Diapositiva 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositiva 1


C.I.R.A. Italian Aerospace Research Center – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

C.I.R.A. Italian Aerospace Research Center
CIRA in brief
CIRA is a no-profit shareholding Consortium.
The main shareholders are ASI (Italian Space
Agency ?47), CNR (National Research Council
?5), Regione Campania (?16) and the main
italian aerospace industries (?32) CIRA operates
according to the guidelines provided by the
Ministry of Education, University and Research
(MIUR) CIRA mission is defined by the Italian
Aerospace Research Programme (PRO.R.A.) Yearly
operation cost partly is covered by government
contribution Currently 350 employees (about 250
are researchers and technical people)
CIRAs istitutional aim
  • To realize Excellence Centers, which shall
    integrate Research Capabilities with the Large
    Fluid dynamic Facilities and Technological
    Laboratories in several main technologies areas
  • To identify Scientific Objectives and develop
    Basic Research in synergy with the National and
    International Scientific Community
  • To act as a partner of the Scientific Community
    and Industry
  • To provide technical assistance to public
    Authorities for qualification and regulations.

Areas of Competence
  • Boundary Elements Method (BEM) for potential
  • EULER solvers for non-viscous rotational flows
  • BL, TLNS, RANS, U-RANS for viscous flows
  • LES, DNS for direct simulation of turbulent flows
  • Surface/Domain modellers, Grid generators
  • Direct/iterative linear system solvers and
    convergence acceleration techniques (multigrid,
    residual smoothing, etc.)
  • Flow Visualizers
  • Post-processors for analysis and evaluation of
    flow solutions

About 50 researchers involved
CIRA Supercomputing activities
CIRA Computers Vector/Parallel Scalar/Parallel
Manufacturer NEC NEC
Model SX-6/8A TX7
Operating System Super-UX 14.1 Linux
Nr. CPU 8 20 (IA-64 Itanium 1.5 GHz)
Peak performance 8 x 8 GFlops 20 x 6 GFlops
Central memory 64 GB 40 GB
  • Vector/parallel coding and numerical optimization
  • Management and interpretation of data from
    heterogeneous systems
  • (numerical models, experimental facilities,
    observation systems, etc.)

Environmental Activities at CIRA
CIRA and ASI have coordinated the development of
the Italian Position Paper on the Global
Monitoring for Environment and Security Programme
(GMES) providing UE and ESA with the Italian
capabilities and requirements CIRA is member
of the CMCC consortium (EuroMediterranean Center
for Climate Changing), a supercomputing center
devoted to national environmental monitoring
approved and funded by the Italian Ministry for
Research (MIUR).
Computer simulation of Sarno disaster event
(1998, 147 victims)
CIRA activities in CMCC Project
" the safeguard of the health and the
environment, are fundamental reference goals in
the above strategic projects.... Particular
attention must be given to the expansion and the
development of an efficient and effective net of
scientific and technical services, for the
environmental monitoring, the hydro geological
risk , the climate monitoring and the
interventions for the mitigation of the harmful
effects, the health's safeguard
(From the 2002-2004 Italian Research
Line 1 GRID Technologies and applications
GRID Computing Applications
Line 2 Numerical Applications
Line 7 Training, Documentation
Documentation, ISVV Activities Training
Numerical optimization
Line 8 Operations
Participation at supercomputing management
Line 5 Evaluation Diagnostics of impacts
Hydrogeological and meteorological local
Environmental Activities at CIRA
CIRA signed an agreement with the Japanese Earth
Simulator Center/JAMSTEC to cooperate on
hydrogeological (landslides, floods, etc.) and
meteo local phenomena
  • Agreement topics
  • Development of common
  • research activities
  • Training and exchanging
  • of researchers

Preliminary research activities at ESC
  • Two CIRA researchers worked 6 months at ESC.
    They will spend there two months before the end
    of 2005.
  • Studies about Earth Simulator Computer
  • parallel-vector optimization
  • execution environment
  • Analysis of Boundary Conditions (theoretical and
    numerical) in an atmospheric limited area model
  • Code analysis of Global Cloud Resolving Model
    (GCRM) regional version
  • Studies about numerical and physical schemes of
  • Sensitivity studies with GCRM on mesoscale
    atmospherical phenomena (winter test-case)

Global cloud resolving model GCRM
Equation system Equation system Fully compressible 3D Navier-Stokes (flux form) non-hydrostatic, shallow atmosphere approximation, horizontally homogeneous basic state at rest and dry.
Prognostic variables Prognostic variables horizontal and vertical wind component, temperature, pressure perturbation, density perturbation
Grid System horizontal YinYang grid, spherical coordinate system (Kageyama and Sato 2002)
Grid System vertical Terrain following coordinate system (Gal-Chen z coordinate)
Spatial horizontal Discretization vertical Arakawa-C, 5th UDM for advection term (Wicker and Shamarock 2002), 2nd order FDM for others Lorenz staggering grid, 2nd order FDM
Time integration HE-VI. Time splitting with RK 2/3/4 (large time step) and Forward-Backward (small time step)
Global cloud resolving model
Parallelization Parallelization 2D decomposition flat parallelization by MPI
Resolution horizontal 11 km and 5.5 km
vertical 32 layers (height 30 km)
Numerical stabilization Numerical stabilization Divergence damping, Rayleigh damping for momentum
Cloud microphysics with mixed phases cloud water and rain cloud ice, snow and graupel (Reisner-1998)
Convection scheme (11km) Kain-Fritsch
Subgrid scale mixing Lilly and Smagorinsky (1965)
Surface fluxes Blackadar (1979)
Soil Process Simple bucket model (Manabe, Strickler, 1965)
Lateral Boundary (for regional version) Sponge type boundary (Davies, 1976)
Model validation
Earth Simulator (ES) System
  • Based on NEX SX/6, ES currently is the 4th in the
    top500 list (www.top500.org).
  • Vectorial SM-MIMD
  • 640 nodes (8 CPUs per node, 5120 CPUs)
  • 8 Gflops per CPU of peak performance (8864041
    Tflops total)
  • 10 TB of main memory

CIRA Interests in COSMO
According to CIRA background, main interests are
in Numerical and Physical Modelling (WG2 and WG3)
Example of possible contribution activities for
the next year (after our participation to this
meeting) WG2 -Collaboration in testing of
different physical interfaces in
LM_Z -Contribution to R-K case studies -Contributi
on to evaluation of overall performances of
LM_Z WG3 -Parameters tuning for validation of
new code developments (e.g. convection-
turbulence schemes) -Performing sensitivity
studies in order to investigate model
deficiencies in the precipitation forecast
Available manpower for 2006 2 FTE CIRA
contribution (including other possible
activities) will be coordinated and discussed
with Italian representatives in COSMO CIRA will
request to the COSMO STC (via UGM) the LM code
Our activities in COSMO
CIRA people attending the COSMO General Meeting
Pier Luigi Vitagliano p.vitagliano_at_cira.it (WG2 - WG3)
Gabriella Ceci g.ceci_at_cira.it (WG 2)
Paola Mercogliano p.mercogliano_at_cira.it (WG 3)
Pasquale Schiano p.schiano_at_cira.it (WG2 - WG6)
THANK-YOU for the hospitality and the friendly
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Earth Simulator System
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