Title: The Sales Coaching Workshop
1The Sales Coaching Workshop How to Turn Ordinary
Reps into Extraordinary Reps? Presented
by Jim Domanski Teleconcepts Consulting Inc. 613
591 1998 www.teleconceptsconsulting.com
2- Goal of Workshop
- to provide you with a 3 steps coaching process
that will help you modify the sales behavior of
your sales repsand increase sales revenues - Key Objectives
- to introduce the MAF process
- to build job aids to help in the MAF process
- to provide you with specific techniques to help
modify the behavior of your sales reps - So, whats in it for you
- save time and effort by applying a proven
coaching methodology - reduce the frustration of coaching
- provide more consistency in your coaching (which
means great adherence to the techniques you
present) - improve effectiveness of your sales team
- maximize your training investment
- reduce the learning curve (your reps learn
faster and generate dollars sooner) - increase sales and/or lead generation results
3Why Coach?
Training is not enough
Sales experience means nothing
Homeostasis Zone
It modifies behavior
Carrots dont workfor long
Because sales is a result of interaction between
a client and your rep
4- 6 Things That Coaching is NOT
- Not personal anecdotes
- Not motivating hype
- Not training
- Not an open door policy
- Not a personnel review
- Not a group meeting
5- The Coaching Process Defined
- Coaching Defined
- The 3 Parts to the Coaching Process
6Step 1 Monitoring The process of assessing a
reps level of performance relative to a given
- Who should DO the monitoring
- Where should monitoring be done
- What should be monitored (see next page)
7Standards -the most important element of the
coaching process - you cannot objectively and
effectively coach without a standard -a standard
is a COMMUNICATED set of expectations for
specific parts of the sales process - something
established for use as a rule or basis of
comparison - clearly defined guidelines -
usually the sales standards are the best
practices you want your sales team to use over
and over and over again -In sales you can
establish a standard (if you choose) or any
repeatable skill or process EXAMPLES
8The Monitoring Sheet - Powerful a job aid used
by a sales coach which lists the key standards to
help in the monitoring (and analysis) phase -
Monitoring sheets ensure Objectivity Consis
tency Discipline - Binary Rating ONLY -
DONT use numeric systems 1 2 3 4 5
9Sales Monitoring Sheet date
Step 1 Pre Call Planning Notes
S ns
- use of pre call planning sheet
- can you give me the name of the person in
charge of
- gathered other information
Step 2 Opening Statement Notes
S ns
Voice Mail Notes
S ns
Step 3 Qualifying Notes
S ns
Step 4 Advance Notes
S ns
- Based on what you have told me
Objection Handling Notes
S ns
- Knee jerk objection handling
Recommendations Action Plans Rep Man
10Step 2 Analyzing The process of determining if
the rep is performing to the established standard
and the actions required based on the
analysis Think First Plan Your Feedback
11The Most Effective and Powerful Analyzing Tool in
the World
Note it and move on
Is performanceaccording tostandard
Is performance exceptionallyabove standard
Is it worththe time
Provide Positive feedback
Note it andmove on
(refer to specific behavior)
Has the rep beentrained to standard
Continued on next page
YesContinued on next page
12continued from previous slide
continued from previous slide
Provide Structured training
Has the employeeexhibited a pattern
one on one
Wait and observefor pattern
Has the rep beentrained to standard
Provide reminderor mini coach
Does the repexpress the desire to work to
Remove obstacles
Consider alternatives
13Step 3 Feedback
- Who should provide the feedback
- When should feedback by provided
- What should you provide feedback on?
- Where should feedback by provided
- How should feedback be provided
14Feedback How
The 4 Styles of Feedback
2. Developmental
4. Counseling
1. Assessment
3. Mentoring
15- Assessment Feedback
- - assesses or evaluates sales performance by
grading or rating or ranking the call or
visit - -often petty in nature
- -to most sales reps, it implies judgment and
criticism - - it also implies subjectivity where the motives
of the coach might be negative - - if feedback is provided, it is based typically
subjective in nature - This is how I would have handled the
objection - You should have mentioned the price break
- Why didnt you tell him about our terms
- - often seen in micro managers who feel the need
to provide some sort of critique with every visit
or call - KEY POINT It does not develop, change or modify
behavior -
162. Developmental Feedback
- - as the name implies, developmental feedback is
feedback that develops and nurtures the rep - - it builds and strengthens skills and knowledge
- - it teaches reps how to get better, how to
improve, how to succeed - -therefore, even if the feedback is not the
best, it is accompanied with information on how
to improve - -therefore, much more positive
- - 2 types
One minute
172. Developmental Feedback (Socratic)
- Superb for new reps
- Supportive and participative
- The best method
Eric, I have been monitoring your last few
calls. How do you feel they went? Eric, let me
ask you Based on the training we received and
the standards we established, what is our typical
approach to our opening remarks? Did your
opener follow those commandments?
5. Acknowledge improvements
4. Mutually develop an action plan
3. Discuss ways to enhance performance
2. Describe the behavior observed
1. Ask rep to provide feedback on contact
5 Step Process
182. Development Feedback (1 Minute)
- For virtually any rep (rookie, sophomore, senior)
- But must be used wisely
- HOWEVER, done something exceptional, unique, or
different or above standard - Matt, I just monitored your last call. Your
objection handling was exceptional. The prospect
tossed you a knee jerk objection and you followed
the 3-Step Process to a T and you got the
prospect to listen further. Well done. - Ed, the presentation you just made on the
engineering curriculum was awesome. The way you
summarized the clients problem and linked it to
the solution was very compelling. Good work!
1 Minute Praise Can Kill
19Feedback HOW
- The Sandwich Feedback technique sandwiches
critical feedback between positive feedback - Work Exercise Analyze the following and
determine the effectiveness of the Feedback - Tony, your opening remarks were really good
got the clients interestbut your questioning
really needs improvement Mind you your closing
was done very well. - Conclusion
Critical Feedback
203. Mentoring Feedback
- Mentoring is for your exceptional sales reps or
those who show exceptional promise - How do you provide feedback exceptional reps?
214. Counseling Feedback
- Counseling is a form of feedback directed at
problem reps, underachievers, Dementors, etc. - typically counseling is a progressive process
224. Counseling Feedback
- A. The KITA
- kick in the a_ _ feedback
- A wake up call designed to get attention
- used only after participative feedback has been
applied and does not seem to work - shock em
- a bit of assessment feedback
- Examples
- Tom, what the heck was THAT?
- Youre better than that! What went wrong?
- Brandi, you know this what is our standard
approach to handling objections? - Joe, quite frankly, I expect more from you
234. Counseling Feedback
- B. Tough Love
- For reps who have repeated feedback sessions but
have not shown improvement - Used for reps who deliberately resist
recommendations - Appeals to fear factor
- John, your job is on the line here
- Andrea, your results are borderline. Your
techniques are not working. Period. You have to
make an improvement. Lets go back to basics
24Counseling Feedback
- C. My Shoes
- This technique lets the rep coach themselves and
communicates the consequences if the expectations
are not met - For reps who are doing chronically poorly or
simply not complying with your requests to change - Mike, you are not making cold calls to new
prospects and inactive accounts. This has had a
huge impact on your sales funnel. Even if you
close every single account in your funnel by the
end of this quarter you will still be 57 below
objective. We have discussed this numerous times
yet you still seem to avoid the task. Mike, let
me ask you, if you were in my shoes, what would
you do? - and if you didnt do that (or achieve that),
then what? - and then what?
25- Coaching Situations
- Rock Stars
- privileged status or democracy
- Rebels
- those who wont comply to coaching
- Old Salts
- veterans who have been doing it their way for
100 years - Dementors
- nays sayers, destructive
26- Summary
- Coaching is the ONLY activity a manager can
engage in that will MODIFY the sales behavior of
the sales rep - Coaching is often seen as a PITAand it can be
- There are not quick fixes
- Coaching is important but not urgent so the
tendency is to put it off - Resist this!
- Schedule, schedule, schedule
- And remember at the end of the day, when you
boil it all down, it is the sales rep who - engages prospects
- deals with customers
- uncovers needs
- generates leads
- makes sales
27 About Teleconcepts Jim Domanski For over 15
years, Jim Domanski has been president and CEO of
Teleconcepts Consulting and is considered one of
North America and Europes foremost experts in
the field of business to business tele-sales
consulting and training. With clients around the
world, Jim has pioneered some of the most
innovative and successful tele-sales strategies
in todays marketplace With well over twenty
years of practical, in the trenches experience
as a consultant and trainer, Jim has written
three highly successful books on tele-sales
strategies and tactics Direct Line to Profits,
Profiting by Phone and Add On Selling) A fourth
book, Tele-Sales Coaching, is due in the autumn
of 2006. He is also the editor and publisher
of the highly acclaimed weekly e-newsletter
Tele-Sales Vitamins. A prolific and witty writer,
Jim has written hundreds of articles and has been
featured in numerous newspapers, newsletters and
magazines including Marketing Magazine,
Advertising Age, Tele-Professional, Sales and
Marketing Management, Selling Power, Profit
Magazine, Business by Phone and Canadian Business
and has appeared various radio and TV programs.
As an international trainer, Jim Domanski has
implemented some of the most unique and effective
tele-sales training programs in North America and
Europe. By blending humor with hard hitting,
practical tips and techniques, his seminars are
thoroughly dynamic, highly interactive and
extremely effective. Attendees consistently
provide rave reviews about the material and
content of all Jims training programs. A
certified professional speaker. Clients include
(among others) SAP Franklin Covey First Energy
Corp Molson Breweries Softchoice
Corporation Bell Canada Emory Co. Bank of
Montreal Canada Post Swedish Eco. Comm. CDI
Computers Techno Trade Shell Canada Grand and
Toy Toronto Dominion Analgesic Healthcare Multiple
Plastic Devices Multi-Chem TAB Toronto
Argonauts Ask Meridian Discus Dental Century
Spring Clement Communications Japanese Tel.
Ass. Trimega Corp Educational Resources Edwards
Medical Prophix Software Softchoice Corp Meridian
Consulting JMFA Relational Funding Jim lives
in Ottawa, Ontario, is married with two boys. He
is an accomplished cook, a voracious reader, a
Civil War buff and a collector of edged
weapons. edged weapons.