Title: CaseControl Studies
1Case-Control Studies
- This disparaging term was given to case-control
studies because their logic seemed backwards
(trohoc is ?? spelled backwards) and they seemed
more prone to bias than other designs. - No basis for this derogation.
- Case-control studies are a logical extension of
cohort studies and an efficient way to learn
about associations.
- Hypothesis Pesticide exposure increases the risk
of breast cancer. - Consider a hypothetical prospective cohort study
of 89,949 women aged 34-59 1,439 breast cancer
cases identified over 8 years of follow-up - Blood drawn on all 89,949 at beginning of
follow-up and frozen - Exposure Level of pesticides (e.g. DDE) in blood
characterized as high or low
Breast Cancer
Relative Risk RR (360/13,636) /
(1,079/76,313) 1.9
- Practical Problem Quantifying pesticide levels
in the blood is very expensive -- it's not
practical to analyze all 89,949 blood samples - To be efficient, analyze blood on all cases
(N1,439) but just take a sample of the women who
did not get breast cancer, say two times as many
cases (N2,878)
Breast Cancer
These data can be used to estimate the relative
We have just identified cases of disease from a
defined population, and then taken a sample of
that population for comparison. Exposure
histories are determined for each group. This is
an example of the case-control method of
7General Definition of a Case-Control Study A
method of sampling a population in which cases of
disease are identified and enrolled, and a sample
of the population that produced the cases is
identified and enrolled. Exposures are
determined for individuals in each group.
8When is it desirable to conduct a case-control
- When exposure data are expensive or difficult to
obtain - - Ex Pesticide study described earlier
- When disease has long induction and latent period
- - Ex Cancer, cardiovascular disease
9When is it desirable to conduct a case-control
- When the disease is rare
- Ex Studying risk factors for birth defects
- When little is known about the disease
- Ex. Early studies of AIDS
- When underlying population is dynamic
- Ex Studying breast cancer on Cape Cod
- Criteria for case definition should lead to
accurate classification of disease - Efficient and accurate sources should be used to
identify cases existing registries, hospitals - What do the cases give you? Think of the
standard 2 X 2 table
11Cases give you the numerators of the rates of
disease in exposed and unexposed groups being
- Rate of disease in exposed a/?
- Rate of disease in unexposed c/?
What is missing? The denominators! If this were
a cohort study, you would have the total
population (if you were calculating cumulative
incidence) or total person-years (if you were
calculating incidence rates) for both the exposed
and non exposed groups, which would provide the
denominators for the compared rates.
12Where do you get the information for the
denominators in a case control study? THE
- A case-control study can be considered a more
efficient form of a cohort study. - Cases are the same as those that would be
included in a cohort study. - Controls provide a fast and inexpensive means of
obtaining the exposure experience in the
population that gave rise to the cases.
- Definition A sample of the source population
that gave rise to the cases. - Purpose To estimate the exposure distribution in
the source population that produced the cases.
14Selecting Controls
- General population controls
- Most often used when cases are selected from a
defined geographic population -
- Sources random digit dialing, residence lists,
drivers license records -
- Example Upper Cape Cancer Study
15Selecting Controls
- Advantages of general population controls
- Because of selection process, investigator is
usually assured that they come from the same base
population as the cases.
16Selecting Controls
- Disadvantages of general population controls
- Time consuming, expensive, hard to contact and
get cooperation may remember exposures
differently than cases
17Selecting Controls
- Hospital controls
- Used most often when cases are selected from a
hospital population
Example Study of cigarette smoking and
myocardial infarction among women. Cases
identified from admissions to hospital coronary
care units. Controls drawn from surgical,
orthopedic, and medical unit of same hospital.
Controls included patients with musculoskeletal
and abdominal disease, trauma, and other
noncoronary conditions.
18- Advantages of hospital controls
- Same selection factors that led cases to hospital
led controls to hospital - Easily identifiable and accessible (so less
expensive than population-based controls) - Accuracy of exposure recall comparable to that of
cases since controls are also sick - More willing to participate than population-based
19- Disadvantages of hospital controls
- Since hospital based controls are ill, they may
not accurately represent the exposure history in
the population that produced the cases - Hospital catchment areas may be different for
different diseases
20- What illnesses make good hospital controls?
- Those illnesses that have no relation to the
risk factor(s) under study - Example Should respiratory diseases be used as
controls for a study of smoking and myocardial
infarction? Do they represent the distribution of
smoking in the entire population that gave rise
to the cases of MI?
21Selecting Controls
- Special control groups like friends, spouses,
siblings, and deceased individuals. - These special controls are rarely used.
- Some cases are not able to nominate controls
because they have few appropriate friends, are
widowed, or are only or adopted children. - Dead controls are tricky to use because they are
more likely than living controls to smoke and
22Sampling a cohort population for controls nested
case-control study
- 1. Sample the population at risk at the start of
the observation period - -------------------------------------------------
------------------------ - Start FU
End FU -
23Sampling a cohort population for controls nested
case-control study
- 2. Sample population at risk as cases develop
- -------------------------------------------------
------------------------ - Start FU
End FU -
24Sampling a cohort population for controls nested
case-control study
- 3. Sample survivors at the end of the observation
period - -------------------------------------------------
----------------------- - Start FU
End FU -
25Recall nested case-control study on pesticides
and breast cancer
- Hypothetical cohort study of 89,949 women 1,439
breast cancer cases identified over 8 years of
follow-up - Blood drawn on all 89,949 at beginning of
follow-up and frozen - Exposure Level of pesticides (e.g. DDE) in blood
characterized as high or low
26Recall nested case-control study on pesticides
and breast cancer
Breast Cancer
To be efficient, we analyzed blood on all cases
(N1,439) and took take a sample of the women who
did not get breast cancers (N2,878). What type
of control sampling is this? Anyone of the three
sampling methods could have been used to select
the controls.
27Important consideration for selecting controls
the would criterion
- Review Controls are a sample of the source
population that gave rise to the cases. Purpose
is to provide information on the exposure
distribution in the source population. -
- When selecting a control group consider the
WOULD CRITERION If a member of the control
group actually had the disease under study WOULD
he/she end up as a case in your study? Answer
should be YES. - Example Spontaneous abortion study
28Analysis of case-control studies
Because controls are a sample of the population
that produced the cases, size of the total
population is often unknown. Thus, you cant get
a cumulative incidence or incidence rate of
disease or calculate the measures of association
using the methods that we have learned. Instead
you get a number called an odds which will
function as a rate.
29Analysis of case-control studies
- Definition of odds the ratio of the
probability of an event occurring to that of it
not occurring - Example Probability of getting a heads on one
coin toss ½ .50. Probability of NOT getting
a heads on one coin toss ½ .50. Odds of
getting a heads on a coin toss .5/.5 11
30Analysis of case-control studies
- Two possible outcomes for an exposed person case
or not - Oddsa/b
- Two possible outcomes for an unexposed person
case or not Oddsc/d - Odds ratio odds of an exposed person being a
case a/b ad/bc - odds of unexposed person being a case c/d
- Just like the incidence rate ratio and cumulative
incidence ratio, the odds ratio is a ratio
measure of association.
31Analysis of case-control studies
- EXAMPLE Case control study of spontaneous
abortion and prior induced abortion (OUTCOME
spontaneous abortion EXPOSURE prior induced
32Analysis of case-control studies
- Odds of being a case among the exposed
- 42/247 (a/b)
- Odds of being a case among the unexposed
107/825 (c/d) - Odds ratio (a/b) / (c/d)
- (42/247) / (107/825)
1.3 - Women with a history of induced abortion had a
30 increased risk of having a spontaneous
abortion compared to women who never had an
induced abortion.
33Strengths of case-control studies
- Efficient for rare diseases and diseases with
long induction and latent period. - Can evaluate many risk factors for the same
disease. So, good for diseases about which little
is known.
34Weaknesses of case-control studies
- Inefficient for rare exposures
- Vulnerable to bias because of retrospective
nature of study - May have poor information on exposure because
retrospective - Difficult to infer temporal relationship between
exposure and disease - How do these strengths and weaknesses
compare to cohort studies?