Title: An Overview of Internet Oriented DARPA Projects
1An Overview of Internet Oriented DARPA Projects
- Web Engineering
- Microcontrollers
- VLSI Design
AuthorsVladimir Jovicic, Prof. Dr. Veljko
Kick off
2What is DARPA?
- An American DoD(Department of Defense) sponsored
org supposed to make high-risk research in
order to go beyond normal ways of development. - When the theoretical work is done, to pursue the
ideas towards making prototype systems. - Consists of offices faced towards de-
- velopment (advanced tech, info sys-
- tem, defence science) and support
- offices (contracts management, etc).
3When Why What So Far?
- Established in 1958,as the response to the
Soviet launch of Sputnik. - The day of founding - February 7th, and the name
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). - From March,1972 the letter D was added to the
name, and that was for Defence. - Achievements so far recognized world-wide
Internet, hardware description languages, 32-bit
200MHz RISC - (during 1980-ties) , TCP/IP, and so on.
4-DARPA, you say? Never mind them, its my
concern. Better watch out for Belgrade Faculty of
Electrical Engineering. They could be TROUBLE!
5(No Transcript)
6The March Rabbit proudly presents
Web Engineering
7WWW - Evolving to Information Infrastructure
- The object is the evolution of protocols,
services and capabilities of the WWW, for-
defense, - government, - commercial use. - The content n programming paradigmminimize
the difference between authors and programmers. - The work is based on these items of approach
- Designing new sub-languages that can imbed new
capabilities and interaction models on the Web - Automating content consumption and production
- Improving and designing semantics for new
8What is the CURL?
- The prototype name of the new environment.
- It is to provide a wide set of developing
tools, from a HTML-like to powerful
object-oriented languages. - Automatically acquises 3D geometric models of
real-world , using mobile cameras and
reconstruction software. - Enables the development of new algorithms
that replicate web content, which for the
problem of leveling load.
9think I didnt know that ?
Mmmm Curley.
Achieved so far - Curl on the popular platforms
(x86, Windows or Unix) - automatically
reconstructing the 3D model - developing the
protocols that eliminate the Web hot spots
10Distributed clients for the WWW
- Read update access, regardless to the bandwidth
situation (bad connection, or none at all) - The phases of the project (1 and 2)
- The Caubweb a new approach in the data flowon
the WWW (phase 1). - The weblets
- Sharing the idea, and developing Caubwebfor the
popular computer platforms.
11- Taming the Internet beast...
- Its always up to the tactics.
- Provides read and update access to Web-based
information, under conditions of variable
bandwidth, and intermittent network
- The real goal is to accomplish connection
portable computing with Web environment
- support information selection
-retrieval of information
13The Phases of Developing Project
to share with your beloved ones?
Isnt it the nicest thing...
- Exploring the work in situations of alternating
periods of high bw connectivity and no
connectivity ( phase 1)
- Combining multiple-users intocoherent team
information space,that can avail as much
infoas possible ( phase 2 )
14The Caubweb
- Elaborating phase 1, the working team developed
a platform-portable, browser-neutral HTTP
stream transducer (a kind of a Proxy, running
on an user machine)
- This Proxy (The Caubweb) can denote subsets of
information web (the weblets ), using a sort
of weblet developing language.
- I could usea better proxy...
15Thats better!
- Generally spoken, it pre-fetches weblets during
the high bw connectivity, so they can be
accessed even when connection is closed.
- Later on, when the connection is re-assembled,
information can be updated from the cached
pages, previously modified on Proxy.
16continued from the previous slide
- In the phase two, as mentioned, teams are not
only to cache info of their own interests,
but to also populate their Proxies, in order
to permit location of other relevant resources.
- Doing so allows - to have ongoing access to
relevant information - to modify it, even while
being disconnected.
17- The milestones to reach for the first
version of project, was placing multiple user
caches into a coherent "team information
space (OASIS).
- The development started in 1997, and since
then, the main concepts have been achieved ,
considering a prototype of Caubweb, or
system implementations for Windows, Unix and Mac.
18The Hard Real-Time Execution of Java( PERC )
- The quest here is to use high-level Java
attributes, for the domain of embedded
real-time software.
- Javas most important benefits
-pure object orientation
-automatic garbage collection
-reusable software
-portability of source and binary (byte code)
19- When working in Java, programmers produce
twice as much code as they would develop
using C or C
- Even greater benefits of Java is reducing of
software maintenance cost, by providing
strong type consistency check.
- This concept, unfortunately, lacks
implementation of a real-time determinism,
combined with the previously mentioned
20The Approach Objectives
- There are two major objectives
- providing appropriate virtual machine
development tools
- developing and promoting disciplines for
portable, real time software components.
- For the first objective, some real-time
semantics that werent sufficiently constrained
in official Java Language specification, are
defined now
- thread priorities, priority inheritance
- real time constants ( timeouts, etc.) are made
- real-time garbage collection
21- Among all things, it has been added a pre-run
native compilation and linking tools for
out-of -ROM execution.
- For the second objective, classes for
real-time support have been designed and added,
to make sure that all the real-time components
identify its own resource needs.
- Identification is to be done during the
processes of configuration and negotiation,
before the activity even begins to execute.
22and milestones achieved so far
- The Java source-code compiler (Percolator),with
support for real-time syntaxes. - Contest switches reduced form 3ms on 300
microseconds,and time-driven task jitter
improved for 10 times. - Released commercial version of PERC 2.0, that
besides full compatibilitywith Java 1.1 .lang,
.util, .io and .net libraries makes possible to
write portable device drivers.
23The Network Centrics
- The focus - network behavior during the data
updates that are transmitted over
low-bandwidth connections.
- The research should design a system able to
track and pre-fetch updated Internet data
-for remote storage -for browsing at
locations with limited or sporadic network
connectivity .
24and network centrics so far
- The research itself took following directions
- first, a controlled network test-bed
environment was created, for data-caching
analysis and protocol experiments
25- Then, the experiments are to be made in
order to determine ability to transfer fresh
Internet content while automatically
throttling back that flow, to accommodate for
operational data transfer.
- The project team realized that, so far, all
their needs can be fulfilled with commercial
caching servers.
This is what I callnetworking
26The Adaptive Web Caching
- The immediate objective of this project is to
develop a Web caching system, that is -
self-configuring - highly adaptive - allowing
both WWW and other data dissemination
applications to scale to the global information
infrastructure, and even beyond.
27- Later on, the research would be focused towards
understanding the behavior of large-scale
systems made of heterogeneous and autonomous
28approaching part one
- First, to build a self-organizing data transport
substrate, and to induce self-organizing
information flow on top of it
- It is needed to build the mechanisms for
organizing autonomous Web caches servers
into multiple, overlapping, multicast groups.
- Each group is a subnet, and each overlapping
point is a router.
- Collectivity of groups makes an application
level topology, made of caches, connected as
clients severs.
- So, each Web page builds its own dissemination
a tree, while the chache groups reorganize
themselves, due to changes in operational
30...approaching part two
- Secondly, to design algorithms and protocols
to forward Web references through this maze of
cache groups.
- When a Web page request has been made, it is
usually being
- served by the local subnet
- forwarded to cache groups in the direction
towards the origin or a replicated server
- forwarded towards another cache, judged as
most likely to have the referenced object.
31- The algorithms for forwarding web requests are
based on a "URL routing table" containing URL
prefixes, IPs ...
- The temperature measurement tool graphics
indicate the clients interest in specific Web
- The basic design of the Adaptive Web Caching
system (AWC) it consists of
- mechanisms for organizing into multiple
groups (as mentioned before).
- heuristic research algorithms for directing
Web references through cache-group maze.
- The main idea is temperature measurement the
way to capture clients interests for specific
- When a page with high popularity is detected,
server sends its URL to the cache(s),
protecting origin server from actual demands
33The Safe Execution Environments
- Develops technology to provide safe execution of
applets, active controls, agents and
downloaded programs.
- It provides the mediators that monitor execution
of programs and control their access to
- Safety information policies are to be
user-defined, and they are to specify what
resources can be accessed or modified.
- For the accessible resources, copies are to be
provided, so that real data is hidden from the
executing program. With this provided, user can
undo registry entries, or file changes.
34...done so far
- Developed a safe execution environment for Web
browsing. (it ensures of Netscape Explorer
running with Java ActiveX)
- Developed a safe execution environment for
running office products. (protects from
possible malicious macros using the same tool as
- Developed a Personal Web Annotator that
dynamically adds information to pages being
downloaded to reflect local information.
- Developed an Ad Buster for eliminating unwanted
advertisements from downloaded web pages. -
35Network-Attached Secure Disks
Got your attention?
- The goal is to produce storage systems that
are - off-the-shelf - massively parallel -
widely distributed - with low-latency file
- Inorder to do so, it is necessary to develop -
storage architectures - interfaces - protocols
that reduce access latency.
36The Approach
- Today's parallel distributed storage systems
need to inherit compelling scalability of the
switched-networking technologies. - To realize this potential, it is important to
make some changes in systems architecture -
avoid repeated store-and-forward copying of file
segments through data "gateways. - counter
the unacceptability of unavailability - manage
the global resources of distributed and
parallel devices - limit data insecurity caused
by diverse organization loyalties
37The NASD project
- NASD comprehensively reduces access latency by
- promoting devices to first-class network
clients - streamlined transfer protocols -
transfer with high-bandwidth - restructuring
file and storage-systems-software layering - to
enable offloading to devices and clients - to
support diverse high-level file-system
functionalities - increasing the quality of the
workload information available at devices
- to improve self-management decisions - to
improve device-specific optimization
38done scince 1997
- Developed a preliminary NASD-optimized parallel
file system and demonstrated linear bandwidth
increases with increasing client demand and
storage resources.
- Developed a shared striped storage simulator
and scalable optimistic synchronization
protocols for server clusters
- Developed and implemented a native object
storage system for NASD devices.( replacing
UNIX file system )
- Expanded the prototype implementation platforms
- DEC, at first ( Alpha, Digital UNIX )
- Pentium 200MHz
/ Linux
39and done even more...
and Im stillLATE!
oh,mythey reallytook their time...
- Instrumented and measured Alpha-based NASD
prototype hampered by no hardware acceleration
for copying, the prototype code spends 70-95
of its work in the communications protocol stack
(DCE/UDP/IP) and still achieves 60-90 of the
speed of the fastest operations.
- According to the newest VLSI trends,
statistical data mining, multimedia processing,
and disk-embedded acceleration for the data-
base search, the NASD disks will soon have more
cycles than NASD needs.
40The DAML Darpa Agent Markup Languge
- Most of the information on the WWW is currently
being represented using the HTML. - HTML allows us to visualize the information on
the Web, but it doesn't provide capability to
describe the information in ways usable for
software programs,to find or interpret it.
41markup languages
- The XML allows information to be more accurately
described using tags. - Unfortunately, the XML has a limited capability
to describe the relationships (schemas or
ontologies) with respect to objects. - The DAML provides a rich set of constructs,with
which to create ontologies, and to markup
information, so that it is machine readable and
43End-to-End Reservation Servicesin Real-Time Match
- Our objective is to create distributed real-time
operating system services supported by a
guaranteed end-to-end resource reservation
paradigm. - To this will be added scalable micro-kernel,
and a performance monitoring infrastructure
(control visualization tools). - So far, the real-time applications span
between - battlefield simulations - signal
processing - sensor data fusion - autonomous
navigation, etc.
44(No Transcript)
- Future real-time platforms will be more dynamic
with needed support for - multimedia
user-interfaces - distributed audio and video
tele-conferencing on demand - remote
retrieval of multimedia documents -
tele-medicine - Such a wide span of needs, shall require wide
span of requirements in terms of -
latency - user interfaces - computational power
and evolvability
46The Approach
- A uniform OS-enforced system which spans the
complete spectrum of requests, can improve
productivity of mentioned, real-time embedded
systems - by supporting predictable and
analyzable timing behavior for temporal
correctness. - Using kernel mechanisms for the
usage of system resources with guaranteed
temporal protection boundaries between
applications. - Enabling guaranteed but adaptive
behavior of applications in
response to changing mission dynamics. -
Facilitating development with a powerful and
flexible set of integrated control tools.
- Being capable of supporting varying timing and
processing requirements - from real low
latencies to high latencies - from low to high
data rate - simple to complex multimedia data. - Things done so far - the processor reservation
scheme in RT-Mach. - resource monitoring tool
(rt-mon) which allows both the visualization
and interactive control of the resource
allocations. - other things, such as protocols,
a/v conferencing environment, and so on
48VLSI Design
49Smart MemoriesA Universal Computing Element
- Develop the computing infrastructure (both
hardware and software) to support the next
generation of embedded applications
- The applications and processors become more
- Today's solution of building custom silicon for
each application will need to change.
- Smart memories enable one to create a more
general component that will provide close to
the power, performance and manufacturing cost
of a custom solution.
- This effort will cover the model all the way
from the software components down-to VLSI
50- The development of memory-chips, during the
history. - However, simple information storage is hardly a
thing to be characterized as smart.
51The Approach of Smart Mems
- Two important changes in computers systems -
the basic wire limits of the underlying VLSI
technology. - the changing nature of the
application space toward more streaming data.
- In future advanced chips, wires will need active
repeaters to help reduce the long wiring
- By making them into switches we create
re-configurable wires with the same performance
as dedicated wires
- These wires can be use to connect mem-banks with
each other, or with the processor, and with
usage of re-configurable logic, they can make
smart memory block.
52...whats it good for?
- For parallel applications, smart memories will
be used to enhance the functionality of
individual nodes. - For example, to improve
instruction bandwidth for database
applications with poor instruction cache
- For stream-based applications, the
interconnect will be reconfigured to deliver
the performance of hardwired designs.
- For legacy applications, the smart memory will
be used to implement mechanisms for dynamic
parallelism, automatically using speculative
execution techniques.
53.and what is needed for it
- Unified, software development environment for
this system, supported by sophisticated static
and dynamic programming tools.
- The start will be in collecting a number of the
new applications, developing programming
models that express the parallelism of these
- Then, working on compiler and OS tools, that
will efficiently map these models on to
SmartMemory hardware.
- Finally, performance analysis tools will provide
feedback to help the designer tune his/her
application, while later tools will do some of
this tuning automatically.
54Wireless Adaptive Mobile Information Systems
- Highly adaptive, compact, and efficient radio
transceiver capable of supporting data rates as
high as 60 Mbps and operating within the 2.4
GHz ISM band.
- The expected results of this work are
- state-of-the-art CMOS chip set
- optimum conformal antenna array
- set of access protocols and receiver algorithms
for reliable communications.
- One of mayor goals, will be developing highly
flexible, mobile battlefield networks.
55The Approach
dont worry...
- The design strategy is needed that combines
expertise in
- digital VLSI design,
- analog-RF integrated circuit design,
- communication system design,
- and antenna design.
getting jumpy?
it s true!
intruder to your brains?
ever felt someones watching U?
56step by step...
- A highly versatile single-chip VLSI ASIC will
provide in real-time, power to realize
- algorithms for adaptive equalization
- adaptive beam-forming
- fast frequency hopping within the 2.4 GHz ISM
- The chip will implement advanced signal
processing algorithms to allow operation at any
symbol rate within the range of 625 kBaud to 10
MBaud as well as support for multiple QAM
57and more
- The key in reducing the size and power
consumption of the radio will be a fully
integrated, single-chip RF/analog integrated
circuit to realize up/down conversion between
IF and 2.4 GHz.
- The integrated components must be
- highly linear poser amplifier
- low noise amplifier
- channel select filters
- mixer the chip
- All together, it will be a key-factors in the
realization of small-to-medium size antenna
arrays in a portable unit.
- Besides developing hardware for the project,
system software is also being written
- developing the protocols algorithms
- achieving the highest possible
signal-to-interface ratio
- thus, increasing the system capacity.
- Novel algorithms for antenna array and element
design are critical in the design of small
conformal elements and arrays integrated into
the casing of the radio unit.
- But, they can help identify the interaction of
the antenna array with the surroundings and
improve the dual-band antenna construction.
59Dynamically Re-programmable Architecture
- Develop a new paradigm in adaptive computing -
soft hardware, which can support processing
at or near hardware speeds while achieving the
programmability and silicon re-use .
- A new FPGA architecture is needed, the one
that can be dynamically programmed during
runtime along with a set of CAD tool support
and a user-level runtime environment
- The first achievements are to be tested for the
set of military applications. ( starting from
1997. )
60- The current tools for the VLSI design do not
support re-configurable way of projecting
- It is believed that this concept mimics the way
neural cells re-configure in human brain.
61DRA CAD Tools
- A Dynamically Reprogrammable Architecture (DRA)
will be defined and simulated at the system
as well as the logic levels.
- Architecture introduces a new concept called
Dynamically Programmable Memory Array (DPMA)
where the re-configurable cells are shared
among different memory resources.
- In order to support the above architecture, a
new generation of CAD tools will be
investigated. (at firs, just to map
computations on DRA chip)
- Later on, the CAD-like tools will be developed
for - for architectural synthesis - design
space exploration - partitioning - mapping -
and temporal-spatial placement on the DRA .
- A runtime environment will allow the management
of configuration memory as well as
architectural reconfiguration to adapt to the
existing data and computational inputs.
63The Summary
- So every good tree brings good fruit
and every bad tree brings bad fruit.
- Good tree cant bring bad fruit, neither
can bad tree bring good fruit.
- And every tree, not bringing the good fruit,
is being cut and thrown into flames.
- And so, by the fruit they bring, you shall
recognize them.
Matthew, 16-20
64On the day of 24.March 1999, NATO alliance
started their bombing campaign against Yugoslavia
Loads of high-sophisticated weapons were unloaded
on the heads of these children
Now, it becomes clear, what does the letter
Din DARPA mean.
65Kick it, Belgrade ETFKick it, Belgrade ETF
- Please, dont try this athomewarranty seal does
not support such an action. - Democracy stops for no-one...