Title: On The Water
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2On The Water Film(click to start)
3On The Water (OTW) Components
NBS Activity PSP Southampton Boat Show London
Boat Show
Members Events Circa 6K for 2013 plus good
will and marketing
BMF Contribution 22k
4The Broad Plan
- To create commercial opportunities on the
website of 1000
BMF Contribution 22k
- Deploy a Facebook ad campaign targeting a
profiled user with the target of acquiring 2000
likes by the end of the year.
- Identify and import content for the OTW site
through Groups/ Associations and strategic
- Deploy an industry On The Water event in 2014
- Provide a suite of printed online material
plus offer goodies and event assets that can be
used to support member events.
- To improve logo use and general awareness of
the project across the industry
- To use the brand at Boat Shows to help signpost
the project
5Communicating OTW To Members
Page of editorial has 3 times PR value of
6..... In Addition
Latest news 6000 industry subscribers (25 open
Boat Show News 1000 copies
How to get involved
7Member Events Hold Real Value
BMF contributes approx 6k to events however
members bring more value in terms of cash and
value in kind.
Case Study BMF Southwest over 550
people out on the water over a weekend
BMF Contribution 550 Found Costs
Radio Advertising 1000 AA Signs 306
Press Ads 200 12 Boats in kind _at_ circa
500 a boat (6000) 500 fliers printed free
of charge Volunteers from local colleges
TOTAL value 8056
Members Events Circa 5200 for 2013 plus
goodwill and marketing
8National Boat Shows Contribution
The largest events for On The Water are hosted at
Boat Shows
The OTW banner is used to highlight on
water activity at the Show
NBS Activity PSP Southampton Boat Show London
Boat Show 50k
- Try A Boat
- Get Afloat
- Skipper Skills
- Active Marinas
- Are all promoted under the OTW brand
Everyone who has a go will be offered OTW info We
collect data for OTW.
Approx 10k got on the water in 2013
9On The Water at the PSP Southampton Boat Show
Where Did The Brand Appear?
Show Guide
Booking Form
10Value of PSP Southampton Boat Show
(Estimated values)
- 15 Boats provided by the industry circa 7500
- Branding on signage 2000
- Data collected 1000 to rent
- Show guide activity 2500
- Staff 5000
- Fliers into Exhibitor packs 1000
- Show website page 1000
- Show fliers (150k printed) 3000
- Total value 23000
11London Boat Show
- Large watersports pool will host free activities
including - Zorbing and Stand Up paddle boarding.
Participants will be given OTW info post event
and where possible added to the OTW dbase. - Big screen will carry OTW film.
- Pool will play host to launch of
- National Watersports Month.
- Large OTW branding.
- Contribution from NBS circa 35k
- Is OTW attracting page views, what are visitors
looking at and which websites are referring
people to On The Water?
13On The Water Top 10 Pages For 2013
Page Title Unique Visitors New Visits Pageviews
Buying a boat 9,880 90.05 18,398
Where to Kayak 7,973 90.39 14,742
Financing a Boat 5,937 88.26 10,501
On the Water - Which boat for me? 5,070 90.60 9,261
Buying a Used Boat 4,448 68.15 7,141
Buy a Narrow boat 2,377 85.82 4,170
Boat Hire Holiday 2,334 91.13 3,442
Marinas and Moorings 2,306 84.25 3,436
OTW Weekend Home Page 2,263 76.57 3,991
14 Top 10 Referring Websites for 2013
External Referral Sites
BMF Find a Member - Canoeing / Kayaking Trips
BMF Find a Member - Boat Loans / Financing
BMF Find a Member - Waterskiing and Wakeboarding Clubs
These sites have sent over 3000 unique people to
the OTW website. The OTW logo has some real
value, use it on your website along with the BMF
15On The Water Digital
- In the past 12 months, the On The Water website
has received just over 80,000 unique visitors, a
four-fold increase on the previous year. This can
be attributed to SEO work on the site - Onthewater.co.uk is now the TOP of Google
rankings for kayak where to go kayaking - Facebook Just over 1100 likes
- OTW database 3200 names
16Summary Of Results
The majority of visits are by people looking for
information on how to buy a boat and accounts for
18,000 page views.
Onthewater.co.uk is the leading site for those
looking to find out where to go kayaking and
account for over 14,000 page views
Financing a boat, boating holidays and marinas
and moorings are high priorities for those using
the site. Collectively these account for over
16,500 page views.
Conclusion If your business is related to these
areas the website holds real opportunity for you
in terms of content, advertising and
sponsorship. We are asking that all associations
review relevant pages with a view to improving
content and therefore opportunity.
17Looking Ahead to 2014
18National Watersports Month May 2014
The OTW team will be providing event boxes
these will contain just about everything you
need to get your event going (sunshine not
- Objectives
- - To work with strategic partners to launch a
month of activity in May 2014. - - Collect data
- - Highlight boating as easy, enjoyable,
affordable and fun - - Provide industry with appropriate help
support - - Follow up post event
19Members Events 2014
The following Regions and Associations have
expressly said that they will be holding an On
The Water Event in 2014.
- Kent Sussex
- BMF Midlands
- BMF South West
- BMF Wessex
- British Sailing
20Event Box All You Need For An Event
To include Branding, FAQs guide, relevant forms,
fliers, freebies
21- Call To Action
- Please review onthewater.co.uk and help us
- provide the most relevant information possible.
- Please email us your videos, photographs and
- do use the logo.
- Send us your offers so we can email the dbase.
- Let us know about your events.
- Thank you