Water - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Water Water is a polar molecule composed of two polar covalent O-H bonds in a bent or angular molecular geometry with two pairs of nonbonding electrons. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Water

  • Water is a polar molecule composed of two polar
    covalent O-H bonds in a bent or angular molecular
    geometry with two pairs of nonbonding electrons.
  • water has 4 pairs of electrons arranged
    tetrahedral around the central oxygen atom
  • 75 of the earths surface is covered with water
  • about 97 of the total water available on Earth
    is salt water, about 2 is frozen as the polar
    ice caps, and the rest (1) is fresh water.
  • The amount of water on this planet is fairly
    constant and cleans and replenishes itself via
    The Hydrologic cycle.
  • Water vapor in the atmosphere (clouds such)
    returns to the earth via precipitation (rain,
    snow, etc.) where it flows into land pockets
    (oceans, lakes, or rivers), or it is absorbed
    into the ground, or it evaporates back up into
    the atmosphere (completing the cycle).

  • Rainwater collects dust particles and gases as it
    travels from the atmosphere to the ground.
  • Gases like O2, N2, and CO2 all dissolve to some
    degree in rainwater. An equilibrium is
    established between dissolved CO2 in water with
    carbonic acid making rainwater (about pH 5) more
    acidic than pure water (pH 7). CO2 H2O ?
  • As water flows beneath or atop the surface of the
    planet, it readily dissolves many substances from
    the soil and rocks.
  • Some common dissolved substances are Na, K,
    Ca2, Mg2, Fe2, Cl-, SO42-, and HCO3-. Ca2,
    Mg2, and Fe2 salts are responsible for Hard
    water (these positive ions react with the
    negative ions in soap to form insoluble scum).
    Soft water contains soluble ions like sodium and

  • There are different types of Polluted water
  • Pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms like
    cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, and dysentery still
    effect over 70 of the worlds population.
  • Aerobic biodegradation (aerobic oxidation)
    happens when microorganisms break down organic
    material in the present of dissolved oxygen to
    produce, for example, CO2, PO43-, NO3- SO42-,
    and HCO3-. The measure of oxygen needed to
    degrade organic material is referred to as the
    BOD (biochemical oxygen demand).
  • Anaerobic decay happens when the oxygen is
    depleted. The microorganisms reduce organic
    material (instead of oxidizing it) to produce
    nasty smelling substances like CH4, NH3, H2S, and
    amines. No life (excepts anaerobic
    microorganisms) can exist in such water.
  • Certain bacteria in water breaks down organic
    matter and, in the process, depletes the
    dissolved oxygen (which marine life is dependent
    on) while enriching the amount of plant nutrients
    (PO43-, NO3-) present. These nutrients promote
    algae growth. If the concentration of plant
    nutrients (from natural and human contributions)
    is left unchecked, it can lead to an excess of
    algae which, as it dies, increases the BOD
    eventually leading to anaerobic biodegradation.
    This process called eutrophication.
  • Industrial waste like VOCs (volatile organic
    compounds like trichloroethylene), heavy metal
    ions/compounds (like Hg, Pb, Cd), and a number
    of organic and inorganic materials from LUST
    (leaking underground storage tanks).
  • Acid rain produced from dissolved SOx and NOx
    compounds from air pollution and acid mine
    drainage from mining operations.

Some Physical Properties of Water
  • Water is colorless, odorless, and tasteless.
  • The normal boiling point is 100oC and the normal
    melting point is 0oC.
  • The heat of vaporization (DHvap) is 2259 J/g or
    540 cal/g and the heat of fusion (DHfus) is 335
    J/g or 80 cal/g.
  • The vapor pressure of water at 20oC is 17.5 torr
    this is relatively low when compared to volatile
    ethyl alcohol (43.9 torr) and very volatile ethyl
    ether (442.2 torr)
  • The density of water at 4.0oC is 1.0 g/mL the
    density of ice at 0oC is 0.917 g/mL.
  • The specific heat of water is 1.0 cal/g oC or
    4.184 J/g oC.

The Unusual Properties of Water
  • Water co-exists in all three states of matter
    naturally on earth.
  • The only common substance is a liquid at STP.
  • As a solid, it is less dense than its liquid
    form, that is Ice floats. Most substances
    contract upon solidifying.
  • It has a very high Heat Capacity. It stores a
    large amount of energy with very little atomic or
    molecular motion.
  • It requires a lot of heat energy (enthalpy) to
    change states.
  • It has a high boiling point for such a low
    molecular weight compound.
  • It is a universal solvent, as a good dissolving
    medium a large number of substances are soluble
    in water.

Water as a universal solvent
  • Water is called the universal solvent because of
    its ability to dissolve many substances. The
    general solubility rule is like dissolves like.
    Since water is a polar molecule it will dissolve
    other polar substances as well as ionic
    compounds. Water will not dissolve or mix with
    nonpolar substances therefore water is immiscible
    in nonpolar substances.
  • Description of how water dissolves an ionic salt
    (like NaCl) on the molecular level?
  • Although the attractive force from the partial
    charge of a single polar molecule is not as
    strong as the charge from an ion, it is plausible
    that a multitude of polar molecules could react
    on a single ion effectively. The positive end
    (H) of several water molecules are attracted to
    the negative end of the salt crystal (Cl-) while
    the negative end of several water molecules (O2-)
    are attracted to the positive end of the crystal
    (Na). The ionic bonds of the crystal are
    weakened by the solvating effect of the water
    molecules and the ions break away from the bulk
    crystal. The large number of water molecules in
    the container prevent the salt ions from

Why is Water so unusual?
  • The fundamental explanation for waters unusual
    properties relates to the polarity of its bonds.
    Polarity describes the partial charge associated
    with a bond or molecule. A polar bond or
    molecule has a charge distribution present (one
    end positively charged and the other end
    negatively charged) while a nonpolar bond or
    molecule has no distinct charge distribution
  • Water is composed of two polar covalent O-H bonds
    (the difference in electronegativity is 1.4)
    arranged in a bent molecular geometry. Each
    bond has a dipole moment pointing in an overall
    similar direction leading to the existence of an
    overall dipole moment. The oxygen atom pulls the
    pair of electrons closer towards itself (making
    it partially negative) and further from the
    hydrogen atoms (making them partially positive).
  • -
  • This charge distribution allows the partially
    positive hydrogen atoms from one molecule to be
    attracted to the partially negative oxygen atom
    of another molecule. This strong interlocking
    network between neighboring molecules is called
    HYDROGEN BONDING. The ability to form strong
    hydrogen bonds is the main reason for waters
    unusual properties.

HYDRATES Solids that contain water molecules as
part of their crystalline structure. The water
in the hydrate is known as the water of hydration
or the water of crystallization. HYGROSCOPIC A
substance is hygroscopic if it readily absorbs
water from the atmosphere and forms a
hydrate. DELIQUESCENT A substance is
deliquescent if it absorbs water from the air
until it forms a solution. DESICCANTS Compounds
that absorb water and are used as drying
agents. EFFLORESCENCE The process by which
crystalline materials spontaneously lose water
when exposed to air.
Water and the Changes of State
The energy required to heat (or cool) a solid (or
heat/cool a liquid or a gas) can be calculated
using q msDT. It requires additional energy
to change states. The energy required to convert
a specific amount of the solid to a liquid is
known as the heat of fusion (q DHfus) and the
energy required to convert a specific amount of a
liquid to a gas is the heat of vaporization (q
DHvap). The total amount of energy can be
calculated from qT q1 q2 q3...
Heating curve for water
Temperature oC
Water and the Changes of State
Q. How many kilojoules of energy are needed to
change 15.0 g of ice at -5.00oC to steam at 125.0
oC? The first step is to design a pathway q1
msDT for ice from -5.0 to 0.0 oC, the specific
heat of ice is 4.213 J/g oC q2 DHfus for ice to
liquid at 0.0oC q3 msDT for liquid 0.0oC to
100.0 oC q4 DHvap for liquid to steam at
100.0oC q5 msDT for steam 100.0 to 125.0 oC
the specific heat of steam is 1.900 J/g oC so qT
q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 The next step is to
calculate each q q1 (15.0 g) (4.213 J/g oC)
(0.0 - (-5.0) oC) 316 J q2 (335 J / g) (15.0
g) 5025 J q3 (15.0 g) (4.184 J/g oC) (100.0 -
(0.0) oC) 6276 J q4 (2260 J / g) (15.0 g)
33900 J q5 (15.0 g) (1.900 J/g oC) (110 - 100
oC) 285 J qT 316 J 5025 J 6276 J 33900
J 285 J 45.8 kJ
  • 1. Which contains less heat, ice at 0oC or
    water at 0oC? Explain your answer.
  • 2. On the basis of KMT, explain why vapor
    pressure increases with temperature.
  • 3. Write equations to show how the following
    metals react with water.
  • a) aluminum b) calcium c)
    potassium d) iron

Ice at 0oC contains less heat than liquid water
at the same temperature. Heat must be added to
convert ice to water, so the water will contain
that much more additional heat energy. Also the
liquid state is in motion much more than the
solid state. An increase in motion can only be
accomplished by an increase in energy.
According to the kinetic molecular theory, the
vapor pressure of a liquid should increase with
temperature because of the increase in collisions
and kinetic energy that always accompanies an
increase in heat energy (temperature). KEm
3/2 RT. The increase in energy thus motion
allows the liquid molecules to escape (overcome
the surface tension and other cohesive forces
maintaining the liquid state) from the surface of
the liquid into the gas phase.
a) Al (s) 3H2O (g) ? 3H2 (g) Al2O3
requires steam b) Ca (s) 2H2O ? H2
(g) Ca(OH)2 slowly at ambient
temperature c) 2K (s) 2H2O ? H2 (g)
2KOH heat vigorous at ambient
temperature d) 3Fe (s) 4H2O (g) ? 4H2 (g)
Fe3O4 requires steam
  • 1. Explain the physical process of boiling.
  • 2. Why does ice float in water?
  • 3. Why does water have a relatively high boiling
  • 4. Explain if ice will float in ethyl alcohol (d
    0.789 g/L)?
  • 5. How much energy is needed to change 62.74 g of
    water at 15.00oC to steam at 103.0 oC?
  • 6. Magnesium carbonate, MgCO3, forms a hydrate
    containing 39.1 water of hydration. Calculate
    the formula of this hydrate.

See next slide for essay/answer
1.645 x 105 J or 3.931 x 104 cal
MgCO3 . 3 H2O
1. Explain the physical process of boiling.
  • At room temperature the water molecules have
    enough energy to allow the particles to move past
    each other but not enough to escape the surface
    tension. As the temperature of water increases,
    the heat energy (from the burner) is transferred
    to kinetic energy (for the molecules) leading to
    an increase in the molecular motion of the
    molecules. This action results in an increase in
    the vapor pressure above the surface of the
    liquid. When the vapor pressure of the water
    equals the external pressure, boiling begins.
    Now a sufficient amount of the molecules have
    enough energy to resist the attractive forces.
    Bubbles of vapor are formed throughout the liquid
    and these bubbles rise to the surface to escape.

2. Why does ice float in water?
  • Ice floats in its own liquid due to the
    intermolecular force, hydrogen bonding. As water
    freezes, the molecular motion of the molecules
    slow down and the partial positive end (hydrogen)
    of one water molecule is attracted to the partial
    negative end (oxygen) of another water molecule.
    Combine this event with the bent shape of water
    and the molecules become arranged in a 3-D
    hexagonal array. This array creates pockets of
    vacuum (empty space) in the lattice structure as
    well as a decrease in the number of molecules per
    unit volume. The mass is directly related to the
    number of molecules therefore, in the solid
    state, since there are less particles then there
    must be less mass per unit volume therefore the
    solid is less dense than the liquid.

3. Why does water have a relatively high boiling
  • Water has a relatively high boiling point
    because of the amount of intermolecular forces
    present. Water experiences LDF (London
    Dispersion Forces) and d-d (dipole-dipole)
    forces, along with the additional attractive
    force, Hydrogen bonding. A large amount of heat
    energy is required to break all of these forces
    in order for a phase transition to occur, thus
    the high boiling point.

4. Explain if ice will float in ethyl alcohol (d
0.789 g/L)?
Ice would not float in pure ethyl alcohol because
the density of water is 1.000 g/mL which is
greater than 0.789 g/mL for ethyl alcohol. Yet
since ethyl alcohol also undergoes a small degree
of hydrogen bonding, the sinking effect is not as
dramatic as it would be with a nonpolar
  • Short Essay
  • 1. Can ice be colder than 0.0oC? Justify your
  • 2. Why does a boiling liquid maintain a constant
    temperature when heat is continually being added?
  • 3. Why does a lake freeze from the top down?
  • Math
  • 1. Suppose 50.0 g of ice at 0.0oC are added to
    285g of water at 22.0oC. Is there sufficient ice
    to lower the temperature of the system to 0.0oc
    and still have ice remaining? Show all work.
  • 2. A mixture of 70.0 mL of hydrogen and 50.0 mL
    of oxygen is ignited to form water. Does any gas
    remain unreacted?
  • 3. A 25.0 g sample of a hydrate of FePO4 was
    heated until all the water was driven off. The
    mass of anhydrous sample is 16.9 g. What is the
    formula of the hydrate?
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