Title: The Organic Chemistry of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions Chapter 13 Rearrangements
1The Organic Chemistry of Enzyme-Catalyzed
Reactions Chapter 13Rearrangements
Pericyclic Reactions - concerted reactions in
which bonding changes occur via reorganization of
electrons within a loop of interacting orbitals
3Sigmatropic Rearrangements
3,3 sigmatropic rearrangement
General form of the Claisen rearrangement
Scheme 13.1
4Chorismate Mutase-catalyzed Conversion of
Chorismate to Prephenate
Scheme 13.2
A step in the biosynthesis of Tyr and Phe in
bacteria, fungi, plants
5Conformation of Chorismate in Solution
Required conformer for Claisen rearrangement
(10-40 observed in solution from NMR spectrum)
chair-like TS
6Stereochemical outcome if chorismate mutase
proceeds via chair and boat transition states,
respectively, during reaction with
Evidence for Chairlike Transition State
Scheme 13.3
7Chemoenzymatic degradation of the prephenate
formed from the chorismate mutase-catalyzed
conversion of (Z)-9-3Hchorismate to determine
the position of the tritium
To Determine the Position of the 3H
Scheme 13.4
Z-9- 3Hchorismate 20 3H release E-9-
3Hchorismate 67 3H release
Therefore, chair TS
8Five Hypothetical Stepwise Mechanisms for the
Reaction Catalyzed by Chorismate Mutase
Figure 13.1
2 inverse isotope effect on C-4 (sp2 ? sp3)
therefore not 1-3 (sp3 ? sp2)
9Both are substrates
mechanism 5 excluded
mechanisms 1, 2, 5 excluded
16 mutants made to show neither general acid-base
catalysis (mechanisms 1-3, 5) nor nucleophilic
catalysis (mechanism 4) is important
Conclusion pericyclic
Function of the enzyme is to stabilize the chair
transition state geometry
10General form of Cope (A) and oxy-Cope (B)
Oxy-Cope Rearrangement
Scheme 13.5
Neither observed yet by an enzyme, but a
catalytic antibody has been raised
11Oxy-Cope Rearrangement Catalyzed by an Antibody
Scheme 13.6
12hapten to raise the antibody
132,3 Sigmatropic Rearrangement Catalyzed by
Cyclohexanone Oxygenase
Scheme 13.7
1442 Cycloaddition (Diels-Alder) Reaction
boat like TS
Scheme 13.9
15An Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reaction Catalyzed
by Alternaria solani
Scheme 13.10
in aqueous solution exo endo is 3 97
enzymatic exo endo is 53 47
16An Antibody-Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reaction
Scheme 13.11
17Hapten used
18This hapten gives an antibody that makes only
endo product
This hapten gives an antibody that makes only exo
19An acid-catalyzed acyloin-type rearrangement
Rearrangements via a Carbenium Ion
1,2 alkyl migration
Scheme 13.14
20Reactions Catalyzed by Acetohydroxy Acid
Scheme 13.15
Kinetically-competent intermediate
22Proposed Acyloin-type Mechanism for Acetohydroxy
Acid Isomeroreductase
Scheme 13.16
23Conversion of squalene to lanosterol
Cyclizations Sterol biosynthesis
Scheme 13.17
24Initial Mechanism Proposed for 2,3-Oxidosqualene-
lanosterol Cyclase
2,3-oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase
not isolated
squalene 2,3-epoxidase
anti-Markovnikov (to get 6-membered ring)
Scheme 13.18
7 stereogenic centers
(128 possible isomers)
only isomer formed
Isotope labeling shows the 4 migrations are
intramolecular Covalent catalysis proposed to
control stereochemistry
25Use of 20-oxa-2,3-oxidosqualene to determine the
stereochemistry at C-17 of lanosterol from the
reaction catalyzed by 2,3-oxidosqualene-lanosterol
Evidence for 17? Configuration
O instead of CH2
Scheme 13.19
no covalent catalysis needed
26Use of (20E)-20,21-dehydro-2,3-oxidosqualene to
determine the stereochemistry at C-17 of
lanosterol from the reaction catalyzed by
2,3-oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase
Further Support for Structure of Protosterol
Scheme 13.20
27Chemical model for the conversion of protosterol
to lanosterol
Model Study for Stereospecificity and Importance
of 17? Configuration
Scheme 13.21
With the 17? isomer a mixture of C-20 epimers is
28Mechanism proposed for the formation of the minor
product isolated in the 2,3-oxidosqualene
cyclase-catalyzed reaction with
Evidence that the Cyclization Is Not Concerted
does not come from a concerted reaction
not when XCH2
Markovnikov addition
ring expansion
Scheme 13.22
29Evidence for Carbocation Intermediate
no reaction without methyls - suggests initial
epoxide opening
Vmax/Km for R CH3, H, Cl 138, 9.4,
21.9 pmol ?g-1h-1?M-1
correlates with carbocation stabilization (CH3 gt
Cl gtH)
30Squalene synthase-catalyzed conversion of
farnesyl diphosphate to squalene via presqualene
Squalene Biosynthesis
farnesyl diphosphate
presqualene diphosphate
Scheme 13.23
31Mechanism proposed for the conversion of
presqualene to squalene by squalene synthase
Rearrangement of Presqualene Diphosphate to
Scheme 13.24
32Mechanisms proposed for the squalene
synthase-catalyzed hydrolysis of presqualene
diphosphate to several different products in the
absence of NADPH
In the Absence of NADPH there is a Slow
Hydrolysis Evidence for 13.56 and 13.57
Scheme 13.25
33Use of dihydro-NADPH to provide evidence for the
formation of intermediate 13.57 in the reaction
catalyzed by squalene synthase
Support for Intermediate 13.57
unreactive NADPH to mimic bound NADPH
Scheme 13.26
34Rearrangements Via Radical Intermediates
DNA Photolyase UV light causes DNA damage
Reactions catalyzed by DNA photolyase and (6-4)
visible h? used as a substrate for
cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer
both types carcinogenic, mutagenic
Scheme 13.27
(6-4) photoproduct
35Other Cofactors Used by Photolyases
reduced FADH-
N5,N10-methenyl H4PteGlun
These act as photoantennae to absorb blue light
and transmit to the FADH-
36Mechanism Proposed for DNA Photolyase
Scheme 13.28
EPR evidence
37Proposed Mechanism for the Formation of the (6-4)
Scheme 13.29
38Mechanism Proposed for (6-4) Photolyase
Scheme 13.30
39Coenzyme B12 Rearrangements
(coenzyme B12)
(vitamin B12)
abbreviation for coenzyme B12
41Bioynthesis of coenzyme B12
Conversion of Vitamin B12 to Coenzyme B12
2nd known reaction at C-5? of ATP
Scheme 13.31
42Light Sensitivity of the Co-C Bond of Coenzyme B12
Scheme 13.32
43(No Transcript)
44General Form of Coenzyme B12-Dependent
X is alkyl, acyl, or electronegative group
Scheme 13.33
45Three Examples of Coenzyme B12 Rearrangements
Figure 13.2
46Mechanism for Diol Dehydratase and Ethanolamine
Stereospecific conversion of (1R,2R)-1-2H-1-14C
propanediol to (2S)-2-2H-1-14Cpropionaldehyde
catalyzed by diol dehydratase
Scheme 13.34
(1R, 2R)
No incorporation of solvent protons therefore no
elimination of water (enol would form)
Stereospecific 1,2 migration of the pro-R H
with inversion
kH/kD 10-12
47Stereospecific Conversion of (1R,2S)-1-2H-1-14C
propanediol to 1-2H-1-14Cpropionaldehyde
Catalyzed by Diol Dehydratase
(1R, 2S)
Scheme 13.35
With the (1R, 2S) epimer, the pro-S H migrates
therefore stereochemistry at C-2 determines which
C-1 H migrates
48Stereospecificity of Elimination of Water
Diol dehydratase-catalyzed conversion of
(2S)-1-18Opropanediol to 18Opropionaldehyde
(A) and of (2R)-1-18Opropanediol to
propionaldehyde (B)
Scheme 13.36
The same OH is eliminated (pro-R) regardless of
which C-1 H migrates
Therefore the C-1 H and the C-2 OH migrate from
opposite sides giving inversion at both C-1 and
49Crossover Experiment to Show that Diol
Dehydratase Catalyzes an Intermolecular Transfer
of a Hydrogen from C-1 to C-2
Scheme 13.37
Therefore, hydrogen transfer is intermolecular
50Time Course for Incorporation of Tritium from
1-3Hpropanediol into the Cobalamin of Diol
Figure 13.3
51Determination of the Site of Incorporation of 3H
into Coenzyme B12
Aerobic and anaerobic photolytic degradation of
coenzyme B12 to locate the position of the
tritium incorporated from 1-3Hpropanediol in a
reaction catalyzed by diol dehydratase
1/2 3H lost
no 3H here
3H here
all 3H retained
Scheme 13.38
no 3H here
3H here
Reconstitution of the isolated 3H coenzyme B12
into apoenzyme with propanediol gives
2-3Hpropionaldehyde. All 3H transferred from
3H coenzyme B12
52Synthesized (R,S)-5?-3H Coenzyme B12 Transfers
All 3H to the Product Randomly
possible intermediate to equilibrate the C-5?
13.88 isolated with substrates that cannot
Coenzyme B12 is the hydrogen transfer agent.
53Formation of 5?-deoxyadenosine, cob(II)alamin,
and substrate radicals during coenzyme
B12-dependent reactions
Proposed Rationalization for EPR Spectrum of
Co(II) Carbon Radicals
Scheme 13.39
54Mechanism(s) Proposed for Diol Dehydratase
The part shown in the dashed box is even more
speculative than the rest of the mechanism
Not clear if important
Scheme 13.40
Radicals observed in EPR spectrum
55Chemical Model Study for a Proposed Diol
Dehydratase-catalyzed Rearrangement Involving a
Co(III)-olefin ?-Complex
The trapezoid represents the cobaloxime ligand
Scheme 13.41
56The Fenton reaction as a model for a proposed
diol dehydratase-catalyzed free radical
A Cobalt Complex Is Not Necessary
Scheme 13.42
57Another Chemical Model Study for a Proposed Diol
Dehydratase-catalyzed Free Radical Rearrangement
(the cobalt complex is just to initiate the
reaction by radical generation)
Scheme 13.43
58Carbon Skeletal Rearrangements
Stepwise (a) versus concerted (b) mechanisms for
the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase-catalyzed generation
of 5?-deoxyadenosine, cob(II)alamin, and
substrate radical
Scheme 13.44
EPR confirms Co(II) organic radical Crystal
structures with and without substrates bound show
the active site closes upon substrate binding -
shields radical intermediates
Co-C cleavage is 21 times faster with (CH3)MM-CoA
than with (CD3)MM-CoA.
Therefore, Co-C and C-H cleavage are concerted.
59Six Possible Pathways for the Conversion of
Methylmalonyl-CoA Radical to Succinyl-CoA Radical
Catalyzed by Methylmalonyl-CoA Mutase
Ab initio calculations disfavor pathway e No
concensus about the others
Figure 13.4
60Ribonucleotide Reductase
Converts ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides
Results are different from other coenzyme B12
- 0.01-0.1 of 3H from 3-3HUTP is released
- no 3H from 3-3HUTP found in adenosylcobalamin
- no crossover between 3-3HUTP ATP
- 3H in 5?-3Hadenosylcobalamin is washed out in
the - absence of substrate
- adenosylcobalamin ? 5?-deoxyadenosine Co(II)
By EPR formation of Co(II) corresponds to
formation of 5?-deoxyadenosine and the
generation of a thiiyl radical (Cys-408)
61Mechanism Proposed for Coenzyme B12-dependent
Ribonucleotide Reductase
rates of formation are identical therefore,
concerted reaction
Scheme 13.45
62Mechanism Proposed for Reducing and
Reestablishing the Active Site of Coenzyme
B12-dependent Ribonucleotide Reductase
Scheme 13.46
regenerates active site for next cycle reduced
by thioredoxin
electrons are transferred to active-site disulfide
The function of the cobalamin in this enzyme is
to initiate the radical reaction by abstraction
of H from Cys-408
63Other Ribonucleotide Reductases Use Other
Radicals to Abstract a H from an Active Site Cys
Cofactors for class I (13.118), class III
(13.119), and class IV (13.120) ribonucleotide
Figure 13.5
64Reaction Catalyzed by Lysine 2,3-Aminomutase
Scheme 13.47
Requires PLP, SAM, 4Fe-4S, and a reducing agent
Transfers 3-pro-R H of L-?-Lys to 2-pro-R of
L-?-Lys with migration of 2-amino of L-?-Lys to
C-3 of L-?-Lys
No exchange with solvent
65With (S)-5?-3Hadenosylmethionine, 3H ends up in
both L-?-Lys and L-?-Lys
One equivalent of Met and 5?-deoxyadenosine are
formed with L-?-3-3HLys.
1-6 of 3H ends up in SAM
C-S bond is stable, unlike C-Co bond
In the presence of a reducing agent, 4Fe-4S is
observed in the EPR, which reduces SAM to Met
and 5?-deoxyadenosyl radical
It appears that SAM is functioning like coenzyme
66Mechanism Proposed for Lysine 2,3-Aminomutase
not observed in EPR
unique function for PLP
EPR detects organic radicals 13C label shows
product radical 13.126 in EPR spectrum
Scheme 13.48
67Model Study for New Function of PLP
Chemical model study to test the proposed
rearrangement mechanism for lysine 2,3-aminomutase
Scheme 13.49
68To Get Evidence for Substrate Radical (13.124)
stabilize ?-radical
69Lysine 2,3-aminomutase-catalyzed rearrangement of
4-thialysine to generate a more stable substrate
Evidence for Substrate Radical Formation
EPR detected
Scheme 13.50