
history in such a way that men are still held
responsible for their actions. They are not
robots or automen who must respond to the press
of a button. God treats men as responsible
while at the same time being big enough to use
even their evil to fulfil his goal. In the words
of Joseph God brings good out of evil. Cf Gen.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
The second lesson drawn from these verses is that
of the instability of earthly kingdoms. Evil is
unstable because it is rooted in rebellion
against Gods will. Only Gods will is stable and
enduring. Contrast the prospects of the people of
God with those whose trust is in earthly kingdoms
and in the gods they have given their allegiance
to. The heavenly visitor describes the gods of
the king of the north v8 being carried away by
the king of the south. Everything associated
with this-worldly kingdoms is fleeting and
transitory. This principle applies not only to
the idols men call gods but to the idols of
ambition, power, fame and possessions. Where
there is no eternal foundation every kingdom of
mans making is destined to crumble.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
Thirdly, in v30-32 Antiochus, who symbolises
earthy kingdoms gains a foothold among the people
of God and it was this historians tell us that
contributed to his success. A Biblical principle
unpacked here. It is impossible for evil to gain
a foothold in the city of God unless it finds
co-operation from within. John Bunyan develops
this idea in his book The Holy War. It is
not inevitable that the individual Christian or
the church be corrupted, there must be a
willingness or a spiritual blindness on the part
of the Christian before that can happen in the
moral, doctrinal and spiritual areas of our
lives. Where there is compromise weakness and
failure follow.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
Antiochus attempted to make religion his
political puppet v32-35. In much the same way
that the communist party did in Russia and Mao
did in China. At the beginning of Maos cultural
revolution churches that refused to preach from
Maos little red book instead of the Bible were
closed down. It seemed as though evil had
triumphed. But no one reads the little red book
any more and Mao is almost forgotten. Churches
that had been driven underground experienced
amazing growth. China today, has one of the most
vigorous churches in the world. This pattern of
persecution has again and again refined and
strengthened the church, where it has refused
to compromise.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
The fourth principle we find is the certainty of
opposition to God and his work in every age.
Jesus refers to Dan 11. in Matt. 24 . He doesnt
say, Isnt it interesting that Daniels vision
of persecution has been fulfilled in history.
Instead he points to the future saying in v34,
this generation will certainly not pass away
until all these things have happened Was Jesus
saying that the events of this chapter did not
find their historical fulfilment as the
Ptolemies clashed with the Selucids? No! But he
is saying the passage has yet more to teach,
there is a constant principle at work in EVERY
AGE, a potential danger expressing itself in
different forms.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
The recurring principle of conflict will
constantly assert itself in history. Battles,
alliances, political intrigue, the shift of power
bases and expansionist policies are a repeating
pattern of history often climaxing in an attempt
to stamp out the true worship of God from the
earth. It happened in the Roman Empire, the
Moorish and Ottoman Empires and more recently in
the 20thC with Nazism and with Russian and
Chinese Communism. Principalities and powers
wield their evil influence in the spiritual
realm and will continue to do so until Jesus
returns and only then he will deal ultimately
with the evil that devastates his world.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
This introduces a necessary realism into our
daily life. Its unrealistic to expect a golden
age of history where peace and tranquillity reign
prior to Christs return. This of course does not
mean that the Christian should not be concerned
about peace and justice and the distress which
their absence produces . We should not be unmoved
or uninvolved. Jesus reminds us that the
peacemaker is blessed Matt.5v9. However, as far
as our long term expectations for the world are
concerned, we must not become disillusioned by
war and conflict. Unbelieving men who think that
human nature is evolving to produce a new
golden age are constantly disillusioned by the
brutality and inhumanity of man. They have no
window into the spiritual realm.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
Fifthly this passage encourages the battling
people of God. Daniels vision reveals wave upon
wave of worldly kingdoms . Despite all their
plotting and scheming they are not ultimately
triumphant. Someone has commented, man
proposes, God disposes. We see the purposes of
men constantly frustrated at least 14 times in
our passage. God brings their schemes to nothing.
Recognising this should encourage and
strengthen the faith of the people of God, who
in v32 grow in their knowledge of God knowledge
of his rule and power. As a result they do
exploits encouraged to firmly resist the
powers of evil.
Presentation 11
Revelation of Gods Control
Finally, we find encouragement for the people of
God to endure under trial cf v35. They endure
because they know that God will use all the sore
circumstances of life so that they may be
refined, purified and made spotless until the
time of the end, for it will still come at the
appointed time.
Presentation 11
History is not out of control, its outcome is not
in doubt. The people of God need not press the
panic button when they watch evil stride across
the stage. For all things are moving towards the
final coming and triumph of the Lord Jesus. When
he returns it will be like the author of the play
who steps onto the stage to indicate that the
play is over. Because of this we can look
forward to the end of history with great
confidence of heart.
Presentation 11
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