Chapter 5 THE FLOW OF ENERGY WITHIN ORGANISMS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energy flow and change in living systems. The structure of ATP ... eating bats and some fish (rainbow trout, carp and Coho salmon) cannot make it! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Starting chemical reactions
  • Energy flow and change in living systems
  • The structure of ATP
  • How ATP stores, transfers, and releases energy
  • Enzymes lower activation energy
  • Enzymes bind substrates at active sites
  • Factors that affect enzyme activity
  • Cofactors and coenzymes

Starting Chemical Reactions
  • Chemical Reactions one substance is changed into
  • Reactants molecules entering into the chemical
  • Products changed molecules at the end of the
  • Energy is needed to initiate the reaction between
    molecules (also called Free Energy of Activation)
  • There are two types of chemical reactions, termed
    exergonic (energy out) reaction and endergonic
    (energy in) reaction.

Exergonic Reaction
Endergonic reaction
  • Energy added to products during the reaction
    called endergonic reactions.
  • Endergonic reactions DO NOT occur spontaneously.
  • Anabolic reactions are endergonic reactions that
    use energy to build complex molecules form
    simpler molecules.
  • Energy released from the reactants during the
    reaction called exergonic reaction.
  • Energy released due to reactions breaking down
    complex molecules into simpler molecules called
    catabolic reactions.

Energy Management in Organisms
  • In living organisms, the exergonic and endergonic
    reactions are coupled together to form coupled
  • Thus, energy released from exergonic reactions is
    used to power endergonic reactions
  • Energy Flow and Change in Living Systems
  • Life can be viewed as a constant flow of energy
    that is channeled by the organisms to do the work
    of living.
  • Forms of Energy
  • mechanical, heat, sound, electricity, light,
    radioactivity, and magnetism

The structure of ATP
  • Each ATP molecule has three subunits
  • -Ribose sugar
  • -Adenine
  • -Triphosphate group formed by the linkage of
    three phosphate groups (PO4).

How ATP stores, transfers, and releases energy
  • ATP stores energy released from other exergonic
    reactions in the covalent bonds that link the
    phosphate groups in ATP, called phosphoanhydride
  • The phosphoanhydride bonds are fairly unstable
    and require only small amount of free energy to
    break it, a process called hydrolysis.
  • The hydrolysis of terminal phosphoanhydride bond
    releases stored energy.

ATP is the Energy Currency of Cells
  • ATP couples energy-releasing (exergonic) and
    energy-storing (endergonic) enzymatic reactions
    in cells.
  • ATP, ADP, and phosphate are continually being
    recycled within living cells as cells use group
    transfer to capture, carry, and release energy.

Group Transfer by Phosphorylation
  • The stored energy in ATP is easily transferred,
    along with the PO4 group, to another molecules in
    a process called phosphorylation.
  • ATP has high group transfer potential.

ATP loses stored energy due to hydrolysis to
produce ADP and phosphate group. Compound A gains
more energy due to phosphorylation.
States of Energy
  • Energy exists in two states
  • Kinetic energy energy of motion ability to do
  • Potential energy stored energy

Laws of Thermodynamics
  • Laws of thermodynamics
  • First law energy is constant cannot be created
    or destroyed, just changed from one form to
  • Second law entropy (chaos, disorder) continually
    increases in the universe

Living Things obey Laws of Thermodynamic
  • Organisms transform energy from one form or state
    to another, termed energy flow.
  • Living organisms transform potential energy
    stored in food into kinetic energy to do cellular
  • How do the laws of thermodynamics apply to cells?
  • As organisms use energy to perform cellular
    works, some potential energy may lose as heat,
    which induce a disorder in the system (entropy
  • The lost heat energy is also necessary for many
    living things to keep them warm.
  • All things in the universe tend toward disorder.
  • Thus, cells need a continual, external source of
    useful energy to do work, overcome entropy,
    remain organized, stay alive!

Energy from the Sun
  • Earth continuously receives new energy from the
  • Some of this energy is captured by green plants
    (producers) and transformed into usable energy
  • Chemical reactions transform the energy of
    sunlight or fuel into usable energy called
  • Cells can use this energy to do their work
  • synthesis, movement, organization, reproduction,
    communication, etc.

Metabolic pathways
  • The flow of energy in an organism consists of a
    complicate network of coupled reactions, that
    transfer energy released from exergonic reactions
    to either power endergonic reactions or to
    transform into different energy storage forms.
  • The chains of all chemical reactions in an
    organism that moves, stores, and releases energy
    is called metabolic pathways.

Enzymes Act as Catalysts
  • Activation energy is needed to control the start
    of chemical reactions.
  • Increase temperature helps to induce the chemical
  • Catalysts increase the rate of reaction by
    lowering activation energy.
  • Enzymes endow cells with the remarkable capacity
    to exert kinetic control over thermodynamic
  • Enzymes are the agents of metabolic function

Enzymes can accelerate reactions as much as 1016
over uncatalyzed rates! Ex. Urease Catalyzed
rate 3x104/sec Uncatalyzed rate 3x10-10/sec
Ratio is 1x1014 !
Enzymes Act as Catalysts
Enzymes act as catalysts in the living systems
that induce the chemical reactions under the
moderate temperature condition.
Ribozymes - segments of RNA that display enzyme
activity in the absence of protein Ex. RNase P
and peptidyl transferase Abzymes - antibodies
raised to bind the transition state of a reaction
of interest
Life is Regulated by Enzymes
  • Enzymes are proteins that act as biological
    catalysts to reduce the amount of free energy of
    activation needed for chemical reactions to take
  • All the metabolic reactions in cells are
    controlled by enzymes. Life is therefore a
    process regulated by enzymes.
  • Specificity
  • Enzymes selectively recognize proper substrates
    over other molecules
  • Enzymes produce products in very high yields -
    often much greater than 95
  • Specificity is controlled by structure - the
    unique fit of substrate with enzyme controls the
    selectivity for substrate and the product yield

Enzyme/Substrate Interactionsare Specific
  • Enzymes typically catalyze only one or a few
    chemical reactions.
  • Each cell in your body contains from 1000 to 4000
    different types of enzymes.

Enzymes contain Active Site
  • Active site is the groove or cleft on enzyme
    formed by tertiary structure of protein.
  • Active site is the location in enzyme that binds,
    orients, and strains substrate in both endergonic
    and exergonic reactions.
  • The active site of each enzyme has a specific
    shape complementary to the shape of the
    substrates (substances on which enzyme act).

Induced-Fit Model of Enzyme Activity
  • To allow chemical reaction to occur, substrate(s)
    must fit into the active site of an enzyme.
  • The binding of substrates may induce the
    adjustment of the shape of active sit allowing a
    better fit, called an induced fit.

Enzymes Catalyze Reactions between Two Substrates
  • The chemical reaction is less likely to occur by
    the random collision between two reactants.
  • Enzyme acts like a marriage broker to get two
    reactants together.

Factors that Affect Enzyme Activity
  • Enzymes activity is sensitive to the change in
    their 3-dimensional shape.
  • Temperature and pH are two factors that may make
    enzyme to lose its shape or denature.

Inhibitors and Activators
  • The 3-D shape of an enzyme can also be affected
    by the binding of specific chemicals called
    activators (facilitate chemical reactions) and
    inhibitors (turn-off chemical reactions).
  • Enzyme activity within an organism is often
    regulated by inhibitors under the process called
    negative feedback.
  • End-product inhibition

Cofactors and Coenzymes
  • Special non-protein molecules called cofactors
    and coenzymes help enzymes to catalyze chemical
  • Cofactors, generally metal ions, assist enzymes
    in catalyzing chemical reactions.
  • Coenzymes are small organic molecules (e.g.,
  • Vitamins Many vitamins are "coenzymes" -
    molecules that bring unusual chemistry to the
    enzyme active site
  • Vitamins and coenzymes are classified as
    "water-soluble" and "fat-soluble"
  • The water-soluble coenzymes exhibit the most
    interesting chemistry

Cofactors and Coenzymes
Vitamin B1 Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) ???
  • Thiamine - a thiazole ring joined to a
    substituted pyrimidine by a methylene bridge
  • Thiamine-PP is the active form
  • TPP is involved in carbohydrate metabolism
  • It catalyzes decarboxylations of a-keto acids and
    the formation and cleavage of a-hydroxyketones

Nicotinamide, Riboflavin and the
Flavins ????,???,??
  • These coenzymes are electron carriers, involved
    in redox reactions
  • They transfer hydride anion (H-) to and from
  • Riboflavin (???), first isolated in 1879, is also
    called vitamin B2

Coenzyme A
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3) is a component of
    Coenzyme A
  • Functions
  • Activation of acyl groups for transfer by
    nucleophilic attack
  • activation of the a-hydrogen of the acyl group
    for abstraction as a proton
  • Both these functions are mediated by the reactive
    -SH group on CoA, which forms thioesters

Vitamin B6
  • Pyridoxine and pyridoxal phosphate
  • Catalyzes reactions involving amino acids,
    including transaminations, decarboxylations,
    eliminations, racemizations and aldol reactions

Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin
  • B12 can prevent pernicious anemia
  • Not synthesized by animals or by plants
  • B12 is converted into two coenzymes in the body
  • 5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin
  • methylcobalamin
  • B12 catalyzes 3 kinds of reactions
  • Intramolecular rearrangements
  • Reductions of ribonucleotides to
  • Methyl group transfers

Vitamin C
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Most plants and animals make ascorbic acid - for
    them it is not a vitamin
  • Only a few vertebrates - man, primates, guinea
    pigs, fruit-eating bats and some fish (rainbow
    trout, carp and Coho salmon) cannot make it!
  • Vitamin C is a reasonably strong reducing agent
  • It functions as an electron carrier
  • Many functions in the body
  • Hydroxylations of proline and lysine (essential
    for collagen) are Vitamin C-dependent, treatment
    or prevention of scurvy
  • Metabolism of Tyr in brain depends on C
  • Fe mobilization from spleen depends on C
  • C may prevent the toxic effects of some metals
  • C ameliorates allergic responses
  • C can stimulate the immune system

Biotin Vitamin H
  • Biotin, also vitamin H (from German haut,
    meaning skin)
  • Functions curing or preventing dermatitis???,
    loss of hair, and paralysis in rats
  • Biotin functions as a mobile carboxyl group
    carrier, so, whenever you see a carboxylation
    that requires ATP and CO2 or HCO3-, think biotin!
  • Bound covalently to a lysine, the biotin ring
    system is tethered to the protein by a long,
    flexible chain
  • The "tether" allows the carboxyl group to be
    shuttled from the carboxylase subunit to the
    transcarboxylase subunit of ACC-carboxylase

Folic Acid Coenzyme One Carbon Donor
  • Folic acid participates in the generation and
    utilization of 1 C functional groups, methyl,
    methylene, and formyl
  • Discovered in 1930s, found to cure megaloblast
    anemia (????????) (reduced level of erythrocytes)
    with yeast or liver extract
  • Megaloblast anemia caused reduced level of
    erythrocytes, cells are large and immature,
    suggesting a role of vitamin in cell
    proliferation and/or maturation
  • Abundant in leafy green vegetables such as
    spinach, named folic acid
  • Three distinct moieties
  • (1) a bicyclic heterocyclic pteridine ring,
  • (2) p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), required for
    many bacterial growth
  • (3) glutamic acid

Vitamin A and Rod Cell
  • Vitamin A - also called all-trans-retinol, is an
    isoprenoid alcohol that plays a key role in
    vision and a role in controlling animal growth.
  • Vitamin A must either be present in the diet, or
    derived from b-carotene, an isoprenoid compound
    prominent in carrots.
  • Dehydrogenation of retinol yields the aldehyde,
    retinal, which has a role in vision.
  • Retinoids (derivatives of retinol) act like
    steroid hormones and interact with specific
    receptor proteins in the cell nucleus.

Vitamin A
  • Retinol, retinyl esters and retinal are forms of
    Vitamin A
  • Retinol-binding proteins (RBPs) help to mobilize
    and transport vitamin A and its derivatives
  • Retinol is converted to retinal in the retina of
    the eye and is linked to opsin (???) to form
    rhodopsin (?????), a light-sensitive pigment
    protein in the rods and cones
  • Vitamin A, obtained from animal diet or plant
    b-carotene, affects growth and differentiation,
    prevent night blindness

Vitamin D
  • Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol
  • Cholecalciferol is made in the skin by the action
    of UV light on 7-dehydrocholesterol
  • Major circulating form is 25-hydroxyvitamin D,
    1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) is the most active form
  • Functions regulate calcium (bone formation,
    ricket, muscle contraction, nerve impulse
    transmission, blood clotting, membrane structure)
    and phosphate (DNA, RNA, lipid, protein
    phosphorylation) homeostasis

Vitamins E and K
  • Less understood vitamins
  • Vitamin E (?-tocopherol) is a potent antioxidant
  • Molecular details are almost entirely unknown
  • Vitamin E may prevent oxidation of unsaturated
    fatty acid in membrane
  • Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting
  • Carboxylation of 10 glutamyl residues on
    prothrombin (to form ?-carboxy-Glu residues) is
    catalyzed by a vitamin K-dependent enzyme, liver
    microsomal glutamyl carboxylase
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